TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 358: Commonwealth State Police Witnesses Confirm That Tail Light Was Planted, John O’Keefe Was Bit By Dog 


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Massachusetts State Police Lt. Kevin O’Hara, along with MSP Criminalists Maureen Hartnett and Ashley Vailier, all took the stand in the Karen Read murder trial today, and together they confirmed what we already knew – the State Police planted tail light and a hair to frame Read for killing John O’Keefe. O’Hara went first and did his best Toby Flenderson impression.


O’Hara runs the SERT team, makes nearly a quarter million dollars a year, and was found responsible for an “alcohol and drugs” internal affairs investigation in 2014 that ended up costing him 7 vacation days.

Earlier in the trial the Commonwealth entered into evidence video of the Canton Police searching the area where O’Keefe’s body was found with a leaf blower, in broad daylight, with less than 2 inches of snow on the ground.

They did not find a single piece of red tail light or John’s black Nike shoe despite looking all over the area.

O’Hara got the call to assemble his SERT team for a second search at 2:53 PM.

This required getting a posse together of State Police and other cops who wanted to earn some overtime shoveling snow on Brian Albert’s front lawn.

It would’ve been ideal to do the search as quickly as possible considering the sun set at 4:56 PM, and 2-3 inches of snow were accumulating every hour. Instead his assembled team was forced to sit around waiting because Michael Proctor and Brian Tully wouldn’t give them the green light by 5:33 PM.

There was no reason for Proctor to delay unless he wanted to plant tail light. He couldn’t plant tail light if Karen’s car wasn’t towed back to Canton, and it didn’t leave Dighton until 4:15.

Between 5:08-5:50 PM the camera stopped working in the Canton Police sally port, so there is no video showing what time Karen Read’s Lexus was towed there, but it had to have come in at some point during that time. The search was finally green lighted at 5:45 PM and lasted until 6:15 PM. During that time they found 4 pieces of red tail light and John’s missing shoe.

Somehow the Canton Police missed all this with much less snow and full daylight 11 hours prior. There is no way 5 members of the CPD didn’t see any of this. It was all planted at some point during the day.

Keep in mind, John O’Keefe was found with only one shoe on. Canton Police didn’t find this suspicious enough to ask to search Brian Albert’s house. They claim they had no probable cause to search, which is untrue. But if that’s the case then they had no probable cause to search his lawn either. It’s Brian Albert’s property. The scene was unsecured the entire day, so if the shoe was inside at 7 AM Brian had all day to drop it outside and get covered with snow.

O’Hara testified that an unidentified man walked out of Brian Albert’s house during their search, asked if State Police were there for “what happened earlier,” and then went back inside the house. By this point Tully had already determined that John was struck by a vehicle and was no longer willing to pursue other leads, despite the fact that not a single person heard a car accident or saw his body on the front lawn. Tully told O’Hara that he “believed there would be broken pieces of tail light in the area” and knew that John was missing a shoe.

Low and behold, the SERT team found exactly what Tully said was going to be there, which the Canton Police couldn’t see in broad daylight.

At 6:15 Tully told O’Hara that they “had found everything we were going to locate at that time” and ended the search.

How did he know that there was no more tail light to find? Or perhaps a better question is, how did they miss the other 41 pieces of tail light that would be found in 6 subsequent undocumented trips to Fairview Road by State Police and CPD Chief Ken Berkowitz? Luckily Michael Proctor was able to assemble all of them and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle before entering the tail light into evidence:

You would think that after the first or second subsequent search the State Police would’ve put up some crime scene tape and did a thorough search in the daylight to make sure they found EVERYTHING. Instead the tail light pieces kept popping up like perennials every time Trooper Proctor showed up. Kenny Berkowitz saw this piece from his moving vehicle.

Proctor found this Mexico looking piece February 11.

He found Switzerland and Belgium shortly after that.

The day before Trooper Bukkake found this little Kuwait looking double colored piece.

On February 8 Proctor found this upside down South Carolina piece.

On February 3 Trooper DiCicco found Ghana and the Korean Peninsula.

Then he found India, Slovenia, and Bhutan.

Trooper Keefe found Suriname, Togo, and Liechtenstein on the initial search.

Then Proctor found Bulgaria, Albania, and Vatican City on February 13.

Finally Proctor found two of the biggest pieces of them all on February 18 – this Czechoslovakia looking bad boy, along with Billy Belarus.


But I want you to pay special attention to the Czechoslovakia piece. A Lexus LX 570 has a small rectangle that lights up red in the bottom right hand corner. It’s directly underneath a sail looking figure that only serves as a reflector and does NOT light up red.

When Karen pulled out of 1 Meadows Ave at 5:08 AM that red rectangle was lit up.

It was still lit up 11 hours later at 4:12 PM when her car was towed from Dighton.

If ANY piece of red tail light covering up that small rectangle was entered into evidence it proves the State Police planted it. And that’s exactly what happened to the February 18 Czechoslovakia piece.

The piece covering that rectangle was removed from the car when it was viewed 3 days later in the sally port garage.

It’s undeniable that Proctor planted it on February 18. The crazy part is that he didn’t have to. They had planted more than enough tail light at the scene prior to that to jam Karen up. Proctor just got a little carried away because he liked planting tail light so much.

After O’Hara was done Adam Lally called Hartnett and Vailier. He had to be asked almost a dozen times to speak up by Auntie Bev, and she shut off the AC at one point because he couldn’t do as she asked. I saw several jurors fall asleep for the first time during this questioning of witnesses. He is the worst public speaker I have ever seen, and is clearly in the wrong line of work. But the Commonwealth doesn’t care because the purpose of this trial isn’t to convict Karen Read, it’s to try SOMEONE so that they don’t have to put the McAlberts on trial.

They spent almost 3 hours talking about the stupid hair found on Karen’s bumper. For months the Commonwealth insisted it was a human hair, only to find out in September that testing showed it was not human hair. They didn’t like that result so they demanded the hair undergo mitochondrial testing, which would destroy it. It’s been 9 months since then and they still haven’t done it. Not that it matters anyway, because even if it was human hair, and it was John O’Keefe’s hair, it wouldn’t prove a thing because he lived with Karen.

But the shadiest part about the hair is how it allegedly stayed on the car during a 70 mile round trip between Canton and Dighton in a blizzard. Hartnett failed her proficiency exam, which explains why she testified today that the hair didn’t move between these two photographs:


Oh, and they also entered John’s clothing into evidence, which continued puncture marks that look a lot like a dog bit his arm.

So basically the Commonwealth called three witnesses and entered a bunch of pictures into evidence that confirmed they planted evidence and John was bit by a dog. We knew the trial was gonna be a disaster for the prosecution, but I didn’t think it was gonna be this comically incompetent.



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  1. Could you imagine getting up each day knowing that for the next 4-8 hours that you’re going to be epically embarrassing yourself on a national stage?
    That is the life that butt ripper, Lally has made for himself.
    Aside from being the most low energy, under achieving attorney in recent history he also humiliates himself through the witnesses that he calls. Lack of integrity and credibility at best, however the more likely situation is that Lilly is just too pitiful to realize how badly he’s being played.

    1. Some surmise he is deliberatly throwing the case with his courtroom demeanor BUT if he is truly embarressed he’d have gone out on disability for the duration of the case…let Morrisey hand the CW fram-job OFF to some other hack.

    2. Lally is doing exactly what he was asked to do. Give the people a trial. Make it boring. Kill a lot of time so the general public and mainstream media reach a level of exhaustion with the case. Jury returns a not guilty. Story ends. The people who killed O’Keefe, the accomplices after the fact and the cops who covered it up all get away with it.

      Lally remains a target of mockery and derision, but he knew that he would be when he accepted this assignment, for whatever payoff he was promised.

  2. “Did Canton Police make an error in failing to spot body following crash” Dec. 28,2018 Enterprisenews.com fatal motor vehicle death of Craig Casey, 30. Melanie Little quoted Deputy Chief Helen Rafferty. Aidan your investigation brought legal eagle eyes to Karen Read — many thanks. Justice for Officer O’Keefe. Rafferty Contract expires June 30

  3. If it were a fight the towel would be thrown in by now. This is ridiculous and will be dragged out for another 6 weeks. What a waste of everyone’s time and money and an embarrassment to the justice system.

  4. And to think this is the brotherhood of law enforcement.

    How awful and shameful to have so little regard for human life, especially a fellow officer, that your search ended within 30 minutes and only involved a handful of officers.

    Is the O’Keefe Family paying attention to this. Your son and brother’s death was given less attention than had a dog been found injured on the side of the road.

    1. They are Free Masons. All of them. They make a blood oath to deceive the public and protect their fellow freemasons at all costs. Do a deep dive into Freemasons!!!

  5. Why didn’t the defense show the video of Karen backing into John’s car and turning around and go out the driveway and show a picture of the tail light intact

    1. because…that video is exculpatory and as we have been witnessing the CW is so vested in a guilty verdict and likely MORE VESTED in protecting the Canton Crime Crew/MSP/CPD that they WON’T in any way help to aid Karen Read’s defense…of course that is not how our system is supposed to operate BUT here in corrupt Massachusetts the rules are different for those with the power to get away with murder…and more

    2. The question is how to get that into evidence? Karen would have to testify that she accidentally hit JO’s car on the early morning of the 29th in order to get that evidence to be played for the jury. Perhaps the defense could call whoever collected the ring footage from JO’s ring camera and ask if there was any camera footage that might be exculpatory to Karen? If they say no, then you could probably ask that this video be introduced? I don’t know…I agree how important that footage is to the defense.

    3. because its not the defendants turn in the trial yet. the defense will play it. currently the common wealth is playing videos.

  6. Aidan, thank you for the recap of Lally’s incoherent blabbering. I honestly can not watch or listen to the trial when he is on center stage.

    What is up with Aunt Bev asking Lally if he would like to object???!! More shadiness from Bev and lunchbox? Are those antics usually allowed?

    God Bless you Aidan!! You put James O’Keefe to shame!! 🥰

    1. That also sparked my interest.
      Is it common for a judge to ask the prosecutor if he wants to object? It seemed like he wasn’t going to say anything until she asked him that.

  7. Beverly Cannone has to be the most incompetent and biased judge in Massachusetts history, maybe the US.
    The Norfolk County District Attorney office is clearly corrupt.
    The Massachusetts State Police and Canton Police look like the most incompetent law enforcement outfits in the country.
    All of the above do not care about their clear bias, corruption and incompetence. Again, justice is not their goal, framing Karen is the method they are using to clearly distract from actual justice. Actual justice is being hijacked to protect the real killers. The real killers will never be brought to trial, that’s their endgame. They will live among us.

    1. The real killers? Karen Read is the killer, moron. Just shut the fuck up already, you dumb cunt.

      1. Have you read and comprehended nothing you moronic. tiny vocabularied dumb ass? What law enforcement agency do you work for?

  8. I always knew the court system in this state was staffed by moronic judges and prosecutors but wow. This is what happens when you hire by patronage and not competency.

  9. The Feds really need to be looking into what John was working on prior to this going down this is way to organized to be a fight over beer cans in a lawn. He had to have been working on a case that was important and implicated some shady stuff.

    1. What they did to Karen Read the morning of John’s death is what they do to troublesome cops who threaten to blow the whistle. I’ve felt since the beginning there’s a lot more going on here than has been said yet.

      I don’t think they were worried Karen would remember they killed John. I’m pretty sure they were worried she would come to realize exactly why they did it.

  10. i disagree about the small light below the reflector, so what if we see it light up, it doesn’t mean there is plastic still covering it, it will light up either way, i mean take a torch, turn light on, then smash the outer glass and then turn the light on, the light still works regardless if the outer glass is covering the bulb or not

    1. You’re correct, it will still light up, but it won’t be RED like it is in all of those pictures if the lens is missing.

      1. Yeah the bulbs or LEDs are white in tail lights. If the red lens was missing the tail light would have been white like a headlight.

    2. see, this is why you, as a european with a functioning subway and bus system should not be commenting on automobiles. because the lightbulb in the brake light is clear/white , it only turns red because of the red plastic. so if the red plastic was missing, it would shine white in the video, not red.

      “torch” get the fuck outta here. its a flashlight you limey bastard.

      1. thats a possibility, its also equally possible that the whole thing was missing. I agree with the bloke

        1. It’s literally NOT a possibility, because if the whole thing was missing, the light would be white when it lit up without the red cover. Since it did light up red, it was there.

  11. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Backing into a human body would not cause a PLASTIC tailight to shatter into 41 pieces. Anyone with a brain knows that.

  12. I imagine they got a little carried away when they purposely smashed the tail light to plant evidence.
    They had to do something with all the pieces for it to make sense in the cover-up.

    1. It’s like the three Stooges making beer Larry adds the yeast and then Moe walks in and adds the yeast and then Curley does the same

  13. Couldn’t the defense object to the woman on the stand presenting the jigsaw puzzle light into evidence until the CW calls every officer to the stand to testify about how they found the pieces? It feels like without Proctor testifying they could keep this out?

    1. Maybe they could, but in this case the defense wants it in as well because it proves the police planted evidence. There are pieces of that jigsaw puzzle that are clearly still on Karen’s car when she leaves John’s in the am and when the car was being towed as Proctor took possession of it that afternoon. It’s solid proof of the frame job.

  14. Cannone baloney needs to take lots of breaks and days off, Fat and lazy. I love how she objects for Lally when he forgets to object. Imagine being neighbors with this nasty Fat bleached whale? The Judge called the Town again. This thing is a walking talking abuse of power, just a disgusting piece of trash.

  15. Czechoslovakia will hopefully be the piece that puts these motherfuckers behind the iron curtain. All of them should never see the light of day again.

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  22. the blood stains are vertical on the sweatshirt indicating standing while bleeding also why did the back and forth texting end after all the back and forth between jo and macalberts to get to the house … cuz jo was there inside w/ them and kr left otherwise the texting would have continued or if jo left w/ kr the texting would have continued to find out where he was but it didnt did it . it just ended … cuz he was in the house now no need to keep texting …..
    to be continued ……

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