TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 122: Chris Albert Repeatedly Roasted By Concerned Citizens At Awkward Select Board Meeting For Underage Drinking, Criminal Past, Familial Ties To John O’Keefe Murder


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The Canton Board of Selectman meetings have turned into a never ending roast of Chris Albert, whose son Colin and brother Brian are both suspected by many of having been involved in the murder of John O’Keefe. Normally these meetings are sparsely attended, but in light of our reporting on the coverup of O’Keefe’s murder and the subsequent framing of Karen Read, they’ve become standing room only events as the citizens of Canton continue their ongoing rebellion against the men running their town.

Last night John Connolly, who has been on the Board of Selectman since the Reagan administration, began the meeting by offering a poorly received “apology” after being caught on a hot mic at the last meeting calling concerned taxpayers “random f***ing citizens.”

He also publicly announced that he didn’t know Chris Albert prior to his recent election in March, despite the fact that he donated money to his campaign.

It’s never a good thing when your colleagues are publicly trying to distance themselves from you as much as they can. It was like Peter denying he knew Jesus, except instead of turning water into wine Chris Albert’s pizza shop turns hunger into indigestion. I have no idea if what he’s saying is true (I doubt it is), but why is this man giving money to people he’s never met and knows nothing about? .

These meetings have rules and procedures which seem to be mere suggestions, as citizens are allowed to get up on the microphone and speak as many times as they wish. Most of their ire was directed at Chris Albert, who continues to go to these meetings in order to sit there and get dunked on by local grandmothers and soccer moms. The stipend (if any) they receive can’t be worth the humiliation that Chicken Parm Charlie voluntarily subjects himself to at these meetings. Yet he continues to serve for the same reason Jen McCabe continues to go out in public:

  1. They are extremely stubborn and arrogant.
  2. The goal of the Alberts and McCabes is to project a sense of normalcy despite being under federal investigation for their family’s role in the murder of a Boston Police Officer.
  3. As a member of the Board, Chris Albert is in charge of the police department and the DPW, both of whom could implicate his son and brother in JO’s death.
  4. He may need the health insurance.

Let’s review some of the highlights.

The most memorable part of the meeting was when a concerned citizen asked each member to state which subcommittees they were members of. When she got to Chris Albert he said that he was on CASA (in Massachusetts folks like Chris add r’s to the end of words that don’t have them, and take them away from words that do have them), but seemed to have no idea what the acronym stood for. Instead of admitting that he didn’t know the answer he tried to pull it off like a kid presenting his book report to the class who only read the back cover.

The same woman pointed out that two of the letters stood for “substance abuse,” which was troubling because there are so many pictures of Chris’ son Colin, who is not old enough to buy alcohol, drinking beer at Albert family events.

Another woman stood up and humiliated Chris Albert by listing all of the times he had civil judgements against him in court that he defaulted on, mentioning the fact that he once went to jail for killing a man in what was likely a drunk driving incident, and had a $65K tax lien. She pointed out that the town’s budget comes from taxpayers, and that Chris didn’t pay his taxes. She called it a “nice grift you’ve got going on there.”

Another woman rightly pointed out that Chris Albert should not be allowed to comment on matters involving the murder of John O’Keefe, because his son has been subpoenaed to appear in front of a federal grand jury investigating the matter, and JO’s body was discovered on his brother’s front lawn.

This same woman later called out Police Chief Helena Rafferty for her outrageous remarks at a previous meeting, in which Rafferty accused two law abiding, civically engaged, and well respected members of the Canton community, of being criminals because they attended our peaceful rolling rally protest in July.

Also on that topic another turtle rider called out the Chief for not having any police officers monitoring our peaceful protest if she was so concerned about it and thought it was illegal. He also rightfully pointed out that the peaceful protest was organized by “award winning journalist Aidan Kearney.”

Sorry Jill.

The meeting was capped off by a woman who ended her speech by saying, “any idiot knows that Karen Read is innocent.”

Chris Albert looked nervous the entire time and could not look any of the constituents he represents in the eye. His nervous tick, which you can see at the 25 second mark, is playing with his Dunkin iced coffee straw and pretending to take notes as he doodles onto his notepad.

This is what democracy looks like. This is what happens when an arrogant board of bullies is challenged for the first time. They’re uncomfortable, and they’re going to continue to be this way as long as the town continues to cover up the murder of John O’Keefe.




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  1. This is just another example of the dumbing down of America. It was always there in the background, but with the Trump Presidency it has soared to a new level and there is no end in sight.

    1. You are correct. When Trump was elected, we saw the dumb liberals lose their minds, many weeping and telling us they were moving out of the country (if only they did). Then, well prior to Trump taking office, we had the dumb democrats saying they would impeach him, that they would find something (or more accurately, manufacture something) to remove him from office. How could they be that dumb? Well, they are liberals you see, and facts, the rule of law, and basic common sense mean nothing to them as long as they get their way. So yes, you liberals definitely dumbed down America and won’t stop anytime soon.

    2. You get an a for consistency, but if we’re comparing DJT to FJB, I think we know who’s the dumb one and who the smart one is. The attempt by the Democrats to smear and destroy his chances of winning re election, again, is damning. Also, they have been trying to indict him since he announced his first run many moons ago, but have to resort to making up shit to make him look bad. It would take about five minutes to find treasonous activity by the current President, but the complicit media and dishonest democrats can’t have that now can we. Joes head should be on a spike in D C for all those who choose to sell us out, just like he wants to do to Trump. Oh and go fuck yourself, traitor.

        1. Victimhood?? Typical democrat, they’re called facts not a mantra, but keep telling yourself we’re the dumb ones.

        2. Funny reading your posts then seeing talk about regurgitating mantra! Congratulations on being a typical leftist. And they say leftists are dumb, boot are you proving them wrong! (lol and smile emojis)

    3. Even your own kind, your own party, the Democrat Coup Cult, Looney lefties want no part of you. As your brother Chris likes to say, you’re a loser!

      Now that’s some realist s*** right there.

    4. Asking questions = “dumb Trump-tards”.
      Accepting all statements of career politicians that owe lots of favors = “enlightened”.
      Well OK then.

    5. You appear to be incapable of having a discussion without partisan rhetoric. Duhhhh I’m a liberal, Duhhhh I’m a conservative. DEI, BLM, Equity, MAGA, groomers, climate change, derrrrr. F*****ng morons.

  2. Good for these people! They don’t deserve to pay taxes in a nice town and have their quality of life destroyed by someone else’s perpetual bad.life choices and arrogance. These guys are so used to telling others the way things are going to be. They are not used to intelligent people questioning them
    about something that is seriously wrong. C. Alberts FB post with his family says it all, ” my world”,with a picture of him with his family. He is willing to go to the ends of the earth to protect those in his crumbling world. He will continue to endure these proverbial public floggings right up until the indictments are handed down. The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end Chis.

    1. Major props on the last line. It really applies here as much as it did in those depicted ancient times

      1. 👍Karen Read and the Citizens of Canton were perfectly happy in their own world, they are now involuntarily part of C. Alberts.

  3. The real question is this: What are the people going to do to make a real change? Will they put candidates forward and actually start to promote them to attempt to change the status quo? We all know if you don’t have a D in front of your party, your chances of winning are slim. However, MA needs to wake up to the current situation of the entire state and start making real change. This is not you grandfathers Democrat Party from the 60s any longer.

  4. Great to see more town citizens speaking up. Canton was a beautiful town. Expensive to live in. I would hate to see my hard earned money going to these phony town officials. And the Canton Police chief? You call yourself a chief? Where is your guidance? You have publicly addressed the very town you serve ZERO times regarding this murder. Instead, you get defensive and call your peaceful citizens criminals. Instead, you stay hidden under the lies and layers of corruption. Disgusting. Shameful.

  5. Chris received the least attention from his parents, Brian got the most.

    Colin’s paternity should be tested guessing Brian is possibly his biological father certainly his roll model.

  6. The arrogance of Chris Albert he can’t even explain what he does or name the organization he’s part of. He’s doing you a favor by showing up for his town pay check. He thinks the citizens work for him. The Alberts and McCabes ruin everything they touch.

    Fire Canton’s town leadership and fire every involved member of the Canton police department and Brady list them. Start fresh with an investigative neutral 3rd party and hire people on their merits not for their high school glory days. Seeing how government operates no wonder the federal deep state is is running a circus.

  7. John deserves better, yes I think KR is getting falsely blamed, and yes it’s a travesty, but JOHN DESERVES BETTER! Every individual involved in even a minuscule way in this case owe it to John to speak up, this man deserved to have his death properly investigated, and those responsible charged accordingly. Even if a person thinks KR hit and killed John, they should be outraged by the way this man’s death was handled!

  8. Rumor is Michael Morrissey had 98% Hollandaise sauce and french fry grease in his blood after he crashed. The remaining 2% was blood mixed with lies.

    1. Hahahaha. Best one on here. Don’t forget the booze. Thanks for the laugh.

  9. On Monday, Sept. 11, Crooked Joe Biden will travel to a secluded military base in Alaska on his way back from Hanoi where he will pickup bribe money. In Alaska biden will mark the 22nd anniversary of the 9-11 attacks in a memorial ceremony in a controlled location with minimal press and few cameras. The White House Lib-splained that crooked joe biden will be in Alaska to avoid standing in public in NYC or DC where he may be seen wandering off, falling down, falling asleep or sniffing young girls.

    1. Derrr….libs. Derrr…Hunter. Derrr…I have nothing else to contribute but MSM talking points. Do you even know you’re a robot spitting out things that you’ve been programmed to say?

  10. The very first video of Connolly giving his hot mic apology, at the end he says, “thank you for your consideration and your time, John Connolly, for the Board of Selectmen,…..ah Select Board” is he reading an old campaign speech or what? What does he want the good folks of Canton to consider, “please don’t include me in the hanging of the Select Board outside Town Hall”!

  11. Somewhere on these pages there is a comment by someone suggesting that the medical examiner said that the injuries were the result of being hit by a car (I can’t find it now, given that there are well over 100 pages so far). I have tried to find the actual autopsy report, but maybe that isn’t in the public domain. On a different news site I came across this: “An autopsy lists the cause of death as “blunt impact injuries of the head and hypothermia.”” So far so good. But the story also says “The medical examiner who performed an autopsy on Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe ruled the manner of his death “could not be determined,” according to O’Keefe’s death certificate…”

    Did the medical examiner actually mention a vehicle-vs-pedestrian mechanism, or is that just the prosecutor’s theory? A safer (and ultimately less embarrassing testimony) for the medial expert would be “He had skull fractures, how he got them I do not know.” Something like that.

    There are other details that are not clear to me. For example, was Mr. O’Keefe wearing a winter coat when he got out of the car? If so, does it have big tears in the sleeve to correspond with the wounds on his arm? If so, what part of the car produced that injury? How do they explain the hand injury? Did he have lower body (pelvis/femur) trauma?

    I also saw a comment suggesting that the dog is currently living in Vermont. Has it been obtained for DNA testing?

    Forgive me if these questions have all been addressed in prior pages of this investigation.

    Dr. Fang

  12. Those townies probably rigged the election. Should start an inquiry and get a recount and forensic audit. Don’t they have to preserver all voting data for 22 months?

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