TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 161: Jen McCabe Was Seen At The Proctors House At 6 PM Tonight Despite Allegedly Not Knowing Them Personally


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Today at 6 PM a turtle rider sent us this image of a Jeep registered to Jen McCabe (license plate H 500) parked at the home of Michael and Elizabeth Proctor at 6 Wentworth Road in Canton.


#freekarenread #johnokeefe #justiceforjohnokeefe #cantoncoverup #massachusettstiktok #canton #ma #bostontiktok #greenscreen #greenscreenvideo #karenread #fyp #jenmccabecopkiller

♬ original sound – crimejunkie

As far as we know, Michael Proctor is still the lead detective in charge of investigating the murder of John O’Keefe. This proves (again) that he has a personal relationship with Jennifer McCabe, who was never treated as a murder suspect, even after it was revealed that she Googled “how long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM, while she thought John was at home sleeping.

I had several turtle riders over there within 30 minutes and the Jeep registered to Matt McCabe was gone. We had them take pictures of the two vehicles parked in the driveway and ran their license plates. 80 D is registered to Michael Proctor.

774 TF7 is registered to Elizabeth Proctor.

This proves Jen McCabe was there at the same time as both Proctor parents.

ADA Adam Lally has stated unequivocally in court several times that the Proctors do not know the Alberts or the McCabes, and thus there is no conflict with Michael Proctor investigating the death of a Boston Police Officer found at a home where the Alberts and McCabes were drinking until 1:47 AM on the morning of January 29, 2022.

“There is no conflict. Trooper Proctor is not conflicted in this case. There’s been some photographs purporting to be Trooper Proctor with one of the McCabe children who are a witness in the case. The child is not one of the McCabe’s children. The McCabes have four daughters, that’s not one of them, it’s a relative of Trooper Proctor. I has nothing to do with the McCabes.”

In Michael Morrissey’s press release last month he stated that Proctor had “no close personal relationship with any of the parties involved in the investigation.”

Despite allegedly not knowing each other personally, Jen McCabe was inside the Proctor home on a Monday evening at dinner time.

Shortly after seeing that photograph we made a Facebook post asking for anyone near Canton to drive by and take pictures. Jen McCabe must have seen this post because she fled the house and by the time turtle riders got there the Jeep was gone. A turtle rider went by her house, which is just a quarter mile from the Proctor’s home, and saw her Jeep parked way up in the driveway, in order to make it look like she had been there for a long time.

If she had just walked we never would’ve been alerted to this undeniable proof showing a personal friendship between the two families.

Chief Helena Rafferty and DA Morrissey have both issued demands that we stop investigating the Proctors and McCabes, and now we know why – they’re protecting the people who murdered John O’Keefe and covered it up afterwards.

Why was Jen McCabe at the Proctors house at dinner time if she doesn’t know them personally? Why not just call them on the phone? The only thing I can think of is that she knows her phones are likely tapped by the FBI. Any communication these people have with each other now has to be done in person. That’s why we won’t stop confronting them in public, we won’t stop asking them questions, and we won’t stop documenting their behavior. This is the work the police are supposed to do, but since the Canton Police Department and the Massachusetts State Police are corrupt organizations that protect cop killers, it is incumbent upon us to do their work for them. We will never stop, we will never listen to their orders and demands, and we will not rest until the animals who killed John O’Keefe and framed Karen Read are held accountable.

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  1. That’s so strange. She is pretty stupid to think she would go unnoticed. The Judge won’t care, Rafferty doesn’t care, and MSP will not investigate. These scum bags will walk. It is an outrage! Proctor should lose his job for this!

  2. I hope Karen’s legal team has a field day with these photos. Never underestimate the power of turtleboy and turtle riders!

    1. sigh…… put the chalks down…. sigh….. don’t show those to the people before showing me… sigh…….. put that away…. sigh…. ugghhh…. sigh….

  3. Hey Jen, Tick tock, you disgusting excuse for a human being, time is running out. Maybe organize one of those swinger parties before it’s too late. Get the fun in, girl.

  4. Did Proctor tape the interaction or is this another friends and families meeting? Defense is owed an explanation of what was being discussed. Morrissey owes the public an explanation. Auntie Bev should be infuriated. Is this witness tampering by the chief investigator?

  5. This is a game changer at the state level . However, I believe the fbi is more corrupt than Morrisssy office and still will do nothing.

  6. This is brilliant. THANK YOU to the faithful Turtle Rider who sent in the initial photo and thank you to the Turtle Riders who rushed over there to get follow-up shots. These people are incestuous and we need to keep filming their interactions. The swingers network is alive and well in Canton!!

    1. I wonder if the jeep would’ve been noticed so easily if she didnt need to have the low plate (all about status), since there are so many jeeps out there,

      Didnt her Uncle Kevin Weeks become a RAT. he probably still has ties to the FBI

  7. Surely this was by design. Just like Lally’s leading question to BA about the nest camera. Every move is calculated here.

    1. Exactly. She knew everyone would see it, but why did she want to be seen there? Maybe to look like they’re trying to sue TB?

  8. Nothing to see here as usual. After Alan Jackson drops this bombshell at the next hearing …Lunchbox will just reply “more fanciful fishing by defense your honor”. And Auntie Bev will just roll her eyes and tell “Mr. Jackson” that “he can appear by zoom next time”

  9. This horse toothed jackass is gonna be the one to break and blow (literally and figuratively) the case wide open. She’s the only one that can’t seem to stay out of the spotlight. She must be giving Proctor a dinner time Hoover today while his wife watches… her days of swinger parties will soon be replaced with unwanted D Block sex at MCI Framingham.

  10. A character realizes they’re being spied on and searches for the device, usually a tiny microphone or camera to get rid of it. They could go to such great lengths to tear apart their entire room to search every nook and cranny to find it.

    To communicate the information to their allies, they may turn on some music to drown out their voices or use non-verbal means like writing or hand signals.

    Though less common, it is possible the bug is found through standard security procedures. Sometimes a character will be able to instantly find a bug without an extensive search, usually to show that they are extremely skilled or because they know how the eavesdropper thinks. A common way to discover a bug is with a radio, since it may be able to pick up radio waves transmitted by the bug.

    More often than not, it’s a heroic character learning that the villain has been spying on them. It can be switched around if the hero is a spy character who gets their cover blown.

    See also Bluff the Eavesdropper. In comedies this often overlaps with Incredibly Obvious Bug.

  11. The Defense Team needs to have their PI go door to door and get all or the ring cameras for the past 30 days. Imagine all of the meeting? It will also catch them lying. Because you know they will try and lie about how long they were there. I would go door to door and say that we are investigating cop killers can you please help us Canton Residents.

  12. A character realizes they’re being spied on and searches for the device, usually a tiny microphone or camera to get rid of it. They could go to such great lengths to tear apart their entire room to search every nook and cranny to find it.

    To communicate the information to their allies, they may turn on some music to drown out their voices or use non-verbal means like writing or hand signals.

    Though less common, it is possible the bug is found through standard security procedures. Sometimes a character will be able to instantly find a bug without an extensive search, usually to show that they are extremely skilled or because they know how the eavesdropper thinks. A common way to discover a bug is with a radio, since it may be able to pick up radio waves transmitted by the bug.

    More often than not, it’s a heroic character learning that the villain has been spying on them. It can be switched around if the hero is a spy character who gets their cover blown.

    See also Bluff the Eavesdropper. In comedies this often overlaps with Incredibly Obvious Bug.

  13. She went to see the proctologist.
    Canton allegedly is an azz play community and allegedly she’s deep into it.
    Time for the Seinfeld quote and qualifier
    Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That.

  14. They must have needed to talk about something pretty “important “ and clearly wanted to avoid having cell phone records of the conversation.
    Stay vigilant TB, this is truly a case of good vs evil. The father of lies is not done playing so keep god in your heart and continue to be courageous.

  15. Jen probably doesn’t even own a cell phone anymore. After all her incriminating texts and calls someone most likely made her throw it away. She only gets to talk in person now.

  16. There is no legitimate reason why she should be at his house. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. These people are soooo dirty! Drop the charges!

  17. My thoughts… the prosecution et al. are now trying to protect Albert and Proctor because of the cases they have been and still are involved in. Just think what it will mean for the people they have had a part in getting put away WHEN it is actually proven what they have clearly done here. This is going to blow up worse than that crime lab fiasco and I for one can’t wait to see.

    1. The number of people involved in perpetuating this sham indicates that assurances have been made by those in power. Turtle riders need to keep hitting the dam with these hammers. It’s slowly cracking, but it needs to break.

  18. Jen, Conflicted and Instron Liz have pretty much killed any hope of Proctor’s non-conflicted status. This is pure gold! Can you imagine being Liz, Matt, Mike Brian, Colin, Chris, Morrissey, Lunchbox Jenn Jill, Nick the Dick et al, knowing that their families are about to be obliterated. Any semblance of life halloween and swinger parties….poof! Gone! I hope they all burn in hell….

    1. 3, 4, and 5 number-only license plates are coveted. A plate like A 500 comes up on the plate auction every year. The fact that these scumbags think that it’s a status symbol is why they can never get out of Canton.

    2. Yep. The only way to get such an even plate like 500 or 80 is to have well connected political friends in the state government. Cops see those low plates and know not to fuck with them.

    3. “Don’t get one of them low number plates. No bumper stickers. No fancy colors. You stick out like a sore thumb. Regular plates, they’re harder to remember.”

  19. This might be the thing that finally breaks the case. They have to dismiss this case before proctor loses any more credibility.

    1. Nice observation and interesting question. Did he get put on leave yesterday? Something happened which has them concerned is what triggered this meeting I would guess.
      In the coming days I believe we see these people respond to the inevitable in various ways; Brian may try to disappear, Proctor may behave irrationally and self destructively, while others try to flip to save themselves.

  20. This goes to show the low number lottery by the registry is fixed! How’s both these hacks get low plates??? Hopefully next year both of these plates will be up for grabs!!

    1. never mind the plate lottery! the real issue is how they wash money with winners in the state lottery. Their haven’t been mostly true winners since Joe Malone was secretary in the 90s. They got rid of him fast! CORRUPTION IS EVERYWHERE!

    2. Of course it is fixed. plate numbers ending in 0s, double 00s, triple 000s etc. go to those that have very, very tight political connections. They are handed out as gifts for political favors.

  21. Way to go Jen! You just took another step towards your cell! Your laziness is going to be used to give lally a big headache. Hos long for Adam Lally to get sick of protecting you?

  22. Just wait until they are asked “do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God” you can add perjury to the charges

  23. Auntie bev you did this for not making the DA answer for any potential conflicts between proctor and potential witnesses/suspects. Any potential Proctor conflicts should have been addressed months ago. He could have been put on the stand or asked to sign an affidavit with whether or not he knew any of the suspects/witnesses.

  24. It would now seem apparent that Jennifer McCabe is just not the brightest bulb in the circuit. All she had to do was walk. It’s a 10 minute walk. Very dumb parking her Jeep on the street right outside Proctor’s home…very very dumb.

    1. She is probably scared (rightfully) to walk anywhere! So many Turtle Riders everywhere will make her little walk a living Hell.

  25. If Burgermeister Morriseyburger was smart, he’d be considering throwing Proctor under the bus at this point if he doesn’t, he’ll be only digging his hole deeper this is his chance to get out and throw proctor out to the wolves as a corrupt cop that he is.

  26. If Burgermeister Morriseyburger was smart, he’d be considering throwing Proctor under the bus. If he doesn’t, he’ll be only digging his hole deeper. This now would be his chance to get out of the fire and throw proctor out to the wolves as a corrupt cop that he is.

  27. Jen will turn states witness soon Shes gonna be a rate like her Uncle.

    “His whole family’s all rats. He would’ve grown up to be a rat” Tommy DeVito Good Fellas

  28. There is definitely a political connection with Jennifer McCabe in order for her to receive those special “low digit” hot commodity license plates. No one in Mass gets such a distinct license number such as H500. Look at Michael proctor’s 80D plate number…with even less digits and a nice even 80…meaning he is “well” connected to get that plate. Only Schmucks and the “Random Fuckin’ Citizens” get the 6 digit license plates.

    1. That’s been the unwritten subtext that has enshrouded this entire case – “ political
      connections “- beyond Morrisey , likely Federal level Senate/ Congress/ cabinet position. Proctor / Albert/ McCabes have the juice on one or more influential persons which has prompted this coverup & Cannone, Lally and Morrisey to follow orders…. Blackmail & payback.

  29. Micheal Morrissey needs to speak to his county on this!!!
    Norfolk county residents need to seriously petition, call for resignation and protest harder than ever!
    How fng dare he come out with an unprecedented video saying Detective Proctor does not know these people.
    Then these “witnesses “ are at his freaking home residence.
    Seriously, enough is enough.
    The Alberts and McCabes smirk and laugh.
    I know lots of good police men in Norfolk county!
    These people make you look like your going along.
    Full revolt on this corruption is necessary.
    I call all local police officers that also know this is the cause to stand with the people in their communities.
    You do no want this DA screwing up the cases you worked hard on!
    The fact that the screwed up a clear car of murder on officer Chesna should have been enough.
    WhT will be enough?!!
    You all know Karen Tead sis not do this!
    you all are not governed nt Mike Morrissey!
    Take a stand!
    Do what is right!
    Stop the corruption. Many of you have that opportunity. How will you sleep not doing a thing?!
    STAND UP!!!!
    Tou are good people.
    You have lots of others in your position who will stand up with you!

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