Milford High School Hired 2 Principals Who Left Jobs At Other Schools After Hateful Social Media Posts Were Exposed On TB
According to Milford High School’s website they have hired a new Associate Principal and Vice Principal this year:
If the names Bill Chaplin or Brian Daniels rings a bell it may be because we have blogged about both of them at their previous jobs, which led to their resignations.
Let’s start with Bill Chaplin. He was the Principal of Shepherd Hill Regional High School in Dudley who was using his school sanctioned Twitter account during school hours to promote a graphic pornographic book available in the school library, and mocked parents who were concerned about it.
All day long, while collecting a paycheck from the taxpayers, he was liking, posting, and retweeting politically charged statements that mocked and belittled conservative parents (who paid his salary) in the two town district that voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. He was particularly opposed to any restrictions on the teaching of critical race theory or transgender indoctrination. This was a violation of the district’s social media policy.
It’s unclear if being exposed on the blog is the reason he no longer is the principal at Shepherd Hill, but he seems to have taken a lower position at Milford, which is an odd thing to do if you’re not forced out of your job. Luckily for the parents of Milford he has his preferred pronouns in his new school bio, in case they were wondering if he agreed or disagreed with the reproductive organs he was born with.
Brian Daniels is a new Vice Principal at Milford High School who was featured in a January 2021 blog while employed as Principal of Whitcomb Middle School in Marlborough. His Facebook posts were highlighted for being inflammatory and hateful, particularly towards police officers and people who voted for Republicans. This violated the MPS social media policy as well.
According to Whitcomb’s student handbook for social media usage outside of school, “A staff member’s conduct in the social media area is viewed as an extension of classroom behavior. Therefore, any online behavior by school employees must meet the same standards as those used for face-to-face communications at the Marlborough Public Schools.”
Clearly it would not be appropriate to speak this way in face-to-face conversations with the hundreds of parents at Whitcomb who voted for Donald Trump, which means he violated the policy. Shortly after the blog was published Daniels sent out this email to Whitcomb parents announcing that the blog had exposed him as a “failure as a role model,” and he announced his retirement.
But it appears as if “retirement” means indoctrinating a new group of older students 15 minutes south on 495.
Daniels is also a defendant in a lawsuit filed by a former student who was raped by a teacher at Whitcomb.
What’s going on in Milford? This isn’t Cambridge, Somerville, or Northampton, so why are they hiring communist radicals fleeing their old jobs due to being exposed on Turtleboy? Was the pool of mediocre white men not big enough? Or is this their best shot at equity? Either way, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my kids interacting with administrators who view them as less than human if they have the wrong political beliefs.