TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 387: Conflicted State Police Lt. John Fanning Was In Charge Of Eliminating Juror Who Intended To Acquit Karen Read


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Multiple reliable sources have reported to Turtleboy Daily News that Lt. John Fanning, one of Michael Proctor’s supervisors from the Norfolk County DA’s Office, was in charge of overseeing the jury during the Karen Read trial. He was also the reason a juror who seemed inclined to vote not guilty was dismissed on the final day of the trial.

As I reported throughout the trial, there were two jurors in particular, both women, who made facial reactions that showed they were visibly disgusted with Michael Proctor during his testimony.


If I could see their reactions than so could Paul O’Keefe, Proctor, Brian Albert, Yuri Bukhenik, Brian Tully, Jennifer McCabe, and every other person who didn’t want to see Karen Read acquitted of murder.

On the final day of trial Brian Albert, Colin Albert, and Jennifer McCabe sat with the O’Keefe family. At least one juror reported feeling intimidated by Brian Albert staring him down. Juror #3, who shook her head and mouthed “what?”, seemingly in disbelief while Trooper Joseph Paul was explaining his theory of how John O’Keefe got his injuries from a motor vehicle collision, was brought into the courtroom prior to the jury being seated. She seemed agitated with what Judge Cannone told her and dismissed as a juror shortly thereafter.

I can now report with certainty that John Fanning reported to a court officer that this juror was allegedly speaking about the case weeks prior at a bar, and that the alleged infraction was caught on video. However, Fanning did not sign or write an affidavit swearing to this, nor did he provide the video to the court. In fact, Cannone did not speak with Fanning at all. She simply took his second hand story as fact and dismissed a juror who gave up 10 weeks of her life in order to perform her civic duty.

This juror seemed adamant about Read’s innocence based on her body language, and if she was visibly unconvinced by Trooper Paul’s testimony in particular then that means she believes John wasn’t struck by Karen’s car. That would mean she was a not guilty on manslaughter as well as murder. One can infer based on her behavior that she would’ve been a vocal leader as a juror, as opposed to a passive juror who was easily bullied and swayed. This is significant because several jurors have signed affidavits swearing that the vote was 6-6 on manslaughter before “bullying” began, which led to 2 or 3 jurors switching their votes to guilty. A strong willed, loudly opinionated voice in favor of not guilty could’ve convinced jurors to change their vote to not guilty.

Additionally, Juror #3 was also the same juror who reported Juror #5 on June 14, leading to that juror’s dismissal. Reliable sources have confirmed that Juror #5 said in the presence of all the other jurors that she was bothered by Karen Read turning around and smiling so much at her family. Three jurors – 3, 12, and 13 – reported her. All of them were called up to speak with Judge Cannone about this. And as luck would have it these were the exact three jurors who were eliminated and/or made alternates on the final day of the trial.

It’s outrageous that someone with such a vested interest in the outcome of the case as Lt. Fanning, who is friends with and works with some of the most controversial witnesses, would be in charge of the jury. Fanning was on the group text with Proctor where Proctor admitted to going through David Yannetti’s “retarded client’s” phone, looking for naked pictures of Read. He said nothing to admonish his underling for this egregious ethical violation.

Fanning was also a listed witness for the Commonwealth and participated in the investigation of Karen Read. He testified at two of my grand juries. He was at my house with Brian Tully the day I was arrested. He searched my home and found my notes, indicating that he and other members of the State Police were being investigated by the US Attorney’s Office.


Fanning took part in the interrogation of former Avon Police Dispatcher Jannell Webb, took her phone without a warrant, and looked through her messages with Turtleboy in order to indict her on bogus conspiracy to commit witness intimidation charges. To this day, eight months later, Webb has never been arraigned. They never had any intention of actually prosecuting her. They just needed to indict her on a conspiracy charge because they can’t indict me on a conspiracy charge if they don’t have a second party I allegedly conspired with.

Fanning was also seen at the homes of several citizens with Trooper Bukkake, demanding to know if they ever messaged Jennifer McCabe or Elizabeth Proctor. Additionally, he oversaw the botched Sandra Birchmore investigation, which was wrongly determined to be a suicide, and has since been taken over by the Attorney General’s Office after her death was changed to a homicide.

It’s pure corruption that someone as invested in the Read trial as Fanning was, would be able to hand pick a juror for removal who made it be known through her body language that she intended to be a strong voice for acquittal in the deliberation room.

If the video of Juror 3 talking about the case at a bar doesn’t exist then it’s blatant corruption on the part of Fanning. However, if it DOES exist then it should’ve been given to the judge. It wasn’t. And if it DOES exist then who took the video, and more importantly, how did they recognize Juror 3? If you weren’t inside that courtroom you wouldn’t be able to identify any of the jurors in public. This would mean that if a video DOES exist, that Juror 3, and likely every other juror, was followed by someone from the State Police. How else would they happen to know what bar she was at on a certain date? Juror 3 would’ve been able to tell Cannone she never went to a bar, if in fact she hadn’t.

It sounds like the most likely scenario is that the State Police knew Juror 3 was at a specific bar on a specific date, and they made up the story about having a video to have her kicked off the jury. That way Juror 3 couldn’t deny being at the bar.

Other questions I have:

  • Does the Commonwealth often invite listed witnesses (Fanning was listed as a witness but never called) in murder trials to oversee the juries of those trials? Or only in cases where they’ve been accused of corruption and investigated by the FBI?
  • Why was someone as high ranking as LT. John Fanning chosen to oversee the jury? It seems like a bitch job, so why couldn’t State Police stick some rookie on it? Why not a trooper from the Westfield barracks with no ties to Norfolk County?
  • Why do the State Police have anything to do with any trial proceedings? Shouldn’t the court be in charge of that? Shouldn’t they have assigned a white shirt court officer to do the job Fanning was tasked with doing?

Then again, conflicts of interest are nothing new to Norfolk County officials. The entire basis of the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder revolves around conflicts of interest. Michael Proctor is a close family friend of the Alberts and was offered a thank you gift by Julie Albert on the day Karen Read was arrested. Brian Tully played college football with Paul O’Keefe. Yuri Bukhenik’s brother is close friends with Kevin and Brian Albert.

But none of this mattered to the Norfolk County DA’s Office, so it’s not surprising that John Fanning was in charge of overseeing the jury in Karen Read’s trial. And it’s certainly not surprising that he hand picked a juror for removal who was going to vote to acquit the defendant.



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  1. Jesus, Mary and Joseph…as my sainted Nana uses to say !!!
    Of course NONE of what you report is a surprise …in fact the details all make sense and the cravenly corrupt CW / MSP / CCC seems surely to have done all they could to orchestrate the “mistrial” since they could not orchestrate a guilty verdict on Counts 1 and 3.

    I would bet my bottom dollar that at least some of the jurors were followed as a safety measure to concoct evidence so they could back into their desired conclusion…lock ’em all up!

    p.s. I thought Fanning was no longer under investigation?!?!

      1. Aidan brilliant choice to add NY Attorney Mark Bederow to your team. Norfolk fiefdom has got to be reigned in, fumigated. Awesome Ex MSP Officer Todd McGee explained registry, Capitol, Turnpike troopers consolidation. Change can happen Bad actors go—it’s over

  2. It’s been reported that John Fanning is obsessed with trannies, and raped one in the Florida keys. He’s a sicko fire him.

    1. Yes Fred
      That is my fear
      Just look at the blatant corruption on display
      Vegas odds says Procter has future checks coming from MA

      They probably told him
      keep your mouth shut
      and you will get yours

      1. There is no God. The only justice is here on earth.

        And there is no justice on earth.

        These crooked cops will pay no price. They clearly know it as witnessed by there actions.

        They will continue to earn 200k+ off the taxpayers. They will get 6 figures state tax free pensions for the rest of their lives. The Massachusetts voters will continue to vote the same way. The abuse will continue.

    2. Maybe not at the MSP, but with 100% certainty, he will slither his way into some tax payer funded job that will include a new pension, probably making more.

  3. fucking mole dick Fanning. this dude couldn’t get any more dirty if he tried. what a crock of shit. the fact that the defense didn’t put up a stink with the court over Fanning running the jury surprises me though. how can a witness of a case possibly be in charge of the jury in the same case? shenanigans will be rampant in trial 2 because apparently there is no oversight on any of this shit.

  4. More nonsense conspiracy theories and conjecture from the sexual deviant Turtleboy.

    Turtleboy who isn’t an attorney, never tried a case in his life, understands absolutely nothing about voir dire or jury selection, suddenly can predict the decisions an individual juror will make regarding guilt or innocence, during the middle of a trial and prior to any deliberations taking place, simply because of the way a juror nods his/her head.

    Again Aidan “chilli” Decastro-Kearney is such a legal scholar that he knows the conversations between a judge and a juror prior to the juror being dismissed and knows the legal standard for dismissing a juror was met… again without knowing the substance of the conversation or the basis for the dismissal.

    Online pretend attorney/doctor Aidan Kearney with all his expertise and experience with criminal procedure, standing orders and Massachusetts general laws, believes the state police and not the Massachusetts trial court officers are responsible for overseeing the administration of jurors in Massachusetts.

    And his minions eat this stuff up.

    1. That’s right, Turtlebitch is:
      1. Not a doctor
      2. Not a lawyer
      3. Not a legal scholar
      4. Definitely not a journalist. Journalists don’t insert themselves in their work. Kinda like the opposite of what this clown does.
      5. Going to jail soon
      Should of stuck to bone rides and making fun of people. Karma is a bitch.

      1. Silly Juice Jill makes the poop go back up my butt with that face.
        I’ve suddenly started wearing sunscreen and moisturizer thanks to her.

    2. Why don’t you write an opposing piece so that we can read and understand how none of this shouldn’t disturb us?

      I didn’t read anything above saying anything was illegal. My takeaway is that suspect activities are at large and require further investigation. I don’t think TB represented himself as a lawyer but an interested, observant citizen asking questions.

      I read your message as yet another person making mindless pot shots spewing incoherent vitriol and resorting to calling people names.

      Bring receipts please…

    3. Earth to Jacob –>One doesn’t have to be an attorney to engage in stellar investigative reporting on details surrounding a murder, an associated cover-up and frame-job in addition to reporting upon the legal meatgrinder put in place by the Norfolk District Attoney’s office to persecute an innocent woman…with the help of a partially and/or fully corrupt MSP unit assigned to Morrissey’s office.

      Aidan has proven to be quite the intrepid investigative reporter…and his use of “sources” to inform us all what may well explain some pretty blatant problems and curious circumstances is satandard operating procedure for reporters.

      One doesn’t have to be a lawyer to either smell the rot of corruption in this case OR to report upon it!

    4. Where’s the fucking dog? In the pool with your phone? What about your Ford Edge? Basement floor? Who do you think you’re bullshitting?

    5. He’s been right almost all the time, just ask the members of the graveyard. Actually, you’ll all be there soon enough.

    6. Mr. Harrington,

      It is the very facial expressions, nodding of the head along with certain body language of numerous witnesses that have proven their own involvement in the death of Mr O’Keefe shining the light on themselves and taking it away from Karen Read. And, that isn’t just a Turtleboy observation. Numerous professionals in the field of body language have proven deception in Jenn McCabe, Brian Higgins, Colin Albert and his parents and more. So, why is it so difficult for you to believe a mere observation of one nodding a head at the disgust of Pussy Proctor, visibly unconvinced of Trooper Paul’s testimony or any other witness is impossible to predict?! Apparently, Fanning took heed but in a most controversial way that spells

      Great story Aidan. This Iowa Girl is watching!!

  5. Aidan, tell us more without doxxing the foreman, was he the lobbyist swaying voters to guilty? Handpicked by Bev, highly suspect

      1. He told TB he voted guilty based on the pieces of tail light in the shirt, which was dis-proven, but Lally LIED about it anyway in his closing, that’s not all he LIED about.

  6. In the FB group pre-trial, I posted that KR should be all business in court, no smiles, etc.
    People were up in arms about it and were attacking me. It’s been proven so many times.

    “Reliable sources have confirmed that Juror #5 said in the presence of all the other jurors that she was bothered by Karen Read turning around and smiling so much at her family. Three jurors – 3, 12, and 13 – reported her. All of them were called up to speak with Judge Cannone about this. And as luck would have it these were the exact three jurors who were eliminated and/or made alternates on the final day of the trial.”

    1. Is this your idea of an I Told You So? IDGAF if anyone reads incorrectly into her smiles or behaviors they want to twist into having real relevance on intent to convict or not convict. Guess what the jurors were 12-0 NOT GUILTY on worst charges so F U & anyone else on the b.s. She has been through he’ll due to these POS. Get over yourself.

    2. Once she stopped smiling, people said she had no emotion and was cold. People did the same to Ashley benefield. They can’t win- and shouldn’t be judge on their expressions anyway. Unless you have been in their exact position (which I would think not many have) no one should be judging them or saying how they would or should be acting. Just my opinion.

      1. Would love to know how exactly a defendant should “look” during a trial
        If she cries-it’s fake
        If she laughs- she’s a bitch
        If she shows nothing- she didn’t love John.
        Etc etc etc…

  7. I bet Yuri’s brother is named something like Bilo..
    Borat: Sometime my sister, she show her vazhïn to my brother Bilo and say “You will never get this, you will never get this! Lalalalala!” When he behind his cage, and he go crazy-crazy, everybody laugh, she go “You will never get this. But one time, he break cage and he get “this” and then we all laugh! High-five!

  8. Figured the CW had another corrupt trick up their sleeves. It would be the only way they had the gall to proceed with this sham case.

  9. Told you all this would happen.

    And it’s not going to stop…until…

    You hang them by the lightposts in the town square.

    1. We need to bring back tarring and feathering of public officials. I know barrels of boiling tar is hard to come by these days. How about superglue and down feathers from our winter coats? Wouldn’t want these chicken shit cops getting cold. When you string em up make sure there’s ropes tied to their wrists so that when they reach up for the hanging rope you can pull their hands down and then they’re flapping in the air like a bird.

      At this point the feds are taking too long. Those cops need to be given rope burns on their necks if nobody’s gonna do anything about this.

  10. The good cops need to step up and start doing something about this lowlife element within their ranks. This Fanning is as crooked as they come and should be in jail already.

  11. Isn’t that the same fruit cake banging and raping transgenders in Florida??
    same guy who was caught putting his service revolver to a victims head while ordering him perform ORAL SEX!

    This guy is going to LOSE EVERYTHING!
    Hope it was worth it Fruitcake Fanning !

  12. When juror 3 was dismissed I felt there was more corruption happening. They acted as if a guilty verdict would wash away all corruption. Maybe they figure if they keep giving the FBI more to investigate, the investigation will never come to an end resulting in charges? One would think the shenanigans would stop when the FBI got involved but they are so arrogant they just keep on covering their big, dirty, stinking asses.

  13. Which trolling ass crack are you “Phalen”? Kate Penis? Sean McScab? Sam ” Bean Flicker”? Balloons the clown Colin? Matt “splash of crystal light” ? Slack jaw Jenn? Fat Boy Higgins? Which turdling are you?

    1. I love the childish comments by the low IQ lemmings that suck on turtlebitch’s tits. It’s like being in middle school again and throwing around your mama jokes. I was so good at those when I was 12. I didn’t know adults still talked like this. Or should I say adults that live in their parents basement lol.

      When is Aidan going to jail? He’ll be the martyr all you bedwetters need in your miserable lives.

      He should of stuck to bone rides and being a bully. Karma is a bitch and Aidan’s going to the big house before any of these corrupt cops.

      Suck on that one lemmings.

  14. ลงทะเบียนและเข้าสู่ระบบและดาวน์โหลดลิงค์ fun88 ที่ไม่ถูกบล็อกล่าสุด ลิงค์เข้าถึง fun88 โดยตรงบนพีซี มือถือ แล็ปท็อป Macbook ไอแพด

  15. Meu irmão sugeriu que eu pudesse gostar deste site Ele estava totalmente certo Este post realmente fez o meu dia Você não pode imaginar quanto tempo eu gastei com esta informação Obrigado

  16. Yes, the corruption here runs deep, even more so than anyone realized. But, i think we keep burying the lead:
    A majority of the jury was voting guilty on the manslaughter charge. That means that a majority of the jury rejected the third-party culprit evidence that the McAlberts killed JO and covered it up.

    It boggles my mind that 6+ jurors reached that conclusion, but they did.

  17. This and most of your recent stories start off about something or someone, yet each one circles back to What About Me, Aidan, and how I am the Victim. Far afield from reporting about a story, more about a narrative about Me, Me, Me. Bring back the story and stop inserting yourself.

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