TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 243: Real Estate Agent From Firm That Sold Brian Albert’s House Writes Scathing Letter Accusing “Miscreant” Turtleboy Of Being Behind Diabolical Audit Of Canton Police Department


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This is Gilda McGonagle from Canton.

She submitted a letter to the Canton Citizen about the recent vote to audit the Canton Police Department, and she wasn’t happy with the people who voted Yes, or with a certain award winning journalist.

Only on Planet Moron can you be called “anti-police” for demanding a thorough investigation into the murder of a police officer. Notice how she calls it a “subversive movement,” and suggests that they are going town to town trying to defund the police. Not once has any of these people ever suggested they are anti-police or want them defunded in any way. They just want a better return on the investment they’ve made as taxpayers.

Better Boomer really needs to chill out with the hyperbole too. There are no diabolical minds at play, nor is anyone’s life being a target for annihilation. It’s unfortunate that Gilda thinks I’m a miscreant, but the people who spearheaded this audit are not affiliated with Turtleboy. I had nothing to do with the Special Town Meeting, I just happen to support them 1,000%.

As for the “Canton is so divided because of the people who want transparent government” bullshit, the only people dividing Canton are the McAlbert supporters. If you’re gonna pretend like you give a shit about “coming together,” then maybe don’t refer to other concerned citizens as a “radical group of hate filled zealots.” If your home values erode it’s because nobody wants to live in a town run by corrupt hacks like Chris Albert and John Connolly. Nobody wants to live in a town where a bunch of murderers are roaming free and going to your kid’s soccer games. The “constant attacks and threats” that Canton Police have to deal with are nothing more than concerned taxpayers trying to find out how their local police department bungled a murder investigation so badly.

Don’t worry though Gilda, good people will still want to run for town office. The problem now is that bad people like Chris Albert currently hold office. We’re fixing that problem.

It should be noted that Gilda works for Raveis Real Estate, the firm that sold 34 Fairview Road.

Realtor Eric Hanson told every potential buyer at the Open House that no pictures could be taken, and ended up selling the house for $50K less than asking price. Another agent for Raveis named Renee Roberts, the sister in law of Kerry Roberts, is believed by many to be behind a troll account on social media that often shares anti-Karen Read propaganda and has left negative reviews for businesses that support the Free Karen Read movement.

Ironically, Gilda is very active in politics and campaigned for Charlie Baker and Karyn Polito.

It’s OK when she’s politically active, but when others in town are politically active for causes she doesn’t support, then they’re being diabolical, subversive, anti-police, hate-filled zealots, out to cause the annihilation of civilized society. Gilda liked it more when her friends could murder people, cover it up, and not get any pushback. Sorry Gilda, but you’re not in charge anymore. You can call me a miscreant if you want, but I’m also your new Mayor, so you better get used to your new normal.



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  1. Those who believe this is an “anti-police movement” are grossly mistaken and clearly have no understanding of the facts. Many police officers in Massachusetts support you. And many BPD officers stand behind what you’re doing. Many LEO wives and families follow you and agree with you. This is NOT about anti-police. It’s about anti-corruption and seeking justice for one of our own.

  2. You’re upset over the Audit of the police department voted in by your local townies. Wait for the FBI’s investigation you may have the National Guard Policing your town

  3. More pathetic misfits aligned with the Alberts, McCabes and Proctors…

    What the F%$K is wrong with these people? Do they not have any common sense. Anyone with an average IQ or greater can see that Karen Read is innocent and that the investigation into the murder of John O’Keefe is corrupt and compromised.

    The Canton Police NEED to be audited and need to be held accountable. There are obvious problems in that Police Department and the only hope at cleaning them up is through an audit. I feel very confident that not only will an audit reveal some troubling details but the FBI involvement will also uncover corruption in the CPD.

    Let’s try to remember that a man was brutally killed and left for hours in the cold to die. His death was especially cruel and at the hands of a number of individuals. All of them had hours to change their mind and do the right thing but they chose not to.

    His death should not be forgotten and I hope when all this is over that part of his legacy becomes that he helped put away some of the most corrupt law enforcement officers in the state along with a corrupt DA.

  4. This nitwit can burn in hell with the rest of the canton murder squad! These people are so fuckin stupid to think there is no problem with cpd. If the murder squad skates on this, who’s the next one to end up in a snow bank? They are either that stupid, or that corrupt, either way they goin down! TB Forever!!

  5. Follow the money trail. She’s a real estate agent afraid property values will go decrease. Less money for her. That’s all it is.

  6. This lady is the problem with Canton. They all seem to be feel “ABOVE” everyone else and especially the lowlifes that want all of her corrupt friends held accountable for murdering a police officer. Did she have to help clean up the blood in the basement or did the carpet bagger take care of that?

  7. This dum-dum confirms what I’ve suspected. The Canton real estate market has imploded. Who’d want to willingly move to Canton? And who’d want to do any business with this witch? She has revealed the real estate market fail in Canton in her nasty letter. Keep at it Doctor!

    1. I can’t see anyone investing in Canton right now as a homebuyer.. right now the reputation of the town is in the toilet. The Select Board looks incompetent, foolish and incapable of turning things around. The police also look incompetent but even worse they look corrupt.

      The town is likely to face numerous lawsuits and that will cost the taxpayers in some way, most likely in higher taxes. Buying a home is typically the largest investment you make and buying in Canton right now is extremely risky.

  8. She sounds like an unprofessional baby. Good real estate agents and restaurant owners in any town should be standing up for accountability of its officials and against corruption, not enabling or defending it. Canton deserves better than Gilda and her misery.

  9. I wonder what the people who bought that house and moved into it think now that there’s a lot of talk about the house being sold to them right after the basement floor a murder was alleged to have taken place in was replaced and then the house sold.
    They got sold a murder house to conceal said murder. They sold them that house knowing that something that would give that house a reputation that damages it’s property value happened in that house.

    “Gilda sells murder houses without telling the customer.” She’ll never sell another house again.

    1. Some say you don’t have to disclose but I think in this case the new homeowner could go after the Alberts for intentionally leaving out the events in the house. This house is now branded as a home where a brutal murder took place. Even if the successful argument is made that nobody needed to disclose anything there’s also another issue with this home and that’s the lack of peace and privacy that the new owner won’t get because of the affiliation with a famous murder.

      If I were them I would be looking for ways to sue the Alberts and the broker. Very suspicious that the broker wasn’t allowing photos. Makes me think he knew why the Alberts made that request.

      I am sure all the neighbors on that street are impacted by the extra cars, gawkers, etc that are purposely driving that street to see that home. That’s where I think the new homeowners have some legitimate claims for a lawsuit.

  10. Thank you for Elsie’s table info!
    I live in town near by and will make sure I tell many people to boycott.
    Karma is a bitch

  11. Allegedly, 35 pieces of tail light in a 100 sq foot area were missed by 3 senior CPD officers if you believe conflicted Proctor. These 3 ,according to Proctor’s story, are utterly incompetent and should have their capabilities and rank questioned. If I was one of these three officers, I’d be out there telling the truth loud and clear. Until they come forward, the state’s theories and case make the officers look like complete buffoons.

  12. You’re so awesome! I don’t believe I have read a single thing like that before. So great to find someone with some original thoughts on this topic. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This website is something that is needed on the internet, someone with a little originality!

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