TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 322: FBI Investigation Into Sandra Birchmore Case Is Good Sign For Justice For John O’Keefe And Karen Read


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An underreported story from last week was the news that the FBI has launched an investigation into the 2021 “suicide” of Sandra Birchmore in Canton. Birchmore was a 23 year old pregnant woman who was sexually groomed by several Stoughton Police Officers while participating in a school program designed to gear kids towards a career in law enforcement.

The last person who saw her alive was disgraced Stoughton Detective Matthew Farwell, who was seen leaving her apartment shortly after arriving. Birchmore was pregnant with his child, and he wasn’t happy about it.

Birchmore also had sex with at least three other officers, including Farwell’s brother Billy, their boss Robert Devine (a personal friend of Michael Morrissey), and Abington Police Officer Joshua Heal.

She seemed happy to be having a baby and had never expressed thoughts of suicide to anyone.

Several of the same cops involved in covering up John O’Keefe’s murder were also involved in the Birchmore case, including Canton Police Lt. Michael Lank, Detective Kevin Albert, State Police Detective Lt. John Fanning, and Trooper Nicholas Guarino.

Sources told me months ago that the federal investigation into the Birchmore case preceded the investigation into the Karen Read case, but this was never confirmed. However, we do know that Matthew Farwell was treated similarly to Brian Albert, in that he was a police officer who was never considered a suspect. Another parallel were the conclusions of Guarino and Fanning, who claimed that they couldn’t find deleted text messages in Farwell’s phone, much like they missed Jennifer McCabe’s incriminating deleted phone calls and Google searches.

Contrary to the lies told by the Commonwealth, Cellebrite software used by MSP to extract data from phones had the ability to find deleted text messages and Google searches. They just don’t like to use that technology when it incriminates killer cops or people named Jennifer McCabe.

The whole thing smelt shady from the beginning. Last month Attorney General Andrea Campbell’s Office announced that they had taken over the investigation from Michael Morrissey’s Office, which speaks volumes in of itself. The fact that the NCDAO cannot be trusted to properly run an investigation into a suspicious death like that of Sandra Birchmore, tells you that the word is getting out that Morrissey’s Office is corrupt. Now the FBI has announced that they are officially involved too:

Federal investigators are now looking into the case of a young pregnant woman who participated in a Stoughton police youth program and killed herself in 2021, widening the investigation into what happened. The FBI recently interviewed people close to Sandra Birchmore, 23, who killed herself, three people told the Globe.

“….who killed herself.”

Sandra Birchmore didn’t kill herself, just like Karen Read didn’t kill John O’Keefe or tell Jennifer McCabe to Google “how long does it take to die in the cold?”

Birchmore participated in a Stoughton police youth program from the time she was 13 until she graduated from high school in 2015. The state medical examiner ruled she killed herself while pregnant with her first child, according to her death certificate. The document doesn’t indicate who fathered the unborn baby.

Oh look, a government “medical examiner” came to the conclusion that police wanted her to come to. Again.

Meanwhile, new details have come to light in recently unsealed court records about efforts by Massachusetts law enforcement officers to unearth evidence to back a criminal prosecution in the case. State Police reviewed more than 30,000 electronic messages that Birchmore exchanged over 14 months with Matthew G. Farwell, 38, a former Stoughton police detective, to investigate whether they could find evidence to prosecute statutory rape or larceny charges, the records show.

Regarding the federal investigation, in separate interviews, the three people told the Globe that they spoke with the FBI after agents approached them about Birchmore. The three spoke to the Globe on the condition of anonymity. One said they were concerned about possible retaliation, and the two others said they were advised against publicly disclosing their contact with the FBI. Kristen Setera, a spokesperson for the FBI’s Boston office, declined to comment, saying federal policy prohibits the agency from confirming or denying investigations. 

This is the same thing that happened in the Read case. The FBI began approaching people like Lucky Loughran to build their case against the State Police. Now it appears as if they’ve been doing that with the Birchmore case as well.

The questions FBI agents asked were interesting.

One person who spoke to the FBI said agents posed questions about what Birchmore had disclosed about her contact with Matthew Farwell and the timing of those interactions. A second person said they told the FBI about Birchmore’s account of an earlier pregnancy, which occurred years before her death and ended in a miscarriage. Both people said the agents didn’t disclose specifics about what they were seeking to learn or the scope or targets of any investigation.

The FBI knows Matthew Farwell killed Sandra Birchmore. What they want to know is who in the State Police knew that and looked the other way. If State Police detectives are willing to let a Boston Police Officer’s killers walk free, you best believe they’re more than willing to do the same for the people who killed someone like Sandra Birchmore.

As usual, Morrissey’s Office was not informed of the investigation:

Norfolk District Attorney Michael W. Morrissey’s office released a statement. “If there is a federal avenue for accountability in the matter, we hope it is vigorously pursued,” Morrissey said Wednesday. Last fall, Morrissey’s investigation into Birchmore’s case was taken over by the office of state Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell. A Campbell spokesperson declined to comment.

Because they are likely the targets of the investigation.

Fanning also wrote that although they weren’t really investigating Farwell for murder or statutory rape (he had sex with her when she was 15), they were looking into larceny charges for having sex with Birchmore on the clock.

Meanwhile, newly unsealed court records filed last December by Morrissey’s office and State Police show investigators found that Birchmore and Matthew Farwell exchanged 32,709 electronic messages from December 2019 until her death. The court records had been impounded by a judge; that order recently expired. In the text messages, Birchmore and Matthew Farwell arranged to meet at different locations, including at a Costco store, a hotel, at her apartment in Canton, and at her family’s home in Stoughton, wrote State Police Lieutenant John Fanning. Police considered potential larceny charges for Matthew Farwell, he wrote.

Investigators were able to identify “where and how long [Matthew] Farwell spent engaging in a sexual affair when he otherwise claimed he was on duty and purportedly working,” wrote Fanning. He said two other Stoughton police officers were having sex with Birchmore, but investigators didn’t find “probable cause” to believe they met with her while they were on duty. Fanning didn’t identify the officers.

Imagine the hypocrisy of the Massachusetts State Police charging a cop for stealing money from the taxpayers. The people who invented the overtime grift and looked the other way for years while corrupt troopers lined their pockets with taxpayer money for work they didn’t do, are pretending to care about some predator groomer cop impregnating Sandra Birchmore on the clock.

This is a huge development and a great sign. The FBI is not wasting their time and resources investigating the death of Sandra Birchmore, just as they’re not wasting time and resources investigating the investigation of John O’Keefe’s murder. Justice will come, and eventually someone will go to jail for killing John O’Keefe. It just won’t be Karen Read.


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  1. The walls are closing in on the Norfolk DA Michael Morrissey and his corrupt troopers.

    The Boston media are like sharks in the ocean now. They smell blood and no longer are giving them a free pass. They want to be part of it when the story of corruption explodes.

    Almost everyday now The Boston Globe has some sort of story about either Karen Read, Canton in general, Sandra Birchmore and now they’ve got Rafferty to write about. She is a liability for that town and needs to go.

    So much chaos in Canton. That town may go bankrupt from all the lawsuits.

    And to the Canton residents, remember to vote tomorrow. All these corrupt people are going to cost each and every taxpayer in town.

    Tomorrow is the day to move Canton in a different direction and vote them out.

    1. Curious. HOW will the town be subject to lawsuits?

      Based on what end of preceding legal action;and based on what precedent?

      I am not trying to burst this emotional bubble but I’m waiting on solid evidence as to the claims regarding the big pay day.

      1. She was driving CPD vehicle. Caused serious harm to a person in a crosswalk.
        If you were driving a company issued vehicle and did the same your company would also be liable.

        1. I know of a community in RI that just had to settle for $13,000,000 for a similar accident that left a young person with injuries and loss of quality of life. The insurance company covered, $5,000,000. The taxpayers are on the hook for $8,000,000. That’s just one lawsuit. Think about what suits will come from this coverup and the trampling on the civil rights of many.

      1. Really! The same Chris Albert who killed a man in a drunken hit and run in 1995 and got a reduced sentence of 6 mo in jail and 1.5 yrs probation by an attorney who was Judge Cannone’s father? Chris Albert is crooked.

  2. These low life scumbags cops took advantage of that poor girl. I hated reading this but GREAT job exposing them

      1. Unfortunately you never know now-a-days.

        Aidan sat in jail for 2 months for something he didn’t do. It’s not impossible.

        Fuck this guy, though.

  3. Matthew Farrwell is now a decommissioned police officer. According to the POST agency. He came to an agreement with them for it.

    1. He’s still denying involvement but seceded “due to cost.” He’s a bum.

  4. I guarantee that the Feds are going to find something on Johns Cloud account ….there are more girls than just Sandra and possibly boys too!!

    John was killed because they wanted his phone ….they thought he was drunker than he was!!

    John sensed that something was wrong when he entered the house …..and tried to leave immediately because he didn’t want to fight!!

    Trust me this is all going to come out!!

    Johns life was taken to stop them being exposed…..from beyond the grave he is making sure that losing his life wasn’t in vain!!

    The guy with the Cross at every protest knows …..that there is a greater power exposing it all.

    Rafferty running over a pedestrian at a low speed on a crossing…..is KARMA!!

    The injuries sustained were to his LEGS and a LACERATION to the back of his head!!

    Now compare Johns injuries …..he has that Laceration to the head …..but he had no injuries below the neck apart from his LACERATED ARM and scratches on his face as well as defence wounds on the BACK of his hands!!

    Rafferty did NOT have a broken light!!!

    John has definitely had a hand in this its more than just a coincidence!!

  5. These disgusting people are freely living their lives after what they did to this poor girl.
    They don’t deserve anything but to be shit on daily for this! Should be locked up, but shaming them is all we have right now.

  6. Almost all of these criminals come from a long line of LEO’s in their family. What a way to disgrace your whole family, cunts

  7. Don’t Poke the Turtle… It’s not that hard of a lesson. Graveyard needs expansion soon. Keep your head safe and keep digging.

  8. Sandra Birchmore was looking forward to her baby. No one buys a car seat then commits suicide.
    She was a young girl who was groomed by people that we should be able to trust. How many were involved in keeping these secrets? How far up did it go?

    Sandra Birchmore deserves justice and The Minions will fight like hell to get it.

    Sandra, I am so sorry that those who should have protected you exploited you.

    1. It also seems like Sandra went out of her way telling people she’s not close with that the baby daddy is married and not wanting the baby. It’s like she understood danger was afoot.

  9. Who else pictures John and Sandra holding hands in heaven with big, wide smiles on their faces?

  10. Thank you Aiden for exposing what you do!
    No one else would have the guts to expose this corruption.
    You are appreciated.

      1. Absolutely if he was the person that exposed what really happened to Officer O Keefe.
        I don’t know if that’s public or how to verify that. I guess trial. You must have more information.
        If that story is true, he is a hero. I hope he and Lucky get lots of recognition for doing the right thing in a world where so many are not.
        Anybody that stands up and speaks out with the truth, no matter the fear or consequence is absolutely a hero!

  11. I’m just going to leave this here for you all to peruse!!

    Take note of the committees he has been on …..and the laws he has passed.

    And ask yourself why was Sandra Birchmore not a priority or Officer John O’Keefe??

    And ask yourself why he has been voted out of more than one office??

    Michael W. Morrissey was elected in 2010 as Norfolk District Attorney.

    Prior to his election, he served as the State Senator from the Norfolk and Plymouth District from 1992 to 2010. In addition, he served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 1977 to 1992.

    During his legislative tenure, where he chaired six major committees including the Committee on Public Safety, District Attorney Morrissey was instrumental in passing laws that provided the legal tools to prevent and prosecute crime; toughen drunken driving and domestic violence laws; protect seniors from fraud; protect children from sex offenders and cyber bullying and he authored one of the toughest laws against cocaine trafficking.

    District Attorney Morrissey is committed to strengthening prevention programs in all areas of crime, having served for 10 years on the Governor’s Anti-Crime Council and on the Board of Directors of DOVE (Domestic Violence Ended) where he was instrumental in helping DOVE acquire their first shelter in Quincy, Massachusetts. In addition, District Attorney Morrissey is committed to both aggressive law enforcement and community-based prevention efforts designed to curb the opiate crisis that has besiege many cities and towns in Massachusetts.

    A University of Massachusetts at Amherst graduate, District Attorney Morrissey earned a Juris Doctor from Suffolk Law School and a Masters in Public Administration from Western New England College. He was the founding and managing partner of Boyle, Morrissey & Campo, P.C., which grew to more than 50 people with offices in three states. District Attorney Morrissey is a lifelong Quincy resident and is married to Joanne Ross Morrissey. They have two children, Colby and James.

    1. Morrissey is a complete hack.
      Lifelong politician.
      How many cases did he try?
      He has spent the majority of his career making deals that profit him or his friends.
      GTF out with your bio bs.
      The truth is the truth.
      It’s an open hook for anyone researching.

    2. Quid Pro Mo! Not sure why people are downvoting this comment because it’s important for people who aren’t in Massachusetts to see this hypocrite in his environment. The committees that he was on require some degree of expertise which he clearly is faking just like his law degree, which he uses to grift the taxpayers. The laws he passed were laws he didn’t follow himself because, well you know, Pass The Gravy…

  12. (SARC)

    If we just hire MORE cops and firefighters there will be LESS crimes and fires!!

    Correlation does not equal causation unless…….🤦🤔😉😆😂🤣

    Nevermind the Bill of Rights will….oh shi..


  13. Derek Chauvin has now been proven in absentia innocent thanks to an ADA who kept th receipts.

    He also was stabbed 22 times after his case was refused by the US SC.

    Will the Constitution save him, or Julian Assange, Douglas Mackey or Mark Steyn??


  14. Morrissey is scum. Protecting murderous corrupt cops. Fat pig should be ashamed of himself but he has no shame.

  15. Robert Devine is the head groomer of Stoughton police. First he was demoted from Deputy Chief to Patrol Officer. Then he resigned before he was terminated and decertified by post. HOW is he still an Attorney?????? Why hasn’t action been taken against his Law license????? His wife is a Police Sargent in Quincy, she has stuck with him. She is probably complicit in what he has done. POST should decertify her FAT TUBBY ASS. Also Devine met his wife while he was a police academy instructor and she was a Cadet. Jesus you can’t make this shit up. What a bunch of sick animals

  16. Seems like a lot of corrupt assholes have formed a significant criminal law enforcement network in Norfolk County and beyond. RICO laws are going to be their undoing and their electronic communications will seal the deal. Come on FBI, keep digging and dismantle The Cuntown Mafia. Lock them all up!

  17. Some people (rightly) feared the doj would cover for the corrupt cantonites but this shows the opposite. If they were planning on covering for them they wouldn’t have pursued this.

  18. Another great piece exposing these maggots, Aidan
    This country needs at least 100K more Turtleboys to expose it all. We are living in dangerous times.

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  22. Steve Scanlon is the unsung hero in Norfolk County. The only one that still has a badge and enough guts and conscience to walk into the light and lay it all down on the table.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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