Canton Cover-Up Part 231: Ken Mello Called Police On Protesters Outside Chris Albert’s Pizza Shop, CPD Report Says Protesters Charged With Felony For Not Showing ID, Influencing Albert’s Testimony


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The 9 peaceful protesters who the Canton Police Department has filed criminal complaints against for felony witness intimidation and misdemeanor picketing a witness will appear in Stoughton District Court for a magistrate’s hearing in January. A juvenile will be first to go on December 18 in Dedham, followed by four of the 9 in Stoughton on January 4, and the remaining four on January 18. Here is the police report written by Officer Robert Zepf, who twice responded to my protests outside of D&E Pizza and allowed them to continue. The individual who first called the police on the 9 protesters was none other than Special Prosecutor Ken Mello, and Police claim the 17 year old was identified “with help from the Canton Police tip line.”

If Ken Mello was the one who called police then it means that Chris Albert has him on speed dial and uses him as a personal attorney who can be used to get rid of anyone who makes him feel uncomfortable.

Judge Denise Casper denied a TRO in federal court that would’ve prevented the Canton Police from halting future protests in front of D&E Pizza because there was no evidence that the protesters were being banned due to the language on their signs. But the CPD report specifically notes that the signage refers to an “ongoing criminal investigation,” so clearly the language on the signs was the problem.

Additionally, like the good communists they are, the Canton Police ran the license plates of every car parked in the Walgreens and Waterfall parking lots, as well as on the street, to see if the faces on the registration matched up with the faces of the protesters, who broke no laws in refusing to give police their ID. The operation was overseen by Lt. Michael Lank – an officer we have frequently criticized for going inside 34 Fairview Road on the morning John O’Keefe was murdered and not searching the house.

Chris Albert lied several times including when he told police that protesters put a sign in his window and screamed at him. He lied when he said that Jenna Rocco “runs everything for Turtleboy,” in a clear attempt to suggest that I sent her there. He admitted to weaponizing his status as a “witness” in order to prevent people from criticizing him. But the most self-emasculating thing he said was that the 17 year old made him feel “anxious and nervous,” and thought it was going to ruin his business. The same business owner that has been sued almost a dozen time for not paying his bills. He also said he was fearful that they would enter the store.

No signs were ever put in the window, but when Chris Albert tells the police a lie they blindly believe it. Never in the history of mankind has a person been given this sort of special treatment while not being able to offer anything in return except for mediocre chicken parm.

As for the “anxious and nervous” Chris Albert, he was the one who opened his door in a confrontational manner and began creepily filming a minor on a public sidewalk.


Another protester was supposedly identified “by a public tip to police,” and they made sure to mention that he has a FID card. In other words, they are planning to take away his guns by charging him with a felony. They are attempting to violate his First AND Second Amendment rights.

The Police made sure to mention that the protesters were filming them and taking pictures, which indicates to me that they will be applying for a warrant to seize their phones. Nothing is illegal about filming the police in public, but nothing is off limit with tyrants.

The report goes on to state that the protesters violated the witness intimidation statute by being within “eyesight” of Chris Albert, despite conceding on video that the statute doesn’t make any references to eyesight.

Perhaps the most ridiculous claim in the report is that the protesters intended to influence Chris Albert’s testimony, and that it was “more probable than not this incident had an influence on him.”

To top it all off the police charged them with the more serious felony violation of Section 13B because they refused to provide ID to police.

The only thing more absurd than Chris Albert being scared of these people is the idea that his testimony would be influenced by this. Chris Albert’s son Colin was inside 34 Fairview Road when John O’Keefe was murdered, but he claims otherwise. Ironically he tried to get Tom Beatty to change his testimony that Colin called Tom’s daughter at 12:33 and tried to change his story, but hasn’t been charged for that. The idea that Chris would change his testimony and voluntarily put his son inside his brother’s house at the exact same time John O’Keefe was murdered is so laughable that only the Canton Police Department would be dumb enough to believe that.

Of course they don’t ACTUALLY believe that, they’re just weaponizing a statute to protect their close friend and BOSS, Selectman Chris Albert.

To be clear, none of these people were required by law to hand over any sort of identification to police. At the 5:15 mark Zepf said “let me grab anyone’s name who wants to.” He never once told them they had to; he just said they could do so if they wanted to.

Now they are being charged with felony witness intimidation for that, because they allegedly obstructed a criminal investigation into a peaceful protest on a public sidewalk.

At the 4:40 mark Deeanna Corby asks Officer Zepf where in the statute it says anything about being within eyesight of a witness. Zepf conceded by saying, “you’re 100% right, it doesn’t say that.”

There is a good chance the magistrate will find probable cause because courts have a tendency to rubber stamp and blindly believe anything police tell them, because we live in a society where we trust police and assume they are honest brokers. That is clearly not the case in Canton, but it would take a very ballsy magistrate to stand up to the police. Helena Rafferty, who is the driving force behind these charges, is well aware that none of these people will ever be convicted. But the point isn’t to convict them, it’s to drain them of their time and money in order to create a chilling effect that would scare others from protesting in the future. They are clearly trying to make sure these people lose their jobs and access to firearms. They are violating both their First and Second Amendment rights, and are hoping that the protesters will agree to stop protesting in order to have the charges dropped.

That’s what this is all about – protecting the people who murdered John O’Keefe from receiving any sort of criticism.

Cops protecting cop killers.




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