TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 344: More Pictures Emerge Of Katie McLaughlin Partying With Caitlin Albert After Testifying She Barely Knows Her


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We first reported in Part 44 of the Canton Coverup series that Canton Firefighter Katie McLaughlin, who was the only firefighter listed in the charging documents who told police that she heard Karen Read say “I did it, I did it,” in front of of a female friend (Jen McCabe or Kerry Roberts), and a police officer (Officer Saraf), is a personal friend of Caitlin Albert, the daughter of Brian Albert. We posted this picture of her at the beach with Caitlin:

This picture of them in a group:

And this picture of Caitlin Albert’s Venmo friends, which included McLaughlin:

On Thursday and Friday McLaughlin testified against Karen Read and said that not only did she hear Karen Read say “I hit him, I hit him,” but that Read did this in front of an unknown woman and an unknown cop, who reportedly responded to this confession by asking Sgt. Goode to come to the scene. There is nothing in any officer’s report about any of this happening, and under cross examination McLaughlin admitted to Alan Jackson that her story has “evolved” over time.

The defense then confronted this lying witness with the images first reported on TB Daily News. Unfortunately the jury was cleared from the room and the images were not let into evidence by Judge Cannone, despite the fact that they impeach the witness’ credibility. (This doesn’t bode well for establishing the relationship between the Proctors and McAlberts, since so many of their pictures come from Facebook).

During her testimony McLaughlin said that she went to high school with “someone named Caitlin Albert,” who was only an acquaintance, and that they just had mutual friends from high school. She claimed she didn’t know anyone else from the Albert family, including Brian Albert, and that she “couldn’t recall” and had “no recollection” of ever being at the Albert’s house. She said she had no idea where or when the photographs I published were taken. She didn’t remember what beach the pictures were taken at and claimed she had never gone on vacation with the people in the photographs. She said that of the 500 friends on her social media she was probably only real world friends with 10 of them.

But since she gave this disastrous testimony more and more photographs have come out of McLaughlin and Caitlin Albert together. Here they are in 2016 (two years after graduating high school together), drinking beers in a hot tub in Frenchman’s Hole, Maine (which is a 3-4 hour drive from Canton).

I can’t say that I’ve ever gone on a trip to Maine with anyone I wasn’t friends with. Here’s another picture from that same trip to Maine in 2016, featuring both Caitlin and Katie.

That trip in late July was apparently their second vacation together that month. On July 4 they were partying at Pepponesset Island in Mashpee, just a couple weeks prior.

Perhaps she could say that she had a mutual friend on the Maine vacation, but not for both.

Here they are the next year (2017) at yet another beach vacation with “mutual friends.”

None of these images have dates on them, but you get the point.


They also ran cross country together in high school.

Cross Country is a close knit sport because everyone on the team runs the same event and does the same training. Most people don’t stay friends with the kids they did cross country with in high school, but Katie and Caitlin partied together for years after they graduated.

Katie McLaughlin admitted that she told other firefighters Karen Read said “I hit him, I hit him,” and Tim Nuttal testified that the case is a daily topic in the firehouse. She started the rumor, and is likely the reason all these other firefighters repeated what she said. None of them told police she confessed to killing a man until they spoke with Michael Proctor, all of their stories “evolved” over time, and all of their testimony is contradicted by police reports.

Katie McLaughlin isn’t just a liar, she’s a really bad person. It takes a very, very cold person to lie about what a woman said during a murder trial, especially when it increases the chance they may be convicted of a crime they didn’t commit. She’s lying to protect her close friend Caitlin Albert, whose family would be torn apart if Karen Read wasn’t on trial. She was completely exposed and no matter what she does with the rest of her life, THIS is what she will be remembered for. Hope the McAlberts were worth it.

One thing is for sure – her testimony greatly helps Karen Read. And if Alan Jackson can do this to some bit player like Katie McLaughlin, just imagine what he’s going to do to Jennifer McCabe and Colin Albert.


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  1. So many lays and shady shit with these people. Zero chance Karen read would be found guilty.
    This just started and every lying DB on the stand has been exposed.
    How can a jury believe people that lie under oath?!?
    How can you be so ignorant and stupid not to realize it’s coming out.
    That nose keeps growing for a reason.

      1. Everyone NOSE she’s lying

        ‘ Ill take synonyms for acquaintances and friends for $200 Alex “

  2. So Busted, but Auntie Bev will say it’s too late rule 14, should have provided before trial started ….

  3. It’s OK to lie to a Hollywood Lawyer.
    He’s not from here.
    You go girl
    Fuckem ! Fuckem for all the shit Jackson has done to Canton, Fuckem all !

    1. Go fuck yourself, McAlbutts.
      Don’t you realize we don’t want you in town no more.

    2. Them hot shot Hollywood lawyers think they can one up us Canton townies.
      Haven’t they met Jim Farrris?
      We’re gonna run them out just like those Dateline ho’s.

    3. I wonder if tb can see where comments originate from by IP address. Would be hilarious wouldnt it ?

      1. Canton Library, Columbo. Just Incase The Turtle tried to find home address illegally.
        Besides it’s not legal advice, just what most of us life long Invested residents feel. Not the newbie’s who want to recycle their yoga mats and have the town pay for it.

        1. Something tells me the Canton crew don’t spend too much time in the local library.
          It’s 2024. No one goes to the library to use the internet. I’d say you can look at the camera to see what loser it was, but it’s Canton. They don’t believe in working cameras.

        2. I hope you are trying to troll. Could be something in that Canton water supply to explain you. Like lead.

  4. Right from the jump, with the first question from Jackson, it was apparent this dope was gonna be destroyed . ‘ I graduated with a Caitlin Albert”

    Canton is a very small pond containing the Gondii parasite and apparently they are all drinking from it

    Enough with these pathetic Hollywood extras

    Let’s get to the leading actors

  5. Two things: McLaughlin’s attempt to disguise herself as Mother Superior didn’t help much in the end.
    Judge Cannone sounded like she was chomping at the bit to tell the big LA lawyer “DENIED”. IF, and that’s a big IF, Karen Read is found responsible, the first step for grounds for appeal are in place.

    1. Agreed. Cannone has limited powers of logic. She is not the right mind to make fair, balanced decisions for this trial.

  6. I don’t think she would of testified like that inside the Moakley courthouse. Where your alone only with your wits. Yesterday she was snarky ,a brat , and entitled.
    Judge Bev saved her . I hope the Feds are watching this clown show .

    1. Her snark was counterproductive…but she’s too emoitionally embedded with the “town” of Canton to understand that some humility on her end would have been better received than her nasty and defiant attitude…after all a woman is being FRAMED for murder yet she opts to help the conspirators!

  7. She didn’t even HAVE to lie. “Yeah I knew her and the family, but I was there to do a job”. Instead? She comes off like The Weasel Queen. I don’t know if she’ll be “defined by this the rest of her life” as gaslighting shit like this is unnecessary. I can’t stand the anti Karen Read fans more than anyone, but ya gotta stay classy San Diego. Stop putting in those useless high key intensifiers in, just makes people respect you less. It’s Coffindaffer-esque, and we ain’t her!

    1. She’s not smart enough to have just told the truth that she knows her, went to school with her, is friends with her, etc. This girl fits in perfect in Canton with the rest of those dirtbag McAlberts

  8. Wasn’t KM the “witness” that stated she had an “impeccable memory” just the day before??

    What happened overnight to cause so many “I don’t Knows” or “I can’t Recalls”??

    Apparently her “memory evolved” along with her “story”

    1. There was a woman citizen. No idea who she was.
      I suppose aunt Jen never went to any of her nieces sporting events.
      Any pics from sports during h s?

    2. evolved and devolved all at the same time….amazing skill set…must have been the crucifix!!!

    3. Right there. She can’t recall a lot for a young woman. How could a a jury possibly not question how she could remember what exact words were during a chaotic scene.
      Thinking as a juror. She said the cop heard it too.
      So why was she allowed to leave?
      He would have detained her right there.
      Why his the commonwealth wasting our tax money on this complete sham of a trial.
      The witnesses coming up aren’t going to do any better.

  9. What about Dan Whitley. K R neighbor.
    He was able to bring the town fire engine to Kerry’s house for a party?
    Was this approved by a board prior.
    Any emergencies that day and there was a delay getting there because Danny was partying at her house with the truck?

    1. Swimsuit pictures…pool? If so, whose pool? No carpooling? No picking up friends at their house? Who did you ride to these places with?

      1. Stupid little slampig would just continue the lie with “I don’t remember” I hope the audit of Canton gets control of this town and slampig is the first to be unemployed because character matters and she is a soulless big nosed bitch who should be charged for her roll in the coverup!

    2. Doesn’t everyone get to have a fire engine at their parties?
      So if I live in Canton and a fireman doesn’t live in my neighborhood am I shit out of luck?
      Seems certain residents and connected people get perks others don’t.

  10. Hopefully all of this can come out when the defense calls Caitlin Albert to the stand. These people are vile. All integrity lost. Reputations ruined. Careers destroyed. Hope it was worth it.

    1. Reputations ruined ? You mean enhanced, as in local legend was just created. Careers destroyed ? Most likely a major promotion and a raise for standing strong against the outsiders.
      You wouldn’t understand. Most towns ruined by outsiders. Newbies that want to take over.

      1. Legend just created?? Promotion and a raise?? Wow! So Canton folks must jump at opportunities to lie and help LE cover up their murders! Canton sounds like a great place to live with stand-up citizens!

      2. I don’t know who raised you but if I had 3 guesses I’m sure I’d be correct. Let me educate you a bit. A local legend is a nobody. You grow up, get a real job, socialize with friends in a normal way and not behave like you own the world. Maybe if you look outside your town you will realize that there is life outside that Canton line where you could be a productive person in society. Striving to be the local legend douche bag is not Cool. It’s childish. You realize all your parents friends are talking behind their back. They don’t think they are cool. They think they should grow the fuck up.

      3. Ahhh yes… Canton, MA where local legends are made. God I’m so jealous of everyone from Canton. I wish I could be poor white trash, its so boring being rich and successful. And I hate having integrity. Ughhh life is not fair..

  11. This disgusting pig. How the judge won’t allow all of this into evidence and a full cross is astonishing. But even worse is the fact that I would still hate bang Caitlin and Katie. I hate myself for it. Lmao

  12. Katie McLaughlin is not very smart is she. She put herself in a situation where she lied on the stand in a courtroom for a trial that is being shown all over the country. Millions of people watched her lie on the stand. The jurors must be curious as to why a first responder would lie on the stand? Once that connection to Caitlin Albert is made then it all falls into place. And when Caitlin Albert takes the witness stand everyone will be reminded once again about sneaky, lying Katie.

    How do you redeem yourself when you just got caught lying in front of millions after you took an oath to tell the truth? If that was my daughter I would be so ashamed. I wonder if her parents are part of the McAlbert crew.

    Katie will be the subject of memes, jokes, ridicule and more for a long time.

    Hope it was worth it Katie.

  13. I used to think the ‘Tiurtleboy Facial Recognition System’ whereby anyone in New England could be identified in a day or two, but the ‘Turtleboy Image Search System’ is almost more impressive.

  14. She knows these are out there, but knows she can perjure herself. Cause nothing will happen to her for protecting the corruption.

  15. I was getting sick yesterday watching this dirty little slampig lie under oath so much yesterday.

  16. Just goes to show you the level of sociopathic corruption these complete idiots have. When you’ve lived your whole life in this delusional little bubble and you think somehow no one else can clearly see it? It would be absolutely mind-blowing if someone who isn’t completely aware that these things exist everyday, especially the corrupt hack state of Massachusetts. It’s just a microcosm of any given town or city in the Commonwealth. The FBI that has completely lost any favor or confidence with anyone that knows what’s going on in the country right now and is desperately looking for some sort of positive PR has an opportunity to expose this. Will they? That’s another story.

  17. You dirty little hampster! I think these kids from Canton are confused about where exactly the grew up. You’re from an upper class suburb with nice schools and big houses. They try to carry themselves like “city” kids. Tristan ( is that a dudes name) saying “you ain’t from here” in Southie. Just because your grandparents lived there doesn’t mean you are “from here” you grew up in a wealthy suburban town! This rat looking chick lying her ass off about not knowing KA was a joke! Everyone watching including the jurors knew she was lying under oath! I hope they drill K.Albert about Master Splinter and the trips they NEVER took together over and over!! Snarky lil bitch lying with an attitude like she was at the mall. I hope she looses her career over this!!

  18. If Caitlyn Albert is c all to the she’ll repeat the same thing . They knew each other in school and they have some of the same friends in common . I’m sure she’s watching the TV now and knows what to say .

  19. Katie is a hook nose rat face weasel, skinny faced weird looking rat face. I can’t wait for her to be proven as a complete liar. The truth is coming for Hook Nose Rat Face

    1. “Olive Oyl” perfect! Little bitch thinks she’s all that but is barley a 3. Hope the town fires her for bringing even MORE shame to Canton.

  20. This bitch is so weird and goofy looking. But I would still skullfuck her out of spite.

  21. …and just like that, another female villain.

    Another distraction from the truth by having someone uninvolved fumble around their words. Further from the truth we stray… following a new lead, given to us by the defense. A lead to no where, but that’s their job.

    The defense treated Katie McLaughlin like the Statie’s treated Karen Read.
    Women just lie, right?

    It is not the responding Paramedics responsibility to take part in any investigating or reporting, in the way they make it seem. THIS IS A HUGE DEAL that they’re ripping her apart. What does this mean going forward?? WHY would the Commonwealth use this to hold their case together?
    She’s interviewed by the police. She heard a police officer acknowledge the statement and went on with the rest of the horrific trauma in front of her. That should’ve been the end of it.

    But we needed another female villain.
    “Karen was staring daggers.”
    At the paramedic who tried saving his life…? Riddle me that.

    Photos from drinking parties in the small town. Congratulations.
    Just as much evidence as Karen Read saying “I hit him.”

    Wake up, you bloodthirsty mob of Jen McCabes…. Wow.

    1. Impatiently waiting…….’Fumble around their words’….When asked Ms. McLaughlin stated ‘I went to High School with someone named Caitlin Albert’ as if she barely knew her, did you hear her tone?… She said it TWICE….and you don’t see a problem with that statement? If I were the Judge, I would be furious she lied to the Court. It doesn’t matter what she says she heard from Karen Read….she was NOT truthful about the relationship she had with Caitlin Albert, therefore NOTHING she testified to in that Court Room is believable….She should be impeached, and I hope the Judge does it,…Contempt of Court: If a witness deliberately misleads the court or provides false testimony, the judge may take action against them…. If Alan Jackson has to do it in open court….it will not go well for Katie McLaughlin.

    2. With all due respect, every time you post nonsense like this, you’re digging your grave deeper, Mcalberts and friends.

      Actually Jackson was quite nice to Katie on the stand. Many defense lawyers aren’t nice when cross examining witnesses, especially when they’re obviously lying on the stand.

      You do realize it’s perjury and Jackson was rightly using the photos to impeach her untruthful testimony. Fortunately for you, judge Bev is in your pocket and tried to minimize the damage as much as possible, but it was done.

      The whole country and people following this around the world saw this woman lying and called it out for what it was. You should be embarrassed and ashamed of being from Canton, everyone is laughing at you and saying your town is obviously corrupt and full of idiotic close minded townies who think never leaving town makes them Canton Royalty.

      You can be mad at Alan Jackson and Karen’s defense team all you want, but at the end of it all, Karen will be not guilty, and then the feds will sweep your dirty ass corrupt town of all the people involved in covering up how John okeefe died as well as Sandra Birchmore.

      And when that happens
      Will you still be here posting moronic, uneducated, small minded posts rife with ad hominem attacks as you’ve just done here? You should realize that ad hominem attacks are the last vestige of the guilty who have no defense for the things they say. Debates are won with facts, not biased opinions.

      Do yourself a favor, live a little, leave your stupid townie town for a minute or two and see the world. You’re clearly not very worldly or capable of critical thinking. Leaving that nasty echo chamber of a town will do you a world of good and maybe, just maybe, you’ll become less of a fool and learn the world’s a lot bigger than Canton. And there are far blue powerful and scary people than Brian Albert out there.

      You’re clearly very emotionally immature and frankly I have second hand cringe after reading that drivel you wrote. Maybe next time, think with your own brain, do some real research and stop being so defensive. That’s a sign of guilt too.

    3. Did you get dropped on head? People are talking about how she lied under oath about knowing Caitlin Albert not about her work as a paramedic. You need some smelling salts to wake you from your stupor.

  22. Open note to Judge: stop sighing and worrying about your pension and uphold your oath to be fair and impartial. This is your career-defining moment and you’re blowing it.

  23. When asked Ms. McLaughlin stated ‘I went to High School with someone named Caitlin Albert’ as if she barely knew her, did you hear her tone?… She said it TWICE….and you don’t see a problem with that statement? If I were the Judge, I would be furious she lied to the Court. It doesn’t matter what she says she heard from Karen Read….she was NOT truthful about the relationship she had with Caitlin Albert, therefore NOTHING she testified to in that Court Room is believable….She should be impeached, and I hope the Judge does it,…Contempt of Court: If a witness deliberately misleads the court or provides false testimony, the judge may take action against them…. If Alan Jackson has to do it in open court….it will not go well for Katie McLaughlin.

  24. She’s just another evil, snarky little shit from Canton! It’s too bad the defense didn’t have these new photos as they blow away her ‘just an acquaintance’ bullshit.

  25. Please impeach her. Defense team has legal grounds to convict her of a crime for lying under oath. Surely someone warned her of the possible repercussions of a witness getting caught lying under oath.. very serious consequences. What a fool.

  26. she should lose her job for committing perjury while testifying in a court case related to the performance of her duties.. hopefully she is the first of many …this is disgusting

  27. She is most likely being bullied about what she testified. That’s how these cliques work.

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