Canton Cover-Up Part 254: Colin Albert’s Framingham State Baseball Player Friend Cam Sanchez Sends Graphic Threats To Journalist Who Is Potential Witness In Karen Read Case
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Colin Albert told police that my impression of his threatening Tik Tok videos him on episode 596 of the Turtleboy Live Show made him “sad and scared,” to the point where he had to unenroll at Bridgewater State University.
I have never seen Colin Albert in person, and he certainly doesn’t seem easily saddened or scared when he threatens to kill rival gang members online.
Nor did he mention during his police interview with his close family friend Michael Proctor that he was visited by two FBI agents on April 10, 2023 in his dorm room, who issued him a subpoena to testify in front of a federal grand jury. Nor did police question him once about his whereabouts when John O’Keefe was murdered, or ask him to provide any evidence giving him an alibi.
Nevertheless, Colin is an Albert and his feelings matter because he’s a witness to something he claims he wasn’t present for. If he says he’s sad and scared of Turtleboy, and not sad and scared of being arrested for murder, we must take him at his word.
However, his friends don’t seem as scared as he claims to be. This is his good buddy from high school Cam Sanchez.
Cam is the oldest son of townie pass-around Ashley Brady, who can be seen looking salty as ever next to her close friend Jennifer McCabe at Karen Read’s June 2022 arraignment for second degree murder.
Ashley is a member of LWMCC (lonely wine Moms of Canton Club), and just like 95% of the McAlberts attended Bridgewater State. She appears to work at Werfen Company, and/or Monarch Realty Group.
Ashley reconciled with her husband after having a fling with John O’Keefe, prior to his relationship with Karen Read. Like many women in the LWMCC, she was intensely jealous of Read because John was one of the most desirable men in Canton. Although, in fairness, when your competition is Matt McCabe and Jim Farris, it’s not that hard.
Ashley’s son and Colin’s best friend Cam Sanchez has a lot to say on social media, and is a good reflection of the values the McAlberts develop by the time they reach adulthood. For several months he has been been harassing me on Twitter using his real name, despite the fact that I am a potential witness in the Karen Read case. Cam made his account private yesterday after I began retweeting some of his more graphic tweets that caused emotional harm to a potential witness, and can best be described as an attempt to get me to alter my testimony.
As you can see, Cam plays baseball at Framingham State and has the acronym for the US Marine Corps in his bio. He is confirmed to be in the marines.
Last year in 15 bats he had a grand total of 0 hits, giving him a batting and slugging average of .000. However, he did manage to get hit by a pitch, and then a teammate who actually knows how to hit the ball drove him in, so he was able to score a run.
Before making his account private I was able to document some of his tweets, which apparently he is ashamed of. For instance, he claims that turtle riders are “domestic Taliban supporters” and that only “fat f***s” eat Dominoes pizza.
He told me that I prey on the weak, and mocked me for being unable to afford more than $100K in legal bills to defend myself against the charges of making his friend Colin sad.
Cam appears to think prison rape jokes are funny, because he told me that he looked forward to when a prisoner “puts fun dip on your lips and makes you call them daddy.”
It can be assumed using context clues that “fun dip” refers to semen, but Cam Sanchez declined our request for comment after asking me if I had a phone number.
On Friday Cam informed me that I couldn’t even pick the corn out of his feces.
It’s true, I don’t have much experience in picking pieces of corn out of human poop. But if Michael Proctor looked through it I bet he’d find microscopic tail light.
Cam really wanted my attention and wasn’t getting it so he kicked it up a notch over the week, telling me that he hopes that my mental health issues lead me to suicide, that I get thumbs in the bum in prison, that I am a pedophile who had sex with students, that I’m a cunt, and that I should be lynched.
He also believes that everyone who donated to the legal defense fund is a raging liberal who lives a meaningless life.
My legal defense fund is a few hundred dollars short of $80K, and if you donate to it by clicking here it will make Cam Sanchez REALLY upset!
He wasn’t done though. Cam also told me on Friday night that I deserve a worse death than Bin Laden, and shamed women in my family for not having abortions.
Finally, Cam’s last tweet before making his account completely private was when he told me that he couldn’t wait to urinate and poop on my grave.
Someone else will have to pick the corn out since I will be dead.
It’s unclear if Cam was speaking as a representative of the Framingham State baseball team when he repeatedly harassed and intimidated a potential witness in the Karen Read case on behalf of his friend Colin Albert. If he would like to clarify my DMs are open.
Either way, this is the calibar of person who supports the McAlberts. These people have no values, no morals, they attack children, they frame people for murder, and then they play victim. They are nothing but bullies who can’t accept the fact that people are standing up to them, and they raise vile, homophobic children like Cam Sanchez and Colin Albert.
I have a hot river of tail light fragments running down my leg. It’s why I keep finding tail light pieces everywhere. I must be mistaking hemroids for taillights.
Must be the great upbringing from their parents… Total embarrassment. If my kids talked like this I’d be horrified. Greatest thing is that my kids would never.
Hate to break it to you but you’re children 100% talk like this, they’re just smart enough to not do it online. LOL. Fuck the McAlberts, Justice for JOK
I agree. My kids are at least thoughtful enough to know they better not get caught by me or it get back to me. I have some darn good kids, but I’m not naive enough to believe they don’t run their mouths in a way that I wouldn’t approve of.
Yeah, to talk this way in public is an embarrassing reflection on them – and their “upbringing.”
Poor reflection on our Military!
You will fail. You are big poopoo head. I will win.
its opposite day
I’m just filling in for the OG. He’s too sauced to do his job.
Albert, this is your brother again. Mom said she will have dinner ready at 6 and to clean up your bedroom and stop making comments on the grownups website!
Too funny
He will fail compared to who? Your mom has already set that bar pretty low 😬😬😬
He’s just gonna fail. He has to fail. Because I said he’s gonna fail.
“bEcAuSe I sAiD sO” awesome comeback. You’ve set the failure bar extremely low as well.
Nah man. He just needs to fail. It’s going to happen. Anyyyyyday now.
try holding your breath until he does so we can all take bets to see if you’ll make it.
I actually like Albert. I think he’s coming around!
I was like oooooohhhh a new article from a respected and trusted news source. I got my popcorn ready and man was that a poor choice. Had to throw the bag away after the imagery provided by mexican pat mahomes.
What super bowl winner, multimillionaire. Such a burn…. What next call him Elon Musk or Bezos You’re what we call in the ARMY a I-D-10-Tango
Funny how all the McAlberts and their supporters are real tough online saying crazy shit. But the minute you bring the same energy to them it’s call uncle proctor and auntie lizzy. Then they use the law to fight. Such fucking clowns. When this is all over we will see who the punk ass bitch really is. Cam doesn’t even know who his biological father is!!
Keyboard warriors in the flesh
The best part of Cam ran down his Daddy’s leg….
Nothing social about social media eh?
I’d blame the rage on steroids, but hes 0-15.
I’m sure his mother and his school are proud. I’m anticipating the next “voluntary unenrollment” for another random f-ing citizen of Canton attending yet another one of our fine state universities.
I’d pay anything to hear Krup read “2thumbs in the booty” in court.
I feel so sorry for the actual, good people of Canton. They have been surrounded by such human garbage for so long.
Soon enough though, that garbage will be moved…namely to Walpole and Framingham.
It looks like his DNA was damaged during gestation. Maybe his mom didn’t listen to the medical advice to go easy on the alcohol for a few months?
Her pre-Natal supplements were most likely swapped for alcohol and anti anxiety meds
Either this kids parents are first cousins are they swap diabetic syringes filled with meth like tums but he has something wrong look at that weird face least he admitted colin was weak neither of them could crush a grape with cleats on
This is also the kid who thinks hes the next babe ruth but is 0-15 benchwarmer lol sounds like if hes mad he couldnt hit the ball like Colin couldnt make it to advantage boy’s hockey hahahah shitty athletes from shitty parents
Bet those elephant ears make nice handles….. jus sayin…..
Where does the moxy for a 5’6” 158lb boy who plays D-III baseball come from? It’s almost like he has yet to have the complete and utter 5hit kicked out of him before for mouthing off.
Well we can all hope and pray that ends, eh?
Word on the hill is that he couldn’t get into Bridgewater State. Such a shame.
Dirty Sanchez being is the result of what happens when a whore farts semen out of her ass and it drips into her dirty cooch and she gets pregnant.
Cameron Sanchez, I want to let you know that YOU are a Fucking Pussy!! Come on Man! Admit it! You’re a yellow bellied chicken Pussy!! I bet you like getting boned in the ass too!
I take it from the haircut he’s not in the reserves. Please kindly tell him to stop using the Marine Corps abbreviation in his social media. Unless he earned it , he shouldn’t be using it. If he wants to support friends that are in, vets etc. there are other ways of doing so !
The Marine Corp does not look kindly on impostors. Someone should drop a dime on him. I’m sure there’s a few Marines out there who would be happy to make Cam as sad as Colin.
Why is he in a uniform in that picture?
Looks like he may be in the marines so my apologies to him. I can own a mistake. Not sure with that haircut if he’s still in, but if he earned it good on him and I’ll shut my trap
He’s a reservist so he hasn’t earned shit. Probably an 0100 with sub 50 ASVAB scores. He’ll be discharged in a few months after his 3rd UA. Scumbag
I feel bad for Ashley Brady giving birth to such a dumb angry little man-boy, Cam Sanchez this is her legacy, omg. In days of old slow witted little Cam would have been left at a convent door for the nuns to deal with or on barren hill for the wolves.
Ashley Brady should have been impregnated by a better man. What a degenerate little ass-hole, Cam Sanchez is.
Ashley Brady got exactly what she asked for and everything she deserved with this real winner of a slut trophy.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, behavioral problems, learning difficulties.
A smooth philtrum: The divot or groove between the nose and upper lip flattens with increased prenatal alcohol exposure.
Thin vermilion: The upper lip thins with increased prenatal alcohol exposure.
He does look like that, doesn’t he ? She must drank a few gallons of wine while pregnant with this creepy son.
Does that explain the massive five head on this loooooooossssssaaaaa??
Billionaire Quincy developer William O’Connell may escape jail on sex and drug charges because oddly enough the 14-year-old alleged victim was killed in a car crash….planned murder ?,…….”Norfolk DA ,Was a unfortunate car accident”…Sarah Birchmore….. pregnant and murdered, DA, It was a suicide ,CPD Kevin Albert said so.
Will Karen Read suffer like the others when they get in the way of life in Norfolk County ?…..
Karen You Coulda pled out to home confinement for 6 months. BUT NOOOoo…you have to ruin dozens of lives…so inconsiderate.
Yeah Blame it on Karen ruining their lives. They could’ve called an ambulance an then said it was mutual combat. He would’ve lived (prob moved away) then no-one wouldve exposed the corruption from top to bottom, no special town meeting, no police audit an other things as well. John is dead the McKrusty’s killed him.
I see the sarcasm!! It’s missed on others.
I get it 💯. I could add to that list !
Ooof this one is going to hurt. So young, so angry, so uneducated. I wish these young kids understood the magnitude of their indiscretions. Surely these remarks are not the beliefs or values of Framingham State. Every potential employer for the rest of his life will google his name and find his posts.
Prayers that this young man is provided direction, support, love and guidance for a better future. Integrity is everything.
What a kind response. I was not as charitable. You are right, I will pray for this young soul.
Big oof
for the sake of balance i hope he gets AIDS and Monkey Pox
Thank you for your service, Cam.
Why is it the picture on her real estate website look about 40 lb thinner than the picture you show of her sitting in the courtroom? Cam your mom is literally a fat whore and your dad is a Cuck….
I understand how emasculating that must be for a teeny fucked dingle berry like you. Maybe you can do us a favor and get sent to the Gaza strip and blown up by a Palestinian bomb
Maybe 50lbs off
Is he actually a Marine now? Maybe his CO would love to see his trashy posts.
Has anyone actually reported him to the marines and FSU?!
Oh my ! His parents and The Marine Corps must be so proud of this disgusting young man with no moral compass.
He don’t sound or act like anyone who I’d want defending this country that we live in .
He really sounds like someone who doesn’t know how he can get in trouble for the crap he is saying on social media .
Good Luck to you and just look at your life your in for writing this crap . After it’s giving to the government and the Corp .
No need to fret, this punk would not pass the ASVAB test!
No kidding
Wow, what a fool this kid is.. It’s just a matter of time before the Baseball Coach at Framingham State learns of this kids rotten behavior.
Most college sports programs hold their players to high standards. This kid is not only a punk but he’s also not a very good player which makes cutting him all that easier.
As for the photo of Jen M rubbing the shoulder of his mom during one of Karen Read’s hearings.. Just a good reminder at how cunning, manipulative and evil she is. Sitting in court acting like a grieving friend when in fact she helped murder him. That just takes a special kind of evil.
Looking at the Framingham State Baseball Roster and he is not listed. Perhaps he got cut already?
I am curious to see what Head Coach Greg Zackrison (@[email protected])
along with Director of Athletics, Dr. Marybeth Lamb ([email protected]) response after reading article. Cam Sanchez representation of Framingham State “core values” that include, civility, fairness, inclusivity, and respect for others’ dignity.
Is his language n& behaviors par for course?
I’d bet money he’s in 1st Battalion 25th Marines, who are on Twitter if you’re looking to let them know what their young Devil is up to.
Former 1/25 alum include Cpl Brian Albert and probably more than one of the cops involved in this case.
Army held to the same caliber?
100% this kid was one of those college kids who go to boot camp one summer and SOI the next. He was in the Delayed Entry Program and, more than likely, was supposed to leave with Colin Albert. After the Grand Jury subpoena Colin’s dreams of following in Uncle Brian’s footsteps were dashed.
When I was in about 1/3 of the unit were cops or on their way to being cops. Federal, State, and Local were all represented from most of the states in New England. It’s an interesting angle that has never been looked into. I know I served with more than one Canton cop out of a platoon of around 30.
From my experience the Army Reserve wouldn’t know what caliber means.
Thank you for your service ❤️
Brian Albert is the Canton version of Charlie Manson. He has probably fucked everyone of these broads including Sister In Law Skeletor and has brainwashed a bunch of people in this town.
Didn’t need to have that visual while eating dinner.
I’m sorry. You know Pass Around Ashley got banged by Bitch Boy Brian
Careful McKrusty will say you are harassing a kid. Just like she did with Colin. Saying oh his life is ruined.. Well if that’s his friend (prob besties an swifties) an most everyone knows that you hang out with like minded people. I’d say that’s pretty par for the course for the West Virginia inbreds from Canton (the generational ones, not people like Rita an the other Ladies). No wonder why none of them have ever left Canton. They would be chewed up an spit out anywhere else. The Cape they would’ve already drowned, Boston carjacked, San Fran oD.. See where I’m going lmfao…
I laughed at the tweet from yct you have posted at the top. Priceless.
You should do the same thing you did with the coffin hanger picture and have a pic with the Albert’s tattoo on him.
Oorahhhh!!🎖️get this boy a family crest tattoo asap. Opposite of the few, the proud. Insulting.
Shame on you… Do better 🇺🇸
Where is your Canton Protector now Cam?
Tsk tsk tsk…..Marines won’t like any of his comments. I smell a dishonorable boot out of the marines coming. Conduct unbecoming.
Dishonorable is for a capital offence.
Kids will probably get a Page 11 with a reduction in rank. I’m sure for a new join he isn’t making any friends with his higher ups since they are the ones answering for his nonsense today.
Burn the coal pay the toll
5’8″ 165 lbs.
Son, I shit bigger than you. Corn or no corn.
All these people weren’t brought up, they were dragged up.
So Cam’s mother is the chunky lady balling in court over John? She had a fling with him and then husband took her back?
How does he feel about her over emotional show in court? Seems she still hasn’t gotten over him. That can’t feel good for husband.
Rumor has it the hubby is hoping that the heffer changes pastures.
I have heard rumors that Ashley Brady-Sanchez was a swinger who liked to “spend time” with the owner of Matt Kelly’s Pub over rne years. Can anyone confirm this?
Her twat must feel like sandpaper and broken dreams.
Ashley Brady, wasssup baby!
Conduct Unbecoming. This kid is NOT a Marine. The lack of respect he shows for The Constitution, his own welfare, and the welfare of the American Citizens he swore to protect, and keep the Corps’ Honor clean, shows, that he is not a Marine in the true Esprit De Corps.
Someone should reach out to his XO, and show them his social media threats.
The Marine Corps has Zero Tolerance for this behavior.
And people say this site is fake news 🤣 Someone who tells the truth and finds pictures etc to prove everything he ✍️ written in a way that I’ve never seen anyone else do….blog dat
She’s been passing that ass around Canton for years, usually prefers Anal. Has made a Cuckold out of Sanchez for years, and he still took her back. Cam has serious mental problems from his Mom being a complete Slut, and ruining his Father. It’s widely know that he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome from all of Moms wine. Can why set yourself up for this with all your families flaws.
Wait till this kid turns 21!!! When he goes out drinking and get his assssss kicked for running his mouth! His chiclets will be everywhere!!! It’s gonna be pure karma!!!! So how does Framingham feel about all this? Or the USMC?!!! I guess we will wait to see what they do to him! Can’t wait till they discipline him for being such a disgrace to both organization!!!
I had a higher batting average and better statistics then Cam ever will.
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wonder if he goes by Cameron Brady now
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.