Fun Facebook Posts

Brave Woman Survives Sex Trafficking Attempt At Lynn Market Basket After Spanish Speaking Man Tried Talking To Her In Parking Lot


This is Victoria Rawcliffe.

She went shopping at Market Basket in Lynn over the weekend and was inducted into the Pumpkin Spice Mafia after surviving what she claims was a failed sex trafficking kidnapping attempt.

So just to review:

  • She got in her car to leave and a man began knocking on the passenger side window
  • She noticed that the man’s car was blocking her in from behind
  • He spoke Spanish initially, but then began speaking in English and said something about bringing her to a “food distribution”
  • She told him she wasn’t interested but he kept trying to talk to her
  • He was driving a white SUV with tinted windows and had another man in the vehicle
  • She deduced that the only possible thing that could be happening in that moment was that she was being set up for sex trafficking
  • She’s not sure how she got away, but she’s quite sure that she almost died

Her post appears to be gone now, but it was widely shared in various groups by hysterical women screaming about the frequency of sex trafficking and/or kidnapping in grocery store parking lots. They believe that it happens all the time because they see other hysterical women posting about near death encounters on Facebook, and not a single one of them could ever be bothered to think that the situation was misconstrued.

This man didn’t speak English, therefore he’s a sex trafficker. Everyone in Lynn who speaks Spanish and is inconsiderate when they drive, must be assumed to be a sex trafficker. Sure, it’s like 75% of the population, but if you don’t walk around assuming you’re about to be sex trafficked then you could be next!



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