Canton Coverup Part 319: State Police Detectives Yuri Bukhenik And John Fanning Drove To Cape Cod To Intimidate A Woman’s Family Who Sent A Text Message To Colin Albert In July 


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On Tuesday a woman in Bristol County reported to Turtleboy Daily News that her ex-boyfriend was visited at her former residence by MSP Detectives Yuri Bukhenik and Brian Tully, inquiring about her whereabouts. They apparently want to ask her some questions about this text message she sent Colin Albert in July:

The State Police seem to be under the belief that it is illegal to believe that John O’Keefe was murdered inside 34 Fairview Road, even though that’s what the evidence clearly indicates happened. And they REALLY don’t like when people urge them to tell the truth. They call that “witness intimidation” in Norfolk County now. They apparently prefer it when witnesses lie so that innocent women go to prison for murdering cops.

Newsflash – you’re allowed to text message people and say “do the right thing and tell the truth” in a free country. But when they hear the words “tell the truth” they assume that you’re trying to get these “witnesses” to change their testimony because they know that the “witnesses” aren’t currently telling the truth.

The woman was understandably upset and scared about the visit. Like most people on our side, she has no criminal record and is a law abiding citizen. These are the kind of people these men with guns are intimidating.

But they didn’t want her, they wanted Turtleboy. They were going to do the same thing they did with Katie Smith last month – get her to say that Turtleboy coerced her into sending the text so that they could add to the existing charges against me.

I advised this woman of her rights, and that she should NEVER talk to these cops without a lawyer. Film all of your encounters with them. If they don’t have a warrant tell them to get off your property immediately. They assume that you will be scared of them because they come with guns and have the power of the state behind them. They think you’re uneducated about your rights and that they’ll be able to intimidate you into giving up those rights in order to “help” them.

Three days later (Thursday) Bukhenik and Detective Lt. John Fanning (the lead investigator who covered up the murder of Sandra Birchmore) drove deep into Cape Cod to the town of Chatham to harass another family member about her whereabouts.

She sent me video of the encounter, in which Bukhenik and Fanning ignore a “no trespassing” sign at the beginning of the driveway and knock on the door. A person opens the door, Fanning and Bukhenik introduce themselves, and the homeowner immediately points to their car and says “get out.”

They have not given me permission to share the video because they don’t want the attention and in my opinion are intimidated by State Police. However, here’s some still shots of them right before they were evicted.

Get out!

This is what your tax dollars are paying for. These LOSERS drove well over an hour to harass some woman’s family, hoping they’d give up her location, so they could find, stalk, and harass her over a text message she sent to some thug life shithead last July. They don’t protect and serve us, they protect and serve the McAlberts, who are treated like royalty by police and the DA’s Office. They’ve done nothing to find the driver of the Ford Edge parked next to John O’Keefe’s dead body at 3:30 AM, but they have plenty of time to harass and intimidate the people who pay their salaries.

It’s sad that we live in a state where law abiding citizens must live in constant fear of the police. This isn’t a free country as long as these thugs with guns are allowed to run wild like this. It’s fascism, and the fact that their superiors aren’t putting a stop to this is evidence that it’s not just a few rogue cops that are the problem – it’s the entire institution of the Massachusetts State Police.


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