TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 171: Michael Proctor Is Not Listed As A Certified Police Officer On Updated POST List


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The newly formed Massachusetts POST Commission forces officers in this state to re-certify every 3 years, which they can’t do if they’re being investigated for a crime, have an order out against them, or have been suspended from the job. It’s noteworthy that the list released yesterday did NOT include Michael Proctor’s name anywhere on it.

I did include Yuriy Bukhenik, who certified last year, since his last name begins with A-H. Proctor was required to re-certify by July 1.

When officers are not certified they are still included on the list, with  “not certified status,” and a reason why.

The only one I could find on the list who was not certified and had resigned was former Springfield Police Officer James Cooney, who resigned in 2020 after a domestic assault arrest. Officers who resigned are only on the list if they have been charged with a crime, in order to prevent them from obtaining employment with a different police department. If Michael Proctor resigned before being charged with a crime then his name would not appear on this list. Brian Albert is even included.

It’s unclear what happened with Michael Proctor, but as of July 1, 2023, he was not listed as a certified police officer in Massachusetts. However, after that date Proctor did conduct interviews with several people who were inside 34 Fairview Road on the night John O’Keefe was murdered, including Colin Albert, Caitlin Albert, and Brian Albert Jr. The last documented interview he conducted was on August 10 with Lucky Loughran, in response to the story we published two days prior about the plow driver not seeing a body on Brian Albert’s lawn.

There have been several clues that lead us to believe that Proctor may not be involved in the Karen Read investigation any longer:

  • Proctor did not participate in the interview with Allie McCabe on August 25
  • Proctor’s car is always at his house now
  • Jen McCabe and Kerry Roberts both were seen parked at his house last week, indicating that the conspirators are no longer speaking on the phone
  • The Commonwealth began amending reports he had written, claiming that he had made errors
  • Yuri Bukhenik has a new partner who he is using to interrogate, threaten, and intimidate people he believes are giving information to Turtleboy about the Alberts and McCabes
  • Rumors of a duty status hearing taking place two weeks ago at MSP headquarters in Framingham were prevalent in our inbox

If Proctor isn’t a certified officer, then how long has the DA’s Office known that Michael Proctor is no longer listed as a Massachusetts State Trooper? Why have they not revealed this to Karen Read’s defense team? Why haven’t they been transparent about the reasons why he’s off the case, if in fact he is off the case? Is their plan to throw Proctor under the bus in an attempt to salvage this case?

Either way, the charges against Karen Read need to be dropped immediately if in fact the lead investigator in her case is no longer an officer of the law.

P.S. You’re next Yuriy. Keep spending your remaining days on the force harassing random dispatchers and courthouse workers. It won’t save you. I am the trooper now.



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  1. The bigger they come, the harder they fall…BRILLIANT work by TB. Really makes you wonder how many other Karen Reads there are out there. Without Aidan Kearney’s relentless investigation of this story, none of us would have any idea of what really happened at 34 Fairview, and KR might be looking at hard time.

  2. Does he really need to be a police officer to work as an investigator for the DA? Maybe he has actually been promoted.

    1. It would be more likely the Patriots signed him to replace Mac Jones than him becoming an investigator for fat boy Morrisey🤣🏈🐢

    2. No. All DA offices rely on State Police investigators. They do not employee their own investigators. Regardless, his name should appear on this list if he is a certified police officer.

  3. I doubt these people haven’t all made their social media private by now. Kind of makes you wonder who is TB’s mole on the *inside*, providing him with all of these incriminating photographs.

    1. He got all these screenshots prior to them being smart enough to make their profiles private if they did make them private currently. They never imagined someone would connect the dots!! The internet is forever 🤣 😂 😭

  4. I wonder if Proctor’s visit to the big house showers with Bubba and Clete are going to kinder and gentler now that he’s a dirty cop. I bet a few of the Canton cum buckets would volunteer to drop the soap after seeing their pathetic husbands boyfriends.

  5. Where’s ashton kutcher? This feels like an episode of Punk’d. No way these bombshells are real life..

  6. Can’t be good news for the Alberts, Lally and the rest of the crime family. Probably just the first show to drop. Higgins is probably cooperating- stupid if he wasn’t .

    1. Higgins is ATF, which is federal, so I’m guessing he wouldn’t be included, but I could be wrong. Someone will correct me here if I’m wrong.

      1. Ok thank you for clarifying, I’ve never heard of this list so I wasn’t sure how it worked. Good to know!

  7. I am betting by resigning all his previous cases don’t come into question now. Unless someone knows a guy who will dig into these cases with a relentless enthusiasm to put Proctor, Meatball Morrisey and Yuri the soon to be Soldier for the Ukrainian Army away for good!!!!!

    1. …that isn’t how it works– If he is investigated and found to have committed any type of misdeed then his cases could be reopened regardless of his employment status. Why would it change?

      1. I was thinking he retired so there wouldn’t be an investigation but it don’t matter as long as they get him

  8. Any doubt he’d still be on the list if not for TB’s investigative reporting? TB: you are on the right side of history and your reporting leaves the mainstream media in the dust! Tireless + fearless!!

  9. My question is how could he still be interviewing witnesses, representing himself as a State Police Officer if he wasn’t certified? Unless he was operating within the extension. Are the extensions 3 months long? And then when October 1st came (3 months after July 1st), he still didn’t certify so he resigned/got fired, therefore not making the list?

    1. The list was just publishing so it is up to date as of the day published. The hearing was like only 2 weeks ago. If he resigned at that hearing, he would not appear on this list.

    2. An explanation would be that he was certified by July 1, but between July 1 and the time this list was published, he is now no longer an officer. And if he’s no longer an officer, then something big happened or is coming down the tracks and is about to happen.

      Related: I bet those that were in the house that night are getting very, very nervous. It must be torture knowing that any day, any minute actually, the black SUVs could pull up to your house. That would haunt somebody for the rest of their life.

  10. I wouldn’t bet the farm on this POST site’s informational accuracy … relying on the data entry skills of a Comm of MA public employee, likely a “diversity hire” , in determining a ‘case breakthrough’ a little premature at best .

    1. bish who you talkn bout!! shut yo mouf you narrow ass cracka I earned dis job thru hard work!!!!!

  11. The lead investigator in a murder isn’t even legally a cop.. what?

    No wonder Yuri requested the search warrant for the dispatcher’s phone. Proctor could not he isn’t a cop.

  12. Is there a possibility that he has flipped as well? Maybe he’s beginning to throw others under the bus to save himself? I’m cooking the popcorn and waiting for this to play out

  13. I’m confused, I searched on my friend that is an active state trooper and actually pretty high up. His name doesn’t show up either. I just remembered a newer statie and his name doesn’t show up either. WTF

  14. The first photo of Proctor with his pinky to his lips is quite possibly the gayest photo of an alleged straight, married man I’ve seen in a while!!

  15. Turtle do you have her bra on under her trooper shirt? Keep up the pressure!!

  16. Oh! Bing! We looked around and found this guy has his credential things. We’ll get that on the intewebs y’know, quick as a bunny

    -signed, all us useless hacks, livin’ fat off you tax payin’ suckers.

  17. Pretty sure Trp. Proctor is on paid admin leave!! He most likely had a confidential duty status hearing at MSP headquarters, He was represented by his union and the union attorney as he was read the violations of MSP rules & regulations. The command staff informed him of his rights and took his weapon and badge, The internal affairs unit will investigate the claims and he will be notified of their results and decision. If they had him nailed with evidence, he might have resigned after the hearing at the advice of his union and legal counsel.

    This will go deeper his immediate supervisors will be questioned also, for signing off on proven falsified legal documents. There is no room for all these errors and excuses in a homicide investigation, you are jeopardizing people’s lives and freedom. But I forgot this liar would never resign, that is the reason for these in-person meetings because Proctor knows they coming to Canton!!

    Unlike the Proctor and Sgt. Bukkake botched interviews they half assed, the interviews of close family and friends will be professionally conducted by superior officers in MSP. First, they will ask for a state issue Id, then inform them this interview will be audio recorded. Please state your name, dob and current address for the record. Keep it up Doctor, you caught them red handed now the squeeze is epic. Their actions created this reaction. Ps and Bukkake still doing stupid shit, he lost his mind he’s scrambling trying to intimidate people and it’s not working!!

  18. Might have been said in other comments but word is MSP detectives and special units do NOT appear on certification list.

    1. Sergeant Bukkake is listed as certified. He is a Sgt. detective assigned to Norfolk district attys office. The list also has plain clothes narcotics and gang unit personal in cities, towns and State Police as certified. Where is PROCTOR name???

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