TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 38: Adam Lally Eplicitly Said In Email That Karen Read Is “Free To Do Whatever You Like” As Far As Subpoenaing Witnesses

– See all parts of the Canton Cover-Up Series
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This morning at 10 AM (not 10:30 AM as originally reported) at Norfolk Superior Court in Dedham there will be a special hearing to decide whether or not there should an evidentiary hearing as scheduled on Thursday morning. Norfolk County ADA Adam Lunchbox attempted to cancel the hearing after discovering that his key witnesses – Brian Albert, Jen McCabe, and Troopers Michael Proctor and Nicholas Guarino, had been subpoenaed. Clearly this man is hellbent on any making sure there is no justice for John O’Keefe or Karen Read.

Read’s defense team filed 3 motions last night with the court which contained email communications with Lally in which he makes it clear that he welcomes all of the defense’s witnesses at the evidentiary hearing. I don’t have time to review them all, since I’m driving to Dedham momentarily. However, I will be doing a live stream shortly after court to talk about what happened, so make sure you have clicked here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Here is an email he sent on April 14 telling the defense that they can do “whatever they like” as far as witnesses are concerned.”

He just somehow did not have the vision or foresight that the defense would subpoena the two most involved detectives in the investigation, and the 2 people most directly implicated in O’Keefe’s death.

Lally could’ve filed a motion to cancel this hearing last week, but instead waited until 3 days before the hearing when Read’s defense team and star forensic witness were already in flight to Massachusetts, on her dime.

The Commonwealth still has Karen Read’s car in evidence. Lally made it clear in his filings that he would be keeping it, and that Read would have to continue to make car payments on the car she has not driving since January 29, 2022.

This is an injustice. The only person who can be the hero right now is Judge Beverly Cannone. She needs to make the right decision today, allow the hearing to go on as scheduled tomorrow, and eventually dismiss this case before it goes to trial. Everyone who is following his saga can plainly see the corruption unfolding in front of our eyes, and we need someone to restore our faith in the criminal justice system. Judge Cannone can be that person today.


McCabe Motion to Quash Opposition


Albert Motion to Quash Opposition


Evidentiary Hearing Motion


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  1. Where are the court stamps from these filings? Did you get access before they were filed?

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