TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 262: Commonwealth Opposes Motion to Make Public Emails Showing Them Being Scared of Federal Investigation

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Editor’s note: We will continue to publish stories while Aidan serves time as a political prisoner of the state. 

Tomorrow Karen Read’s attorneys will be arguing a motion to make public communications between the Norfolk DA’s Office and federal authorities. There are reportedly six letters from May to November 22nd that have been impounded by the DA’s office.

One letter on November 22nd from DA Michael Morrissey to Boston FBI Director Jodi Cohen, which has not been revealed was based on information obtained two days before Turtleboy’s arrest. It is believed that Morrissey wanted to know which of his state troopers were under federal investigation. Sources report that Lt. Brian Tully has attempted to speak with at least two women who he believes to be associates with Turtleboy. He has specifically asked them if Turtleboy had said anything to these women about Tully, Michael Proctor or Yuri Bukhenik being under federal investigation.

It’s clear that the State Police and DA’s Office are frustrated with being left in the dark by federal investigators. The FBI would not inform them if they were targets of the investigation.

It is also reported that the DA’s office is looking for dirt on US Attorney Josh Levy. Specifically, Tully recently inquired of a woman who has reported to us that he wanted to know if Karen Read regularly speaks with Levy. Levy is a known reformer and straight arrow who has been leading the investigation into Morrissey’s office. Morrissey has expressed frustration that he cannot control Levy, which is why he sent the letter asking to speak to the manager of the DOJ.

The new defense motions also reveal that ADA Lynn Beland requested any findings in the federal probe that could impact the state prosecution of Read. Josh Levy responded saying that he understands the DA’s office has important discovery obligations, but never gave them anything.

This is hilarious because the DA’s office is pretending that they want to make sure exculpatory evidence from grand jury proceedings that could clear Karen Read be given to them. The same DA’s office that has ignored mountains of exculpatory evidence, like Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27am Google search. In reality, they just want to know the same thing that Tully has been asking random women in Canton and Medfield about information on the Federal investigation into his office.

There is no legitimate reason for the DA’s office to want to prevent these communications from being made public. However, they are only opposing them because it will reveal how desperate and helpless they are as the Feds investigate them.

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    1. That’s unfortunate, you were soooo close to making a funny, but your stupidly stole it from you!

  1. I can’t wait to see Karens charges dropped and the McAlbert Mafia held accountable for killing John! I wonder if we will see any bootleg “justice for JJ” buttons tomorrow? I doubt they show their mugs at court again

  2. I seriously pray that I am wrong BUT I don’t believe the Feds will do anything. The amount of cases and convictions that these idiots have been involved in is huge. The Feds are as corrupt and bought off as these guys. Tully is a little tiny guy who would not do well in prison, he would either flip on everyone else or eat a bullet. This shit is crazy

    1. there is a lot of rot in the agency, but there are still a lot of good agents that do good work. – I think we have the better ones around here.

      1. Ba ha ha ha dream on about those “good agents” my friend although John Zip Connolly and Director James Comey would agree with you. Remember General Michael Flynn, Russian Collusion? Perhaps two years in a private DC prison awaiting trial on a federal trespass charge without due process, medical care or an attorney could change your mind.

    2. If there weren’t international news coverage about this, I’d agree this investigation could “go away” , but this isn’t simply a case of the “Boston field office” talking a little look around to see what’s going on. You can guarantee that they are at minimum reporting to supervisors higher up in Washington. Depending on what they find-I would not be surprised at all to see indictments, early retirements, and a few “accidents” while cleaning service weapons.

    3. Thank you Tully, I pointed out the same thing weeks ago. The FBI to the rescue? The FBI that helped orchestrate the Marathon bombings? The Jan. 6 mess in DC?

      The Boston FBI office – the same one that helped Whitey & his crew murder 23 people, including his girlfriends and BPD informers? yeah right. They’ll exert enough pressure to get paid to go away. That’s what American law enforcement does. These police and political clans are running the drug rackets and have millions in cash and gold & gems squirelled away somewhere. These FBI guys want their cut.

      I would bet that Hollywood is where the truth will come out. In the movie deal. Won’t be able to hide from that one.

    4. I agree. I’ve stated before on this to depend on the dirty cops at the fbi to do anything is laughable. Although I know it’s the AUSA to prosecute this case. I just don’t think Washington will let them. Why : democrats vs democrats.

  3. In Massachusetts’ land of law and might,
    Where troopers patrol both day and night,
    A tale unfolds of Proctor, bold and stern,
    Whose fate took a twist, a lesson to learn.

    Poopy Pants Proctor, the trooper in blue,
    A guardian once, but secrets he knew,
    Investigated by Attorney Levy’s gaze,
    A web of deception, a darkened maze.

    Federal eyes keenly pierce the veil,
    A cover-up alleged, truth turns pale,
    In shadows deep, where justice conceals,
    Proctor’s conscience rattles, his fate reveals.

    A murder obscured, a heinous crime,
    Hidden behind a thin veneer of time,
    Yet Levy persists, a relentless sleuth,
    To unveil the lies, expose the truth.

    Proctor, once stalwart, now trembles with fear,
    As federal agents draw ever near,
    His uniform stained, not just by the grime,
    But the weight of guilt, the burden of crime.

    In the halls of justice, echoes resound,
    Footsteps of truth on firm, moral ground,
    Levy’s pursuit, a pursuit so just,
    To unveil the lies, shatter the trust.

    Poopy Pants Proctor, his nickname earned,
    A symbol of justice, now overturned,
    As walls close in, and secrets decay,
    Poetic justice unfolds its own way.

    In the courtroom drama, where justice prevails,
    The truth emerges, as deception pales,
    A trooper tarnished, his fate now sealed,
    Poopy Pants Proctor, his armor repealed.

    Let this tale be a lesson to all,
    In the dance with truth, some stumble, some fall,
    For justice, relentless, will find its way,
    No cover-up lasts in the light of day.

      1. I will be very gratified if I live in his head rent free while he’s serving his life sentence.
        I’d love it if he wonders who poopy pants proctor was in 20 years from now. Long after I’ve forgotten his existence.

  4. Oh the joy seeing Mike Gravy-Boat Morrissey squirm like a fattened ground grub exposed to the sun! Tully, Proctor and Yuri will twist in the wind. Hopefully their wretched wives and children will be left penniless and shunned homeless in a dirty public shelter abused by violent sex offender illegals.

    But the most sumptuous dish will be the McAlberts ruined, turning on each other. Fleeing from justice only to be dragged back to prison or a single pop after their home has been surrounded.

    1. Personally, I’ll leave the kids out of this. Not hoping for any sexual abuse either, that’s the kind of stuff Wendy obsesses over. The bad cops and others though, I couldn’t care less what happens to them as long as it’s in prison

  5. So great to see you still reporting!! We miss you! Hope you are well and that you get out asap, it’s incredibly horrible that you are even there!! Justice has to prevail!!

  6. So essentially Tully is investigating whether it’s just his buddies or if he’s included in who’s being investigated by the FBI 🫠🫠 Good luck with that.

  7. Clownboy is neither a political prisoner nor a journalist. He’s a low brow bully blogger who has stupidly committed crimes. Whether Karen is guilty or not doesn’t change that. Now commence with the idiotic responses that have nothing to do with my comments.

  8. I bet you’re making a lot of friends in Norfolk. I’m sure you like hanging out with chomos, woman beaters, rapists and rats.
    How long are you going to stay in PC?
    Julie’s going to divorce you. Thankfully you’re kids are going to grow up without you around. What are you going to do for money when you get out? You suck at being a “journalist” and your credibility is gone. Especially when the cult finally accepts that you know Karen’s guilty and you’ll write anything for a paycheck.

  9. It’s so funny to read comments gloating about TB being in jail – Turtleboy’s fate will have no effect on the Karen Read trial, or the various Irish police mafia figures in Norfolk county being exposed, which they already have been.

    The prosecutors think those wedding photos and the car in the driveway are irrelevant. They may be irrelevant to the corrupt, bloated judge, but wait till the jury sees them! Just wait till the jury sees & hears everything on cross-examination.

    I seriously doubt this farce of a trial will ever make it that far.

    PS…also interesting comment about TB’s girlfriend divorcing him – oops! Girlfriend means they’re not married. I guess they didn’t teach family law at the police academy guys?

  10. Is the governor of Massachusetts standing with the good guys or bad guys in all of this? Why are they letting this circus go on without saying anything?
    Every case these guys touch going forward will be polluted and that doesn’t do anybody any good

    1. Healey is too busy housing all of the new dem voters pouring in over the border, to pay attention to the corruption going on in Norfolk County.
      She is as useless as the bozo “running” the country.

      1. And the Boston mayor is too busy trying not to invite white people to her dinner table. Nothing racist about that lol

  11. The blue coats are coming. The blue coats are coming. 1 if by land. 2 if by helicopter. They’re coming. They’re coming.

  12. Yannetti will be disbarred soon. Lots to come out. He’s always been a lightweight and now he’s a criminal like his clients. Sad.

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