TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 396: Thousands Across Country Stage Peaceful Protests In Support Of Free Karen Read



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The International Labor Day Standouts for Justice was a smashing success as thousands of people across the country and the world took to the streets to demand Justice for John O’Keefe and Karen Read. Karen’s brother Nathan and cousin Kelly were seen at several different locations, and Karen and her father were seen in Dedham, Rayham, and in the Market Basket parking lot where we took a picture together for the first time.

The trolls are very upset that Karen was heard comparing her supporters to anti-Vietnam War protesters.

“I don’t know you, but I love you. You would’ve protested the Vietnam War and ended it. This is the modern equivalent to that. Thank you all.”

As you can imagine, the fake outrage over this quote is all the rage with the 35 desperate housewives on social media pretending to believe that Karen is guilty by spending every second of their day directing anger at her and her supporters.  But the fact of the matter is that anyone with a brain knows that Karen wasn’t comparing the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder to the Vietnam War. She was pointing out that peaceful protesters are are responsible for some of the greatest social change in our country’s history.

The government continuously lied to American citizens about what was happening in Vietnam, and the war would’ve kept going indefinitely if millions of people didn’t take to the streets and demand that it end. Their lies were exposed by whistle blowers like Daniel Ellsberg, who sent “confidential” information exposing the government to the New York Times. The government attempted to charge Ellsberg and the NYU editorial staff with espionage, much like they are attempting whistle blower Jannell Webb for sending a reporter (Turtleboy) license plate information exposing the government’s lies in the Karen Read case.

In Norfolk County the government is lying to American citizens about who is responsible for murdering a Boston Police Officer. They have attempted to frame and imprison an innocent woman, and have incarcerated an award winning journalist, in violation of the First Amendment, in order to silence dissent. They have threatened to charge 9 innocent citizens with witness intimidation for protesting on a public street in Canton.

The circumstances are different, but the theme is the same – when the people unite and stand up to government corruption the government is pressured to stop being so corrupt.

As a proud American and student of history, I am proud and excited to be leading such a historic movement. Yesterday I personally visited 8 different locations starting in Bourne and ending in West Roxbury. The biggest turnout seemed to be in Plymouth, Taunton, Woburn, and Dedham. But people were literally everywhere and we asked them to send us pictures to memorialize this historic day. Here they are.














Bethel, ME















Bradenton, FL








Chesterfield, MI




Conway, NH 







































Jersey Shore, PA














Madison (WI)






















New Bedford




































Salem, MA




Salem, NH





San Diego









South Carolina


















West Roxbury



















Not sure where these were taken, but DM me if you know and I can update










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  1. FKR supporters are far better than nam protestors. They way those nam prostestors treated our soldiers coming home was vile. I have zero respect for those assholes. What I do have respect for is how honorable the FKR supporters have been. Every fucking single of youz has been above reproach. This is where the battle is won..

  2. Your blog is a constant source of inspiration for me. Your passion for your subject matter is palpable, and it’s clear that you pour your heart and soul into every post. Keep up the incredible work!

  3. Every single person in these pictures looks like they still scream “BOSTON STRONG” multiple times a day.

    1. Awww what’s the matter Jill? Scared of the giant army of people who want to see you and your family in federal pound me in the ass prison? Can’t stand seeing how grossly outnumbered you are?

    2. Your post makes no sense. “Boston Strong” originated as a rally cry after a terrorist bombing in which people were killed. It was also used as a slogan to let the terrorists know that we would not be cowed and would not run. Doesn’t apply here.

    3. No. Not at all. I have absolutely zero vested interest in this whole thing lol. My comparison was solely based off of the appearance of the people who look like all they care about is the “new shiny thing” so they can post it on social media and look cool. See below.

      Boston Strong

      Joseph Kony 2012

      Bill Belichick “We’re still here”

      The list is ENDLESS…

  4. “Stop the Corruption” says one of the signs. That’s basically it. 1. The cops circling the wagons and protecting each other, like in the poor Sandra Birchmore case where they literally covered for their fellow murderer.
    2. The Canton Selectmen constant dismissive attitude towards the “random f—— citizens” and ignoring their drunken, incompetent police chief. 3. Morrissey and his total ineffective “leadership” that’s fostered such criminal behavior. 4. The State Police from top to bottom.


  5. I think Karen Read’s comparison to the Viet Nam war is spot on. She is at war, fighting for her life and freedom in a battle not of her own choosing, or consequence. Just like the young men sent to fight a war they didn’t understand or have any place in. Apt comparison- and I am just old enough to remember the tail end of the war. My earliest childhood memories were going with my mother to deliver baked goods to Walter Reed hospital for the veterans – all young men with shell shocked looks and grave injuries. Perfect comparison.

  6. What a day! It was a fabulous turn-out!!

    All the cry babies are still clinging to their story and think the feds aren’t coming. They’re riding a hard line right now trying to pretend Karen is guilty, while avoiding simping for a deviant, violent pedophile. It was Mark Twain who said “It’s easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled.” Some of these clowns actually seem to believe that there was nothing wrong with this “investigation” and look past every contradiction testified to by the pack. Some will admit the investigation wasn’t “perfect,” but seemingly ignore that an officer of the law did this to another officer of the law!! They don’t question Cannone banning BPD from showing up. She knows BPD would have ended up sitting in the “wrong” section after they got a look at Proctor’s handiwork. They don’t seem to understand that 99.9% of the people protesting aren’t just there for Karen; they are there to get rid of the cesspool in the Norfolk County DA Office and anywhere else in the state that corruption exists. NOBODY likes a dirty cop, except other dirty cops!!

    I hope Michael Morrissey lands toward the top of Noble’s list of things to do. Two murders under Morrissey’s watch that have been completely mishandled to cover for a cop. It’s not ignorance or incompetence; it’s corruption!!

  7. Congratulations on a great turnout. The guy from Dedham with the blonde wig and the judges robes is a legend. Justice is coming

  8. Amazing support. Our heroes are neighbors, employees and taxpayers who “see something and say something”
    Be brave, offer evidence (anonymously, if necessary) to restore and begin rebuilding our community.
    Vermont citizen that received Albert’s dog
    Guys that removed and disposed of basement floor and pool at 34 Fairview
    Cleaning crew that sanitized then staged house
    Real estate agents that sold house without photos
    Relatives of law enforcement that ‘never talk’ about “The Job”
    Ret. Chief Berkowitz

  9. Here’s the tell. This is the tell that wins.
    Every single sign is hand made. There’s no astroturfing here.
    This is all real.

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