Canton Cover-Up Part 120: Attorney Wendy Murphy Makes Jokes About Karen Read Being Raped In Prison, Appears As Guest On John Depetro Show


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Two weeks after getting confronted by Turtleboy on the Surviving the Survivor Podcast, Attorney Wendy Murphy, who is often featured on television as an expert in criminal cases, has been unleashing a series of vile sexual tweets directed at Karen Read. She seemed to take joy in DA Michael Morrissey’s Friday afternoon press release demanding that protesters stop asking the Alberts and McCabes questions, and said that Read would “enjoy many years behind bars with prisoners who will enjoy using her for all sorts of perversions.” She said that this reference to graphic sexual assault was a “real riot.”

She called the vast majority of the population who believes in Read’s innocence “lunatics making up nonsense,” and told them to “slap yourself out of your stupidity and assholedness.”

Yesterday she once used her account to tweet out comments about Karen Read being raped in prison, and suggested she needs new attorneys.

Just a reminder that Karen Read has some of the best defense attorneys in the country, whereas Wendy Murphy is a disgraced adjunct professor begging for air time on Court TV.

It’s not the first time she has made sexual comments like this and treated rape as some sort of joke. In 2006 on CNN she falsely accused 3 Duke lacrosse players of raping a stripper, and suggested that they did so because they were raped as children.

“I bet one or more of the players was, you know, molested or something as a child.”

Yet she continues to be platformed by media pundits who point out that she allegedly went to Harvard, has been on TV for decades, and is a professor at New England School for Law. This week Rhode Island conservative radio host John Depetro had her on for an interview.

I know John, and have respected his work in the past, so I reached out to him to offer to come on his show and tell listeners the real story, since Wendy is a mentally unbalanced liar who spreads disinformation. He hasn’t accepted my offer, which is disappointing. Feel free to message John on Facebook if you think he should have someone on his show who doesn’t make up lies and crack jokes about prison rape.

Wendy also can’t read, because she claims that Morrissey never said that Michael Proctor wasn’t at 34 Fairview Road on January 29, 2002.

Except those were his exact words. Wendy is just not a serious person who cares at all about the truth.

She also seems to believe that John’s phone couldn’t move after he was dead.

And she continued to make jokes about an innocent woman spending life in prison, while ironically stating that her attorneys should face disciplinary charges.

I have no idea if Wendy should be disbarred for these comments, but it seems concerning that a the New England School of Law allows this degenerate to teach the next generation about how our legal system works.  Feel free to send the Dean an email [email protected]. She should be reported to the BBO as well. This woman is an officer of the court, and she gives all lawyers a bad name.

It is unacceptable for Wendy Murphy to continue to appear on television after making comments like this. I’m publishing this blog so there is a reference point out there for you to send to any network or media personality who chooses to have her on. It’s not just that she’s intentionally offensive, it’s also that she’s incompetent, doesn’t know the first thing about the case, and has been doing this for decades.



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