Burlington Administrators Lost Jobs 2 Months After Being Exposed On TB For Racist Emails And Facebook Posts Doxxing Concerned Parents

In June we published a blog about the Burlington High School Administrators who called parents racist and doxxed them for criticizing a racist goodbye email written by the Principal.
Principal Tara Harris told parents that she was bringing her “blackness,” to Cambridge, where she had accepted a new administrative position in the CPS.
A couple concerned parents responded to her email and politely explained their disgust with it. But instead of thanking them, ignoring them, or responding to them privately, Tara Harris wrote a narcissistic email to the entire district doxxing the concerned parents by name (in violation of privacy laws), bragging that she had never received a negative email before, and accusing the entire town of Burlington of being systemically racist.
On Facebook this self-absorbed career administrator calls herself “Greatness Abound.” She posted on her page about it and Vice Principal Patrick Larking responded by accusing parents who were concerned about her racism and lack of professionalism of “showing their racism.” She also said in regard to teachers at Burlington that she would be “putting their asses on blast.”
The School Committee took no action on the matter, and Superintendent Eric Conti wrote a ridiculous email stating that Tara Harris could violate privacy laws and write racist, unprofessional emails to parents because she is black and “only she can speak on her experiences as the school’s first leader of color.” He said that he had much to learn from her.
But the parents in town weren’t having it and began to mobilize. Burlington is a liberal town, but not THAT liberal. The largely college educated taxpayer base didn’t appreciate being called racist and having their intelligence insulted by a career climber with no ties to the community.
I didn’t think anything would happen though, since she was going to the communist haven of Cambridge, where this sort of language and line of thinking has been mainstreamed. But a month later the Cambridge Public Schools posted an open position for the job that Tara Harris had accepted. She is no longer mentioned on their website and her LinkedIn has been taken down, so it appears as if she will no longer be taking her blackness to Cambridge.
Looks like she had her ass put on blast for “putting their asses on blast,” and it didn’t work out well for her.
Then yesterday the Superintendent who protected both of these administrators sent out an email announcing that Vice Principal Larkin had “reached an agreement” with the district to take the year off before retiring.
Translation – he was forced out after being exposed on Turtleboy. Turns out when you tell concerned parents that their “racism is showing” when they object to doxxing and unprofessionalism, the community doesn’t just have to stand there and take it.
Let this be a lesson to parents everywhere – your voice matters. Today we have already blogged about 4 administrators who lost their jobs as a result of parental activism against them that was highlighted on Turtleboy. Even in towns where liberals outnumber conservatives they’re not allowed to treat you like subhuman garbage just because they’re woke. Days like today make everything we do here at Turtleboy Daily News worth it.
Good riddance.