TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 356: Video Of Colin Albert Fighting In August 2021 Proves He Lied Under Oath About Never Being In A Fight 


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Last week Colin Albert testified in the Karen Read murder trial that he had never been in a fight with anyone other than one of his brothers.

This seemed hard to believe given the amount of pictures and videos posted on social media showing Colin threatening to knock people out and holding his fist in the air in a menacing manner.

But his lawyer Joe Krowski, like many other McAlbert apologists, insisted on national television that Colin had never been in a fight.

But as it turns out Colin not only has been in a fight before, he’s also not much of a fighter. Here is a video from August 22, 2021, showing Colin fighting an unnamed ginger in sandals.


No wonder Colin would need his uncle and a dog to help him take down John O’Keefe. That was the most anti-climactic townie fight video I’ve ever seen. Lots and lots of squaring up and dancing.

But the only real action was when Colin threw a right haymaker that completely missed its target.

Unfortunately for him this left him wide open for a ginger infringer to the dome.

Colin swung and missed a couple more times.

But the ginger ninja was too quick for him. After that it was back to dancing.

Why did Colin bother to lie about this? Kids his age know that everything they do is recorded on video and posted to social media. They should know that when making such a claim in a nationally televised murder trial the Internet will dig up pictures and videos to prove you’re lying. Did he miss what happened with Katie McLaughlin a week earlier?

The only explanation I can reach is that Colin is just a very stupid person with absolutely no concept of the lengths powerful people have gone to in order to protect him. He probably doesn’t think it’s a big deal to lie under oath since he’s been raised as an entitled Albert who has never learned that actions have consequences. We will see if the defense brings this up later in the week, and if they will call Colin again as a witness.


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      1. Matt McCabe posting is par for the course. I secretly would love it if Matt McCabe grew a set of grapes & turned informant in his wife & the rest of the crime family. He could shed her 140lb no doubt soon to be divorce $ grubbing ass to the curb and get his balla back xuz she wears the pants and dildo in that family

    1. On my way to Canton right now to slap some pussies around. Colin a little white suburban bitch who tryna sound street. Bang Bang or just one bang in his case

  1. Gonna need a second video or pic’s, Colin will just say it’s a play fight not a real fight. Like his Uncle Brian (BPD) and Brian Higgins (ATF) playing grab-ass at The waterfall bar.

    1. That’d work until the kid he fought with is called to testify. Throw another perjury charge on Bang-Bang.

  2. Neither one of these pussies can fight . Hands down , crossing feet… wow. Lucky they weren’t anywhere other than Canton.

  3. Colin’s the type of asshole who sucker punches people and then his boys join in. His problem is no one has truly given him a beating he so deserves.

    I can only imagine how insufferable he must be after 3 cans of tranny fluid

    1. You’re dead on. One would think, think that by listening to him try to put together a short sentence that he suffers from CTE; then we hear his father talk..

    2. He gets that from his pussy father.
      The one who had to call Lank to do his fighting.
      Same pussy calls the cops on some woman holding signs.
      None of them could be in a real fight.
      They would all be crying like bitches.
      That includes the cop ones. Brian and Kevin.
      All of them are pussys

  4. Colin is not aware enough to realize that when he testifies that he’s never been in a fight, all it takes is one video to prove he lied. And he’s also too dumb to realize that if he says it was a play fight, all the defense needs to do is call the other kid to the stand. He’s toast, just like the others.

  5. Ehhhh this does not even look like a serious fight.

    Regardless, he looks like he has NO hands. No brains and no hands. Where are the skills from all that heavy bag work? Must suck to suck.

    1. Thanks you prove the point it is not a real fight, you would think this oh so clever blogger who had to offer money for others to research and look for pics or vids and still really came up with nothing more than a young man messing around with a friend. I think this is more about getting the supporters here to hit them up for more donations that he clearly doesn’t need, Aiden has state his supporters have already made him very comfortable financially but his greed continues. He doesnt need your hard earned money he just wants it. He yells at others to get a job yet he doesnt have one himself he has and still does live off others just like the parasite he is.

      1. hes providing a service that thousands of people have demand for. He spends his time committed to providing the service.

      2. Kearney is an abject fraud and moron. He is going broke. Read is going to prison. If you want to see what an abject piece of shit Kearney is, read the search warrant application the MSP filed with the Court. Kearney is a sociopath who has been flagrantly lying about his case for years:


        1. Hahahah
          Colin is such a stupid loser that can’t even fight a ginger.
          Also a lying perjuring piece of shit.

          1. Idiot. Get back to me when anyone goes to prison for killing O’Keefe except Karen Read. You’re one of those obese unemployed cunts who brings chairs to a murder trial, aren’t you? Fucking fat ass clown.

    2. this is just kids sparring. This isn’t a real fight. Like 10000% of what turtleboy posts this is bullshit

  6. Looks like another witness has perjured themselves.

    How many are we up to now?

    Colin Albert
    Brian Albert
    Jen McCabe
    Matt McCabe
    Katie McLaughlin
    Nicole Albert
    Caitlin Albert
    Chrissy Albert
    Julie Albert

    Who am I missing?

    How about that Jen McCabe? Boy, she has no loyalty to anyone. Lank and Proctor were easily thrown under the bus by her.. Kerry was talked about by Jen like she is some annoying woman. Life 360 just isn’t reliable. Google searches aren’t reliable. Phone data isn’t reliable. But Jen is an “honest and truthful” person. Anyone check in on Lizzie lately? She can’t be too happy with her friend Jenny.

    But in respect to Colin… Colin is the kind of kid that no parent wants. He’s a punk and an embarrassment and has the intelligence of a 6th Grader. He’s a chip off the old block.

    1. I think that’s what they mean when they (the McAlberts) talk about destroying families. Not theirs tho, the people who helped them families are destroyed. Proctors , Bukkakkes, Robert’s etc…

      1. So true… Jen McCabe is turning on all those that helped protect her from being charged with killing Officer John O’Keefe. I bet she turns on her own sister soon.

    2. Colin is a product of his environment…believe me his parents created the product with their disastrous and seemingly toxic parenting skills which seemingly include praising uncivil and disrespectful and aggressive behavior.

      Is it any wonder this case is such an outrageous mess that most “normal” people can’t wrap their heads around. This family is toxic!

    3. Hey fuckstick, listen up. None of the people you listed are going to be charged with perjury. Ever.
      The crazy alcoholic Read killed John O’Keefe and she and her pathetic lawyers have been lying about it for over two years.

      You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading Kearney’s rank and desperate bullshit. Both Read and Kearney are going to be locked up inside of a year because they are both criminals.

      Suck it the fuck up, junior. Never send a boy to do a man’s job.


      1. Wow, someone has some rage. You sound like a complete moron with your foolish comments. Karen Read is not going to jail and neither is Aidan. But you know who I think will end up hauled away in cuffs, Brian Albert, Colin Albert, and that evil, awful woman Jennifer McCabe. And when Jenny goes to trial for her role in John’s murder no jury is going to like her. She is just god awful.

        1st Degree Murder Charges for Brian, Colin, Jenny, and let’s add in Matt McCabe and Nicole Albert. They too knew what was happening and instead of getting help they chose to let a man die a very brutal and cruel death.

        1. You are an abject moron. No Albert or McCabe will even be arrested.

          How did Read know where O’Keefe’s body was?

          1. Because Jen McCabe knew where the body was. She drove Karen to 34 Fairview in the morning right?

          2. Yes. Mccabes and Albert’s are going to prison.
            Not all, but some.
            Some have already perjured themselves.
            Such weirdos with lack of self control.
            The woman are all look 20 years above their age.
            The “men” I say that lightly.
            Are all bald and complete pussy’s.

          1. As if you could make anyone shut up, fucking chowderheaded keyboard warrior cunt.

      2. Waah! The public picks on our family. Waaah!! Yet they get on media and start shit with people. Go scratch.

    4. You forgot Allie McCabe and Julie nagel.
      Matt, I know who you are. Why don’t you meet me at the waterfall? Pick a date and time. You are going to s*** your pants when you see me.

      1. Really? So who am I, you lying, cowardly piece of shit? Give us some details that your thorough investigation has revealed.

        1. Pick a time and place you Faggot But I will not meet you at the Canton Park&Ride, I’m not sucking Dicks with you. You are a total piece of Shit

          1. I told you. Tomorrow night at 7 at the Waterfall. You won’t show because you are a pillow biting cunt.

          2. The Waterfall is a Gay bar, next you will ask to meet up in P-Town. You afraid to leave Canton. How about South Side in Braintree, I’m sure you have no friends in Braintree after killing John OKeefe. Canton Park&Ride cock sucker

          3. You asked me to meet you at The Waterfall, maggot. You were a no-show. You are a cowardly pussy, you drunk, moronic little shit.

    1. For real. Even if it was sparring, you know the Ginge was thinking, “My life may be complete if I knock this chode out right now.”
      Colin seems like the kid who everybody resents, but nobody can be open about it because of who his family is. I mean, I’m in my 40’s and I wouldn’t f**k with Brian Albert. I mean Senior, BA Senior. Junior seems like a decent human.

      P.s. I am part Ginger, so no shots at my brethren. All love.

    1. Please look up what happens to not just the eyes but the entire face with a traumatic brain injury.

  7. I’d fight both these pussies and then the Paul brothers lmfao what a pathetic intimidator

        1. How? These clowns are play-fighting. You’d have to be dumber than an ashtray to think Collin Albert beat John O’Keefe to a pulp. It did not happen.

          1. That’s why he needed help from BA, BH, and Chloe, and maybe others. Oh, by the way, did you ever redo your basement floor twice in a few months span? No? Me neither. Neither would anyone else who wasn’t super rich or involved in a murder.

          2. Look, you moronic bag of dicks, no Albert, McCabe, Higgins is going to prison. Read is guilty because she’s an alcoholic who killed her boyfriend. You are so fucking stupid it defies description.

          3. Hahahaha you obviously lost your thinking cap years ago. Too many eyes on this for nothing to happen to your buddies and you guys are not in control of the situation anymore so it must be nerve racking for you. Reasonable doubt has already been established by the boatload and your argument is sinking fast. Do you even understand that the Feds are watching the trial and the reason why? Comprehension problems or just a Canton High graduate?

          4. How did Read know where O’Keefe’s body was? She ran straight to it. Goodness gracious you are a dolt.

          5. She was genuinely in shock and was the only one who was trying to save him unlike your stone cold friends. Where’s the dog? The missing coat and shoe- were they on the roof lol…and of course Colon was out of town. Your lack of comprehension is astounding. You must have too much taillight in your diet.

          6. I agree with you that no Albert or McCabe is going to prison, but I don’t think anyone is going to prison. I haven’t been following this as closely as a lot of folks apparently are, so correct me if I am wrong but I gather that Ms. J. McCabe changed her recollection (or at least its documentation) from “did I hit him” initially to “I hit him” many months later. In my experience (having testified as an expert witness numerous times in civil liability cases, and once as a fact witness in a criminal assault case), the contemporaneous record generally takes precedence. You see this a fair amount in worker’s comp and personal injury cases; e.g., the emergency room report describes only low back pain, and months or years later the patient also has neck pain that the plaintiff attorney attaches to the case (the ER doc was not thorough, the low back pain was worse so the patient didn’t mention it, whatever). The insurance company lawyer will try to limit the damages to the ER documented injury. It can fall out one way or the other, depending on the jury (and other aspects of the case of course) but I think usually the record nearest to the time of injury carries the most weight.

            What happened with the infamous 2:27 google search? Do you think the defense convinced the jury that it happened (maybe not with 100% certainty, but enough to raise a reasonable doubt)? Has any actual physical evidence been presented yet?

            At this point, before the defense has even presented its case, I would think there is likely reasonable doubt in the minds of at least some of the jurors (though as mentioned I have only been looking at the highlights from time to time).

            By the way, do you know Ms. Read enough to refer to her as an alcoholic? Is that a diagnosis that has been established as this case has unfolded over the past couple of years?

            Dr. Fang

          7. You being so staunchly on the play fighting “side” is just as outrageous as any FKR theory that you despise. second sentence is a fair opinion. unfortunately the theory is that colin threw one punch and BH and BA jumped in for backup, killing him. while chloe defended her owner. thats the theory.

            Maybe the mcalberts can testify that they were just “play-killing” John Okeefe

          8. How much of an idiot are you? Read is going to prison you lying fucking dolt.

          9. you dont understand how 3rd party defense works. and you dont understand what theory means. a theory cant be a lie.

            You are filled with rage, but one thing we can agree on is no mcalberts are going to be charged. the prosecutor will maintain their case throughout the not guilty verdict. At which point the prosecutor will comment on the steps of the courthouse that they know who [they think] did it, they tried the correct person, but she was found not guilty.

          10. The jury is going to convict Read because she’s guilty. Anyone who believes TB’s bullshit is a complete fucking moron.

          11. Hey man,
            I’m kind of worried for you. This hasn’t been about TB in a long time…we just understand how facts work. There’s only so many butt-dials that can be made in a 48-hour period.
            Your current approach is called “going down with the ship”. That’s when a prosecutor brings absolutely no evidence, or any comprehensive theory to the table by week 5, but you refuse to acknowledge it.
            Also, psych, it IS about TB, because your pathetic life is based on a story that TB put you on to. The story to which you’re directing all of your time and energy was brought to you by TB. You’re obsessed with the case, but would have no idea about it if not for TB.

          12. Kearney is a sociopath who invented this conspiracy to gaslight morons like you. Your s.o. is a cum dumpster and you sponge off of her to subsidize your pathetic existence because you are in a menial job and piss your life away on video games and weed. Maggot.

          13. sssshhhhhh

            keep it down
            will ya

            Matt is face down on the floor sleepin one off

          14. Hey you again!!!! Where’s my invite to The Waterfall for a meet and greet?!? BANG BANG!!! 🤡

  8. I’m in my 50s and grew up in Dot. I can honestly say, Colin, I’d knock you the F out.
    Look what happened when your hero BA talked shit to Beatty. Beatty showed up and BA turtled. You’re lucky you grew up in a fairy town being protected by trash bag adults.
    Son, my best advice, get your ass in a boxing gym before you go to the pokey.

    1. And by the way, Colon, forget everything your trophy uncle taught ya. It ain’t working, sweetie

      1. My point is Canton is a town full of fake tough guys protected by corrupt fake tough guys and white trash mothers. I feel bad for the good people of Canton.

      1. It may just be some good-natured sparring, but you raise an interesting point, particularly if this video is admitted as evidence. My understanding is that Mr. O’Keefe had a metacarpal fracture (was it the fifth?). When the pathologist testifies about this, I imagine the defense attorney will ask “What is the colloquial term for this injury?” The response will be “boxer’s fracture.” I would guess there would then be long line of questioning about how this is not uncommon in bare-knuckle fighting, rare in car-vs-pedestrian cases. All they have to do is produce reasonable doubt.

        Indulge me in a short story. I used to see these fractures all the time when I did inner city ER medicine. I asked one guy how he did it, and he said “I hit something.” I asked him what he hit and there was a long pause, and then he replied “a head.” Maybe you had to be there, but it was just funny the way he said it (the head in question was in the next exam room).

        Anyway, you seem to have a strong personal interest in this case and the people involved. Do you know the defendant and/or witnesses? All the he-said-she-said evidence may mean something to people who actually know these characters, but I don’t so I wait with bated breath for the presentation of the medical evidence. When is that going to happen?

        Dr. Fang

      2. Is this that pussy doctor from canton that hangs out at Matt Kelly’s pub?
        I think a bunch of us should plan a Matt Kelly’s night in the near future.

    1. The only story change i have seen and there has been many are all KR, I hit him I hit him I hit him…

      1. multiple witnesses have said that the police fabricated parts of their statements out of thin air. misquoting them etc. you believe that?

          1. Jen mccabe and brian albert have said this. BA when asked if the officer made a mistake in his report “perhaps.” and Jen Mccabe said this multiple times this week. Alan Jackson replies *yes ms mccabe all the police reports are incorrect* second quote was in jest and is actually a paraphrase of AJs words. but BA is verbatim.

  9. Turtleboy is like a beagle on a rabbit.I feel sorry for that rabbit…And as far as colin being a fighter, Ahahahaha.

    1. Thank you for agreeing, there is no way Colin could or would have fought with someone the size of and the training of JO, you said it so clearly along with all the other comments that have agreed Colin is no fighter..

  10. That could be just exercise or practising a punching style, doesnt show he was fighting. You lie so much how could anyone believe a word you say my god you have even lied to those who foolishly support you. Honest people know who to believe and thats not you a person who has a criminal record now and spent time in a jail although in protective custody showing just what a coward you are, lets see how it go’s when you go to a real prison and no protective custody and so many inmates waiting to give you such a warm welcome. There is a bet going on as to how many years you will get i have you down for 15 years hopefully in a cell with a very large aggressive man who will intimidate you for a change ..

        1. your propensity for anger, and your lack of ability to control your rage in even this setting is not characteristic of an intelligent person.

          1. Being smarter than you, which I am, is not an accomplishment given that your stupidity is bottomless.

          2. You claim to be smart without providing a shred of evidence to support your weak argument that has already been debunked by four federal experts. Lmfao LeBron is that you, you stupid cunt?

          3. All of you are going to realize Kearney has been playing you for two years. Read is going to prison, you utter fucking dolt. Those “experts” do not work for the Federal Government, you illiterate fucking clown.

          4. You huff too much paint. The McAlberts have been exposed as the lying murderous cunts that they are and Karen Read is going to walk. There’s a lot of reasonable doubt already and they’re all defensive and can’t recall anything. And the defense has yet to call a witness and when they do it is going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is innocent. Is Lally going to cross examine the experts and prove them wrong? Lol but yeah keep making personal attacks because your argument doesn’t hold up. Go wash the sand out of your mangina

          5. Your arguments are shit. Read is going to prison for killing a cop. When this trial is over, you’ll be afraid of being doxxed because all you do is defame and lie about the witnesses in this case. You are disgusting, depraved, and cowardly.

        2. I genuinely think Mattcd03 and PUA are Jen McCabe and her husband. Since Jenn may have single handedly ruined the commonwealths case, I would imagine she cannot mentally handle it and they are now back to trying to control the narrative online. Well I hope they both know the owner of the website can track down their IP address even when posting anonymously. Identifying the author of an anonymous post may require a Doe subpoena. This involves gaining access to the IP address of the poster via the hosting website. The courts can then order an ISP to identify the subscriber to whom it had assigned said IP address.

          1. i dont think mattmcd is a mcalbert but i definitely think Pua is. pathetically saying “thank you you agree with me…”

          2. Hah! What the fuck is a “Doe Subpoena”? You so fucking stupid it defies description.

        3. Your horses mouth just cooked you all for dinner. btw how was the post-court orgy? Looks like the O’Keefes are getting sick of you. They’re waking up and realizing Peggy’s angels are actually Peggy’s devils.

    1. Ahhhhh yes, pua San, your cunt face McAlbert style is no match for the Turtle truth style. Yaaaaaaah!

    1. I’ve always believed that Karen was completely innocent. However this video does proves Colin is a pussy and couldn’t realistically hurt another grown man. Must have had some help.

  11. all you Colin apologists: the defense attorney asked Colin if he had ever been in a fight. He didnt ask him if youve ever tried to beat an enemy to death with your bare hands.

    A fight is a fight. two friends can box, one gets KO’d, and they handle it like men after and “hug it out, bitch.” Its still a fight.

    The question from the attorney was to establish that Colin is a person NOT OPPOSED TO FIGHTING.

    This is perjury

  12. my working theory is that mattmcd03 is that dirty sanchez kid from the framingham or fitchburg state baseball team

    1. And your pathetic theory is wrong. When Read goes to prison, you’ll still be sorting packages for UPS, you fucking dolt.

      1. this would hurt my feelings if i currently worked at UPS. Which for the record has great salary and union benefits. unions are socialist though.

    2. definitely the fat drunk brother who introduced us to auntie bev, idk how people haven’t done the math yet lmao

  13. What a shit kid turned into to. 10 years ago he was walking proctors sisters wedding ring down the isle and dancing as a 7 or 8 yo. A decade later he is a full blown alcoholic and starting fights. They grow up so fast

    1. This comment convinced a lot of people to change their minds and ignore ALL the evidence. You go Colina Albert!!

    1. Colina you are delusional and completely obsessed. Turtle Boy has been around for years unearthing stories that the mainstream media SHOULD be covering, but is scared to. He is always backing up what he writes with receipts/proof. The trouble is .. this video of Colin and the pics of Katie that came out were actually sent to him by Cantonites. Their own friends turning on them after witnessing them LYING on the stand. Get that thru your small tunnel vision brain.

      I am keeping an open mind and must say, the worst part is that IF Karen did do it, the state completely botched the investigation. The O’Keefe family should be appalled at the prosecution either way. The state and local police did a terrible job and the O’Keefe’s should be considering what if any legal recourse they have as the state’s own case has so much reasonable doubt entered through their own exhibits and witnesses.

      Finally all the people writing with the negative comments are clearly people who’ve been on Ratchet Madness or featured in a prior story with a personal vendetta.

      Any American who knows the facts of this case and is not a degenerate bum is proud of Turtle Boy and what he has done for this case and many other unreal stories (Trooper Gate, Sandra Birchmore, etc., etc.). He is a true journalist and activist, which is more than your Twitter fingers will ever be.

    2. The grammatical execution here is unparalleled. You can’t write OR think. That’s a tough card to be dealt.
      Aces ✌️

  14. Well, the trolls are back out in full force in the Comments Section. Surprisingly, it’s happened right after JJ’s historically bad testimony. This is not at all a coincidence. Jen WILL control the narrative, even if it’s the Comments Section of a website.

    1. also not a coincidence
      trolls posting at midnight

      Vegas odds set the over under blood alcohol level @ .20

      taken the over

      1. Everytime! Then posting the same comment three times in a row lol they couldn’t be more obvious.

  15. What i do not understood is in truth how you are not actually a lot more smartly-liked than you may be now. You are very intelligent. You realize therefore significantly in the case of this topic, produced me individually imagine it from numerous numerous angles. Its like men and women don’t seem to be fascinated until it is one thing to do with Woman gaga! Your own stuffs nice. All the time care for it up!

  16. I DO believe this kid has never been in a real fight. This kid is a typical coward. He’s the kind of bully that can only attack someone with out warning and try to knock them out, and if he misses, he runs like Forrest Gump.
    I’ve met this guy a million times. Different name(s), but same M.O.

  17. ha ha lol, Colin “kitten-paws” Albert, now the whole world knows he can’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Even I could kick his ass, lol, what a schlub !

  18. where’s Dana White ?!?!

    Need to make this happen
    Karen Read vs Colin Albert

    Colin look like a jigsaw puzzle . . . .

    with a couple a pieces gone

  19. John saw Brian Higgins text to Karen. John and Karen argued. John headed into the house to confront Brian Higgins. (And rightfully so).
    Texting your gf right in front of your face will make anyone angry.

    1. Isn’t it strange that now that the case is going to 💩💩💩

      The next PATSY has been lined up??

      The back up plan is if they can’t pin it on Karen ….pin it on the next outsider who happens to be Higgins!!

      Nobody is swallowing it!!

      Strange that since the McAlberts found out that Higgins was the only one not Subpoenaed for the Fed Grand Jury ….suddenly he’s having an Affair with Karen??

      Funny that eh??

      Prior to that Higgins was a practical ghost in all of this even his address was given as Canton PD!!

      What the McAlbert clan are failing to tell everyone though ….HIGGINS AND KAREN were FRIENDS before she ever met John!!

      But hey let’s just leave that nugget of truth out of the Salacious storytelling eh??

      If Karen wanted to be with a womaniser like Higgins then she had plenty of opportunities!! And turned him DOWN!!

      Now suddenly everyone and their wife remember a white two door JEEP according to Matts testimony ….who doesn’t know the make and model of his own car or the colours of his in laws cars but knows the Jeep has two doors ….owned by a man he doesn’t know!!

      Today it’s swirling around the Internet that Higgins threw the fatal punch?? 🤣🤣🤣

      Funny though that this comes out today now that Matt and Jen Mcabe realise that they have BOTH exposed Allie their own daughter and Colin as LIARS!!

      Matt was specifically asked if there were tyre tracks IN FRONT OF KARENS CAR ….he said an emphatic decisive NO!!

      He was also asked about FOOTPRINTS and again his response was an EMPHATIC DECISIVE NO!!

      Jen and Matt both claimed to have arrived at 00:20 and both Allie and Colin testified to leaving at 00:10 with SCREENSHOT text messages to PROVE IT 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡

      They both also said they went in the direction of CHAPMAN STREET past the Flagpole!!

      Matt and Jen with their ludicrous claims on the stand inadvertently PROVED THAT THERE WAS ZERO TRACE OF ALLIE AND COLIN EVER LEAVING THE HOUSE!!

      Unless of course Colin LEVITATED out of the house ….And Allies car Levitated to FAIRVIEW!!!

      Now today stories are being told about Higgins!!!

      It’s not rocket science especially when the McAlberts went on a PR campaign after the public were informed of the 02:27am Google search by Jen ….and suddenly Jens statements changed once again and this time to Karen saying “I hit him, I hit him, I hit him”

      This is a well known transparent tactic by the McAlberts getting caught in their own lies and then pointing the finger at someone else!!

      That’s how transparent they are!!

      At the 11th Hour knowing that Higgins is due on the stand tomorrow and the weird statement by Aunty Bev at the end of court ….Lally is now trying to court order Higgins medical records ….for HIS OWN WITNESS!!

      The McAlberts know the whole world are sniggering at them ….so they are doing what they do best ….fitting up PATSY number 2!!

      Good Luck with that one!!

      Higgins was the only one not to be subpoenaed by the Feds and they all know EXACTLY WHY!!

  20. Do any Turtleriders agree that… if some dude is texting your gf from 50 feet away AND HE KNOWS YOU ARE WITH HER….then it’s cloberin time.

    1. Given all the drunk yahoo cops involved in this case, the term sloberin’ time is more apropos.

  21. Mattmcd03 is an Albert or McCabe obviously, can’t see the lies. Remember Proctor doesn’t know any of these people….. spoken by Morrisey and Lally. The Post Commission is going to fuck Proctor, that is a fact. These people are white trash horribly educated idiots, they speak badly. Horse Face Jen missing a tooth on the witness stand is priceless. Disgusting Trashy people including Mattmcd03. Mattmcd03 will be at the Canton Park&Ride tonight servicing men as usual.

    1. Another townie chowderhead with his head up his own ass. I am not an Albert, nor a McCabe. I have no familial connection to any of the witnesses.

      You TBs soyboys are dumber than Corky from Life Goes On. Read and TB are both going to prison because they are guilty. Full stop.

      1. I dont know why but i believe him. the first paragraph. @mattmcd03 will you tell us if we guess correctly

      2. You denied everything except going to the Canton Park&Ride to suck dick. Maybe with the off chance we can figure out who each other are …… we can meet up. You can see I’m not a soy boy and I will fuck you up. Loud mouth Park&Ride cock sucker.

        Post Commission is going to decertify Proctor and he will be working at McDonald’s.

        1. Do you really want that broken tooth dragging your d? 🤣
          It’s probably Brian’s because he used the word familial – it’s used in reports so he would have memorised it. All the others are too thick

          1. Typical internet anonymous tough guy talking shit Canton is full of Faggots and you are one of them. I know just about everyone involved in this and do not fear any one of them. I know lots of thing about most people involved in this. Personal information about many involved that I didn’t think needed to be disclosed. Keep talking shit and that could change. You never know who is in the comments section.

          2. Fuck you, you feckless cunt. You don’t know a goddamn thing about anyone involved in this, pole smoker. You have no balls would fold like a sack of potatoes in a fight. Coward.

          3. Again you have no idea who is in a comments section and what they may really know. You think I don’t know these people ? I know most of them, but not all. Lanka was a passenger on a high performance boat owned by a resident of Canton/Sharon. Horrible night time drunken high speed accident near the Vineyard, many bad injuries. Lawsuits were dropped after the payoffs to shut up. I was there and know everything that happened. Nothing on Google (zero) and not common knowledge, so how do I know this. I got lots more big mouth.. yeah I know these people.

          4. Lawsuits? Lawsuits need to be filed in court. They don’t disappear from court records just because they settle, you fucking retard. So, give us the names of the people in these supposed lawsuits. After all, they’re public records. Put up or shut up. Maggot.

            You are a terrible cunt of a liar.

          5. Just another Faggot from Canton, talking shit behind a keyboard. Hos long have you been talking shit on an anonymous comment section. You people will never scrub the stink of this off, people really know all about you people. “I don’t recall” or “I don’t remember” whenever convenient but remember the weather very clearly. The Hillside is very popular in Canton because it’s very close to the Canton Park&Ride. Have fun sucking dudes off at the Park&Ride tonight. Hos long to suck at the Park&Ride “I don’t recall “

          6. You are an abject dolt. I’m not a McCabe. I’m not an Albert. You, however, are a moron. Karen Read is going to prison. No one at the house that night hurt John O’Keefe. You are a TB loving maggot stupidly unaware that you’ve been played.

            Are your parents still alive? I hope not because they could no longer be disappointed that they raised a retarded cowardly cunt like you: a pillow biting soyboy who couldn’t even get into a joke school like Curry College.

          7. Who the fuck would try to get into Curry College, you fucking Faggot. Curry is way to close to the Canton Park&Ride, Canton Faggots like you are trolling the Campus. You call me a Cowardly Cunt, so throw your name out. You are such a tough guy on a comments section that everyone thinks you are a pussy. Just say who you are and I can give you a beating. The tough guys in Canton only hit their wives. Shameful conduct beating women and children, frustrating that you can act this way in real life. Such is the life of Canton Cuckold bitches that talk tough and beat their wives. Nice life wife beating

          8. You meant to write “too close,” moron. Curry accepts 88% of its applicants. It essentially has no standards. That’s why a dumb, pasty pussy like you couldn’t get in.

            You claimed you know who I am. You lied.

            And you are a rampaging alcoholic. Seek help.

          9. You a such a Faggot with grammar on TB comments section. I am very sad for you, you can only be a hard ass online. The Pussy Canton Doctor was like that, got tough with Tom CPU. Folded like a bitch after trying to push a handicapped person around. Back to the Canton Park&Ride for you Faggot

          10. I’d kick your ass like the bitch you are. You can’t even bench press your fat ass body weight, you useless diseased cunt.

          11. You have no idea who I am, just a few wrong assumptions. I know most of the Canton people involved, lots of low shit with them. You can never wash the stink from this off, carrying this saga till death. Evasive in most answers to the defense, destroying phones and missing video when convenient. You people are trash and everyone knows it.

          12. You have no idea who I am, you fat fuck. Read is going to prison because she killed O’Keefe. Full stop. No Albert, no McCabe will ever be charged in this case. You are a complete and utter moron.

  22. My name is Chaalie McGhie and I’m from dot..
    I live on pig shit and snot.
    You grab ass me Ill break your knee,
    whether your a McAlbert or not

  23. Isn’t it strange that now that the case is going to 💩💩💩

    The next PATSY has been lined up??

    The back up plan is if they can’t pin it on Karen ….pin it on the next outsider who happens to be Higgins!!

    Nobody is swallowing it!!

    Strange that since the McAlberts found out that Higgins was the only one not Subpoenaed for the Fed Grand Jury ….suddenly he’s having an Affair with Karen??

    Funny that eh??

    Prior to that Higgins was a practical ghost in all of this even his address was given as Canton PD!!

    What the McAlbert clan are failing to tell everyone though ….HIGGINS AND KAREN were FRIENDS before she ever met John!!

    But hey let’s just leave that nugget of truth out of the Salacious storytelling eh??

    If Karen wanted to be with a womaniser like Higgins then she had plenty of opportunities!! And turned him DOWN!!

    Now suddenly everyone and their wife remember a white two door JEEP according to Matts testimony ….who doesn’t know the make and model of his own car or the colours of his in laws cars but knows the Jeep has two doors ….owned by a man he doesn’t know!!

    Today it’s swirling around the Internet that Higgins threw the fatal punch?? 🤣🤣🤣

    Funny though that this comes out today now that Matt and Jen Mcabe realise that they have BOTH exposed Allie their own daughter and Colin as LIARS!!

    Matt was specifically asked if there were tyre tracks IN FRONT OF KARENS CAR ….he said an emphatic decisive NO!!

    He was also asked about FOOTPRINTS and again his response was an EMPHATIC DECISIVE NO!!

    Jen and Matt both claimed to have arrived at 00:20 and both Allie and Colin testified to leaving at 00:10 with SCREENSHOT text messages to PROVE IT 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡

    They both also said they went in the direction of CHAPMAN STREET past the Flagpole!!

    Matt and Jen with their ludicrous claims on the stand inadvertently PROVED THAT THERE WAS ZERO TRACE OF ALLIE AND COLIN EVER LEAVING THE HOUSE!!

    Unless of course Colin LEVITATED out of the house ….And Allies car Levitated to FAIRVIEW!!!

    Now today stories are being told about Higgins!!!

    It’s not rocket science especially when the McAlberts went on a PR campaign after the public were informed of the 02:27am Google search by Jen ….and suddenly Jens statements changed once again and this time to Karen saying “I hit him, I hit him, I hit him”

    This is a well known transparent tactic by the McAlberts getting caught in their own lies and then pointing the finger at someone else!!

    That’s how transparent they are!!

    At the 11th Hour knowing that Higgins is due on the stand tomorrow and the weird statement by Aunty Bev at the end of court ….Lally is now trying to court order Higgins medical records ….for HIS OWN WITNESS!!

    The McAlberts know the whole world are sniggering at them ….so they are doing what they do best ….fitting up PATSY number 2!!

    Good Luck with that one!!

    Higgins was the only one not to be subpoenaed by the Feds and they all know EXACTLY WHY!!

        1. Yeah, I’m worried that Patsy #2 will be committed for a psych evaluation.

          All you TB bobbleheads invariably reveal yourselves to be utter morons.

  24. Dude no way that’s a real fight. They’re hammered fuckin around. not uncommon amongst south shore high school punks.

  25. You know all these rats have escape plans in place. They’re all too pussy to face the music.

  26. The Post commission is going to fuck so many of these idiot Cops. Proctor, Yuri and Tully will get the boot first. A bunch of Canton guys will be next. I’m really hoping the Feds hammer these pieces of trash. They never investigated anything other than a possible car accident, never anything else. Lt Keliher lives across the street, his camera would have shown what happened. How has Keliher stayed out of this ???? He was home and never went out and took charge. He became the next Deputy Chief shortly after this. How has he skated by ? Those were his officers not securing a crime scene. So many questions that make no sense.

    1. I totally concur.. murder across the street from his house Pulls a BA . Doesn’t come out.
      No way this POS should get the chiefs job.
      Current chiefs days are numbered

      1. Seriously, Lt Keliher was in charge of the Canton Detectives. The same Detectives that didn’t keep the Crime Scene secure past 8 AM. He had cameras on his house, but said it didn’t show anything. How has he possibly stayed out of this, freaking crazy. He supplied the Canton Crime scene with Solo cups.

  27. This piece was incredibly enlightening! The level of detail and clarity in the information provided was truly captivating. The extensive research and deep expertise evident in this article are truly impressive, greatly enhancing its overall quality. The insights offered at both the beginning and end were particularly striking, sparking numerous new ideas and questions for further exploration.The way complex topics were broken down into easily understandable segments was highly engaging. The logical flow of information kept me thoroughly engaged from start to finish, making it easy to immerse myself in the subject matter. Should there be any additional resources or further reading on this topic, I would love to explore them. The knowledge shared here has significantly broadened my understanding and ignited my curiosity for more. I felt compelled to express my appreciation immediately after reading due to the exceptional quality of this article. Your dedication to crafting such outstanding content is highly appreciated, and I eagerly await future updates. Please continue with your excellent work—I will definitely be returning for more insights. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to sharing your expertise and for greatly enriching our understanding of this subject.

  28. Did anyone notice the city public works witness appeared the same night 5/28 in front of canton board of supervisor in same clothes as he wore during court!He was seeking and granted that public works employees be recognized as first responders and get all the benefits of that! It was granted by none other than Chris Albert.Just found curious!

  29. Dear Unlle Turtle
    Turtle daily news?
    More like turtle boy weekly news.
    And why only Canton
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    Why have you been so silent
    Is there not anything else in the world worth reporting about?

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