TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 177: Court Audio Reveals Chris Albert Said Turtleboy Disrespected Pizza Place, Thought I Was Going To Assault Him At Select Board Meeting


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This morning I received the court audio from Chris Albert’s failed attempt to obtain a harassment prevention order against this award winning journalist for the crime of peacefully protesting his family’s involvement in the murder of John O’Keefe. I will be airing it on an impromptu live stream in a couple minutes, without comment. Tonight on the Live Show at 9 PM I will be breaking it down more in detail and sharing my thoughts on the matter. You can watch and/or comment by subscribing to our YouTube channel by clicking here.



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  1. Chris Albert is such a little bitch. Without Brian, Lank or someone else to back him up he has no balls. Must suck to be him.

  2. He was so scared that he walked right up to you and demanded you leave his store. He was so scared of you he followed you to the door and continued running his mouth after you left. Chris, you’re pathetic.

  3. Turtle next time your at his pizza place look in there, I bet he has that rotting gyro thing sitting on some rack behind the counter they all have that God knows why

  4. How does D&E get away with not being handicap accessible? I would like to go there but my wheelchair will not get up the step. I thought at least one entrance needs to be handicap-accessible, and there should be clear signage to indicate the location of the accessible entrance.

    1. Center Pizza next to Walgreens across the street is where you want to go. D&E was built before the ADA so they’re grandfathered in.

  5. Any business that provides goods and services is required to comply with Title III ADA standards. If your small business gets sued for violating ADA accessibility guidelines, you could find yourself in a costly lawsuit

  6. Can we call the bullshit line “a town divided” what it really is? It’s bullshit…..this jackass got on the town job with a background in flipping pizzas and a credit history that reads like an obituary. His shitbag wife has the same credit worthiness, and defiance to repay debt after a judgement gets levied. So spare me the divided bullshit that this clown was on the up and up prior to a botched murder that involves his immediate family. He’s not a victim.

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