Canton Cover-Up Part 264: A Message from Turtleboy to his Supporters

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Editor’s note: Aidan is incarcerated and cannot go live about court yesterday, but Brian from LTL True Crime, The Glarer, and Rita Lombardi were able to break down the entire six hour hearing. Rita went into it with an open mind, but was blown away by the lies the accuser admitted to and the horror Aidan went through. Aidan has written an article thanking Turtleriders from prison. Watch:


I want to thank everyone who showed up to support me yesterday. Reliving one of the most traumatic situations, as the cause of that trauma glared and smiled at me was difficult, but seeing your faces made me feel like I wasn’t alone. Although it wasn’t the outcome we hoped for, I still won because I got to publicly tell what really happened for the first time. I am lucky to be alive after falling asleep on the highway and crashing my car, after being forced to stay somewhere I didn’t want to be until 5:00 am. All of that trauma came back yesterday, but it was worth it to get the truth out there. I am so lucky to have supporters like you being there for me during this ordeal.

The restraining order was a blessing in disguise. As Rita explains from the court testimony she heard yesterday, for two months I have been trying to extricate myself from this relationship. For two months, I have been manipulated with fake pregnancies and multiple fake abortions. Now a piece of paper forbids me from contacting her. I am finally free!

Being away from my kids and my life everyday is painful, but I know the pain is temporary. I’m a survivor and being in here will only make me stronger. Last night I did 500 step-ups during rec time and 150 pushups. This morning I ran 5 miles on a frozen basketball court and did 30 pull-ups. I will emerge from jail mentally and physically stronger than I have ever been.

In the last 24 hours, many COs have told me that they have my back and are disgusted that I’m here. Prisoners all know who I am and what I’m in for and they know how unjust it is as well. I’m not in here because of guns, drugs or violence. I’m here for challenging the powerful institutions that put them away. I’m not scared of prisoners because I get along well with everyone, a skill I developed lifeguarding in Main South Worcester and teaching at-risk youth at an alternative school in Worcester.

Your messages and videograms help me get through the day. I read them all but can’t message everyone back. Please keep them coming! Your acts of kindness for a stranger like me are inspirational. A Turtlerider offered me a French Bulldog puppy, which I accepted and will help me begin my new life when I leave here.

Another Turtlerider and friend, who wouldn’t want me to name him, did something amazing for my family so I’m going to name him anyway. Two days ago, Derek Carlson plowed my driveway and shoveled the stairs for my family. He saw my 8 year old daughter crying because her cousins were in from Dallas and were leaving that night. But they were at my parents house in Worcester which is 20 minutes away. She desperately wanted to see them one more time but couldn’t because the roads were so bad. Derek volunteered to give my kids and their amazing mother a ride there at noon, then went back to pick them up at 4:30. It meant the world to my kids, and I am in awe of Derek’s kindness, who wanted nothing in return. He just wanted to do what he could to help, just like so many of you.

As horrible and traumatic as this has been, I will get through it because I follow the lead of Karen Read. She is my hero and someone I look up to. Whenever I’m feeling depressed, I remind myself what she’s been through, and how she never gave up. Her smile is electric. Her confidence is inspiring. She is unbreakable. And thanks to you all, so am I.

Good will defeat evil. The truth is being revealed, and karma is coming.

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