TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 214: Lori Ann Phillips Acquitted Of Running Over Husband In Snow Despite Autopsy Report Showing More Bodily Injuries Than John O’Keefe 


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Lori Ann Phillips was acquitted of 2nd degree reckless homicide on Friday in the 2019 killing of her husband Mark Phillips in Holmen, Wisconsin.

Several circumstances in this case are eerily similar to the Karen Read case.

  • The two of them had been out drinking before returning home.
  • Prosecutors claim that Lori ran him over with her truck and left him to die in the snow.
  • Lori found his body on the lawn at 6 AM and called 911.
  • Mark weighed 220 pounds.

However, there are many things about Lori Ann Phillips that make her look more guilty than Karen Read:

  • Witnesses saw them fighting at the bar, whereas even the McCabes and Alberts reported seeing John and Karen getting along and being affectionate.
  • Lori Ann accused him of domestic violence after he died.
  • There is no third party culpability defense of Lori Ann.

But the thing that stood out most was the autopsy. Although we don’t have a picture of his body, the description of the condition Mr. Phillips was in was much different from John O’Keefe’s autopsy pictures.

This is what bilateral facial abrasions look like:

This is what John O’Keefe’s face looked like:

If John’s face hit the ground it would cause abrasions, not black eyes and small cuts.

The cerebral subdural hemorrhage and contusion of left temporalis muscle are brain injuries. John O’Keefe had neither.

Mark Phillips had abrasions to his torso region, including an interior left flank contusion. This is what that looks like:

John O’Keefe had no bruises, contusions, scrapes, cuts, lacerations, abrasions, or broken bones below his eyes.

Mark Phillips had multiple fractures to his left ribs associated soft tissue hemorrhage, and extensive left sided pulmonary parenchymal lacerations with associated hemothorax. In other words, he hit the ground so hard that it caused severe damage to his lungs, which caused a huge build up of blood between the lungs and chest wall.

John O’Keefe’s lungs were perfectly fine.

Mark Phillips had multiple abrasions and contusions of the bilateral upper and lower limbs (his arms and legs).

John O’Keefe didn’t have any abrasions or contusions on his arms or legs. He did have a boxer’s fracture on his his right knuckle, and parallel lacerations all over his arm, something Mark Phillips didn’t have because he didn’t get into a fight and get chewed up by a dog.

Mark Phillips had injuries to his upper left deltoid (upper arm), left thigh, left tibia, right patella (knee), and a contusion to his right tibia.

John O’Keefe’s arms, legs, and knees were fine after allegedly being struck by a 3 ton vehicle traveling 24 mph in reverse.

In other words, Mark Phillips’ body looked exactly how it should look after being hit by a large vehicle, whereas John O’Keefe’s body looked exactly how it should look if he was beaten, attacked by a dog, and left to die in the snow.

There were other differences as well:

  • Mark Phillips body was frozen when he was discovered in the 20 degree weather. His body and belt was literally frozen to the ground because he had been out there for 7 hours (11 PM to 6 AM). John O’Keefe was alive when first responders found him and had likely only been outside for a couple hours at most. If Karen Read had struck him at 12:30 his body would’ve been completely frozen as well.

  • Lori Ann Phillips told police that she was in the middle of a heated fight with her husband, and that he had crossed in front of the truck and was standing next to her door when she hit the gas. There were no witnesses to confirm or deny this. John O’Keefe and Karen Read were not fighting that evening, and witness Ryan Nagel reported seeing Karen Read sitting alone in her SUV with John nowhere in sight. Karen Read does not report John aggressively trying to get into her car, and claims that she drove off after patiently waiting for him for 10 minutes.

  • Lori Ann Phillips has a story that isn’t really that believable. She claims she went to go find a hotel at 11 AM but booked the wrong date for one hotel, and another hotel didn’t have any rooms, so she slept in her truck until 2 AM before deciding to go home. When she walked back into the house she says didn’t see the body. Karen Read’s story is that she went home, waited for John to call, fell asleep on the couch for a couple house, and then went looking for him. She saw his body as soon as she arrived at Fairview Road, but the other people inside the house had a similar story to Lori Ann Phillips – they didn’t see a body in the snow.

  • During cross examination the prosecutor pointed out that Lori Ann Phillips told police that she “didn’t hit him or anything” with her car (4:00 minute mark of video). Prosecutors said that she offered this up to police without being asked about, and suggested that it was evidence of a guilty conscience because “the thought at least had crossed your mind, that you hit him.” This is eerily similar to Karen Read allegedly asking Jennifer McCabe “could I have hit him?”

Despite the fact that there is no other explanation for how Mark Phillips ended up dead with those injuries on his front lawn, and despite the fact that Lori Ann Phillips claimed he was abusive, and that the two of them had gotten into a drunken fight, it took the jury just four hours to acquit her. The jury in the Karen Read trial will need much less time than that.


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  1. Every time I see those autopsy photos of John O’Keefe I am disgusted and saddened..

    This poor man was treated worse than an animal by the Canton Crew. To not help a person that is hurt and suffering is cold blooded, cruel and downright EVIL. These are EVIL people and I just hope that their days of freedom are nearing an end.

    I am encouraged though because in the past week or so it seems that this case is being talked about more and more in everyday places. Just yesterday it was a contractors supply house where they expressed disgust at the cops, State Police and the obvious framing of Karen Read. The other day it was picking up a coffee and hearing other customers talking. Anyone just learning of the case is raising eyebrows and every day there are more and more people realizing it’s a corrupt case.

    Every time someone participates in a Stand Out on an overpass, a peaceful protest, posts comments with links, etc all those things are creating awareness and that awareness is getting people to ask questions. The support for Karen Read keeps growing while the anger and disgust at those responsible for killing John and those responsible for helping to cover it up grows too.

    Take a look at the Canton Police Department Facebook Page and you will see comment after comment that questions them, roasts them, and points out their involvement in this corruption. Imagine, the local police department being shamed the way they are? An embarrassment for the Town of Canton. If this keeps up then every good cop on the CPD will then have a difficult time trying to distinguish themselves from the corruption.

    Keep getting the information out because the more information out there the more people see what is happening…

    Ignore the trolls, the pathetic misfits, the chatter and listen to your own gut instincts…

    1. Cpd has a fb page hmm never even thought about that huh idc I have no reason to go on it trust I want to stay far away from that C T C

  2. And for the MA STATE POLICE…. We have learned the many details of this case thanks to Turtleboy… We know how corrupt the investigation was, we know why it was corrupt. We know a lot now and we are watching and waiting for the MA State Police Officials to do the right thing and hold these troopers accountable for their role in this corrupt case.

    The longer you ignore it the worse it will get. The general public will lose trust in your organization and everyone in it. Every case they work on will be and should be scrutinized. By protecting corrupt officers they are diminishing the honest and ethical officers. Just lumping them all together… not fair to the good ones.

    Because let’s be honest here… this can’t be the first time they did this.

    1. I’m sorry but there are No “good ones” they have had plenty of time to speak up and that hasn’t happened. All they do is cover for each other no matter what.

      1. You are right in that they have had plenty of time to speak up but I don’t think they are all bad. I think the ones involved in the investigation are obviously corrupt. It’s the leadership that needs to speak up because not doing so is making the whole organization look corrupt. That’s a real shame because there are plenty of very good and devoted officers out there.

      2. I agree with you 100%!! The other day a retired LEO commented on here about not all cops are bad, there are good ones, how he is disgusted with the facts surrounding this case, as are all the cops he knows, don’t loose faith in the good ones, so on and so forth. I’m sorry, you’re not a good cop if you don’t speak up about this! All these cops that are disgusted with how this case is being handled should be speaking up publicly, plain and simple! But they don’t, they have the “thin blue line” mentality bullshit and say NOTHING, or post anonymously on here saying “not all cops are bad, don’t loose faith in the good ones”, instead of doing the right thing and speaking out against this travesty!! And let me be clear, Read’s guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it, Aidan’s guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it, it’s about how this investigation was botched from the very beginning, it’s about how the MSP executed a search warrant and did a felony arrest with the Violent Fugitive Apprehension Section (VFAS) unit and planned it so it would go down IN FRONT OF A BUS FULL IF KIDS!!

        Doing the right thing most of the time doesn’t equal a good cop, doing the right thing ALL the time makes you a good cop! If you’re a cop, and disgusted with this case but say nothing because of the “thin blue line” bullshit, then don’t be pissed the public has no faith in police anymore.

    2. Out of respect for Dr. TurtleBoy’s journalism (widely cited and recognized as trustworthy) what is next step?

  3. Just sit there and take it!!! No protests, no questions, no nothing, just leave us alone while we attempt to railroad KR and AK. The Massachusetts way

  4. Karen Read is wrongly accused of tragic death of Officer John OKeefe
    (TB News Investigation by Aiden Kearney essentially breaks the case)

    Police reports were botched, evidence deliberately mishandled to mislead everyone.
    (MicroDots YouTube)
    (Thirteen Juror Podcast (Episodes: Canton Conspiracy)

    The local real estate professionals and other knowledgeable experts in the community are waiting for honest law enforcement or town officials to speak up.

    Attend Canton High School Special Town Meeting November 20, 7PM

    Aiden Kearney is publicly threatened with incarceration for offering his honest opinion.
    He is my hero.

    1. In regards to the local real estate… I think that the longer that this charade goes on the more it will negatively impact property values in Canton. Why would anyone want to invest in a town that not only seems poorly run but extremely corrupt.

      It would not be smart financially for anyone right now to buy in Canton.

      1. Agreed, I hope residents vote “Yes” for audit. Looks like money came in a few years back to Canton Police MA.gov site (Audits) Today elected officials and town employees need to realize there are receipts, electronic evidence and educated citizens to hold them accountable.

  5. The vote on the 20th is huge and not just for the people who live in Canton. It could have a huge ripple effect on both karen and aidan. It would give credence to what both have been saying all along.

  6. Unfortunately this is much bigger than Karen Read and Aiden Kearney. The Corrupt prosecutor knows every case handled by Proctor is now subject to be re-opened and overturned. This will cost the State far more than trying to put an innocent women in jail and accuse a journalist of witness intimidation. Hundreds of cases being overturned and the number of Lawsuits for wrongful prosecution will be crazy. I believe this is part of the reason they will not drop the case against Karen.

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