Canton Coverup Part 347: Canton Police Testimony Shows Incompetence And Special McAlbert Treatment During John O’Keefe Murder Investigation
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On Monday Canton Police Lt. Paul Gallagher and Sgt. Sean Goode testified in the Karen Read trial, and just like mots of the witnesses before them, the veteran cops only strengthened Read’s defense. More than anything they embarrassed the Canton Police Department on an international stage as the eyes of the world saw for the first time just how frivolously police handled the murder investigation of another officer.
The big takeaway for me was that we saw Gallagher using Goode’s leaf blower (which he ran home and retrieved) for the first time, searching the area where O’Keefe’s body was found a little more than an hour after O’Keefe was taken to the hospital. Many were shocked that police would use a leaf blower to search what they believed to be a homicide, but it was what they didn’t find that was most important. Here’s a couple still shots from the video presented in court:
Gallagher testified that he found transparent pieces of cocktail glass and 6 small droplets of blood. He secured the blood samples with red solo cups, which he procured from Lt. Tom Keleher, who lives across the street at 31 Fairview Road. They were kept in Stop n Shop bags in room temperature in the CPD Sally port garage.
But it was what they didn’t find that really mattered. Every officer who responded to the scene that day reported that there were ZERO piece of red tail light or a black Nike sneaker found at the scene. Now we have video proof to back this up. This is problematic for the Commonwealth because the totality of the physical evidence against Karen Read is red tail light that they allegedly found at the crime scene in subsequent weeks. If there was no red tail light at the scene when CPD searched it then Karen Read could not have killed John O’Keefe with her car. If red tail light was found there later on then it means it was planted.
My question is, why aren’t Goode, Gallagher, and the rest of the CPD more offended by this? Eleven hours after they searched the scene and did not see any red tail light or a large black Nike sneaker in broad daylight, the State Police SERT team “found” 4 pieces of red tail light and a large black Nike sneaker after 18 inches of snow had fallen in the pitch black of night. Michael Proctor and Chief Ken Berkowitz “found” 31 more pieces of tail light during 6 undocumented trips to the crime scene in February 2022. If the tail light and shoe weren’t planted there by the State Police then it means every member of the Canton Police who searched that area is both incompetent and blind because not one of them saw it in broad daylight, with less than 2 inches of snow on the ground.
So why aren’t they louder about this? Simple – Kevin Albert. If no tail light was discovered at the scene then Canton Police Detective Albert’s brother Brian would be a murder suspect.
Gallagher in particular was indignant and defensive about why police didn’t search inside the Albert house after a body was discovered on the front lawn. He claims he had no probable cause to search the house, which is a complete lie. Only a judge can determine if probable cause exists to execute a search warrant. Judge O’Shea signed a search warrant for my house based solely on the fact that State Police believed I broadcast the Turtleboy Live Show (which they claim I committed witness intimidation on) from my house.
Today Sgt. Goode and Lt. Lank both took the stand and testified that they went inside 34 Fairview Road to speak with Brian Albert, Nicole Albert, and Jennifer McCabe, but neither of them asked to look around the house. Their reasoning – no probable cause. Because apparently a dead cop with a missing shoe on the Albert’s front lawn didn’t qualify in their minds as probable cause. They admitted that they didn’t attempt to obtain a search warrant for probable cause from a judge, nor did they politely ask the Alberts to take a look around – something no innocent person in their position would object to.
We also found out that Sgt. Goode’s original report contained an image of the area where John O’Keefe’s body was discovered.
However, an unknown officer added a supplemental report that contained an image of the same area with what appeared to be a small piece of red tail light.
No one knows who the officer was who added this to the report, because apparently cops can just anonymously add critical evidence to reports in murder investigations.
Tuesday ended with some drama in the courtroom when Adam Lally showed dash cam video from Lt. Ray’s car as it pulled up to 1 Meadows Ave at 8:25 AM on January 29. Karen Read’s Lexus can be seen, and the right tail light is clearly missing a red portion that the left tail light is not.
The McAlbert Mafia took this as some sort of case closed bombshell, but it really means nothing. No one debates that Read’s tail light was broken, because we all saw her back into John’s Chevy Traverse 3 hours prior, and we all saw that that particular part of the tail light was broken:
But the problem is that the ENTIRE tail light to the right of that broken portion has been entered into evidence. It was clearly partially broken at 5:07 AM, but you cannot see the side of the tail light in the dash cam above. However, you can see at 4:12 PM that the side portion of the tail light is sill on her car when it was towed from her parents’ house in Dighton.
Yet days later in the Canton Police Sally port garage that piece of plastic lens was no longer on the car.
This is a photo of the same model and year Lexus LX 570 tail light.
The small horizontal light at the far right corner of the tail light illuminates whenever the headlights are on. Note that the sail shaped triangle above the small horizontal light NEVER illuminates. It is only a reflector and contains no lamps. That piece is clearly still on the car at 5:07 AM, and would not be visible from the CPD dash cam at 8:25 AM:
Any piece of plastic lens still in tact at 5:08 AM should NOT have been recovered at 34 Fairview Road. Yet that piece was found by Michael Proctor on an undocumented trip to 34 Fairview Road three weeks later.
Lank the Skank
This is not like Charlestown code of silence the Townies were smart enough to say nothing, but these people are just God awful liars. When Lunchbox Lally says the prosecution rest that will be the first true statement they make.
Every day we see another of the Prosecution’s witnesses take the stand and each day we see multiple witnesses get ruined in front of an audience of millions.
Why haven’t any of them figured out yet that keeping up with the lie will cost them dearly. Is it really worth risking your reputation and credibility for a McAlbert?
And we haven’t even gotten to the juicy witnesses yet.
Prosecution is running out of cannon fodder in the form of useless witnesses. Get your popcorn ready.
These people are literally throwing away their integrity, their reputations and their careers to protect the McAlberts and their polluted offspring. Its so bizarre!! WHY???
Maybe they’re afraid of uncle Brian a and his fucked up family. They have killed at least 2 people that we know of to date.
Not much to say here except, Canton’s Finest is a bunch of adult punks. Disrespectful, wise-ass, punks.
When you never leave the petri dish (in this case the Town of Canton, Massachusetts) people who gain entry into positions of power become much like a virus–> they becomes emboldened, entitled, dirty and think the rule of law doesn’t apply to them (LOOK at the underage drinking and foul behavior encouraged by adults raising another generation of viruses)
It’s clear Canton NEEDS to PURGE the virus known as the McAlbutts & Co…as likely does many a city /town in the state.
If you have ever had the pleasure of interacting with Canton’s finest, then you know that they too consider you a random fucking citizen.
Obviously a dog was in the SUV and attacked John after she hit him. How else would he have gotten the bite puncture wounds and animal scratches…
The truth is squeezing itself out of my buns.
Yeah Chloe was out for her walk and decided to balance on the rear bumper but somehow didn’t sustain any injuries during the collision which would’ve involved Brian Higgins’ jeep based on where it was parked. A Commonwealth Miracle!
Im gonna take your comment as you being sarcastic. lol. 👍
Let’s wrap it up ALREADY and get on with the lawsuits!
So Brian Albert and Brian Higgins had traveled to NY earlier in the day of the murder of John OKeefe to pay their respects to a fallen NY cop but when there is a dead fellow BOSTON COP on his front lawn he can’t even walk out his front door and walk 75 f ing feet across his front yard to see what’s going on with all of the 1st responders working on John O’Keefe!
To all these low life Canton cops who are testifying with their vague bull $ hit efforts.
Brian Albert would f you over in a NY second. Just like he did to John O’Keefe
This! More than anything, it’s the not coming out of the house. In the morning. The next day. Never offering help. This is not the way innocent people act
That is the biggest ‘tell’ for me….a fellow Boston cop is out in there on the lawn of a cops house and the cops KNOW this pulling up…there’s a screaming woman out there, then CFD & ambulance shows up, and THIS cop that owns the house and is home DOES NOT come out to see what the fukc is going on?! Its bc he KNEW what was going on.
What pisses me off even more is that they SAY they had no probable cause even after finding out there was a party just HOURS before?!! Yet, you or I have a gathering and a cop is found dead on our lawn mere hours after that gathering, you KNOW damn well those cops are knocking and coming in even if to see who is in the house and if anything seems off. Id bet my paycheck on it. And that is at the very LEAST. Id even bet they would come in and take a look even if they never left the entranceway…UNTIL the warrant goes through that they had one of the other officers go get from a judge while the cops on scene hang out in the entranceway talking to the homeowner. AND theyd drag every single one of us down for questioning one by one.
NO WAY theyd just be like Ehhh no big deal, its completely normal for a cop to found dead on another cops lawn and never have the cop home owner come out and see what all the commotion was, like STAHP askin questions already!
Its kinda infuriating and if the regular normal Canton homeowners arent at EVERY SINGLE town meeting screaming about this absolute clown show of an investigation, well then they deserve this utter circus of a PD. I also hope the good cops, Im sure there are SOME?!…ok, IF there are any good cops in Canton, I hope they’re working on getting the sht ones tf OUT!
I think these clowns may have been broken in and trained on the job by Leslie Nielsen from Police Squad!!
Shirley you can’t be serious…
I see what you did there
Picture the scene where Frank Drebin ends up sliding across the table on top of the Queen, but instead it’s Proctor and Morrissey
Cannone Baloni breaths like Darth Vader, disgusting to listen to on the court room microphone. She’s out of breath from sitting in a chair all day, imagine what she sounds like walking up a flight of stairs. She should really think about losing weight, her cardio is horrible. Lazy sack of crap looks bored and falling asleep. How is is going to protect Hook Nosed Katie? Perjury is a serious crime in a murder trial
She had a bit of a different demeanor today and end of day yesterday. She is seemingly starting to accept that this trial is a complete sham. She allowed the Lopilato brother’s story into trial which felt like something she wouldn’t allow.
Don’t be fooled.
She was too obvious. Got spoken to and had to allow some things in.
Don’t overlook the cough objection timing.
She also keeps telling the defense to move it along while letting Lally show hours of ring camera footage of people in JOs driveway that goes absolutely nowhere.
And the coughs before each objection are obvious at this point.
Could the women of Canton look ANY more (Merle) haggard than this? These people are Fanta for breakfast and Jamesons for lunch and Muscatel for dinner. Holy $&@/ they should have tried out for roles as “the sisters” in The Fighter. They come equipped with THE most embarrassing Boston accents.
The Proctologist literally pulled pieces of taillights out of his anus for Weeks- I mean McCabe. What a dope.
Everytime he posted an article my hemriods just kept on going all over 34 fair view.
Side topic.
Report twisted tragedies YT channel.
No warning and my 15 year old watching some weirdo smoking butts and grant Ellis smoking weed. YT isn’t MA based .
Irresponsible behavior.
Had one video about shooting people .
No chance that ex addict has a gun license!!
Crazy eyes lady.
‘I’ll give them that one” in reference to overruling. Lally objection
And what’s up with Bev coughing before his objections?
Thank goodness Karen has the best representation money can buy, because clearly this case is Judge and prosecution against the defense
The Day 6 takeaway for me was the question of who the hell Lank was talking to after coaching and getting filled in by Jen McCabe of what happened and then sneaking in to talk to the Albert witnesses inside the home
Obviously the Feds know , based on Yanetti’s opening statement. About Proctors phone texts , they most likely have analyzed and continue to monitor all of these people’s phones
The evidence collection , preservation and custody transport documentation is non existent
CPD really needs to stop limiting their fishing for recruits to the virally infected Petri dish that is Canton, MA
An outsider FBI trained LEEDS Chief would be a great start
Agreed, reward public service for integrity and intelligence…not test taking. Circuit court judges’ authority seems too broad. Vote in local elections your life depends on it
Is Jen Weeks McCabe connected
Jen Weeks McCabe learned everything she knows watching Uncle Kevin and his buddy Whitey.
Ms.Read faces a non-investigation and a coughing, conflicted court. Thank God she hired the right legal team. Local law enforcement seems to protect and defend only certain people. What law enforcement knew to hide from data collection efforts (iPhones, cameras and DNA)tells different story. Time to join the modern age, Canton
Lank not remembering who he talked to on his cell phone was pure bullshit. How could he not remember a five minute phone call at that precise time?
Berky calling in the
All hands off code red
I don’t disagree or argue against anything, here.
Can’t tell people those taillight piece came from that scene.
Leaf blower and red solo cups…
When Dover PD had the triple murder/suicide on Christmas, they had that scene secured right away. Made sure everyone saw how closed off it was.
Nothing here was remotely “by the book,” meaning they acted on their own and aren’t protected by their jobs and unions.
Can’t wait to smell the poop in the courtroom when they bring in the crash reconstructionists and they prove none of this happened with hard mathematical facts that none of these meatheaded shitsacks will be mentally able to refute. They’re better at beating people to death than they are at calculating anything.
Can we get some thoughts on here on who Brian Albert actually is? For every level of law enforcement, the DA’s office, the judge and so many more, who is he that they would all put their freedom and careers on the line for him and his family. It’s more than some townie looking out for townie garbage.
Does Lally have any idea what HIS witnesses are going to say?
Today he managed to prove three things:
1) Karen was great with the kids and very affectionate with John, including THAT NIGHT
2) Lots of the commonwealth witnesses seem to have serious alcohol issues.
3) The two thug Brians really are cool fratboys punching and wrestling and sending hmmmmmm texts, what are you twelve?
No probable cause I can’t believe that was said with a straight face
Adam Lally said on 5/6 in court (at the 7:23:05 hour mark of the L&C stream) when arguing why the Lapolito case is so far removed/not relevant… Lally says “It was a single incident in which he (Lank) did not witness anything to do with the Albert brothers. Uhh Christopher Albert was never at 34 Fairview Rd on Jan 28th or uhh until much much later in the day of Jan 29th and certainly not at the same time Sergeant Lank was”
Lank said on 5/7 in court (at the 02:09:22 hour mark of the L&C stream) that he went back to Fairview (for the third time) after receiving a call from Jen McCabe shortly after 9am.
Chris Albert said today 5/9 in court (at the 59:00 min mark of the L&C stream) that him and Julie went to Fairview sometime after 9oclock.
By Chris Albert confirming he was at Fairview the morning of Jan 29th with Julie, it proves Adam Lally lied on 5/6 to the court.
This article stands out for its clarity.
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