Canton Cover-Up Part 274: Norfolk DA’s Letters With DOJ Prove That They Know They Are Under Federal Investigation And Tried To Prevent It

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These eight letters between the Norfolk DA’s office and federal investigators were released yesterday and confirm much of what we previously reported – Michael Morrissey’s office has been trying to stop the investigation to no avail.

At the May 3rd hearing in Dedham, Attorney Alan Jackson announced for the first time that the federal grand jury had convened to investigate allegations of corruption in the Karen Read case. Six days later on May 9th, ADA Lynn Beland decided to write a letter to the USAO asking for all grand jury testimony from the “witnesses” who spoke with federal investigators. She claimed she wanted this in order to provide exculpatory evidence to Karen Read, despite the DA’s complete disregard for mountains of exculpatory evidence, including Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 am Google search for “hos long to die in cold”.

May 9

This letter showed us two things:

  1. The DA’s office was worried about what their witnesses told the federal investigators because they were being left in the dark.
  2. The DA’s office is dishonest and acts in bad faith by pretending to care that Karen Read is treated fairly.

For the two weeks after this letter was sent, Turtleboy’s coverage increased public interest in the case, leading to this 4-page letter from Michael Morrissey on May 18th to the Office of Professional Responsibility:

May 18

This was the infamous letter where Morrissey asks to speak to the manager of the DOJ, plays the victim, and illustrates that he’s not used to not being in control. Here are some takeaways:

  • Morrissey blames Rachael Rollins for the investigation, claiming she has a personal bias against him because she accused him of misogyny in the past. However, she wasn’t running the investigation, Josh Levy was. Plus, Rollins calls everyone misogynistic or rapists, so Morrissey isn’t special. Rollins is widely known as unethical and unliked, so Morrissey thought that blaming her would get people to question the motives of investigators.
  • Morrissey states definitively that Karen Read killed John O’Keefe with her car, claims that allegations of police misconduct were “invented” by her lawyers, and said the investigation into his office’s investigation was “prompted by an inflammatory and ethically dubious defense strategy.”
  • However, Read’s lawyers didn’t “invent” that Michael Proctor failed to disclose his close family ties to the Alberts, lied about what time he towed Read’s car back to Canton, or found taillight on five undocumented trips to Brian Albert’s house.
  • The autopsy photos prove that O’Keefe was not killed by a car. There is nothing “ethically dubious” about using a third party culprit defense and highlighting government corruption to exonerate an innocent woman. However, most would argue there is something ethically dubious about trying to cover up a murder.
  • Morrissey said three witnesses were subpoenaed three weeks prior to testify in front of a federal grand jury. We now know that was Brian Albert, Colin Albert, and Jennifer McCabe. If any of their testimony differs from what they told a Norfolk grand jury, they are in serious trouble. The Feds do not ask questions they don’t know the answer to. If any of them lied, they are in serious trouble.
  • Morrissey was upset with Josh Levy for not explaining why the USAO has jurisdiction to investigate the Read case. Allow me to explain this for him. Ya see, Mr. Meatball, Levy is the US attorney for Massachusetts, and his office exists to investigate local government corruption, not solve murders. This is called federal oversight and is the basis for our Republic. Norfolk County is in Massachusetts, one of the fifty states that makes up the United States of America. Therefore, the US Attorney for Massachusetts has jurisdiction to investigate corruption in the Norfolk DA’s office. Hope that clears things up for Meatball!
  • Morrissey said he was unaware of a MSP coverup, despite several motions and widespread reporting on Proctor’s ties to the Albert family. Saying he was unaware is a blatant lie.
  • As we predicted in December, the USAO investigator who Morrissey accused of being conflicted due to the fact that the investigator’s wife used to be a Norfolk ADA, was Dustin Chao, the Chief of the Public Corruption and Special Prosecutions Unit. Morrissey illustrated his blatant misogyny by demeaning Chao’s wife Lauren, claiming she was a jilted, former employee with a grudge. Morrissey laughably claimed that Lauren Chao, who last worked for the Norfolk DA a decade ago, was upset that she had to work in district court, and needed “more seasoning” to work in superior court. Keep in mind, Morrissey believes that Adam Lally, the lawyer equivalent to a cold cheese sandwich, is “seasoned” enough to try cases in superior court. Meanwhile, Lauren Chao likely makes at least five times Lally’s salary in private practice because she was overly qualified to work for Morrissey, and clearly wasn’t treated with respect due to Morrissey’s sexism.

  • The letter reeks of desperation as Morrissey demanded the USAO stop investigating his office. This is what David Yannetti was referring to on January 18th when he said that Morrissey acknowledged that his office was the target. David Traub attempted to word-salad his way out of that when he said that the USAO never confirmed Morrissey was the target. He was correct – it was Morrissey himself who acknowledged that in writing.
  • The most laughable part was when Morrissey told the USAO that the public has a right to a fair and balanced USAO. This coming from the guy overseeing the most unfair and unbalanced murder prosecution ever.

On 6/1, the OPR wrote to Morrissey to tell him they forwarded his complaint to the Executive Office of US Attorneys so they could have a good laugh at it.

On 6/12, Beland wrote to Levy to inquire more about the investigation. On 6/21, she wrote to the EOUSA, looking for an update on Morrissey’s complaint to the manager. She didn’t hear back from them until 8/3, when she received this scathing letter:

Aug 3

According to the EOUSA, they had read Morrissey’s complaint and completely disagreed with him, claiming that Levy has a “very different opinion of circumstances” in the Read case than as presented in Morrissey’s 5/18 letter. Morrissey’s opinion was that Read’s allegations of a coverup were “invented and unsupported”. This means that Levy believes the claims were legitimate and supported by evidence. The letter also states that the federal investigation will continue based on information they’re aware of, and there is no basis for recusal of the USAO.

It’s notable to point out that three weeks later on 8/25, Morrissey issued a press release calling allegations of a coverup “baseless”, despite being told that Levy believed the allegations had merit. This lie directly implicates Morrissey in the coverup, and was used by Morrissey to demand that protests stop. In that statement, Morrissey also proclaimed that Colin Albert was innocent, despite knowing that he had been investigated by FBI.

On 10/12, Beland followed up on her 5/9 letter asking for federal grand jury testimony under the guise of providing Read with exculpatory evidence. It’s notable that she asks for this the day after her office sent the Fugitive Unit to this reporter’s house, seized his devices, and charged him with nine felonies for asking the same sort of questions to “witnesses” that federal investigators had already asked them. Her office was pretending to care about transparency the day after they charged a journalist for seeking transparency.

The best letter was Morrissey’s letter to Boston FBI special agent in charge Jodi Cohen on 11/22. It’s notable that Cohen previously worked in Kentucky and has no ties to this area. Morrissey is not used to working with people like this because his “good ol’ boy” schtick doesn’t work with them. Cohen replaced Joe Bonavolonta, who Morrissey was friends with. They both spoke and made jokes at Canton Police Chief Ken Berkowitz’ circle-jerk retirement party:

Morrissey attempted to schmooze Cohen to no avail in the 11/22 letter, by telling her how nice it was to meet her at a hate crime convention at the State House. He repeatedly offered to let her interview his state police detectives, and asked her to contact Lt. Brian Tully. He cc MSP Colonel John Mawn in the letter:

Nov 22

It’s notable to point out that Morrissey filed a motion to cancel a previously scheduled May 25th evidentiary hearing, where his detective Michael Proctor, was due to testify. Now, all of a sudden, he’s claiming that he wants his troopers to testify because they are an open book.

News flash Meatball – she has no interest in your corrupt state troopers because they are the targets, not witnesses. This is a man who is not used to not being in control, desperately trying to feed the Feds the same nonsense and lies that he fed the public on 8/25.

One month later, desperation to find out more about the investigation, led Brian Tully to show up at Lindsey Gaetani’s house, after hearing that the mentally-ill, scorned woman had a relationship with Turtleboy. Specifically, Tully wanted to know if Turtleboy had told her information Read told him about the federal investigation into MSP. He gave her a fake grand jury summons and demanded her phone to read her texts with Turtleboy. This is why I’m in jail.

The bottom line is that these letters show Morrissey’s desperation and fear, due to the fact that he’s no longer in control, and he knows that they’re all in serious trouble.


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