Canton Cover-Up Part 143: Selectmen Shut Down Meeting After Citizens Refused To Be Silenced About Coverup, Chris Albert Absent And Kicked Off Substance Abuse Subcommittee


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All hell broke loose at the Canton Board of Selectman meeting last night, as the all male board shut down several women who were vocalizing their concerns about the board. Chris Albert was not in attendance for unknown reasons, so he was unable to receive the verbal biweekly beat down he’s grown accustomed to while fiddling with his straw and dreaming about all the bills he’s not going to pay this month. It was announced that Albert was no longer on the substance abuse subcommittee (that he didn’t know the name of), and had instead been moved to the traffic committee. As one citizen pointed out, Chris Albert previously served time in prison for killing someone in a hit and run crash on the highway, which makes his inclusion in the traffic subcommittee rather ironic. Rita Lombardi and fellow award winning journalist Kathleen Howley both were cut off by chairman Thomas Theodore, who eventually voted to adjourn the entire meeting in order to shut them up.

Those women are warriors.

“We’re not going to stop. We’re going to get louder.”

“Mr. Albert, as you know, went to jail for vehicular homicide and leaving the scene of a fatal accident. He was on the lam for 30 hours and cost the taxpayers untold amounts for a massive manhunt.”

“Appointing a man who is posted all over Facebook drinking with underage teenagers….what an insult to the recovery community. And now you’re going to put him on the traffic committee, after killing someone while driving.”

“You’re afraid of the taxpayers.”

Yes they are. These people are watching their property values plummet due to the fact that millions of people know that there’s a handful of murderers walking around their town dressed as soccer moms and cops. And the Board of Selectman does nothing about it because one of them was involved in the coverup, and the other 4 couldn’t be bothered to give a shit. The guy who looks like a shook up can of Dr. Pepper who apologized last week for getting caught on a hot mic calling these same women “random f***ing citizens,” was once again caught on a hot mic saying “this is what I was talking about,” because women in his town want to participate in democracy.

This is what you were talking about, John Connolly? What exactly is that? People who dare to speak their minds at public meetings? People who aren’t willing to let a murder in their town get swept under the rug by corrupt scumbags like you? Get used to them, because they’re not going anywhere, and soon you’ll be seeing me there too.


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