TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 380: Scammer Nicholas Fiorillo Using Karen Read Case To Promote Q-Anon Theories Has Warrant For Assaulting Elderly Lawyer, Owes Millions In Civil Judgements 


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Sean McDonough is a retired DEA agent who has provided a lot of insight on the federal investigation into the investigation of John O’Keefe’s murder, as well as being very critical of the way law enforcement handled evidence on the morning John was murdered. Last night on his YouTube Live program he had on former Red Sox GM Dan Duquette and a man named Nicholas Fiorillo to discuss what they allege is deep seeded corruption outside of the Karen Read case. Fiorillo said a lot of crazy things that a lot of people apparently believed because my inbox has been flooded with people asking if I watched it. And because I think it’s important that our side not associate with people who lie and spread misinformation, I wanted to write about who Fiorillo really is, and why he is NOT the type of person the FKR movement should have anything to do with.

An unfortunate biproduct of my coverage of the Read case is that my inbox is flooded with people who want me to write about their alleged stories as victims of corruption. While I don’t doubt there are other people out there who have been victimized by government corruption, I don’t have the time to look into everyone’s case right now. I like the Read case because it’s so transparently obvious that she was framed for murder. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been approached at her hearings or at other events with people trying to tip me off to their story of corruption. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – stop using the Karen Read case to promote your own story. Just because I believe that she is the victim of a conspiracy doesn’t mean I’m going to blindly believe that you are.

Nicholas Fiorillo has been sending me money during Live Shows to read his ridiculous rantings about how he’s the victim of “corruption” and direct people to his website where he allegedly documents it all. It reached the point where I told him I’d no longer read his messages no matter what he paid me, so he finally stopped. He has paid for planes displaying his website to fly overhead at Karen’s hearings. Before ever hearing him speak I could tell he was deranged, and was trying to use the Read case to push his own story.

Unfortunately the corruption in the Read case has led many to blindly believe people like Fiorillo when they spew nonsense. Last night on Sean’s program he said that he’s living in Connecticut and can no longer return to Massachusetts because he will be incarcerated “just like Turtleboy,” and MS-13 will drug and kill him, because he has warrants out of his arrest. He claims he is working with federal authorities and has taken a proffer.

Notice how he throws in “just like Turtleboy.” Everyone knows that my arrest and charges are the textbook example of corruption. People like Fiorillo know that people know that, and they try to compare their situation to mine in order to use my legitimate struggles to get people to pay attention to them.

He even said that Brian LTL, Will The Glarer, and I are all paid operatives of George Soros because we won’t have him on our shows.

He claims to be friends with President Trump and says that not only is Whitey Bulger alive, but Fiorillo has seen him.

Basically this guy is the Q-Anon bogeyman liberals are always accusing normal conservatives of being.



But what Fiorillo hasn’t pointed out is that his warrants are for assaulting his elderly attorney, and he is a career scammer who has had millions of dollars worth of court judgements against him. In December of 2022 he was charged with A&B on a elderly person when he attacked Attorney Kevin Peters at Boston Municipal Courthouse.

Interestingly enough Karl Dugal was one of the cops involved in charging him, and claims that Dugal conspired with his elderly attorney. In fact, it was the elderly attorney who attacked him and caused his wife Tracey to go into cardiac arrest as part of “OPERATION SCHOOLHOUSE.”

He claimed that this was yet another example of “corruption,” because he is a “prominent pro se litigant who has garnered attention on the National stage,” by exposing countless judges in kangaroo courts. He is “without question” a victim of “Secret Courts,” and demands that every judge in his case be recused because they’re all in on it.

It’s almost impossible to keep track of all the lawsuits he’s been involved in as a plaintiff and as a defendant. He’s originally from Shrewsbury and has over 60 cases in Worcester District and Superior Courts.

He recently sued a former business partner for $30 billion but forgot to pay the $350 filing fee.

In a 2009 court case he submitted a forged escrow letter into court evidence, which led the jury to get the wrong verdict. He was forced by the judge to pay for the defendant’s court costs.

We spoke with one woman who was a victim of his back in Worcester, and she was shocked to see him on Sean’s program spewing conspiracy theories. He scammed this woman and her two children over a decade ago by renting her a different apartment than the one they agreed upon, turning off their power and water, then brought them to court and stole their mail so they weren’t alerted about it and eventually defaulted.

He was exposed in 2020 by Ted Daniel for a scam in 2020 he was running with a house he somehow owned in Nantucket. An attorney named Lauren Zajac paid him over $18K to rent the property for 17 family members, but right before the vacation was to start Fiorillo told her it was double booked. He claimed some members of the Patriots also booked the house and he was giving it to them because it was important to make them happy. She was the first to sign the lease, and despite being promised by him that he would do the right thing he never let her move in and never refunded the money.

In a case out of Middlesex Superior Court last year Fiorillo was sued by Northern Bank & Trust Company, along with a man named Brian Sheehan. They defaulted on a $4.14 million loan.

Fiorillo represented himself pro se, because people like him don’t work well with attorneys because they always know more than the people who actually went to law school.

He ended up losing and was ordered to pay a judgement of close to $5.5 million.

He appealed the ruling in ALL CAPS, accusing the judges involved of conspiring with George Soros and “NE EDGE RACKETEERS.” He attempted to move the case to Federal Court in Rhode Island.


Appealing cases to federal court in Rhode Island seems to be his go to move every time he loses.


He did it so often that a federal judge ruled that he could no longer try to move cases to federal court because it was just a way to delay and harass the plaintiffs.



Fiorillo’s listed address was 3 Kales Way in Harwich Port. That is a $2.5 million ocean front mansion, which is registered to one of the plethora of LLC’s he’s created. The house was foreclosed on two years ago, and because he was so aggressive and threatening towards the bank’s representatives they required a police detail at the auction. A witness at the auction told us that somehow another LLC he created ended up outbidding the bank at the auction:

“Some LLC either he opened or someone close to him opened rebought the house. He presented a check to the auctioneer and ultimately the deal closed so he stayed in the house. He paid more than the bank could afford to pay for it. It was just him and the bank bidding against each other. I knew he was a scam artist at the time but I never realized how deep it went at the time.”

An LLC he owns also owns a mansion at 32 New Hampshire Ave in West Yarmouth, valued at $3.5 million. He rents the house out on his company website called “cake on the ocean.” According to a woman named Emily Reid, she rented out the house for her family of 18 in June, then Fiorillo ghosted her and pocketed the cash.

Fiorillo has 10 cases out of Suffolk Superior Court.


One of them is Raymond Green INC vs. Fiorillo, a business associate named Louis Delpidio, and a whole bunch of LLC’s created by Fiorillo. Collectively they owed over $6.6 million.

His co-defendant Delpidio ended up suing Fiorillo for breach of contract.

Green ended up winning $1.93 million, and Delpidio ended up winning $4.25 million.


In another case with Delpidio, Delpidio entered into an agreement to rent his vacation properties (like the one in West Yarmouth he screwed the family of 18 out of). Delpidio sued him for embezzling all the rental money. He once again tried to delay by moving it to federal court, claiming he couldn’t make it for court days due to “travel schedule for business,” and ranting about deep state conspiracies against him.

Fiorillo refuses to come back to Massachusetts (the warrant for assaulting his elderly lawyer), which he told Sean McDonough he was afraid to do because he would be put in prison and then drugged by MS-13. So he ALL CAPS appealed the decision from Suffolk and demanded to be heard on Zoom.

He was also sued in Suffolk Superior Court by Westfield LLC, who for some reason hired him as a contractor to rent out their properties, but Fiorillo appears to have not given them any money.

In another case in Barnstable County Fiorillo hired Hyannis Marina INC to do $52.9K worth of work to his boat, then didn’t pay them. The court issued a judgement against him for close to that.


In a ruling issued just yesterday, which Fiorillo didn’t mention on Sean’s program, he chose not to show up for court at all.

Fiorillo attempted to have the hearing over Zoom, claiming to have COVID. That motion was denied, because the grainy image of a COVID test he submitted as evidence at court said “COVID-19 NOT DETECTED.”

Oops! The judge also pointed out that it would not take 45 days to recover from COVID, which he apparently doesn’t have.

Fiorillo is one of the most prolific scammers I’ve ever seen. He wanted my attention and now he’s got it. Nick saw how many people believed in Karen Read’s innocence and thought he could parlay that into support for him. He even went so far as to sue Brian Albert, Karl Dugal, George Soros, and a whole bunch of other people he’s screwed over, just to get turtle riders to believe that his plight was similar to Karen’s.

But it’s not. He’s a fraud and criminal, and he’s hiding out in Connecticut because he doesn’t want to be arrested on outstanding warrants for beating up an elderly man.



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  1. Nicholas… hasn’t anyone ever told you?? DON’T POKE THE TURTLE. You will not win the hearts of the pink people by spreading misinformation.

      1. No hon, your boy Nick is fucked. Even though Nick doesn’t own shit and his Gotspace “company” is a complete smoke and mirrors scam, he ran afoul of the wrong people, and if he doesn’t scramble his monkey ass to come up with the money needed to back these people down, his ass WILL wind up in jail, and after that Dan Duquette will be left holding the bag of civil liability when it comes to these vacation scam victims, since McDonald has the proof that Duquette is in this up to his eyeballs. This makes it MORE than worth his while to bail Nick’s ass out of CERTAIN jams, because CERTAIN people aren’t playing. Nick, Sean and Dan aren’t going to do SHIT to TB, kk? Now go fucking BLOG DAT!


  2. Wow, this is the kind of excellent deep dive we’ve always appreciated from Turtleboy Daily News ever since this place was called Turtleboy Sports. We’ve been following you since 2014. Great dive, and wow, that was fast. Yeah, I hope Sean McDonough keeps this guy Nick off his show from now on. Sean seems to really care about corruption so I’m sure he’s getting good tips, along with the bad tips. Anyone who’d hurt anyone else, physically, is garbage. And the financial harm Nick has inflicted on people is reprehensible. Cancel the guy and let’s hope he faces the justice he so richly deserves.

    As far as “corruption” stories go, though? Not all of them will be baloney. I’m sure some of them are very true. I hope Sean will get better at detecting BS artists, but I also hope he’ll continue exposing all kinds of corruption. Why? Because Karen Read’s case is only a symptom of the systemic corruption that is infecting that state. There really is a cesspool operating all over the country. So if people are reaching out to Sean I hope he’ll continue to platform them, because Karen Read’s case is a symptom of the problem, not the only story of corruption.

    So TB, don’t worry. We see Nick F. for the POS he clearly is. I’m glad Sean quickly tried to shut him down. If any host gets a guy like Nick on again, I hope they learn to boot the guest from the stream, immediately.

    And I’m looking forward to other stories of corruption, but only if there are receipts. We need receipts. If Sean really has heard from people with stories of corruption, FFS, man, give us receipts at the beginning of the show. Better yet, give us a link to documents so that we don’t waste our time. Nicky never brought a single receipt. In the future, we want receipts, or else STFU.

    Facts Matter.

      1. Nick F. never brought a single receipt to either of the interviews that Sean McDonough so graciously allowed him do to on his platform. We had to wait for Aidan Turtleboy Kearney bring the receipts, apparently because the receipts don’t paint Nick in a good light at all.

        People like Nicholas F. do a tremendous disservice to the rest of the citizens how have legitimate stories of public corruption, so GTFO for poisoning the pool of legitimate victims, be a man, surrender your weak butt to law enforcement officials, and start the process of making restitution to the victims of your many egregious crimes.

    1. UPDATE: Nick and Dan Duquette were able to FLIP Sean McD on TB, and the three of them are now working with Levy and certain MA LEO to have TB sent back to jail.

      Nick has several warrants out for his arrest, including felony A&B with special circumstances on a person over 65. It wasn’t HIS lawyer Nick assaulted. Kevin Peters was the Spitalny attorney, and Nick was charged with A&B at his wife’s deposition in a multi-million dollar lawsuit filed, after Nick conned the two Spitalny boys into investing $7M in his NON-EXISTENT “business” Gotspace! Nick Fiorillo doesn’t GOT SHIT, and if he doesn’t settle some scores FAST, his monkey ass will wind up in JAIL.

  3. If I were you I would take this down. This is the last fuckin time I’m gunna tell you. You better watch your fuckin back kid.

    1. Why? Because he found publicly available court documents & seemingly dozens of Nick’s victims? I watched that shitshow & it was unbearable watching this Q-Anon idiot strip Sean McDonough’s credibility. I like Sean- but now I question his judgment. I’ve heard similar stuff from my Boomer relatives, who got their info from a chain e-mail. I respect TB for this expose. I’m sad that Sean didn’t do the same due diligence as TB, prior to giving this mooching, scamming narcissistic air time

  4. I think Dianna Andrade, AKA Nick is a little salty that you dug up his dirt and let his skeletons out of the closet!
    Dianna…you don’t faze him at all, he’s not scared of you, not even a little bit but you should be scared about all the money you owe!
    Once again, Great job Turtleboy for exposing some more scum from the state of Massachusetts! 👏

    1. Sadly, Dianna Andrade is real – some loser stoner bitch who works for Nick Fiorillo and Dan Duquette, and is now a disciple of McDonough. She’s the one on X who sent threats to TB’s girlfriend, ending each with “kk”. In YT chats with names like OGSecretSquirrel#blogdat, OGDEA#blogdat, etc. Total loser.

  5. Oh and Dianna, AKA Nick, Turtleboy isn’t the first one to expose you, all the people you screwed over along with the courts and Ted Daniels has you figured out, Turtleboy just brought it to everyone’s attention! Karma is a real thing and it’s coming for ya! 🤣

  6. My favorite line: I reject this contention as spurious!!! Does dude still have the 40′ Seaspirit?

  7. Dianna’s having her monthly. She’ll settle down next week. Frankly, I’d be a little angry myself if I was running out of other people’s money to live on.

    I would have been tempted to research long enough to dig through all that shit to figure out if Nick actually was being framed for his criminal charge, but it kinda sorta looks like Karma either way. I think Nick and Karma are going to be friends for a long time! I can’t imagine owning properties and stealing folks’ vacation money.

    1. No no, that’s not Fiorillo’s and Duquette’s grift. Fiorillo doesn’t own SHIT. He conned two old men, Ray Green and Lou Delpidio to let him “manage” multimillion dollar properties on the Cape. Duquette found the renters, they rented and sent the money to Nick’s wife, and instead of turning all but his 10% cut over to the property owners, Nick kept ALL of the money and gave Duquette a hefty cut. Even after a Judge issued an injunction preventing Nick from taking any more reservations, he still took about $100K more from people like Emily Reid who he knew wouldn’t be able to get into the property to stay for the vacation she paid for, because the properties were in receivership. He was squatting at 3 Kales Way in Harwich Port before Ray Green had him evicted. He now fucked with the wrong person who can and will put him in JAIL.

  8. Really? You can’t spell my sons name correctly? THOMAD? Must be a solid case. I’ll follow it closer than anything going on in Canton. Stay in CT, we’re full of weasels.

    1. I just looked up Thomas “Tiny Tip” O’Neill III, supposedly your SON, and he’s 79 years old! Which would make you…..FULL OF SH*T, that’s what! As your buddy Faux Buyed-In would say, “come on, man!”

      Why are people getting so balled up over this man? I don’t see much here. There are two sides to every story and it seems like a big part of it is missing.

      After reading through as much of this as I could before information overload, what caught my attention most was not this Fiorillo, but a Judge in Massachusetts with a name that ironically sounds an awful lot like “corrupt,” this Judge Krupp, who, if you look into him, you gotta ask what the HELL a guy like this is still doing on the bench!!

      Now THAT’S a STORY!

  9. How’d Duquette get wrapped up with Fiorillo? I know there’s some business deal they embarked on in CT but it looks to me that Fiorillo conned Dan out of some $ OR has some kind of blackmail stunt going on…or maybe Duquette has some dirt on local pols via his Red Sox days that Fiorillo is using as scam leverage ? Crazy stuff.

  10. Too much “info” which doesn’t say much, and if you’re going to drag someone through the mud, keep your facts straight. If you actually read carefully through all of these lawsuit documents amounting to little more than “much ado about NOTHING,” you will see that there was NO ASSAULT of any “elderly attorney” at any Courthouse. Instead, there was an incident at a law office where police were called to, after Fiorillo’s wife had a serious medical incident during a deposition.

    I don’t see where Mrs. Fiorillo had an attorney with her at that deposition (ruh roh!!), so this lawyer knew that he was in deep shit. When the cops and ambulance came, he lied and accused Fiorillo of assaulting him, to keep from getting charged with assaulting Fiorillo’s wife. Not rocket science, folks.

    BTW, that law firm, Gesmer Updegrove, got rid of this lawyer Peters pretty fast after that – not a good look for the firm. Peters himself tried getting the charges dropped, because he knew he was lying and didn’t want to be forced to admit that at any “trial.”

    There was some kind of arraignment in Boston, and a mixup involving Fiorillo’s lawyer and paperwork, which should have resulted in the cancellation of that hearing. The Judge screwed up, didn’t read the documents, went ahead with the hearing and then issued a FTA warrant when Fiorillo didn’t appear, thinking, as the attorney told him, that the hearing would not be held.

    Is NO ONE ELSE suspicious about these Massachusetts civil courts, throwing around all of these big numbers with these ludicrous, multi-million dollar “judgements,” not worth the paper that they are printed on? What about the other people involved here, with names like “Spitalny” and “Delpidio?”

    The Spitalnys are a long-time mob family from the Albany/Saratoga area of NY, and Delpidio a relic from the “Winter Hill” gang in MA. A few minutes on “Google” yields these results, so maybe go after the FLEAS, instead of the dog foolish enough to lay down with them!

    1. Maybe you’re right on that issue, but please explain stiffing the boat guy and the numerous vacation rental people?? Please justify stealing 18k from the lady in Florida?? Can’t wait for those excuses Nick.

  11. This is why We Believe in Dr. Turtleboy!
    I didn’t like how he was a name dropper!
    I also thought, if you are such a “ big shot” and know everyone, including trump, why would you be in this position?
    No offense, but you are not likable or believable! 🐢🇺🇸🐢🇺🇸🐢🇺🇸💪

  12. NIcky talks out the side of his mouth. He never has a straight answer for anything. You could ask him what color the sky is on a sunny cloudless day and he would somehow use the word soros in his answer. I’m getting really sick of all these assholes taking advantage of people’s goodwill. Where is the fucking honor in society anymore?

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  14. Sean’s a clown. Stopped watching him first time he had this loon on. Brings him on again knowing he was going to same trash. People can see by this article TB is the real deal.

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  31. Earlier this year, I rented a property on Nantucket from Nicholas & his wife Tracy for my bachelorette party and paid them over $2,000 worth of deposits (with a legitimate Short Term Rental Agreement & Invoices through Stripe). They started acting sketchy and asking for more money in cash so I started looking into them and found that the house was up for sale, and they didn’t even own it. I called them out for it and demanded my money back, but they ignored me. I reported it to the police, and was able to dispute the charges with my bank since I used a credit card. There’s warrants out for this guys arrest all over Massachusetts & Cape Cod. Hope they eventually catch him AND his wife for conspiracy!

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