TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 336: Jennifer Coffindaffer Has Meltdown Over Ted Daniel Wearing Pink To Karen Read Murder Trial


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After Judge Cannone issued her unconstitutional ruling banning protesters from standing within a 200 foot buffer zone of Norfolk Superior Courthouse they chose to wear pink in solidarity, as a way to silently protest censorship and government corruption. But apparently now they want to ban the color pink entirely now as the “lynch Karen Read crowd” is up in arms over Boston 25 News Reporter Ted Daniel wearing a pink shirt to court on Thursday.

Record amounts of cope broke out from the McAlbert Mafia over Ted’s choice of shirt color.

But no one had a bigger meltdown over the color pink than disgraced former boomer FBI agent Jennifer Coffindaffer. Based on her inability to completely open her eyes Coffindaffer appeared to possibly be under the influence of something as she ranted against the color pink.

“But what is clear to me is the reason behind that. The reason behind wearing pink. It wasn’t just to be in support of Karen Read, it was go like this (sign language for “fuck you”) to the judge that said you’re not gonna wear demonstrative clothes that show your support for a defendant. So no uniforms, no Karen Read shirts, and they got around that. And it’s the fact that they got around it. And anyone who wants to say, ‘well they’re just demonstrating their right to wear pink’ – NO! I mean, we all get it if you’re paying attention to what the point of this unison color is all about.”

Has there ever been a more fitting face for the anti-Karen Read movement than this one?


Just look at her. Humorless, consumed with anger, and looking like she just a Xanax pizza. You can hear the anger and frustrating coming out of her pores as she realizes that her attempts to silence peaceful protesters didn’t succeed.

They’re so mad that we “got around” their censorship by wearing the same color. She even posed the hypothetical argument that protesters are just demonstrating their right to wear a specific color, then interrupted herself and said NO!!! They’re doing it because they support an innocent woman we’re trying to lynch! Her frustration and tears make me so happy.

Banning specific language wasn’t enough for the censors. Now they want to ban what your thoughts are when you put on clothing. They want to ban an entire color because of what people who wear that color are thinking while they wear it. Sure, it could be a coincidence that Ted Daniel chose to wear a pink shirt to work that day, but we better play it safe and assume that he was giving the finger to Beverly Cannone and ban the color altogether.

To be clear, wearing pink is absolutely our way of giving the f you to censorship. But it’s also our way of supporting an innocent woman while advocating for REAL justice for John O’Keefe. Not the fake justice the people trying to lynch Karen Read are fighting for. If they ban pink we’ll choose a different color. If they ban that color we’ll choose a new color until they’ve outlawed the entire rainbow. The people seeking to silence us should probably open a book and learn that the more you try to silence and censor people in history the more it makes them want to say the things you don’t want them to say.



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  1. Ted Daniels wore a blue shirt day before. He’s one of the only ones covering both sides and people just desperate to make drama over nothing.

  2. I do not get why Aidan always attacks females in power.
    I though he learned his lesson when the “Darmouth yogapoon” (his description) kicked his teeth in in court and almost made him go broke (of course ratchet Aidan did a gofundme then too).
    Sources say Nene Warren has volunteered to join Aidan’s legal dream team, maybe at my request, and will be there at the next court date. The DA does not stand a chance!

    1. Rian is such a genius, he can’t even spell it. Rian, go work on your brilliant legal strategies, here are your crayons, fuckface. Don’t you have a dog or a woman to beat on you complete loosah

      1. Jill! Whatchu up to kid? Diggin’ deep inside the TB comments section I see. My lord, you are as low-end as it gets.

    2. Your examples are hardly “females in power”… he supports intelligent individuals who know the laws and support our rights as Americans, regardless of sex. Period. Coffindufus is a complete buffoon, who would rather tell a false narrative about an INNOCENT woman, rather than seek the truth with facts.

    3. You talking about the skank with multiple baby daddies? That chic will still be begging for attention and money ten years from now.

    4. Wow Liar for Hite Kearney has been grifting much longer than all thought but not surprising this grifter was born a parasite he has never done a hard days work in his life, lived off mom & dad then lived of soon to be ex wife oh and mistresses now back to living of mom & dad in between he is sucking hard earned money out of the weak minded that fall into his clutches and support his criminal endeavors such as DV witness intimidation, with the impending charges he will spend many years in prison where once again taxpayers will be paying his way. The storm is nearly here you slimie leach on humanity.

      1. The storm? Oh it’s this batshit group of Chicks again… NO STORM is coming. Except to the people responsible for OJO death. Your obsession with turtleboy is cute though. Get a new Hobby… Karen isn’t guilty and neither is Aiden no matter how much you hate him.

    5. Which females? And how is their “power” different from the men in power (like Morrissey, Lally, Proctor, etc) that he’s attacked during all this?

  3. Cough and gag her should wear pink, at the end of this trial her reputation will be 2 in the stink

  4. Coffindaffer looks exactly like a changeling from Star Trek. Google female Changeling Star Trek. It’s her twin.

  5. I saw Colin Albert in the South End over the weekend with a pink hankie sticking out of his right back pocket. Can we fire him too?

  6. Coffee strainer has those great white shark dead eyes.Like a zombie ready to pounce on a dead dog(sorry Chloe). Any person that doesn’t owe meatball a favor can see Karen didn’t hit him w a car and he was beat inside the house. Ted, Vinnie, and anyone else that can see the truth can wear pink if they want. If you don’t like it go live in Russia

  7. Just a reminder this is what happens when you give someone a tiny bit of power, they never cease to stop wanting that authority no matter what it is they’re drunk on power these sick fucks

      1. You STILL hanging around trolling his articles? You’re BIG mad, hahahaha! It’s over, stinky p u(a). Your friends are fried.

      1. None of your comments even make sense. It’s funny af. Read a book, it might make you more literate.

  8. It’s ok people understand you’re just a grifter and know nothing about being professional. this is what most are upset about his lack of but that’s ok it will affect his lively hood in the future. I see you Lisr for Hire Kearney still trying to suck that last penny out of all those that DO work hard for their money, sell that Lexus that was giving to you in Lue of bribe money, put that money and all from that crappy stuff you sell the unsuspecting for your legal fees stop being a parasite and leave your 2 kids alone their better off with you out of their life. Your future Liar for Hire Kearney is not looking good just heard the paper work done for you and KR conspiracy and intimidation now done just waiting on the signatures, another 2 charges are a coming, enjoy your prison time it is just around the corner. The storm is nearly here…

    1. You’re truly a terrible writer. But most people who simp for the McAlberts aren’t the brightest. Go read a book and improve yourself…

    2. The recordings of that phone call with you will go down in infamy Jill. You are so disgustingly unattractive.

  9. Agree. She’s out of her mind on benzos. She actually has said that John committed the murder. Absolutely WHACKED.

  10. Coffindaffer tell me your Jewish without telling me your Jewish. Xanax pizza is right before you go on air talk about not being able to wait.

  11. Coffindaffer spent most of her time in the FBI as a FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR

    Edit: And her education is limited to a bachelors from Wichitata State, lol. What a joke.

  12. Coffindaffers box isn’t pink, but most likely gray and dusty and fused together except where the pus comes out

  13. “Gee Moe….. I don’t think that Coffinbanger dame got that round mouth from eating square meals.”

  14. God dang she is about an UN-attractive female (she is female right?🤷‍♀️) lol. She is so full of hate it’s rather disgusting. She needs to get a real life and go find happiness somewhere……#freeKR

  15. People should wear pink pussy hats. 🤣 then they will have a melt down not knowing what is being supported Karen or womens rights against Trump! Oh the mindfudge. Hahaha

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