Canton Cover-Up Part 161: Jen McCabe Was Seen At The Proctors House At 6 PM Tonight Despite Allegedly Not Knowing Them Personally


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Today at 6 PM a turtle rider sent us this image of a Jeep registered to Jen McCabe (license plate H 500) parked at the home of Michael and Elizabeth Proctor at 6 Wentworth Road in Canton.


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♬ original sound – crimejunkie

As far as we know, Michael Proctor is still the lead detective in charge of investigating the murder of John O’Keefe. This proves (again) that he has a personal relationship with Jennifer McCabe, who was never treated as a murder suspect, even after it was revealed that she Googled “how long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM, while she thought John was at home sleeping.

I had several turtle riders over there within 30 minutes and the Jeep registered to Matt McCabe was gone. We had them take pictures of the two vehicles parked in the driveway and ran their license plates. 80 D is registered to Michael Proctor.

774 TF7 is registered to Elizabeth Proctor.

This proves Jen McCabe was there at the same time as both Proctor parents.

ADA Adam Lally has stated unequivocally in court several times that the Proctors do not know the Alberts or the McCabes, and thus there is no conflict with Michael Proctor investigating the death of a Boston Police Officer found at a home where the Alberts and McCabes were drinking until 1:47 AM on the morning of January 29, 2022.

“There is no conflict. Trooper Proctor is not conflicted in this case. There’s been some photographs purporting to be Trooper Proctor with one of the McCabe children who are a witness in the case. The child is not one of the McCabe’s children. The McCabes have four daughters, that’s not one of them, it’s a relative of Trooper Proctor. I has nothing to do with the McCabes.”

In Michael Morrissey’s press release last month he stated that Proctor had “no close personal relationship with any of the parties involved in the investigation.”

Despite allegedly not knowing each other personally, Jen McCabe was inside the Proctor home on a Monday evening at dinner time.

Shortly after seeing that photograph we made a Facebook post asking for anyone near Canton to drive by and take pictures. Jen McCabe must have seen this post because she fled the house and by the time turtle riders got there the Jeep was gone. A turtle rider went by her house, which is just a quarter mile from the Proctor’s home, and saw her Jeep parked way up in the driveway, in order to make it look like she had been there for a long time.

If she had just walked we never would’ve been alerted to this undeniable proof showing a personal friendship between the two families.

Chief Helena Rafferty and DA Morrissey have both issued demands that we stop investigating the Proctors and McCabes, and now we know why – they’re protecting the people who murdered John O’Keefe and covered it up afterwards.

Why was Jen McCabe at the Proctors house at dinner time if she doesn’t know them personally? Why not just call them on the phone? The only thing I can think of is that she knows her phones are likely tapped by the FBI. Any communication these people have with each other now has to be done in person. That’s why we won’t stop confronting them in public, we won’t stop asking them questions, and we won’t stop documenting their behavior. This is the work the police are supposed to do, but since the Canton Police Department and the Massachusetts State Police are corrupt organizations that protect cop killers, it is incumbent upon us to do their work for them. We will never stop, we will never listen to their orders and demands, and we will not rest until the animals who killed John O’Keefe and framed Karen Read are held accountable.

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