TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 136: Michael Proctor Was Forced To Interview Colin Albert, Caitlin Albert, Brian Albert Jr, Allie McCabe, Lucky Loughran In Last Month After They Spoke With FBI


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The coverup of the murder of John O’Keefe doesn’t just involve the conspirators getting their story straight, it more importantly involves preventing police from speaking with witnesses who might compromise the coverup. No one from the State or Canton Police ever interviewed the following people who were either inside 34 Fairview Road the night John O’Keefe was murdered, or drove by when John’s body was supposedly on the lawn:

  • Colin Albert
  • Caitlin Albert
  • Brian Albert Jr.
  • Allie McCabe
  • Lucky Loughran

They attempted to hide Sarah Levinson’s identity for almost a year, despite the fact that she was one of the last to leave with Jennifer and Matt McCabe. They knew that Julie Nagel was there the entire time, and suspiciously told her brother Ryan to go home after calling him for a ride, but Proctor waited 9 months to even question her about what she saw.

But thanks to a motion filed today in the Karen Read murder case, we are now learning that Proctor suddenly has decided to question all of these witnesses.

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According to the filing Proctor interviewed Caitlin Albert and Brian Albert Jr. on July 6, Colin Albert on July 18, and Lucky Loughran on August 10. His boss Yuri Buhkenik interviewed Allie McCabe just over a week ago on August 25.

They KNEW that all five of them were witnesses at a murder scene, and chose not to interview them. This is why you should dismiss anyone who suggests that a conspiracy would be impossible because too many people have to get their stories straight. It’s easy to get your stories straight when no one is ever questioned by police.

We have not seen those interviews as they have not been entered into evidence, but we can infer that Proctor didn’t just suddenly decide that it was time to interview key witnesses in a murder investigation. There is only one plausible explanation for why four members of the younger generation of Alberts and McCabes suddenly decided to come forward and speak with police – they were questioned by the US Attorney in front of a federal grand jury investigating corruption in the Norfolk County DA’s Office. Something was likely shown to them, or asked of them, which proved they were inside the house that night when John O’Keefe arrived there, and they couldn’t lie anymore.

Remember their original stories:

  • The DA’s office initially said that Colin Albert was never there, before changing their story to him leaving before Karen and John arrived
  • Brian and Nicole Albert told police that Caitlin Albert was picked up by her boyfriend Tristin Morris at 12:15
  • Brian Albert Jr. was admittedly inside the house the entire night and next morning and was never questioned by police
  • Allie McCabe’s presence at the house was not even known until last week when she admitted to driving Colin home
  • Loughran’s name was never mentioned by anyone until we first reported that he had plowed Fairview Road that night because Proctor’s report stated that a company called “By The Yard” was responsible for plowing that street

Aside from Lucky Loughran, they have all lawyered up. Their attorneys likely advised them that if they had their phones on them that night then the FBI knows when they were there and when they left. You do not want to lie in front of a federal grand jury, because then the US Attorney will own you. He can threaten to prosecute you for perjury if you don’t completely cooperate.

The fact that Proctor is suddenly interviewing these witnesses is a sign of weakness and desperation. He knows by now, thanks to my interview with Lucky Loughran, that the FBI got to Loughran before he did. That’s why he interviewed Lucky two days after I published my story that included an interview with him – he knows the feds are reading our reporting, and watching him. He knows that as the lead investigator it would be suspicious if he didn’t interview an eye witness like Loughran. He figured that he could play dumb and blame Michael Trotta for telling him that the Canton DPW doesn’t plow Fairview Road, which would excuse his failure to interview Canton DPW plow drivers like Loughran.

Most importantly Michael Proctor wanted to see what the feds were asking Loughran. How much did they know about that night? Proctor is shitting his pants.

This is why I believe that the targets of the feds investigation are Proctor and DA Michael “are you gonna eat that last meatball?” Morrissey – they’re both being left in the dark. Neither Proctor or Morrissey have been subpoenaed to testify in front of the federal grand jury. I believe that they’re calling all the other witnesses who were actually there for the murder in order to find out information about Proctor and Morrissey.

It is highly unlikely that the McCabes and Alberts are targets of the US Attorney’s investigation. The U.S. Attorney’s Office doesn’t investigate murders, they investigate corruption of those with institutional power. This is not their jurisdiction, and they don’t prosecute murders in Norfolk County – the Norfolk County DA does. The problem here is that the Norfolk County DA’s office violated the public trust by helping to coverup a murder, and violated Karen Read’s civil rights by prosecuting a woman they know to be innocent.

Michael Morrissey might believe that he is untouchable in Norfolk County because he is the head law enforcement official, and to some extent he is. But the US Attorney’s Office exists to go after people like him. Michael Proctor would be wise to start blaming this all on him if he has any hope of saving himself.

This doesn’t mean the McCabe and Alberts are going to get away with murder. What will likely happen is the Attorney General’s Office will take over the case and delegate a special prosecutor in another county to investigate, charge, and try those responsible for killing John O’Keefe.

I don’t know when the end is gong to come, but I do know that the Norfolk County DA’s Office will NEVER drop the charges against Karen Read, because doing so would be an admittance that they’re all corrupt. But the feds are not launching this grand jury investigation for shits and giggles, and I believe the end is coming soon. Karen Read deserves that after 20 months of Hell.


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  1. Proctor will be promoted for this. He has proven he can stick with a good cover-up, just the kind of cop the police-brass and politicians can use.

    1. He’s the perfect fall guy. He’s the only one that will see jail (if anyone does). Morrissey won’t go anywhere. Neither will the Chief of Police (affirmative action).

  2. So… a dead cop is found in the front yard of another cop the morning after a house party and nobody who was in the house is questioned by police… sounds legit.

  3. *THIS* is what investigative journalism *USED* to look like, before the mainstream media was taken over by bow-tied, trust fund baby, left wing advocates.

    Turtleboy, I don’t know how you do all this. But I’m grateful you do.

  4. I swear I interviewed everyone. That’s just Hershey’s chocolate syrup in my pants. I’m not scared to see you.

  5. A Boston Cop is dying on the front lawn of another Boston Cop. John O’Keefe has no coat, missing 1 shoe, and has blood all over his clothes and face and only 6 droplets of blood in the 2 inches of snow. Brian Albert does not come out of the house to see what’s going on and the Canton police don’t ask to go in the house. If he bled from the 2 inch gash in the back of his head where’s the blood how did it get all over the front of his shirt. Maybe from his nose but if he was lying on the ground wouldn’t the blood drip down the sides of his face into the snow. Every single Canton cop who was there and the chief of Police should be in jail. The retired Chief should be in jail and lose his pension. This is disgusting, and don’t get me started Meatball Morrisey and soon to be Pickle Boy Proctor

    1. Well said! The Boston Police Patrolman’s Association has been completely absent on this investigation. Not a word from them. What a DISGRACE!!! Don Murray is rolling over in his grave!

  6. TB is on freaking fire right now. That one picture of Proctor is so reminiscent of a mugshot that it actually got me excited.

  7. So many bad choices made by so many people that night on Fairview Rd. A day, and night of excessive drinking, narcissism, and lack of human decency, would lead to the sequence of events that would forever, devastatingly, change many lives. Our faith in humanity should dwindle when we see what abhorrent behavior is being displayed by the DAs office. Karen Reads strength and resolve are what should motivate us all to be better people. Unfortunately for K. Read, and her familiy, life will never be the same, even when she does get acquitted. Stay the course Karen, you are not alone! We will be there for you before and after you’re acquitted.

  8. When this finally implodes and the dust settles, the guilty are imprisoned and Karen is a billionaire, I think Aidan needs a medal, a commendation, something. A Pulitzer at the very least.

    As great as Yannetti and Jackson are, I don’t think they’d be nearly where they are without TB’s reporting and of course all you readers support.

    1. Curious. What makes you think Karen is going to win any money?

      Where are there examples of someone in her demographic suing and winning against the Commonwealth?

  9. There were dozens of crimes committed here. Many of them unspeakable. But one crime that is getting overlooked is the crime of making me, and I’m sure I’m not alone, looking at every law enforcement official at every level with disdain or at least suspicion. I’m sure the vast majority of that mistrust would be misdirected but sadly, I’ll never think the way I thought several months ago.

    1. I agree 100% with you on this. Now I really don’t know who I can trust to look out for me and my law-abiding family. I also now have zero faith that the guilty parties will be investigated or punished.

    2. Well said, I too will never have the same trust in law enforcement as I once had, and THAT is truly a shame.

      Just my opinion, but as a result of this case I have been thinking about this, and although it’s obvious I never noticed that although there are still good cops, there aren’t many “good” cops left. When I was a kid in the late 70’s early 80’s there were several “good” cops in my town. They knew all the kids names, if you were a bit on the wild side they took the time to stop and talk to you, make sure you were making the right decisions, talk to you if you weren’t, and if you were having problems, not only knew, but made a point to help! If you had a problem you could go to these guys, AND THEY’D HELP! The town I was from, DEDHAM, MA (I could throw a rock into Canton) had several of these “good” cops. Aldo Savi, Robert Neddar Sr. are 2 that really stand out in my memory. Unfortunately it seems like these types of cops have all retired, and the newer generations aren’t interested in actually knowing the community!

    3. Police, and lawyers and whatever these ass-clowns are… DA’s and judges…. They only go after people with SOME money. They KNOW they get nothing from the dead broke, so let those people assault and stab people, drive uninsured with no license, and kill a family of 5 in a head on collision, they get a year in prison, set free. People with REAL money, are no target either. They’ll get a team of lawyers that will SMOKE these DA’s. Nope. The cops get the regular guys. A guy in a nice F-150. Because they know this guy will pay. He can’t afford the time off to fight a ticket, or afford a super high end attorney to fight whatever McCharge they throw at you. You’re guilty, because they said so, and you have no time or money to fight it. So you pay those fees and just plead out. People from Canada can rape your daughter and just walk. An honest guy with $60k in the bank goes broke, and a stain on his record for life.

  10. Not to get lost in everything else is the quote in the Yannetti motion from Nicole Albert about Chloe, which heretofore has not been public, I don’t think.

  11. Doc, was John’s clothes ever tested for blood other than his own? Maybe that’s why they aren’t handing over the clothes. It contains blood from the people he fought with.

  12. Judge Auntie Bev enabled this by not holding the prosecution accountable for their lack of follow through and constant lies. She could have easily called out the shenanigans and put a stop to them months ago.

    1. FBI will indite trump and Giuliani for the murder, readers of this blog will be co-conspirators a la the Jan 6 witch hunt. Prove you weren’t in Canton.

      PS Proctor has a huge nose, could use that as a ship’s rudder.

    1. This can’t be Sean, because there are no racist or homophonic terms added to it. Dugal possibly, but more likely it’s one of the Roberts ratchets, or Proctors soon to be single wife. Hit me up Lizzie, I love crazy chicks.

  13. The insecurity of the pint-sized Albert squatting down in front with the women(because he’s too short to be seen if he stood up straight with the males in back) cracks me up. The way he pulls up his shirt sleeve to expose his half-tanned upper arm in attempt to show us he’s the alpha hardo to all the other beta hardos just sticking out their clenched fists is the stuff of legend.

    Dude, leave some girls for the rest of us

    1. Typical short man, he probably takes selfies like a woman trying for the perfect angle and has a short fuse. It’s kinda cute how the taller man has his arms around the little guy. Then there is the guy on the far left in blue jeans who appears to grinding his ass into orange sweat shirt’s crotch, sexy stuff. Brian’s tummy has gotten big, not in prime shape.

      1. Brian is too fat to bend at the waist, the group photo makes more sense now. People under stress tend to over eat.

  14. What is it with parents partying with their kids? You see this a lot in places like Canton, Weymouth, etc. It is cringe! Also, Morrissey has the hugest neck fat I ever seen.

  15. Meatball Morrissey, Chicken Parm Charlie, Pickle on the side Proctor…. If anyone sees this and they own a food establishment that makes subs, can you make Canton Specials with these names please?

  16. Group photo far left dude in the jeans is having some ass to dick contact with the man behind him. Next group photo he’s hugging the short body builder from behind… what’s up with that?

    Oh TB could you post up Colin’s shirtless pic with the other shirtless boy please, i’m whipping up a batch of chowder here in Maine.

  17. Where the hell are the boston and canton cops on this? Are they so afraid of their superiors, that they won’t come forward and stick up for what is the right thing to do? These guys know what happend here, you gotta be an idiot not to. If they came out and said this is bullshit, we know what actually happend that nite, and it wasn’t Karen. Then maybe we would start trusting law enforcement again. The owe it to John Okeefe, one of the good ones, an actual good guy. Why support a murdering scumbag like Brian Albert? WTF? TB 😇

    1. So O’keefe was a good guy because he was murdered? He was a cop. Odds are he was just as corrupt and worthless as the rest.

  18. I seriously hope they chain this whole group together in leg shackles and handcuffs and let them take one more group picture together, have Karen Read walk by them and get into her Limo as they get stuffed into a police van!!!

  19. Remember Wendy’s theory that JO “fell on the driveway and the plow later pushed him onto the lawn” to the other side of the property? Looking at 34 Fairview’s mailbox – it’s not a mail slot in their front door… or a wall-mounted box…it’s literally a 3ft rusty metal post mounted mailbox at the end of the driveway. How would a plow scoop JO across the lawn while missing the mailbox? The mailbox location completely refutes Wendy’s claim. Wendy clearly never looked at a picture of the property from 2022 before proclaiming that theory.

  20. Look at the picture of Bullfrog Throat Kevin Morrisey sitting in his office. TB put a bunch of “family & friend photos” in the bookcase and on shelves around his office and they’re pictures of the Alberts, Proctor etc… 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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