Canton Cover-Up Part 163: Kerry Roberts Showed Up To The Proctor Household An Hour After Jen McCabe Left 


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Yesterday we published a story proving that Jennifer McCabe was at the home of Michael and Elizabeth Proctor at 6 PM yesterday, despite claims from the Norfolk County DA’s Office that there is no personal relationship between the Proctor and the McCabe families.

An hour and a half later at 7:30 another car was reportedly spotted outside the same house, and Lizzy Proctor came out to speak with the driver.

Although it’s hard to read that plate in the photograph the passerby was able to write it down – 2YR T79 – a Ford Explorer registered to Curt Roberts, the husband of Kerry Roberts.

What reason is there for Kerry Roberts to speak with Elizabeth Proctor? The only thing I can think of is that she was possibly approached by the FBI and didn’t know what to do. As far as I know, Kerry Roberts has not been accused by anyone of committing a crime. She may be a bad mother who uses her children as props and gets into drunken disputes with her husband that involve the police, and she may be a bad friend to John O’Keefe for befriending the people who killed him and posting a picture of John’s nephew in a D&E Pizza baseball uniform, but no one has ever suggested she was involved in his murder.

This is more confirmation to the theory that these people are no longer speaking on the phone with the Proctors because they believe their phones are being monitored. What would suddenly make them believe this? Why would Jen McCabe and Kerry Roberts both drive less than a mile to the Proctor household during a time when they’d be getting their children ready for bed, and have a conversation with them when they could just call or text? Is Proctor no longer involved in the investigation due to a suspension? Are they looking for the name of a new contact? Michael Proctor has been the quarterback of this coverup from the beginning, and Lizzy Proctor has been his loyal foot soldier who has been helping him out. It would make sense that both Jen and Kerry would look to them for advice and guidance. Either way, these are encouraging developments.

Just remember, Michael and Elizabeth Proctor gave up this:

Out of loyalty to this guy:



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