TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 159: Paul O’Keefe Swore At Karen Read’s Brother Unprovoked On Way Into Court 


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Paul O’Keefe knows that Karen Read did not kill his brother, but he never liked her so he continues to go along with this sham, which ensures that his brother will never get justice. Paul is happy that the FBI is investigating the Alberts, McCabes, and others, but for some reason he can’t be bothered to ask himself why they’re doing that.

He’s also the beneficiary of a $336K GoFundMe for John’s children, who Karen Read set up a trust fund for. Additionally, Karen Read bailed Paul out of jail in 2020 for a mid-day drunk driving crash in Lakeville that almost killed an elderly man.

But I will not boo Paul O’Keefe or his parents, despite how disgusting their support of the murderers is. Instead I will invite them to join our peaceful protests as we demand justice for his brother.

Last week as Karen Read’s family waited for her at the top of the stairs of Norfolk Superior Courthouse Paul O’Keefe arrived with Karl Dugal and others. As I stood next to Nathan Read I did not say a word to Paul O’Keefe, but Paul began swearing at Karen’s brother unprovoked.

“Fuck you asshole, fuck off.”

I’m not trying to make an enemy of Paul O’Keefe, but stuff like this is why I don’t feel bad for him at all. He is disgracing his brother’s legacy by participating in this sham. If his family spoke up about the way this case was handled then the people who killed him might have been held responsible. His complicity is what allows this to go on. At the very least they should be furious that the way Michael Proctor handled this case ensures that Karen Read will never be fund guilty.

I often wonder why the O’Keefe’s even come to court. Do they listen? What do they think when they hear Lucky Loughran say that John’s body wasn’t on the lawn at 2:30 AM? Why aren’t they upset that the State Police didn’t find out who was driving that Ford Edge? Why aren’t they doing everything in their power to ask questions and hold the DA’s Office responsibility for getting justice for John?

I guess being accepted by Alberts and McCabes matters more to them than John ever did.



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  1. He’s lashing out.

    He knows he’s on the wrong side, but he’s been assured by those close to him: “it was Karen & it wasn’t an accident.”

    I’m going to go ahead and put my own experiences and assumptions into this:
    John was the Boston Cop.
    John got himself an out of town, successful, intelligent woman he loved.
    John didn’t have a drinking problem.
    John took in his niece and nephew.
    John had no issue letting the Alberts know they’re POS and their kid sells drugs.

    Paul heard “Karen killed him,” and that idea sits well with him. “The mighty have fallen,” or, “see? They weren’t happy and successful!”

    Someday, he’ll have to combat why he was so ready to put an innocent woman to jail instead of

    It’s self-centered and self-preserving, while he’s making himself believe he’s “doing it for John.”
    Maybe he’ll wake up.

    His internal conflict is understandable, but f* him for swearing at Karen’s brother. He’s fighting for his sister’s life, he has every right to be there. Yelling at someone across a barrier is truly pathetic.

    1. You are absolutely a moron to pretend you know what Paul is thinking. I hope she is guilty and all you people are exposed for the idiots you are.

      1. Just to clarify . . . are you saying that you hope Karen Read is actually guilty of killing John O’Keefe, or are you saying that you hope Karen is found guilty by a jury even if she played no part in John’s death?

        There’s a difference and it’s difficult to tell from your post which of there two potential outcomes better expresses your sentiments.

        1. I’m just a dog, but I’m good at reading people, the way I interpret the comment “I hope she is guilty” is he hopes she killed O’Keefe. Ya know, like “I hope Brian feels bad for putting a bullet in my head after I bit O’Keefe”,

          I believe this douchbag meant, “I hope she is found guilty”, so who’s the fucking idiot now? That’s basic fifth grade writing skills there boner!

          It’s better to let people THINK your an idiot, than speak and prove it!

      2. Who is this clown? I know it isn’t Sean because that guy can’t go 2 seconds without becoming unglued and melting down.

  2. No good deed goes unpunished. Some folks come to resent people who have helped them during a low point in their lives.

    1. Yep. This happens a lot. Had friend who gave his sister 10 grand to get away from abusive husband. (She wanted to and begged for help!) Friend told her that he didn’t want to be paid back, just glad she’s safe. She resented him for years because he was a reminder of bad days.

  3. While it seems unprovoked since nothing was said to him in person right before this, but I imagine there was something that “provoked” it. (Not saying it’s justified or I think it’s cool, just playing devils advocate). Like maybe something was said/done at the last court meeting or last time they saw each other in person, something said online, through a text, to the media, etc. Something/anything happened before that day to “provoke” it but this was the first time Paul saw him in person since to say this to him directly. Like he had been waiting for awhile to get that opportunity. It’s really sad. Thank you for showing him the respect of not booing. I can’t fathom how I’d feel if it were my family. I would clearly want the truth, and I’d hope I’d look at all the evidence and question the investigation and “facts” here – but I think sometimes it’s easier for families to cling to a narrative, even if part of you questions it, because it’s easier to believe SOMETHING over not knowing the truth of what actually happened, or dealing with the intense anger and pain that comes with a possible coverup or whatever the reality may be. I have never been in his situation thankfully and it’s better not to shame them or treat them like they’re part of any potential coverup.

    1. John’s O’Keefe’s family apparently has some Norfolk County victim’s advocate acolytes in their ear. Those advocates are paid by the county to remind O’Keefe’s family – at every available opportunity – that Karen Read is a conniving, manipulative cold-blooded killer whose family is giving Turtleboy tens of thousands of dollars to write untruthful things about Albert/McCabe/Proctor/Morrissey, etc.

      Whether or not the O’Keefe family believes this is entirely up to them, I suppose, but you can bet that the “advocates” hint subtly at legal repercussions for not toeing their smudgily-drawn line.

  4. The police are telling him 1 thing the good DR. is saying another. He seems like a hot head but the poor guy lost his sister and brother in a matter of years I can see why he is upset and lashed out at Karen’s brother. He has to look and see how foolish the DA and Police look. There was no body no blood another car parked where the body was discovered the changing stories from the Police after she was formally charged. Hopefully if the Defense Team ever gets a chance to examine the evidence and BA’s phone he will see that we all had his brothers back. Remember he has lost 2 family members in a short period of time.

  5. Cops should spend time studying and mastering the constitution. They should be instructed to never comply with an unconstitutional order. Police should be empowered to disobey illegal or unethical orders. We should all want fair and just police. They have the legal authority to take a human life. The most serious action a person can take. Much should be expected of them. We should hold police to the highest possible standards and pick the highest quality people not just any goon with the last name Albert. We should all want this.

    1. Like Covid mandates. Totally absurd and unconstitutional. Yet the cops enforced the bureaucrats idea of keeping us safe.

      I don’t blame the patrolman who had to do this. It was the chiefs and command staff who put the pressure on the cops to do it.

    2. Many police put their paycheck and pension first. They will do whatever they are told as long as it comes from officials who can affect one or both. Law/constitution comes 3rd. That’s why they’ll arrest people over illegals covid stuff, etc. “I was just following orders,” did not die at Nuremberg. It still goes on daily across America. I am not anti-police, but I’m not blind and stupid either.

  6. Imagine how wild their victim impact statements are gonna be at Colin Albert’s trial after this comes to a head?

  7. So many Masshole tough guys/girls. Bald angry fat guys and over done hags cursing in public, flipping the middle finger, fighting like dumb teens. The most disgusting people in positions of power.

    Karen Read manages to be calm and beautiful.

    1. Karen Read’s grace and elegance is natural and just about effortless. She doesn’t have to try. She just is. I guess that’s what’s chafes them the most.

  8. I dont get it. Everyone has a right to their opinions. This is a grieving brother. Why make another part 159 (which is ridiculous in its own right) about him. Leave him alone. He has every right to tell you to fuck off. He lost his brother. Also, wayyyyyy too many posts about Karen Read. 159 is ridiculous. I cant even read it anymore. Its monetonous. We get it. She is not guilty. Put it all in one article and move the FUCK on, dude.

    1. Why does he have the right to verbally attack KR’s brother?
      The individuals who feel there are too many “parts” to this story do not comprehend that TB is the ONLY one reporting on this story.

      No. We don’t “get it” and we won’t “move on.” Wtf don’t you understand about this cover up…??

          1. Its spelled “you’re” not your a tool. Idiot.

            How so? I completely agree with Karen Read being innocent but because I dont blindly follow Turtle Boy like you that makes me a tool? So, youre saying that whatever TB writes you agree with 100%? If so, thats fucking strange, man. Get a life you loser

      1. Because he sits in court and has death stared her down for 30 days?
        That’s what he’s there for, not to listen to the evidence.
        He’s blinded by hate.

    2. He has the right, obviously. But your bias shows that you’re only thinking about HIS feelings. Yes, he brother is dead from murder, that’s as bad as it gets. But imagine your sister’s life was hanging in the balance because State and Local Governments and Law Enforcement officials were trying to send her to prison. And just ask Wendy what kind of violence and abuse she’d be facing for decades even though she’s innocent.

      Stop looking at just one side. At least we express sympathy for your guy. You seem to have no interest in doing the same.

      1. Who is “my guy”? What are you wackadoos going on about. I have said she’s innocent. That’s not what I’m talking about. Bunch of morons that can’t read or comprehend written words

        1. Your poor punctuation skills don’t make your posts any easier to comprehend.

          Also you typed all the words you wrote. If you’re going to attack the reading/comprehension skills of others, you might want to use the correct the verb when you spew your vitriol

      2. You can’t defend these people and at the same time, say “I think Karen Read is innocent.” and be taken seriously.

        Unless you have sympathy for people that continually, knowingly WORK AGAINST justice for their dead family member.

  9. You’re posting a FRACTION of their full interactions. It’s hard to judge him in total.

    And what proof is there Paul didn’t give the kids the gofundme money? Like a loving uncle would? You are implying he didn’t give it to them, but on what basis? What receipts do you have? Show us.

    1. You obviously are connected to these people and have a point of view to get across. Even if you’re “on the other side”, if you calmly explain and discuss your viewpoints, people here or on the FB page will discuss it back. If you’re not an asshole about it, no one is gonna harass you and make you into a TB Star or anything.

      1. I thought I was pretty calm 🤷🏻‍♀️. TB swears frequently I really didn’t think saying he was being a dick was out of line

    2. There are no receipts, of course. You’re correct. It’s no different than the baseless allegation that Karen Read and/or her family pay Turtleboy massive sums to write stuff. But that rumor persists, unabated, as well.

      People will make what they will out of both. Neither will be allowed as evidence of Karen Read’s guilt or innocence at trial. I doubt any of it will come into play in a subsequent corruption trial (if there is one).

      1. I believe that 2 wrongs don’t make a right. I agree, if there is not proof that Karen/the Reads is/are paying TB, then it shouldn’t be spread as fact.

        Regardless of if things can be used at trial, they can still be hurtful.

  10. I can see this stemming from resentment. The kind of resentment drunks get when you bail them out and after they crash and almost kill an innocent person but that person that bailed you out scolded you and told you that you were wrong and need to straighten up and get sober.

  11. Paul is a punk. Wanna be tough guy, who only talks shit when he has a bunch of people around him. He needs a wake up punch to the cocksucker!

  12. TB can be a real dick. He gets himself a click bait winner and really milks the shit out of it. Chasing people out of the courthouse and berating them with his phone in their faces. These are lifelong friends of Johnny, most with no connection to Canton. They’re there to support the O’Keefe family going through their SECOND incredible tragedy.

    And now we’re just going after Paul because he swore at Karen’s brother? TB, you can have it both ways. Throwing bombs at everyone one the O’Keefe side of this, not caring enough to be a bit more precise in who your going after; and then clutching your pearls when Paul swears at the Karen’s brother. This is the same brother that showed up at Johnny’s house in canton (just hours after he died) to help Karen and her father move her sparse belongings out and hurriedly remove the Lexus? Was he standing next to Karen and his father when she told the O’Keefe family and the kids she’d probably never see them again (was she not planning on going to the funeral??) or had he already taken the Lexus away? Maybe Paul has a reason to be upset with Karen’s brother…

    TB, you want justice for Karen? Fine. Do what you’ve been doing with the evidence. We all want the entire truth to come out.. But these personal attacks are bullshit. Paul is dealing with unimaginable pain and tragedy. And you want him to be a gentleman? To paint him as some hothead asshole is way off the mark.

    And all you TB riders that think you know all about Johnny, Paul, Karl and others from this site haven’t a clue. Your opinions aren’t worth a damn. And I pray that you and your families never face similar tragedies. If God forbid you ever do, I hope your pain isn’t compounded by personal hit pieces and untruths published to influence the public.

    1. I’m not a fan of TB. My sympathies lie with the O’Keefe family. I entered this case without researching,
      The 13th juror.
      I am pretty well versed in criminal trials.
      I have a decision, but it doesn’t count.
      What I do know is that Paul O’Keefe has positioned himself in the courtroom for 30 days in a seat where he can glare at Karen Read.
      I don’t think he’s even listening to the evidence, based on his behavior.
      That’s creepy, no matter how you want to justify it.
      And let’s not talk about the mother during Proctors texts.

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