TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 189: Canton Police Officer Intimidates Citizens Who Signed Petition To Audit Police Department After Anonymous Woman Claims Her Signature Was Forged


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Several weeks ago concerned citizens of Canton launched a petition to hold a special town meeting to do three things in light of the Police Department’s mishandling of John O’Keefe’s murder, and the Select Board’s censorship and failure to hold the Police Department accountable:

  1. Discussion with Select Board and Police Chief about the Police Department
  2. Whether or not to vote “no confidence” in the Select Board and Police Department for not meeting ethical standards and good governance
  3. Whether or not to hire an independent auditor to investigate the SB and CPD

The effort was organized by award winning journalist Kathleen Howley, who organized a drive to get the necessary 200 signatures from registered voters to call for the special town meeting. They received well over 300 signatures, and successfully got the meeting scheduled for November 20.

Amongst the concerns for the people of Canton are:

  • Selectman Chris Albert, a man with over $60K in tax liens, dozens of civil court judgments against him, and a previous 6 month incarceration for killing a man, is in charge of a $145 million annual budget.
  • Police Chief Helena Rafferty accused peaceful protesters in town who attended the July 22 rolling rally of being guilty of felony witness intimidation.
  • Chief Rafferty refuses to answer questions from taxpayers on the record, opting to only have private one-on-one conversations.
  • Chief Rafferty refuses to look into the fact that her officers reported not finding any pieces of Karen Read’s tail light, or John O’Keefe’s shoe, when they responded to 34 Fairview Road on January 29, 2022, but the State Police found 35 pieces of tail light and the shoe 12 hours later after 18 inches of snow had fallen.
  • The Select Board banned public comments at meetings, and only allowed them after being threatened with a lawsuit by the ACLU.

There is nothing that elected and appointed leaders in Canton fear more than accountability, which is why it was necessary for the citizens of Canton to take this unusual step to force transparency. However, the citizens of Canton may have underestimated just how committed the people who run their town are to maintaining the status quo, because the Canton Police are now intimidating the organizers and threatening to investigate them for criminal behavior after an anonymous complaint about a fake signature.

To summarize:

  • An anonymous “victim” allegedly went to CPD on October 19, claiming that her signature was forged, which police called a “very serious crime.”
  • Canton Police have begun to visit the homes of people who signed the petition to ask them if they did in fact sign it, where they signed, when they signed, and if they were coerced into signing it, which many find intimidating since they are essentially endorsing an investigation into the Police Department itself.
  • Howley received a phone call from Officer Ted Lehan, demanding to know the identities of the people who were in charge of collecting signatures so that they could be investigated by police.
  • When Howley asked Officer Lehan the name of this “victim,” he refused to tell her.
  • Howley says that the police should not have even seen the petition, or any of the names on it, since it was submitted at Town Hall. Since they are calling people whose names are on the petition then it is strong evidence that someone at Town Hall leaked the information to police, for the purposes of intimidation.
  • The anonymous victim would have had no way of knowing that her name was on the petition if she didn’t sign it, because the petition was not made public record.
  • This means that it is either an outright lie, OR that someone who opposes the movement for transparency signed their name or another person’s name with the intention of later claiming that their signature was forged (ID is obviously not required to sign a petition).

It’s almost like they have something to hide.

There is no length that the police and town officials won’t go to in order to avoid transparency, and they don’t care how it looks. In Canton there is a culture where the police are above reproach, and the 5 lifetime townies on the Select Board have no desire to hold the police accountable. These people have known each other their entire lives, and they’re not about to let a bunch of opinionated middle aged women disrupt the way things have always been done.

The officer in charge of tracking down and intimidating taxpayers into giving him names so he can accuse them of committing a crime, is school resource officer Ted Lehan.

Just like countless other officers in the department, Lehan’s father was a Canton cop. When you enter CPD headquarters you are greeted by a “Hall of Honor” that is filled with last names of current officers, almost all of whom graduated from Canton High School. Here’s a picture of Lehan with 1991 graduate Kevin Albert, and 1998 graduate Sean Goode (the sergeant and close friend of Jill Daniels and Courtney Proctor who was in charge on the morning John O’Keefe was murdered INSIDE 34 Fairview Road).

At tonight’s meeting the Board will be holding a vote to appoint Lehan to a position called Police Prosecutor Officer.

I have no idea what that position entails, but I can all but guarantee you there will be no debate and he will be appointed with a 5-0 vote. He’s a townie, legacy, white male cop, who is doing his part to try to prevent the special town meeting from auditing the Police Department and Select Board. That’s all they need to know to vote for him.


The Police in Canton treat certain people, like the McCabes and Alberts, as royalty. These protected people were not investigated after a dead body was found on Brian Albert’s front lawn, or after Jen McCabe’s 2:27 AM Google search for “how long to die in cold” was discovered. Their houses were not searched, and their devices were not seized. The Police Chief threatened to have people arrested for lawfully protesting outside of their homes on public streets, and said that the McCabes and Alberts were innocent despite never investigating their involvement in John O’Keefe’s death. They have done nothing to find out who was driving the Ford Edge parked where O’Keefe’s body was discovered at 3 AM, but they have plenty of time to harass and intimidate citizens who are demanding transparency.

Luckily the town of Canton is filled with highly educated, highly motivated, and resourceful people, who will only be more determined to hold officials accountable as a result of this latest intimidation tactic.


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  1. Wow, they really are desperate. All this effort to find out one signature that may or may not be legit. I wonder if someone intentionally signed it to then dispute signing it later?

    But either way, what a complete waste of time and money. And still, no word on who was driving that Ford Edge that likely belongs to a KILLER. There’s still a KILLER on the loose in CANTON and the police don’t care.

  2. Just as an example how folks in positions working around money are expected to manage theirs well also, I was young and living beyond my means working in accounting at the time. I had too much pride to ask my dad for a loan so I resorted to a payday loan store. They wanted to verify my employment and I explained they could not do that since I worked in accounting or I’d lose my job. They understood and instead accepted my bank statements to prove I’d been working at the same place for several years.
    So yeah, someone in massive personal debt managing $145M is just a slight f’ing problem!

  3. What this shows is that – at best- Karen will be acquitted. There is little to suggest (even despite the FBI investigation) that anyone else will be seriously investigated or charged for O’Keefe’s murder. It may, unfortunately, be one of those on investigated, unresolved murders everyone sees on true crime television. The cops think they had the right person, which individual is found not guilty, but they feel the case is closed and failed to investigate further. This may just fade away without any answers.

    1. The cops know she isn’t the right person. They know a vehicle did not cause those injuries.
      Any other cop that isn’t from Canton knows a car didn’t cause John’s injuries.
      They just covering, and yes unfortunately you could be correct that it will fade away when she is acquitted.

  4. Who the hell would ever choose to live in this sh1t hole of a town? Jesus, these A-holes in the CPD and SB are destroying $10s of millions of real estate values. I admire the bravery of those stepping forward. I look forward to the karma and wrath to be bestowed upon SB, Rafferty, the former chief, and those cowards on the CPD Who did not refute MSPs tail light, ahem, discovery or admit their utter incompetence.

  5. I’m just hoping when the next selectman’s race is held, all these pieces of shit are removed by a nice legal vote. Time for a clean sweep, please tell me people are organizing this already?? Then when there is new leadership, absolutely go after these cocksuckers who are denying the residents their voice and rights. The main issue of the race should be if you were a part of stonewalling the residents concerns, if so buh bye mo fo s

  6. I hate to say it and hope i’m wrong but….
    I think that the people that killed JO and those that covered it up are going to get away with it.
    The FBI indictments will never come.
    Karen Read will be tried and acquitted, obviously, as convicting her was never the goal. Rather, a sideshow to occupy judicial resources and the media.
    We will all know what happened, but no one will pay a price for their crimes.
    The mainstream media will not seek the truth, and as a result many will be unaware of this obvious cover up.
    i hope i’m wrong, i really do. But as i look at this right now, this is how i see it playing out.

    1. i think karen will be acquitted but its murky as fuck as to whether actual justice will occur. If this was wayward pines all our phones would be ringing and it would be time for a reckoning.

    2. It’s hard not to be cynical. This is what happens when you have 1 part rule for so many years. All accountability is gone because the media needs access in order to function and they have clearly decided to join them rather than fight them.

    3. Everybody knows that the sham “investigation” was botched from the start and there will be Zero Justice for JJ!!!! Everybody knows that they did it (mccabe, alberts… ) but because of the incompetence and/or evil genius those in charge of protecting and serving only protected and served themselves. Those responsible will literally get away with murder. mccabes and alberts, go fuck yourselves.

    4. probably right. No one will come to investigate, no-one will prove O’Keefe went into the house and there is no case.

  7. The ONLY good thing to come from this fever dream is seeing good, true salt of the earth folks coming together and saying “no, I refuse to be afraid and I won’t go away quietly without a fight”. I’m so proud to be part of this movement-we all should be.
    God bless the United States of America and the folks willing to stand up for it.

  8. Hos long before the homeowners of Canton file a class action suite against Aiden for single-handedly making the town look bad in pursuit of a mythical coverup/conspiracy? And hos much money will Aiden have left in the bank after the inevitable onslaught of civil actions, some of which will probably take place while he is serving time?

    1. That’s a ridiculous statement. The reason the town is now suffering in terms of it’s reputation is due to a murder and a very suspicious investigation that is highlighting corruption in town. This corruption is also highlighting just how incompetent the town leaders are. That’s no fault of Aidan’s. He has only exposed what was already present.

      But I do think residents may see a dip in property values. But again, that’s not Aidan’s fault that the so called “leaders” are either corrupt and/or incompetent. Honestly, Chris Albert being on the Select Board and making financial decisions for the town is so wrong.

    2. So, let me understand. Some concerned citizens exercised their right to petition their local government over the FACT that a proven drunk driving killer with thousands in debt is running their town’s budget and they’re upset by this, but the goons in charge send out a cop to intimidate the citizens and these scare tactics done by these corrupt officials on their own was somehow orchestrated by Kearney?
      And this intimidation doesn’t bother you? How do you know some day it won’t be turned on you when you cut the wrong guy off, give him a finger, he turns out to be a Canton cop or public official, runs your plates and drags you out of your house? Far-fetched? Based on THEIR actions and reactions to lawful inquires…No it isn’t

    3. On what grounds will the homeowners of Canton file a class action suit? (Not suite) Making the town look bad? Hahaha – good one, Alberta. Whatever you’re smoking must be top shelf…

    4. Hos long will the Albert trolls continue to blame Aidens reporting the facts as the problem instead of holding murderers and corrupt town officials accountable. LoL these people will never sue Aiden because they would then be open to a deposition please find another scare tactic…

    5. Damn. I forgot all about the “Making The Town Look Bad Class Action Suit”. That’s right there on the Massachusetts Bar Exam, isn’t it?

      Pick a city. Oh, I dunno – say Boston. Can you think of any politician who made that town look bad recently? Is there also a “Making The State Look Bad Class Action Suit”? “Making The Nation Look Bad Class Action Suit”?

      Albert Sharon, I’m just wondering here – is the “Making Turtleboy Look Bad Class Action Suit” right around the corner for you? That’d be fun.

    6. All Brian Albert has to do is release data from his phone of that night – we will see who’s lying
      Total fraud and coward

    7. Hos long before Canton property values tank because no one wants to live in such a shady back ass cop land?
      Guess what?
      Everything that’s out there is forever how all of “you” will be known.
      People everywhere will recognize you years down the road and know what you did and what you covered up.

  9. Canton is completely out of control and I hope the FBI, Secretary of State and Attorney General are all taking note of it. This is one of the most egregious violations of constitutionally guaranteed rights I can ever recall in MA. This is the equivalent of a Mafioso coming over and saying, “nice place you’ve got here, it would be a shame if something happened to it.”

    MA has many petitions every year. Some of them are Initiative Petitions to enact or repeal statewide laws. Nobody ever investigated people who signed these petitions because that would be clear cut voter intimidation. I hope the petition organizers have called the Secretary of State and AG’s offices and filed formal complaints. These would be monarchs need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law. I expect another wave of early retirements once they realize how bad they F’ed up again.

    I’m glad we passed on that really nice house in Canton all those many years ago. I can’t imagine living there now. I’m glad my kids weren’t indoctrinated into their way of life because it has no future. Not anymore. My town’s got problems but nothing like theirs.

    1. PS – the odds the person filing the “forgery” complaint is a connected person is 99.8%

      A full scale investigation that exceeds the work done in the John O’Keefe murder investigation has 1 clear intent: Intimidating the citizens of Canton who demand transparency and accountability. Normally, all the Town Clerks do is throw the signature out and reduce the total accordingly.

      1. How would that person even know that their name was “forged”? The list doesn’t appear to be public yet, so…

  10. The industry I work in requires a clean credit check and criminal check. Any public office position in the state of Florida, where I live part time, requires the same. But Canton? Massachusetts? Nope. Crooked and dirty.

  11. all they have to do to prove JO was in the albert’s house and this would all be over
    The new orders, sometimes called “geofence” warrants, specify an area and a time period, and Google gathers information from Sensorvault about the devices that were there. It labels them with anonymous ID numbers, and detectives look at locations and movement patterns to see if any appear relevant to the crime. Once they narrow the field to a few devices they think belong to suspects or witnesses, Google reveals the users’ names and other information.

  12. This has to be the USA most corrupt city. It is actually unbelievable that this goes on and so blatantly too.

    1. Clearly you have never visited Chicago. This is bad but what goes on there…… much, much worse.

  13. If you didn’t know that this story were in fact true you might think you were reading a sketch for SNL or something… moms peacefully collecting signatures at a farmers market should be number 999 on the list of things the canton police department is investigating… I can only imagine the absurd questions “Who collected your signatures at the farmers market… did they in fact buy organic vegetables? “

  14. If the cowards of the Canton pd didn’t do anything wrong then they got nothing to worry about.

  15. This will not go away – keep fighting for the truth – those politicians in charge where voted in – it’s time to vote them out – Canton needs a colonoscopy –

  16. What is up with the old creepy guy again with his way to close body contact. It’s strange and threatening. The skinny, thinks he’s a cool kid against the wall blowing bubbles with his gum while people talk? He’s what again? Prison guard? Sheriffs office? Name please?

  17. So how does this corrupt cop keep his job after intimidating women who signed this? He should be fired immediately! They just arrested TB for fake intimidation less than a month ago and this dumb 🤡 does this!

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