TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 327: Thousands Of Cameras Would Have Picked Up Karen Read’s Allegedly Shattered Tail Light On Route 138 When She Drove From Canton To Dighton


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If Karen Read’s polycarbonate tail light shattered into 35 pieces after striking John O’Keefe, that were found on Brian Albert’s front lawn (after the Canton Police Department found zero) over the course of 3 weeks and 5 undocumented searches by Michael Proctor, then it would be very easy for police to prove she did it by finding video surveillance of her tail light any time after 12:30 AM on the morning of January 29, 2022. We know that two minutes from the Canton Library surveillance video, which was handled by Proctor, disappeared at the exact time when Karen Read would’ve driven by. That’s why we knocked on doors last June of homes near the library that have Ring cameras pointing to the street Karen Read drove down after she allegedly struck O’Keefe. Not a single person with a Ring camera on this 3 mile trip was questioned by police, although many were willing to let them review their tapes.

It’s not just about what police DID do to frame Karen Read, it’s about what they DIDN’T do.

But one fact that has been overlooked is that in the early afternoon Karen Read and her father drove from 1 Meadows Ave in Canton to her parents’ home in North Dighton. Normally the fastest way to do this would be to travel through Stoughton and jump on the highway (Route 24 south), before jumping on Route 44 in Taunton.

But due to blizzard conditions Karen Read’s father elected to avoid the highway that day and travel down Route 138 instead. This would’ve brought them directly through the Center of Stoughton, Easton, Raynham, and Taunton.

Route 138 has THOUSANDS of businesses, traffic lights, and homes equipped with surveillance videos.

Police regularly solve murders by getting surveillance videos that put suspects in certain places at certain times. Yet seasoned State Police investigators did not ask a single one of these businesses or homeowners to look at surveillance video that could lead to a slam dunk conviction of a woman who allegedly murdered a Boston Police Officer.

That’s because Proctor, Yuri Bukhenik, John Fanning, and Brian Tully are well aware that Karen Read did not murder John O’Keefe. If they thought for a second that she did this they would have pulled hundreds of surveillance videos showing her broken tail light as it traveled from Canton to Dighton. But they know that those videos would show her tail light was barely cracked, just as it was when she pulled out of 1 Meadows Ave at 5 AM when she drove to Jennifer McCabe’s house to look for John.

If they ruled Karen Read out as a suspect then they’d have to start investigating the McAlberts, which would involve searching 34 Fairview Road, seizing their phones, and questioning them alone until one of them cracked. Michael Proctor never did this, which is why Julie Albert wanted to “thank” him with a gift on February 1 – the day Karen Read was arrested. It wasn’t just a thank you for what Proctor did, it was a thank you for what he DIDN’T do. Covering up the murder of John O’Keefe isn’t so much about convicting Karen Read (they don’t really care if she’s convicted) as it is making sure the McAlberts are never held responsible for what they did to him.



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  1. It’s funny, for the the Arron Hernandez case the MSP pulled everything from Boston to his house In Attleboro..
    Had his car everywhere…there capable of doing real police work when it’s convenient for them .

    1. That was quite a trial, with all the video and cell phone tower data to show the timing, etc. RIP Odin Lloyd.

  2. A lot of people are unaware of this… but a lot of those “cameras” on the traffic lights don’t actually record anything, They are really just sensors for the traffic lights to change the lights depending upon waiting traffic on side streets. I never knew of this until very recently

    1. Yes, Doc but we still live in 2024. There are cameras everywhere hidden and in the open. Even on highways, look for them and you’ll see them.

      1. Not denying the vehicle probably passed hundreds of cameras. I actually only learned in the last year most of those cameras aren’t really cameras. Sadly I learned the hard way, when some jackass who ran a red light hit me.

  3. I forget the exact numbers but people on average are videotaped hundreds of times a day. I believe it’s in the 3 to 400s.

  4. While reading this it reminded me of a show on Crime ID called See No Evil. (That has many seasons) Crimes being solved with the aid of surveillance camera’s. There generally 2 or 3 different segments showing you quite literally what you just dictated on your map, crimes committed on camera! Frame by frame. They have been solving crimes now for DECADES with the use of surveillance. These detectives are a JOKE! How embarrassing it must be for them in the eyes of other police! And the public. I guess no shame?? But I found it ironic the name of the show is See No Evil.

    Keep up the informative award winning Journalism!

  5. Exactly TB they never wanted to look for clues because they already knew what took place. They wanted to deflect attention away from their friends and went to great lengths with the help of many in law enforcement. Proctor even left one of his wife’s pubes at the crime scene. That’s how they found out the hair wasn’t human when they tested it.

    1. Franky you win comment of the day!!😂 I spit out my coffee reading about Lizos Pubes. You know both of those Ham n eggahs are reading this shit.Well done!

    2. Could you imagine calling these disgusting banes of society and outcasts your friends? Gross!! These people are going to be shunned forevermore by all reasonable citizens of MA and beyond.

  6. Cleary written and easy to follow for anyone that has not been following this case.

    What about Jen McCabe’s home? I bet she has cameras also that would have picked up Karen’s car and any damage?

    This case is disgusting. So much corruption with the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office and the investigators working out of there.

    I’m happy that the local media is more involved now. The layers to this case and the cast of characters involved need to be fully investigated. Including the judge.

    I can not wait for the day when we get to see them hauled out of their homes in cuffs.


    1. Don’t hold your breath. I think the most likely outcome is that KR is acquitted, then the prosecution shrugs and says “Oh well, it was all because of those fancy California lawyers.” Then back to business as usual.

      1. If that happens there will be nothing to stop the protesting at everyone of them murdering ASSHOLES houses!!!!

        1. Yes because they won’t be protected “witnesses” anymore after court. Protest right in front of Chris Albert and Jenny McCabe’s houses!

  7. What was the premise that got JO & KR to that house that night? KR obviously did not take the invite. JO however did, I wonder why?

    1. I think she just felt lousy and wanted to go home. Some people say John wanted to meet/chat with Brian Albert – not sure if there is any truth to that. Hopefully we learn more about who invited him and why. I have heard JM invited him (which makes sense), but I have also heard Brian Albert invited everyone over, previous to the “where to” text sent from John after they left the Waterfall.

      1. When John never arrived where were all of the “hey man, where are you, you coming over, are you lost, etc” texts to his phone?

  8. I wonder if the defense lawyers have tried to get a hold of the video surveillance along the route she took??

  9. She will be found not guilty and the DA will say we still think she did it. End of ‘investigation’ and the real killers get away with it. Watch trial 4 on Netflix, same deal.

  10. It seems reasonable that Karen’s defense can obtain any of this video and I hope they do. I’d like to see real murderers put in prison.

  11. BINGO! When conducting an investigation, it’s not just what you look for, it’s what you DON’T want to look for. And if you don’t look for it, it wasn’t there, right Tpr. Proctor?

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