Canton Cover-Up Part 240: Former Norfolk County ADA Michael Morrissey Claims Is Conflicted For Being Married To Federal Prosecutor Has Not Worked For Him In 8 Years


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Michael Morrissey claims that the US Attorney’s Office for Massachusetts is too conflicted to corruption out of his office in the Karen Read case because a former ADA who worked for him is married to a high ranking federal prosecutor in the public corruption unit. He did not say who either of them were, but a federal prosecutor named Dustin Chao comes up on several high profile public corruption cases out of the US Attorney’s Office. Upon further review Chao is married to Attorney Laura Greenberg-Chao, a partner at Henshon Klein LLP.

She was previously honored by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly as one of the Top Women of the Law in 2018 for being a role model for young women entering law, and making contributions to the legal profession. She sit (or sat) on the Board of Bar Overseers, is an adjunct professor at New England School of Law, and has devoted time to pro bono work for asylum matters.

She has been a partner with Henshon Klein LLP since 2017, and has worked there since 2015. Her tenure as an ADA in Norfolk County was brief, lasting just two years from 2013-15.

She likely makes significantly more money in private practice than she was making as an ADA, which is why so many quality lawyers go into private practice.

Michael Morrissey is now arguing that the government agency that exists to oversee public corruption in offices like the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office, cannot investigate him because this woman who briefly worked in his office a decade ago is married to someone who works in public corruption for the government agency that exists to oversee public corruption.

Obviously this is not even remotely close to being a conflict. He has not alleged that this woman has some sort of long standing grudge against him, and she likely doesn’t since she left 8 years ago for greener pastures. But even if she did it wouldn’t matter. You can’t just halt an investigation into you because one of the people who may or may not be investigating you is married to a woman who briefly worked for you 10 years ago.

Now compare this level of conflict to the conflict that Michael Proctor has with the McAlberts, which he is OK with. Proctor is close friends with the most important witnesses against Karen Read, and intentionally chose not to investigate any of them as potential suspects. Dustin Chao isn’t trying to protect anyone, isn’t friends with Karen Read or anyone else who would benefit from this investigation, and hasn’t done anything like Proctor has to suggest that he is covering for guilty parties. It is beyond laughable that Morrissey would accuse anyone else of being conflicted while maintaining a straight face.

This is how desperate Michael Morrissey is to stop the investigation into him. If he had nothing to hide then he would welcome it, but clearly there is something he doesn’t want the federal government to discover. Perhaps it’s the fact that his office has gone out of their way to protect Brian Albert and the other people who murdered John O’Keefe, or that he withheld exculpatory evidence from Karen Read’s defense team, or that he was well aware of Michael Proctor’s obvious conflicts with the McAlberts. Whatever it is, he is petrified of what is going to happen to him if this investigation doesn’t end, and he’s trying desperately to stop it. Unfortunately it’s not working, and clock is ticking.


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