Canton Cover-Up Part 131: Norfolk County DA’s Office Files Misguided Motion To Force NBC, ABC To Hand Over Entire Interviews With Karen Read
Canton Coverup Part 131: Norfolk County DA’s Office Files Misguided Motion To Force NBC, ABC To Hand Over Entire Interviews With Karen Read
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In two of the most laughable motions I’ve ever seen, the Commonwealth is requesting that both ABC and NBC be forced to hand over unaired footage of their pre-recorded interview with Karen Read.
Karen Read sat down with Dennis Murphy for an upcoming Dateline episode, and with ABC’s Matt Gutman, presumably for a 20/20 episode. However, in both instances the networks only aired a few minutes of the interview.
But Michael Morrissey, Adam Lally, and ADA Laura McLauhglin are not fools. They quickly realized after watching the segments that these were just clips of a much longer interview! Ya see, Karen Read had two different outfits on in different clips!
They tried to pull one over on ol’ Mikey Meatpie Morrissey, but this is not a man who gets fooled easily.
Just look at all those non-sequential books behind him. Look how well he takes care of himself. You can tell that this man is a perfectionist, and multi-billion dollar corporations like Disney and NBC would prefer not to tango with him. Now his office demanding the unaired footage of content that belongs to the respective networks.
You have to wake up pretty early to fool Lunchbox Lally. The man is a diabolical genius who knows what edited footage looks like when he sees it.
Look at those Chester A. Arthur chops, and how meticulous he was while applying his LA Looks hair gel! He didn’t settle for the level 7 or 8 hold either. He went all out.
Yellow or blue only. That’s how you can tell that this is a man who takes his job seriously. Just look at the attention to detail of each and every Bart Simpson spike on top of his forehead.
Now imagine the amount of detail and care he puts into his motions.
The DA’s Office is really upset that Karen Read is choosing to defend herself publicly in order to combat the plethora of lies being levied against her by corrupt politicians and law enforcement officials. In particular they’re really mad that Read uses the media to “contradict her prior statements and to facilitate her profession of innocence while making baseless accusations against nearly every witness, law enforcement officer, or expert involved in the substantial case against her.”
How dare Karen Read contradict the prior statements that Michael Proctor and Jennifer McCabe said that she said! Those two individuals have been honest and upright throughout this process, as long as you ignore the dozens of deleted phone calls, the 2:27 Google search, the 5 misspelled names of witnesses in one paragraph, the lying about what time the car was towed from Dighton, the failure to disclose a close relationship with the Albert, McCabe, and Proctor families, and Jen suddenly remembering at 9 AM that Karen said something much more incriminating which she forgot to tell Sgt. Lank the first time.
And the Commonwealth would never contradict things it previously asserted in court filings either!
How dare Karen Read smear the good name of Colin “bang bang” Albert! Her accusations against Brian Albert are likewise baseless. I’m sure there is a perfectly good reason the seasoned law enforcement official didn’t wake up and come outside when dozens of first responders, a hysterical woman, and a riled up man eating dog were making loud noises because there was a dead body of a Boston Police Officer on his front yard! I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation why he suddenly decided to replace his basement floor for the second time in four years and sell the family home for $50K less than it was listed at. There’s absolutely nothing suspicious about getting rid of a family dog shortly after autopsy photos of a dead body found on your property show scratch marks consistent with a German Shepherd that lives inside the house! It’s perfectly normal for a home not to be searched by police after finding a dead body with a missing shoe on the front lawn! Leave Brian Albert alone!
ADA McLaughlin’s motion states that they have a right to the unaired footage that doesn’t belong to them because “unlike federal law, in Massachusetts there is no qualified journalist privilege that protects against disclosure of confidential and non-confidential press materials.” Even if the privilege “exited” the building.
But there’s just one problem McLaughlin didn’t think of – NBC and ABC are not headquartered in Massachusetts. Therefore Massachusetts law does not apply to them. If only they had known that Rockefeller Plaza wasn’t in Boston!
As a Massachusetts based reporter who has been sued several times in Commonwealth courthouses, I can confirm that she is wrong when she asserts that journalists do not have privilege that protects them against disclosure of press materials. I know this because in several lawsuits I’ve been involved in the plaintiffs who unsuccessfully sued me filed motions to force Google, Facebook, and other entities to hand over non-public communications. They were denied every time due to reporter’s privilege.
But wait, according to the DA’s Office they need the entire footage because Karen Read’s “body language or physical reaction to questions” to questions during the interview were suspicious!
Everyone knows that if Adam Lally thinks your body language is suspicious during an interview that gives him the right to force the TV network to hand over licensed content that belongs to them.
This is easily the dumbest motion filed in this case, which is saying something considering how ridiculous and stupid this ordeal has been. It’s also the definition of a fishing expedition, since they have no idea what Karen Read said. It’s beyond naive that they believe that Read’s experienced, high profile attorneys would allow her to go on television and say something incriminating that would hurt her case.
The Commonwealth seems to have no idea that they’ll have to fight NBC and ABC’s attorneys for this, who will laugh at these small town losers from Norfolk County, and immediately file a motion to have it removed to federal court. Obviously private corporations like NBC and ABC do not have to hand over footage that they’ve chosen not to air simply because some shmuck like Michael Morrissey is on a fishing expedition for something he can use in the weakest murder case in American history.
Lot of tax money being spent.
Gross Mis-use
Can you please change Morrissey’s nickname to “Meatsweats Morrissey”?
Or Meatloaf Morrissey.
Or “Ma! The Meatloaf!” Morrissey
Looking at body language now? Seems like “I was in the FBI for 25 years” Coffindaffer may be on retainer by the state
Can we get the unedited footage from the Morrisey video statement?
The fact people in Boston keep electing morons like this proves what a trash city it is.
Canton isn’t Boston, but okay.
It’s Canton, Norfolk County. Boston is still shit though.
Something I’ve been thinking about w regards to johns phone being found “underneath” his body. Has this phone ever been dusted for fingerprints? Obviously, proctors will be on there but who else aside from John? If those numerous calls from Jen around the time of the murder were to find the phone in the house, someone had to of picked it up. Can the defense ask for a fingerprint test on that phone now? Of course, it’s prob been wiped clean but hmmmm…
Also- my office in canton (down the road from Fairview) whenever I go into the office I have the live show playing loud through my Bluetooth in the car, windows down. They are building a new top golf place off university ave and everyday there is always 2 or 3 canton cops doing a detail. It was hilarious the other day, traffic was backed up and legit one of the canton cops was right next to my car/window and he smirked no doubt about it. Not all the canton police are bad…..
Aidan: I really wish you’d look more closely at this case and decide which side you’re on. Windy has polled people and 90% of them say the defense team will soon be replaced.
Yea and if you believe that douche canoe, I got beach front property in Arizona to sell you. There’s proof she’s being fed by Alberts and the prosecution. She hasn’t read a fucking thing
TB is straight free Karen Read, if you can’t see that, then you should just leave
Looks like you and 12 other people (so far) aren’t very good at picking up on sarcasm; I specifically referred to her as “Windy.” I’m also the only lawyer on twitter confronting Windy on her ignorance of the facts of this case.
If you are really a Lawyer can you answer these questions or do you agree with what’s happening is mind boggling : Why the DA is ok with the cops not going into the Alberts home when the body had no coat and missing 1 shoe and had blood all over him but only 6 droplets of blood in the snow where he was placed and that he was a Boston cop and the home owner is a Boston cop? This not suspicious by Karen answering a question a certain way is. Wouldn’t you think theses are legitimate concerns and the DA ignores them but wants all the footage of the 2 interviews. It’s FN crazy
I’m @EstatePlan on twitter, and I’ve asked Windy and Jennifer about some of these issues. I agree with almost nothing being written by them, and I keep pushing back on their nonsense.
There have been 249 pieces of evidence given to the defense so far, so there are probably things we don’t know yet, but I have a question that I don’t think anybody has asked: Why haven’t we heard anything about Brian Albert’s Ring camera; is he the only police officer in New England who doesn’t have a Ring camera?
Stop asking silly questions- All of the neighborhood camera video is in the same place as the 2 minutes of library video.
Good question about BA’s Ring Camera. I’d expect it to have been erased or potentially the street is out of range for motion activating it. However, does the security company that administrates the system have servers that store the footage? I don’t know.
Brian Albert’s Ring camera, if it exists would show who went in and out of that door, and when.
Which is why the footage would have been erased that night
If it existed.
I have said and pointed out the same thing! There are two visible ring cameras at his home- front door and door to the right next to the garage. It was there while they were living there! Then, a person directly across the street from Brian Alberts, was never asked by police if he heard or seen anything nor asked about camera footage. The person no longer has footage of that day but they wish so badly they had saved that day. They’re not fans of the Alberts at all either.
Not a chance fool.
So, NBC and ABC MUST hand over unreleased footage immediately, as it is exigent to the Commonweath presenting its case. But things like John’s clothing, geofence data, phone records, etc…aren’t important enough for the Defense to be given access to it. They’ve been waiting on these things for over a year, but Lally demands ABC footage.
Super rational.
Got it.
This is no longer a quest to convict K. Read, this is an effort to prevent what could be the most catastrophic event within the criminal justice system in United States history. If the Feds find corruption or wrongdoing within the DAs office, think of all of the cases that have a potential to be vacated. Violent Felons being released from incarceration, the secondary victimization that families would have to endure. They know this is a possibility, and they don’t care how egregious their corupt behavior is. This is the flight or fight stage for them.
Which is exactly why it would never be spoken of, and files would never see the light of day! The Feds will NEVER acknowledge corruption of the level that’s alleged here, they know the ramifications, it would be handled similar to the way the church handled the sex abuse scandal! The most corrupt officials would quietly fade away, Proctor would be reassigned to a higher position, but not in an investigative capacity, etc., etc..
Look at the corruption by both local authorities and the Feds, they did damage control, offered up Connolly, end of story. If you think Whitey was the only gangster in bed with the feds or local PD, you probably also think Proctor is a good cop that made a minor clerical error!
The Grand Jury is a show to prove everyone else is innocent. What Country have you all been living in? They are all connected through federal and local cross Agency task force. Wake up… Anyone else notice the amount of clowns posing as leaders globally? even the top of the Vatican. This s a war between good and Evil. It is truly Diabolical.
1 Peter 5:8
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Morrisey has got to be one of THE dumbest DA’s in the history of the commonwealth.
First he blows the Chesna case which should have been a home run conviction.
Secondly he gets involved in this clusterf_ck of a case an makes it exponentially worse. Instead of looking for justice for a Boston Police officer he tries to cover for Brian “Vic Mackey” Albert.
This fat f_ck is going to lose this case and it will call into question any other past convictions that were even remotely questionable.
God damn this is getting frustrating to watch the level of corruption in this state.
I think it’s a decent move and they might as well try for it. As for the out of state records, if NBC/ABC deny them because they’re out of state, the DA can ask the Mass court to issue letters rogatory, and ask the NY court to order the production of these documents. And I wouldn’t bet on NBC/ABC refusing to hand over the raw footage/laughing at them. Whenever I have done this on a case in Massachusetts the stations have handed over the footage without a fight.
You are clearly not on the right side of this story.
By “the stations have handed them over” – do you mean ABC / NBC? Or which stations are you referring to that handed over footage to you without a fight when requested?
And were you requesting it because you were defending someone and it was needed for someone’s defense, or for a case against someone else? If the latter – Did you believe they had information about crimes being committed or just generally to add to a case, i.e going fishing, despite therr being nothing specific you believe the interviews/footage may have contained?
I am no law expert – but from some of what I read about this – it seems like there are specific situations where it makes sense, and others where it absolutely doesn’t. You need to shed a little more light on which stations and what the situations were where things were handed over without a fight to be comparable to this. Perhaps it’s a similar thing, but it could also he completely irrelevant and a different situation
Ok, Lally & Co. You want the unedited footage from Karen’s interviews – how about you show the entire world the unedited Library camera footage that is conveniently missing 2 minutes when Karen was likely driving by? I think that’s a fair trade, no? They are grasping at straws. How desperate can they get. Clearly they have nothing on Karen. The “microscopic” taillight fragments is actually laughable. So, Karen hit JO with her car and her taillight immediately blew up into a million tiny pieces, and not one of the 8 or 11 or 20 people in that house heard or saw any of this commotion? C’mon.
Keep up the pressure verify that 2:20 am’ish google search and it should be lights out!
Can he subpoena dancing for the stars and survivor finales as well? Asking for a friend.
I think this lawsuit is about intimidation. Trying to scare Karen from defending herself against these bullies. Don’t back down Karen. Bullies don’t respond to weakness.
Shameless SOBs
Wait. Is the ADA’s name McLaughlin or is that the plow driver’s name? Sorry to be confused – I am from another state and just recently started following this.
Michael Morrissey is the ADA -snowplow guy is McLaughlin.
Sorry my mistake – Lucky Loughlan is plow driver. Michael Morrissey is DA, Lally is ADA.
My 9th grader could have written this better than the Commonwealth did. Then again, have you seen the pay grades for jobs at the DA’s offices? Doesn’t surprise me really. Just a bunch of bullies abusing their authority because it makes them feel tough. Welcome to Massachusetts: Home to the code of silence, where we accept nothing less than some good old fashioned qualified immunity. Bang bang.
Awe man. This is gonna get good.
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