Burrillville Woman Abandons Pit Bull In Neighboring North Smithfield After Trying To Get It Rehomed In Community Facebook Group

This is Kelly Mitchell from Burrillville, RI.
Earlier in the week she purchased a dog, and according to her she needed to have it rehomed because her daughter was scared of it.
Yea, this story doesn’t exactly add up. Why wouldn’t you have your daughter come with you to pick out the pet? Wouldn’t you know her well enough to know that she would be scared of certain dogs? What effort has been made to get the child used to the dog? Sometimes kids are initially scared of dogs but learn to love them pretty quickly. And the dog has shots, but you don’t have the papers and you somehow can’t get ahold of them?
Nothing shady about that.
Or, maybe don’t get a pit bull that’s been locked in a crate for 6 months.
Totally doesn’t come across as desperate for cash for Diego’s new product.
Two days later this happened on a neighboring North Smithfield Facebook group for missing pets.
Pro tip – if you’re going to dump your dog somewhere, make sure you don’t advertise that you’re looking to get rid of the poor thing on a community Facebook group just a couple days before.
People will figure it out.
I messaged Kelly for comment and she immediately shut down her Facebook page.
Nothing suspicious about that! Nor is the “he had shots but we don’t have the papers” line. Totally legit. Here’s an idea – if your children don’t like dogs, then don’t buy a dog. Especially a pit bull. Your whole reason for rehoming sounded like poppycock from the beginning, and instead of finding a home for the dog you dumped it miles away like the poor thing was trash.
Oh well, could be worse. She could’ve done it to her kids I guess. That would really bad.
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