Canton Cover-Up Part 249: Cellebrite Expert For Commonwealth Published Blog About Test He Conducted Proving Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 Google Search Was Legitimate 


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This is Ian Whiffin, the Senior Digital Intelligence Expert and Decoding Product Manager at Cellebrite.

Cellebrite is software used to extract data from phones, and is the industry standard for police and prosectors across the country. Prior to Karen Read’s expert Richard Green using Cellebrite to find Jennifer McCabe’s deleted 2:27 Google search for “hos long to die in cold,” its findings had never been questioned by law enforcement. Now they no longer accept Cellebrite reports because they don’t like how it inculpates Jennifer McCabe and exculpates Karen Read.

Whiffin has been retained by the Commonwealth as an expert in the Karen Read case, and submitted a forensic examination report into evidence.

We can’t read that report yet, but Mr. Whiffin does have a blog he published on November 24 that was pretty revealing. It’s noteworthy that his report was entered into evidence on November 7, but the blog he wrote was not published until November 24. This likely means that he was curious about what time Google searches are entered into the database and wanted to run his own test.

The blog explains how Whiffin conducted a test using an iOS 14, 15, and 16, to see if time stamps for Google searches are accurate in the database. The blog will give you a popsicle headache if you’re not into nerd talk, but it appears to prove that Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 AM Google search is in fact legitimate.

Whiffin opened a Safari tab and did a search at 13:38 (military time), but it didn’t show up in the database. He did the same again at 13:39 with the same result. At 13:40 he opened a new tab and searched for 1340 and still nothing showed up in the database. At 13:41 he went back to the original tab and still nothing showed up in the database. Then at 13:42 he closed the original tab and it showed up in the database.

At 13:44 he did a search for 1344 in the only tab he had open (the second one he had previously opened at 13:40), but it didn’t show up in the database. He reloaded the page and it changed nothing. He then tried closing the second tab at 13:45, which left no tabs open. When you do that Safari automatically gives you a new tab:

By deleting the second tab the search for 1344 showed up in the database. At 13:47 he used the third tab (that automatically opened) and searched for 1347. He then minimized that Safari tab, then maximized it (brought it back up), and used it to search for 1350 at 13:50. He then closed the third tab, which once again registered it to the database.

The third tab’s last viewed time stamp was 13:45 (right as it turned to 13:46), which was the exact time Safari created a new tab for him after he closed the second tab. At 13:54 he searched for 1354, then closed Safari altogether at 13:55. He reopened Safari at 13:56, then closed the only open tab at 13:57.

As usual, closing the tab registered it to the database, with the last viewed time registered as 13:56.

The big takeaway here is that when you close a Safari tab it will register to the database for the last time it was viewed.

Jennifer McCabe used iOS 15, and Cellebrite says that she searched for “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM.

This means that she either minimized or closed the tab at 2:27, but could have searched for that a few minutes before. The 2:27 time stamp indicates the last time it was viewed at that time, and this would not register in the database until she closed the tab completely. She then deleted her Google search completely, realizing what a mistake she had just made.

Her plan was to search for “hos long to die in cold” after John’s body was discovered, because it would make more sense and be less suspicious if she did it then. This meant that she couldn’t go to bed, which is why her Apple health data shows her pacing around her house until 4:53 AM when Karen Read called.

But what if Karen Read didn’t call her? It doesn’t matter. McCabe would still find out about John being found on the lawn rather quickly, and could still plausibly explain why she would make the search after his body was discovered. She could tell police that she was curious if her friend had a shot at surviving the cold without being at Fairview Road when the body was discovered.

However, Jennifer McCabe also knew that Karen knew that John O’Keefe was specifically invited to 34 Fairview Road by McCabe. Logically she would be the first person Karen Read called to ask what happened to John, since Karen knew that John went inside the house and that Jen would have seen him.

McCabe, Kerry Roberts, and Read arrived at 34 Fairview Road at 6:03 after Jen delayed as long as she could. She calmly remained in the vehicle and called 911 as Karen attempted to save his life. She made no attempt to go inside the house, or even alert the dispatcher that the “man laying in the snow” was her friend John O’Keefe, or that she was outside her sister’s house filled with warm blankets, or that her sister’s husband was a veteran first responder.

Then, remarkably, during the chaos and trauma of Karen Read screaming out for help, Jennifer McCabe told police that Karen Read instructed her to Google “how long to die in cold.” Her plan was to Google it the same way she misspelled it at 2:27, hoping that this would override her 2:27 search to the database. Unfortunately she Googled the Apple suggested search “how long does it take to digest food” as she began her search. She quickly did another search but once again spelled the misspelling wrong when she searched for “how long ti die in clkd” at 6:23. Finally, she used that same tab to Google “hos long to die in cold” seconds later.

According to Whiffin’s research, which he conducted AFTER being named as an expert Cellebrite witness for the Commonwealth, Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 search was legitimate, because she last viewed that tab at 2:27 AM. This officially closes the door on the Commonwealth’s lie that McCabe opened a tab that at 6:23 that she had used to view Ozone basketball at 2:27 AM, and Googled “hos long to die in cold,” which they claim is the reason it registered at 2:27 AM. The tab that was last viewed at 2:27 specifically said “hos long to die in cold,” not “Ozone basketball.”

I anxiously await the Commonwealth’s fourth forensic expert to be added as a witness after they discover what Whiffin will testify to at trial.



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