Canton Cover-Up Part 15: Brian Albert’s Son And Daughter’s Boyfriend Are #5 And #15 On Canton Police List, Jennifer McCabe Organized And Attended John O’Keefe Fundraiser

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Yesterday we published a story about how Brian Albert’s daughter Caitlin is an investigator for the Attorney General’s Office, and claims to have left the house at 34 Fairview Road at 12:15 AM – three minutes before John O’Keefe and Karen Read arrived. According to her parents Caitlin was picked up by her boyfriend Tristin Morris, who has since deleted his Facebook account. It just so happens that Mr. Morris is 5th on Canton’s Police eligibility list, while Brian Albert’s son Brendan is 15th.
This doesn’t mean that either of these men is unqualified to be a Canton Police Officer, but it is noteworthy that Brendan’s uncle Chris is a Selectman, who has been advocating for the hiring of four more officers. Is there any doubt that he and Tristin would’ve found a way to jump at least one of the people in front of him?
You know what would hurt his chances though? Being in a house where a Boston Police Officer was murdered. Luckily he had the foresight to pick up his girlfriend exactly 5 minutes before the killing began. Brendan Albert was not in the house and is a standout football player at Bridgewater State University, where he plays with his cousin Colin, who WAS in the house the night of the murder. Here they are at a bar where Colin is definitely not old enough to be in, double fisting, flipping the bird, and covering himself in Dylan Mulvaney juice.
It should be noted that of the top 20 candidates on this list, 19 live in Canton (the only one who is not listed as a Canton resident in #1, whose home town is not listed at all). Maybe the problem in Canton is that this town, like many others, appears to be run by “good ol’ boys” who control every institution and will protect each other at all costs. Outsiders like Karen Read and John O’Keefe are expendable. Perhaps they should consider hiring officers from other communities who won’t feel pressured to cover for “pillars of the community” like Brian Albert, and Queen B soccer Moms like Jennifer McCabe.
Speaking of Jennifer, here’s a picture of her and Kerry Roberts at a fundraiser for John O’Keefe three months after Jennifer witnessed him being beaten and counted down the hours while he lay dying in the snow.
She’s wearing a Boston Police sweatshirt with the thin blue line on it. Just when you thought these people couldn’t get more disgusting.
Kerry Roberts was not in the house that night, and prior to the murder she was more of John O’Keefe’s friend than she was Jennifer McCabe’s. But she did somehow end up as part of the search party with Karen Read and Jennifer McCabe, and didn’t notice John’s gigantic body lying in plain sight when they approached the house. Sources tell us that she is 100% aligned with Team Albert/McCabe now. But then again, can you blame her? If you get in with this cult your life in Canton will be much, much easier. Plus you get to wear pink on Wednesdays, and they’ll cover up a murder for you if you get in a jam.