Canton Cover-Up Part 253: Elizabeth Proctor Hires Attorney Who Represented Public Officials Charged With Corruption In Federal Court To Oppose Motion For Her Cell Phone Records


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Elizabeth Proctor has hired an expensive Boston attorney who filed an appearance yesterday as her counsel in the Karen Read case.

William Kettlewell is a high profile attorney with years of experience in not only state courts, but federal courts as well. He was once an Assistant U.S. Attorney.

He has since worked in criminal defense in both state and federal courts.

His bio lists his top achievement as a victory for a public official charged in a high profile prosecution of alleged corruptino at Boston City Hall by the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

He once represented a corrupt judge in Worcester who was arrested for domestic violence and yelled racial statements during the incident.

Lizzy Proctor is getting a two for one attorney – someone who can help her in Norfolk Superior Court, and potentially Moakley Federal Courthouse. She did this because she likely anticipates and knows that eventually she and/or her husband Michael Proctor will be defendants in federal court. This is the attorney you want to have if that happens.

Despite the aura of confidence that these people display under Twitter pseudonyms, they are in constant fear of being held responsible for their crimes. They believed that their corrupt protector Michael Morrissey would make sure that Karen Read and Karen Read alone would take the blame for what they did. But after discovering that Morrissey himself wrote a letter asking to speak with the manager of US Attorney’s Office, begging them to stop investigating corruption in his office, they realized what a small fish in a big pond he really is. He can’t save them, and they know it.

The Proctors and McAlberts thought they could get away with murder and corruption. They heard rumors of a federal investigation but didn’t think much of it. They were so cocky and confident that they didn’t even remove pictures from Facebook showing the families had deep ties going back decades.

That confidence began to change in July when Colin Albert, Brian Albert, Jennifer McCabe, Allie McCabe, Caitlin Albert, Brian Albert Jr, and others, were called to testify in front of a federal grand jury. We don’t know what they said, but we do know that they’ve projected confidence publicly that nothing would come of it.

Clearly they were wrong. Their poker face was revealed to be nothing but a bluff when Jennifer McCabe was seen parked at the Proctor household at 6 PM on September 25. The only reason for her to be there was to have an in-person conversation, instead of on the phone, because they are paranoid that their phones are tapped by the FBI.

The following “witnesses” have now hired prominent criminal defense attorneys who have filed appearances in the Karen Read case:

  • Brian Albert (Greg Henning)
  • Jennifer McCabe (Kevin Reddington)
  • Colin Albert (Joe Krowski)
  • Brian Higgins (Bill Connolly)
  • Michael Proctor (sealed)
  • Yuri Bukhenik (sealed)
  • Elizabeth Proctor (Kettlewell)

Innocent people don’t need to hire criminal defense attorneys if they are merely witnesses in a murder trial.

Last month Read’s attorneys filed a motion asking for the court to to obtain cell phone records for Jennifer McCabe, Michael Proctor, and Elizabeth Proctor, as a result of our reporting about their September 25 social visit. Kettlewell has been hired by Lizzy Proctor to oppose this at all costs


This filing all but guaranteed that I will be called as a witness for the defense if Karen Read ends up going to trial.

Jennifer McCabe may have been smart enough not to communicate directly with Michael Proctor, but she likely communicated with Elizabeth Proctor all the time. Lizzy Proctor’s phone records will likely prove that Michael Morrissey has been lying about the lack of a personal relationship between the Proctor family and witnesses in the Karen Read case. She thought that she would be off limits because she is just the wife of a corrupt cop, but her September 25 admitted social visit with Jennifer McCabe changed all that.

Lizzy Proctor is not just the wife of the lead detective in a murder investigation. She has chosen to actively involve herself in the coverup. She has been actively calling the workplaces of multiple people, trying to cause them economic harm for the crime of making comments on Facebook that were critical of her husband Michael’s corruption.

She has presented herself as a victim to special prosecutor Ken Mello, conspiring with him to weaponize the power of the state to silence an award winning journalist who has been exposing her. She knows her husband is a dirty cop who helped cover up the murder of a cop, and instead of being a good wife and urging him to act in an ethical manner, she has helped him coverup his crimes by taking steps to silence his critics.

Lizzy Proctor wrote a letter to the House Judiciary Committee opposing the elimination of qualified immunity for police officers because it would cause “significant financial burdens” if corrupt cops had to hire attorneys.

Now we know why. Her husband’s union dues will not be paying Attorney Kettlewell’s retainer.

If we’ve learned anything from Beverly Cannone it’s that Elizabeth Proctor doesn’t need to worry much about the McAlbert-friendly Judge ordering her to hand over her cell phone records. She could’ve hired any attorney to copy and paste Greg Henning or Kevin Reddington’s successful motions in opposition to the same for their clients in May. But instead she chose an attorney who specializes in federal courts, because she knows Moakley Federal Courthouse is her final destination. Who’s laughing now?


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