TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 150: Brian Albert’s Attorney Files Motion Opposing Supreme Court Appeal For His Cell Phone, Hides In Visitor’s Section At Bridgewater State Football Game


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Brian and Nicole Albert have not been as brazen as Jen and Matt McCabe have been for the last few months. Unlike the McCabes they have left Canton and kept a low profile from their new home in Norwood, and avoided public events as much as possible. Their son Brendan is one of the captains of the Bridgewater State Football team, and although they been attending his games, they’ve been trying to discreetly hide themselves while in attendance. A turtle rider snapped this photograph Saturday of what appears to be Brian and Nicole sitting in the visitor’s section of BSU’s game against Plymouth State.

There has been some debate about whether or not that is actually them, and although I was initially skeptical I am now 99.99% sure it is.

One difference between Brian Albert and Jen McCabe has been their willingness to show their faces at public events. Jen cares about her reputation in the community, but Brian does not. That’s why he’s wearing a hoodie and a hat and sitting away from BSU fans. He knows that everyone thinks he killed John O’Keefe, but he also knows that he can remain free so long as the only court he’s guilty in is the court of public opinion. That’s why he got rid of his basement floor, made the family dog disappear, and sold his house. He knew all of those things would make any unbiased person believe he was guilty, but he also knew that his freedom was more valuable than his reputation.

To that end Brian Albert knows that refusing to hand over his cell phone makes him look guilty, but he doesn’t care because it’s better than going to jail. The allegedly innocent man with nothing to hide has gone to great lengths not to provide the court with his cell phone records showing his calls and text messages from 12-6 AM on the morning of January 29, 2022.

Last year Karen Read’s defense team’s first attempt to get his phone was denied by Judge Beverly Cannone. The defense filed a Rule 17 motion again in April after discovering that Jennifer McCabe had Googled “how long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM, so Albert hired Attorney Greg Henning to quash a subpoena to appear at a scheduled May 25 evidentiary hearing, which was cancelled the day before. Cannone once again denied the defense access to this critical evidence that could exonerate Karen Read, and show whether or not Brian Albert orchestrated the cover up of O’Keefe’s murder on January 29.

But “Auntie Bev” is not the final authority in our judicial system. The defense filed an appeal with the Supreme Judicial Court on September 1 for an unknown denial from Cannone.

On September 13 the DA’s Office filed an opposition to the appeal, and although it was unclear initially what motion the defense was appealing, we assumed it was for Brian Albert’s cell phone since Cannone had recently denied the defense access to it.

Throughout this whole process the Commonwealth and State Police have acted as Brian Albert’s personal attorney, opposing every motion that would give the defense the ability to investigate him as a potential suspect. They’ve protected him by not searching his house after a dead body was found on the lawn, opposing animal control records being given to the defense, and much more.

Today our suspicions were confirmed that the appeal was over Brian Albert’s cell phone when Attorney Greg Henning filed an opposition with the SJC.

A few months ago a ratchet got her 16 year old daughter to message our Facebook page and send us disturbing messages about my then 5 and 7 year old children being sexually assaulted. The girl’s mother then applied for a restraining order against me, on behalf of her daughter, by telling a judge in Attleboro District Court that I had initiated the contact (a lie) was threatening to come to her house and kidnap her daughter (also a lie, because if I’m gonna kidnap a kid it’s not going to be an out of control 16 year old brat).

I was unable to defend myself at the one party hearing and the judge issued a temporary order until a two party hearing was held in March. There was no way the order would be granted, but I knew that this particular individual was a psychopath who would try to doctor some sort of evidence in order to violate me before the hearing date.

Two days prior to the hearing I received a phone call from the 16 year old, who claimed she was calling me back after I had called her. I immediately realized that her mother had called her daughter’s phone and “spoofed” the call so that it appeared as if I had called her daughter (there are apps that do that). I realized that her mother was framing me in order to make it look like I was in violation of the temporary order.

The first thing I immediately did was call the North Attleborough Police, who had already received a call from the girl’s mother that I had violated the order. They had a screenshot of what appeared to be me calling her. I did not have to hand over my phone to them, but when they asked if I would I enthusiastically gave them my cell phone records, because because I was innocent and wanted to clear my name. That’s what innocent people do.

Brian Albert isn’t innocent, which is why he’s fighting this so hard. If my name was being thrown around in the media as a cop killer I would do anything in my power to clear my name, especially if I was also a Boston Police Officer.

But Brian Albert doesn’t care how he looks, he cares what can be proven. He knows that fighting so hard to allow the defense to look through his phone calls during a time when he was supposedly sleeping, looks very suspicious. So far the courts and the police have gone out of their way to protect him, but the SJC exists to correct problematic judges like Beverly Cannone, so his time may be running out. The appeal is expected to be heard in November, and if they reverse her ruling it will drastically change the direction of the Karen Read case.


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  1. Just a dumb thought. It was initially stated the neighbor across the street had a ring camera but it didn’t show anything of interest. Wouldn’t that same ring camera show time-stamped videos of the town plow passing the house and the Ford Edge in question being parked where the body should have been? Wouldn’t that be pretty much game over?

    1. It would, however, the neighbor with the ring camera is the Deputy Police Chief for Canton Police; he never turned over the surveillance footage to the police investigators, he said the camera didn’t pick anything up – they took his word at face value; we’ll never know what happened unless the records are subpoenaed, of course, the footage is probably long gone

      1. Yeah. Sorry. Don’t have a home camera but found all recordings are deleted by default in 60 days (or 180 max if you change it). Guess it would be gone either way

    2. Ring cameras are affordable for a reason. They aren’t great. Most are battery powered and in order to extend the battery life the sensitivity of the motion detector (on/off) can be adjusted so not to waste energy or memory on every car that drives by.

      I’m sure the reason Brian didn’t appose the motion for the “nest cameras “ is he believes it is too narrowly worded. It doesn’t cover the dozens or even hundreds of home monitoring systems that exist (his included).

      The motion should have been for the router in Brian’s house. Verizon could tell the defense what, if any, wireless cameras were in use at 34 Fairview , the data might still be retrievable?

      The phone is a different story though. No way he’s giving that up until he arrives at his new home in a country that the US doesn’t have an extradition agreement with. SIEZE BRIANS GOLD BARS BEFORE HE CAN RUN!!

    3. The cameras don’t motion activate beyond a certain distance. Those front yards are a good distance from the street. The camera probably doesn’t kick on until something is well into the yard.

  2. Nice breakdown. Likely true regarding Mr. Albert’s motives and actions. If the guy truly were innocent of any wrongdoing, he would not expend so much energy and expense to hide the evidence such as his phone and best friend, Chloe.
    This defense just needs to keep the pressure on these guilty looking witnesses. Just like the state is pressuring Ms. Read, trying to deplete her resources.
    We will not let that happen.

    We ain’t got no quit!
    -Atty Alan Jackson

  3. BA didn’t object to the Google Nest because he knows there’s nothing on it. Either maybe he actually was too lazy to install it, or it was pointed in the other direction or something. He’s defending his phone at all costs because he knows he’s totally fucked if they get that, and he was probably calling Proctor, Chicken Parm, and all the Canton Boyz orchestrating the cover-up. Colin was the asshole that provoked and attacked John, but BA was no doubt the engineer of the cover-up. TB is so right, BA doesn’t give a fuck about his Rep, just look at him. To Jenn her rep is everything. So he is fighting like a dog to protect his phone.

    I like Karen’s chances at the SJC. I can’t stand Henning, but he is a competent lawyer, and his arguments gave Auntie Bev what she needed to screw the defense. But the SJC is one of the most liberal Courts in the US, and they have been curtailing everyone’s 4th Amendment rights for years, so on this one, it’s a liberal win-win for them. It will blow open this conspiracy, which is great. The problem is in 10 years from now when they are looking at everyone’s phone for no reason. But we’ll have to fight that battle another day because these fuckers need to go down.

  4. This is FN CRAZY all they need to do is check his phone from 12 AM to 6 AM… GAME OVER! it will show that he called Lank head and Pickle Boy Proctor told them what had happened. I thought the case was over with Lucky’s testimony no body at 2:30 am. Not to mention no Blood from a 2.5″ gash in the back of his head. Another Ford Edge parked where the body was place around 3 am. A dying police officer in your front yard and you don’t go out to see if you can HELP!!!! or the Nitwits CPD not entering the house with a Cop with no coat and 1 shoe who is almost or probably is dead and they don’t think maybe he was in the house and they should probably investigate then they would have seen the blood all over the basement floor. Then they could have shot Cloe. It would have been all over and Dr. TB could be uncovering other cases we all can get on with our lives and Karen Read could start to put her life back together. Are FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!

    1. Wouldn’t there be foot tracks through the snow coming from the back of the house right to the where the body was placed? I know it was snowing heavily in the 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM timeframe but I’m thinking there might still have been impressions. BA probably broomed them out afterwards.

  5. Brian, why didn’t you go out and help Karen when she was trying to resuscitate your “brother “?, it’s odd that you didn’t reach out to her, nor did anyone, immediately that morning to offer support. I’m also curious why you didn’t go to the ER to support the family of a brother officer who died in, oops I mean, on your front lawn.
    I’m guessing you liquidated some assets and converted it to gold bars,, like after the sudden sale of your house. Don’t think for a second that the FIBs and marshals don’t have your financial records and know that as a former member of the fugitive task force you, of anyone else in this case, would know how to disappear and hide. Your buddy Proctor though, he seems more of a suck on his firearm kind of guy. No way he has a plan to run. But you are too much narcissist , in love with your own persona to ever hurt yourself. The question is when? Do you cross your fingers and hope Jen doesn’t flip when she starts feeling the heat about her “hos long to die in cold “ google search? what about Higgins? What about Adam Lally? You must realize that Adam is the weakest link and his opportunity to claim ignorance has past.
    Well god will decide, and all of you will spend an eternity with Caligula and Nero.

    1. Speaking of BA being in hell with Caligula, do you think Chloe is in Doggy Hell getting paw-banged by hitler’s dog, “Blondie” ?

  6. Im confused(seriously)… why was Brady forced to turn over phone but not a suspect in murder casse? why did Jenn mccabe turn hers over? i dont understand… help me out people please

    1. Brady didn’t turn over his cell phone, claimed it was destroyed. Therefore he got suspended for not cooperating with an investigation.

      1. One thing about this that always bothered me: if Brady never turned over his phone, how did those texts about Peyton Manning leak?

  7. Why didn’t anyone publicly shame Brian Albert or his wife? Have your camera recording the whole time and make them feel uncomfortable anywhere they are. I would have made a huge scene if I saw one of these scumbags out in public. What’s the worst that could happen? They call the cops and they try to kill them too

  8. Chris Albert and Jen McCabe and Matt McCabe have all had public outbursts. Brian is the only one keeping a cool head. Will TB turn up the heat on BA?

  9. One thing I don’t get Where the Boston Police command staff ?? And or the BPD union. ?? Why are they silent. One of there own is dead. And it seems they don’t care either?? Does BA scare the shit out them too like every one else.
    Then there the MSP. Where is there IA investigation into this ??

  10. it’s important to realize that, despite all the rallies, fundraisers and exposure of this case the commonwealth is WINNING. The State & infinite powers it possesses is SO invested in protecting the filthy corrupt political figures or other elites that Brian Albert has life – ending dirt on they’ll go to any and all lengths to ensure ONE thing and one thing only – this case goes to trial. That’s it. They know it’s unwinnable. They know that even if they did somehow win, conviction intently reversed on appeal.
    The only goal is to get it to trial so no one else is charged because then EVERYTHING gets out.
    Canton cop
    drug ring . Canton swinger parties. Corrupt town county and state officials.
    Gay pols. Gay cops. Oh yeah . Ugly.

    1. His carrier (e.g., ATT, Verizon, etc) has a record of every call at the very least. Also possibly text messages if cloud backup is enabled. So, there’s data that can be retrieved regardless of the of the physical device.

  11. 100% Guilty. If I was innocent, I would do anything to show I have absolutely nothing to hide, like hand over my phone for starters. Brian, there was a dead body on your front lawn, and you don’t want to hand over your phone? Suspect. Cooperate with authorities and maybe people wouldn’t harass the crap out of you. This motion is complete trash and if that judge is in favor of it there is clearly a bigger problem here.

  12. I thought Brian Albert sold his house because he and his wife were getting a divorce? Don’t tell me he lied ? I don’t believe it

  13. “But Brian Albert doesn’t care how he looks, he cares what can be proven. He knows that fighting so hard to allow the defense to look through his phone calls during a time when he was supposedly sleeping, looks very suspicious. So far the courts and the police have gone out of their way to protect him, but the SJC exists to correct problematic judges like Beverly Cannone, so his time may be running out. The appeal is expected to be heard in November, and if they reverse her ruling it will drastically change the direction of the Karen Read case.”

    Please DON’T put your faith in the corrupt system to change the obvious mistakes or a disgusting and unaccountable actor (Judge Bev). AK, remember what the NA police DID to you when you tried to explain to them what had happened? The officer in question wanted none of it and knew the burden of proof was on YOU. Family court IS criminal court in Massachusetts. It doesn’t matter the absence of evidence what ultimately matters it’s what the average person will agree to. All the state has to do is lean.

    You’re absolutely correct regarding the behavior of CA, as he is not charged with a crime and contrary to the feelings of many people here, not in any danger of being charged with a crime.

    IF, and this is a big IF; The feds do interject it will be (in all likelihood) AFTER the Read trial (which arguably shouldn’t be going to trial at all). Due to jurisprudence they typically wait to go after anyone, if and when the state is done with their process. But it also should be a reminder to anyone who thinks Karen, or anyone of us would/could be out of the woods given a situation like this.

    Free. Karen. Read.

  14. Brian Albert knows he is cooked if the defense Team gets access to his cell (or home) phone records. No doubt he was on the phone all night with his relatives and Proctor. I am praying the defense wins on appeal here and gets his cell phone records at a minimum. Nothing surprises me though. Just remember Troopergate to understand how deep the corruption goes!!

  15. Scum Bag Greg Henning was gunning to be the next Suffolk DA and now he represents criminals as defense lawyer . . . they’re all scum bags.

      1. It’s possible.

        However it’s just as possible that you are a retarded low IQ asshole with an unfounded opinion; prove me wrong.

  16. Not a single supposed witness saw or heard Karen run over John and not a single witness noticed the body of a large man laying in the snow when they left the house. Give me a break. If I had 10 minutes with each witness in an interview room separately I could solve this crime in 1 day. Shame on everyone involved in this miscarriage of justice.

  17. Brian D Albert is an active Sgt. Det. in the Boston Police Department. They live outside Boston in Canton, MA. Sgt. Det. Brian D Albert has been a Boston Police officer for 29 years. They were paid a total of $241,962.35 in 2020. They were the 211th highest earner in 2020 among Boston Police Department employees. According to woke windows project.

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