TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 163: Kerry Roberts Showed Up To The Proctor Household An Hour After Jen McCabe Left 


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Yesterday we published a story proving that Jennifer McCabe was at the home of Michael and Elizabeth Proctor at 6 PM yesterday, despite claims from the Norfolk County DA’s Office that there is no personal relationship between the Proctor and the McCabe families.

An hour and a half later at 7:30 another car was reportedly spotted outside the same house, and Lizzy Proctor came out to speak with the driver.

Although it’s hard to read that plate in the photograph the passerby was able to write it down – 2YR T79 – a Ford Explorer registered to Curt Roberts, the husband of Kerry Roberts.

What reason is there for Kerry Roberts to speak with Elizabeth Proctor? The only thing I can think of is that she was possibly approached by the FBI and didn’t know what to do. As far as I know, Kerry Roberts has not been accused by anyone of committing a crime. She may be a bad mother who uses her children as props and gets into drunken disputes with her husband that involve the police, and she may be a bad friend to John O’Keefe for befriending the people who killed him and posting a picture of John’s nephew in a D&E Pizza baseball uniform, but no one has ever suggested she was involved in his murder.

This is more confirmation to the theory that these people are no longer speaking on the phone with the Proctors because they believe their phones are being monitored. What would suddenly make them believe this? Why would Jen McCabe and Kerry Roberts both drive less than a mile to the Proctor household during a time when they’d be getting their children ready for bed, and have a conversation with them when they could just call or text? Is Proctor no longer involved in the investigation due to a suspension? Are they looking for the name of a new contact? Michael Proctor has been the quarterback of this coverup from the beginning, and Lizzy Proctor has been his loyal foot soldier who has been helping him out. It would make sense that both Jen and Kerry would look to them for advice and guidance. Either way, these are encouraging developments.

Just remember, Michael and Elizabeth Proctor gave up this:

Out of loyalty to this guy:



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    1. Probably not from a criminal act perspective, but you can bet the Feds and Karen’s lawyers can tie her close enough to it that the possibility of being considered an accomplice in the set-up, complicit, aiding and abetting, etc, on at least a civil level that it keeps her awake at night. Every night. That’s a bad position to be in, and low hanging fruit if they’re looking for a witness to flip.

  1. Reduced to clandestine meetings and hiding in their own town. How the mighty have fallen.

  2. Did Kerry have any involvement in any of this? Why is she getting involved in a possible murder conspiracy? Seems ill advised.

    1. I agree with TB – someone squeezed her due to her ride with Jen McCabe and Karen. If that’s all they have, she’s a fool to have either driven Jen or gone over there alone.

      1. remember in the beginning when the story was coming out, How Jen said Kerri called the police station and area hospitals looking for John? Why did she do this? and what time were these calls made? Were they made before Karen had arrived at Jen’s house? Why would Kerri call local hospitals? Did Jen ask her to make said calls?

  3. Kerry Roberts is nothing more than Jen McCabe’s useful idiot. Jen used Kerry the morning John O’Keefe’s body was found and Jen used Kerry to be her Justice for JJ courtroom buddy. Jen knew she was spotted at Proctors house earlier, took her Jeep back home and called Kerry for a ride back over there. I’d bet anything Jen is in that car with Kerry Roberts.

  4. These nitwits gotta be shittin their pants now! They thought they owned the town, and were untouchable. Now they have the citizens, that they thought feared them snappin pics and videos of there every move. They gotta know the walls are closing in!! Keep it up guys. Tick tock

  5. Doesn’t take a Rocket Surgeon to know, Proctor was fed a new narrative by his Colonel, and was told, with nodding my head, “ You know how to handle, Correct…?”
    No texts. No phones. No interwebs. Pals, talking’ wit’ pals, so pals can talk about things.

    1. Yes, exactly that.
      But somehow 2 witnesses end up at his house?
      When does this shit show just end?
      What will Lally say about that?
      I cringe to think of the mumble.
      If Lally had even a little back bone, or a thought how to save his career. He should say that’s it. I’m done. F this. I can’t keep throwing this be out there.
      Go out on his own. Do some boring lawyer work and save himself.

  6. This story just gets uglier by the day. Enough already. There’s a reason the entire BPD has remained silent. Time to be heard boys

  7. Kerry Roberts drove in car to find John with Jen right or was that someone else? If she did what did she know already?

  8. A rumored fight that got out of hand may end up turning into 5-10 people in prison and others with lost jobs or reputations. Honestly is always the best policy.

  9. Something tells me this wasn’t his first rodeo. All these corrupt cops have done some sketchy shit before.

  10. Lally will say something stupid like Jen is working to Uber Eats now and was simply delivering mediocre chicken parm sandwiches

    1. I was thinking the same thing, or, “ the vehicle registered to the McCabes was seen there, a family member was driving it when they experienced mechanical issues, specifically they ran out of gas, and were not even aware Trooper Proctor lived there.”

  11. I’m guessing these 2 ladies showed up to Proctor’s to try and get info or assurances with the FBI heat in them. Proctor is smart enough to know he’s being surveilled and was probably like “what the hell are you doing here?!?!” when these two showed up one after another. Dumb girls making dumb mistakes. That’s my theory. Like a crazy psycho ex that just shows up at your house and you give them the “everything’s ok, we’re totally good, but you can’t come here anymore!”

  12. 100% agree that Jen and or Matt are in Kerry’s vehicle. Interesting that Lizzy felt the need to have her sweatshirt hood up and covering her entire head on a 60 degree evening don’t ya think?

    Short term this will do nothing for Karen, at trial (if Auntie Bev allows the jury to hear it) it’s going to drive home reasonable doubt!

    Not sure the corrupt MSP will even care, but Proctor should have disciplinary actions taken against him! He’s either lied about his close friendship with the McCabes and Alberts, or he’s coaching witnesses, we all know he’s guilty of both!

  13. How can Jen, Kerry, or Proctor be credible for the prosecution if it is found they were conducting an off the books meeting?

  14. These buffoonish Canton socialites have Alexa or Siri and twenty phone Apps recording their every utterance and gps location at home and in their cars but they think meeting in person creates privacy. Stupid is as stupid does. Enjoy prison!

  15. Seeing the Albert clan literally hiding in public because they KNOW that the world knows and now seeing the rest of them (McCabe + C Albert) scattering like cockroaches whenever a camera is around, and they are always around, is soooooo satisfying. The puckering that is surely going on with Jen McCabe must be something to behold for those around her. If the trial is televised Jen McCabe on the stand will be must see TV.

    1. If it’s up to the judge as I believe it usually is, it’ll never be televised plus the state will oppose it of course. That’s the second most sickening part of this.

  16. If you’re a friend of Brian Albert and reading this, he’s not worth you falling on your sword over. His life is effectively over. You can come out of this. If you’re in the wings of this conspiracy, removed from the core, you can make a deal where you don’t have your life destroyed. Proctor, Colin, Brian, Chris, Jen, they’re all completely done for. Nothing you do will change that. If self-preservation is an animalistic instinct you have, you’re going to sing like a canary. You’ll get dragged down with doomed murderers if you don’t. The only question is, how long do we have to hold your feet to the fire?

  17. I think its criminal for a material witness ( Jen McCabe and Kerry Roberts) to be going to the home of a LEO who is investigating the case they are involved in!

  18. Does Kerry realize her ass is bigger than Matt Mccabes? While Jen is going gaunt. Kerry seems to be eating Jens leftovers.

    1. lol stress eater vs stress non-eater. It’s taking its toll for sure plus I think Jen enjoys powdering her nose occasionally. She’s got that look about her.

  19. Kerry Roberts and her husband are regulars at Matt Kelly’s Pub. The answers to many questions can be found there

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