Canton Coverup Part 344: More Pictures Emerge Of Katie McLaughlin Partying With Caitlin Albert After Testifying She Barely Knows Her


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We first reported in Part 44 of the Canton Coverup series that Canton Firefighter Katie McLaughlin, who was the only firefighter listed in the charging documents who told police that she heard Karen Read say “I did it, I did it,” in front of of a female friend (Jen McCabe or Kerry Roberts), and a police officer (Officer Saraf), is a personal friend of Caitlin Albert, the daughter of Brian Albert. We posted this picture of her at the beach with Caitlin:

This picture of them in a group:

And this picture of Caitlin Albert’s Venmo friends, which included McLaughlin:

On Thursday and Friday McLaughlin testified against Karen Read and said that not only did she hear Karen Read say “I hit him, I hit him,” but that Read did this in front of an unknown woman and an unknown cop, who reportedly responded to this confession by asking Sgt. Goode to come to the scene. There is nothing in any officer’s report about any of this happening, and under cross examination McLaughlin admitted to Alan Jackson that her story has “evolved” over time.

The defense then confronted this lying witness with the images first reported on TB Daily News. Unfortunately the jury was cleared from the room and the images were not let into evidence by Judge Cannone, despite the fact that they impeach the witness’ credibility. (This doesn’t bode well for establishing the relationship between the Proctors and McAlberts, since so many of their pictures come from Facebook).

During her testimony McLaughlin said that she went to high school with “someone named Caitlin Albert,” who was only an acquaintance, and that they just had mutual friends from high school. She claimed she didn’t know anyone else from the Albert family, including Brian Albert, and that she “couldn’t recall” and had “no recollection” of ever being at the Albert’s house. She said she had no idea where or when the photographs I published were taken. She didn’t remember what beach the pictures were taken at and claimed she had never gone on vacation with the people in the photographs. She said that of the 500 friends on her social media she was probably only real world friends with 10 of them.

But since she gave this disastrous testimony more and more photographs have come out of McLaughlin and Caitlin Albert together. Here they are in 2016 (two years after graduating high school together), drinking beers in a hot tub in Frenchman’s Hole, Maine (which is a 3-4 hour drive from Canton).

I can’t say that I’ve ever gone on a trip to Maine with anyone I wasn’t friends with. Here’s another picture from that same trip to Maine in 2016, featuring both Caitlin and Katie.

That trip in late July was apparently their second vacation together that month. On July 4 they were partying at Pepponesset Island in Mashpee, just a couple weeks prior.

Perhaps she could say that she had a mutual friend on the Maine vacation, but not for both.

Here they are the next year (2017) at yet another beach vacation with “mutual friends.”

None of these images have dates on them, but you get the point.


They also ran cross country together in high school.

Cross Country is a close knit sport because everyone on the team runs the same event and does the same training. Most people don’t stay friends with the kids they did cross country with in high school, but Katie and Caitlin partied together for years after they graduated.

Katie McLaughlin admitted that she told other firefighters Karen Read said “I hit him, I hit him,” and Tim Nuttal testified that the case is a daily topic in the firehouse. She started the rumor, and is likely the reason all these other firefighters repeated what she said. None of them told police she confessed to killing a man until they spoke with Michael Proctor, all of their stories “evolved” over time, and all of their testimony is contradicted by police reports.

Katie McLaughlin isn’t just a liar, she’s a really bad person. It takes a very, very cold person to lie about what a woman said during a murder trial, especially when it increases the chance they may be convicted of a crime they didn’t commit. She’s lying to protect her close friend Caitlin Albert, whose family would be torn apart if Karen Read wasn’t on trial. She was completely exposed and no matter what she does with the rest of her life, THIS is what she will be remembered for. Hope the McAlberts were worth it.

One thing is for sure – her testimony greatly helps Karen Read. And if Alan Jackson can do this to some bit player like Katie McLaughlin, just imagine what he’s going to do to Jennifer McCabe and Colin Albert.


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