TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 326: Judge Beverly Cannone Bans Protests For Any Cause On Public Land In Dedham That She Has No Jurisdiction Over


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After a hearing this morning Judge Beverly Cannone issued a blatantly unconstitutional 200 foot buffer zone this afternoon, preventing peaceful protesters from holding signs, using megaphones, and wearing clothing ” relating to the case pending against the defendant or relating to any trial participant.” Here is the order in its entirety:

Ordered that no individual may demonstrate in any manner, including carrying signs or placards, within 200 feet of the Courthouse Complex during trial unless otherwise Ordered by this Court. This complex includes the Norfolk Superior Courthouse building and the parking area behind the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds building. Individuals are also prohibited from using audio enhancing devices while protesting. It is further ORDERED that no individuals will be permitted to wear or exhibit any buttons, photographs, clothing, or insignia, relating to the case pending against the defendant or relating to any trial participant, in the Courthouse during the trial. Law enforcement officers who are testifying or are members of the audience are also prohibited from wearing their department issued uniforms or any police emblems in the Courthouse. (Cannone, RAJ) dated 04/04/2024.

This is blatantly unconstitutional, and is the exact opposite of “narrowly tailored.” It doesn’t just ban Karen Read protests within 200 feet of the courthouse, it bans ANY DEMONSTRATION! Why 200 feet? Why not 200 miles? Under what authority does she have to do this? That boundary extends past the light at the intersection of High and Ames Street.

Beverly Cannone does not own the town of Dedham and has no control over that area. There is an election coming up in Dedham, but if you want to hold a sign for your preferred candidate for office at that intersection you will be arrested. After all, no individual may “demonstrate in any manner, including carrying signs or placards,” within that 200 foot radius. It says nothing about the Karen Read case. You just can’t demonstrate at all. Because a resident of Norwell said so.

I have no problem with her banning signage and FKR gear inside the courthouse, but the public sidewalk outside of the courthouse is not her domain to regulate.

Her reasoning was even more insane.

She suddenly has a problem with protesters shouting at “witnesses” like Jennifer McCabe, which is protected speech. For what it’s worth, the “witnesses” and their entourage shout right back, as is their right.

She claims that protesters are “displaying materials which may or may not be introduced into evidence at trial.” In other words, she doesn’t like the “hos long to die in cold shirts,” and apparently may not allow it into evidence at trial.

She seems to think that you’re not allowed to publicly display your thoughts of Karen Read’s guilt or innocence anywhere near the courthouse.

She claims “witness intimidation” has been prevalent, even though no one has been convicted of any sort of witness intimidation, and no one ever will be.

She claims that the 12 jurors chosen from a pool of hundred will be so weak minded that they will somehow be influenced by a bunch of people wearing “Free Karen Read” clothing.

The most absurd part is how she’s claiming she’s doing this for Karen Read’s own good, when she knows damn well that the protesters all support Karen Read.

I’ve seen some people complain (none of whom donated) that the $6K we raised to hire Attorney Marc Randazza to fight this motion was a waste. I disagree. You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take. You cannot take an order like this lying down. If Marc didn’t file that motion then the ACLU would not have filed their amicus brief. The ACLU is clearly an institution that Beverly Cannone respects, because she spoke highly of them during yesterday’s hearing.

Karen Read’s attorneys were in a tough spot. They welcome the protests, but there is a determined push by the Commonwealth and State Police to tie Read to the protesters. They got a warrant to take her phone as part of their fishing expedition to prove that Karen directed Turtleboy to commit “witness intimidation” (peaceful protesting and activism). The Commonwealth would love to have the defense on record saying they want the protesters to be able to line the courthouse steps. They wisely didn’t take the bait. Unfortunately this backfired because Cannone refused to listen to the citizen’s lawyer Marc Randazza, and thus no one argued against the motion in court.

I don’t consider this a total loss though. First of all, it was nice to be back inside the courtroom for a hearing. It’s unfortunate that I cannot announce I’m coming to these things (for obvious reasons), but I enjoy watching Lunchbox Lally being told for the 5 millionth time to go and speak at the podium so that I can show my disgust for him while he spits out word salad at the podium.

He seemed really disappointed to turn around and see this.

Lunchbox still hasn’t gotten the mitochondrial DNA testing from the infamous “hair” found on Karen Read’s car. The hair was already tested in August and determined to be non-human hair. The Commonwealth didn’t like this conclusion and insisted on mitochondrial DNA testing, which would destroy the hair sample. Yet they still haven’t gotten it done 7 months later, so now Judge Cannone said she would “entertain a motion” to ban DNA testing evidence on the hair at trial.

Lally just made up lies about our intentions as well:

“There are parties that want to try to see if they can influence the jury inappropriately in this case.”

None of us want to influence the jury. We don’t need to, because Karen Read’s lawyers will do that by presenting the facts of the case. We just want to voice our disgust with the fact that the people who actually killed John O’Keefe seem to be getting away with it due to the sham prosecution of Karen Read.

Cannone realizes that national media outlets like CNN and Fox News will be covering this trial, and that they haven’t cover it before. She doesn’t want millions of viewers to see protesters outside the courthouse because then people will start to get the impression that there is some sort of corruption going on in Norfolk County, Massachusetts.

There were a million different ways Cannone could’ve narrowly tailored this if she’s worried about the safety of jurors. She could’ve had them come in the backdoor. She could’ve asked them during the voir dire if they would be able to remain open-minded and neutral after seeing Free Karen Read signs. She could’ve ordered the police to arrest anyone who threatens or intimidates a juror.

But instead of doing that she issued a blanket proclamation banning ANY DEMONSTRATION on land she has no domain over.

What offends me is that this entire order is based off of a false premise that FKR protesters are dangerous. Not once has there been ANY act of violence or vandalism at our hundreds of protests. The July 22 rolling rally was peaceful and lawful, yet they’ve created the false narrative that we were a violent mob threatening witnesses in their homes. They weaponized the witness intimidation statute in order to circumvent the First Amendment, and now they’re going 10 steps further with this order.

There are two possible solutions now:

  1. Hire an attorney to appeal this to the SJC.
  2. Find a way around it.

This definitely deserves to be challenged because it’s blatantly unconstitutional, but I understand if people don’t want to spend money on something if a victory can’t be guaranteed. However, within minutes of this order being issued people were already figuring out ways around it, because when the government censors the people it only makes them more determined to speak out. Some have proposed that we hold protests at the major intersections leading to the courthouse.


I’m not sure what the plan is right now, all I know is that if their goal is to silence us then their plan is going to completely backfire. Stay tuned for more announcements.


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. She remains consistent with her advocacy for the CW in spite of MANY revelations over the past year that the CW is engaged in a corrupt endeavor…now WHY would that be?


  2. Judge Beverage Cannone here we go again. This puppet has no regard for the law whatsoever and has the audacity to hide behind the idea of Karen Read getting a fair trial, while she herself has been on the brink of obstruction of justice in favor of her McAlbert peeps. At least her straw hair matches the fringe on the flag in her courtroom.

  3. Is she saying that someone that lives within that area, has a storefront, etc cannot post a sign or stand on their own property with a sign?

    1. Right she has no jurisdiction over private property in the area. It’s a bad look for the Commonwealth if there’s news footage of people getting arrested for exercising their right to free speech on their own private property.

  4. It’s a shame Randazza as an extremely effective 1st amendment attorney doesn’t take this to the SJC

  5. Just hoping the Feds are delaying because of Bev, trying to catch her in a mid step. So sick of this circus, time for real indictments!!

  6. Wow. She is really bad at her job. If she really cared about KR being fairly treated she would’ve told the Commonwealth and Lally to stop hiding evidence. And then dismissed the case. What a useless spiteful person.

    1. Officer O’Keefe December 6 birthday. Birthstone is Lapis maybe wear Blue
      Distinguished from other law enforcement who will not be in blue uniform

  7. You’re going to Appeal to Governor Healy’s Ex-Scissor Swinger (Lover)
    the Newest member of SJC?
    She hates Turtle Boy Too !
    Would be a large Waste of $$ .
    Most Massachusetts officials Hate Aidan Kearney. Which is a Medal of Honor for him, but a disadvantage in this case for Karen.

  8. This whole ploy is for the aesthetics of TV.

    Their biggest weapon is secrecy and what they fear most is publicity!!

    We know the media will be outside the court room and only the selected few will be inside the court who will only report the CW narrative in order to support Morrissey to keep his secrets safe!! In order to keep the cabal in power!!

    Everyone is missing the caveat in that order …..you are not ALLOWED to speak badly about DA MORRISSEY or his lying witnesses!! Otherwise you will be jailed!! WITHIN the 200ft zone!!

    Now what if you were able to bring the media to you!!

    You all will retake YOUR POWER BACK!!

    The very thing that Aunty Bev, DA Meatball Morrissey and their bunch of accomplices fear most!!

    It’s time to put pen to paper, the good old fashioned way …..don’t use the devices which they can use at a later date to convict you …..afterall why do you think the masses were ALLOWED them in the first place!!

    Start writing and bring the Media to you!!

    Wear your tshirts, have your bullhorns, do your speeches, have the evidence on your placards ……there will always be someone in the media that wants to make a name for themselves by breaking the biggest Corruption scandal in history …..in order to have a big slice of pie!!

    So use them!!

    Pay cash for your paper, pay cash for your stamps, don’t leave a trail that leads back to yourselves personally!!

    This is how you take your power back ….and remove theirs!!

    You have it in black and white that if you are outside of the 200ft …..then there is not a thing they can do!! Again removing their self appointed power!!

    It’s time to think outside the box …..and expose every single one of these creatures for what they are …..ABSOLUTE COWARDS WITHOUT THEIR POWER!!

  9. Aiden …..this is what you need to be looking into

    Norfolk Lodge
    1101 Highland Avenue
    Needham, MA 02494

    This is the nearest one to Dedham Court House!!

    There are several more in the area!!

    This is what you all are not seeing!!

    Symbology all over this case ….and now we have the proof with Mello’s PI ….his logo was the confirmation!!

    Morriseys Orange Tie
    Johns shoeless foot
    6 RED solo cups!!

    Speaking without words!!

    1. We must fight, and exercise our rights, in order to keep them.

      I implore the masses to conscientiously disobey this illegal order from the dishonorable Beverly Cannone. They cannot arrest all of us, and I surmise that many if not all on duty officers will refuse to arrest demonstrators, if they believe in the constitution and the bill of rights.

  10. Does DA Morrissey’s public statements count as juror interference? The order seems to say so, yet the trial is still scheduled.

  11. Fantastic read! I was especially impressed by the depth provided on the topic, offering a perspective I hadn’t considered. Your insight adds significant value to the conversation. For future articles, it would be fascinating to explore more to dive deeper into this subject. Could you also clarify more about the topic? It caught my interest, and I’d love to understand more about it. Keep up the excellent work!

  12. It will all be a waste of time, hopefully not.The state don’t bring it unless it is likely true.

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