Canton Coverup Part 403: Enrique Delgado-Garcia’s Mysterious Death At State Police Academy Won’t Be Investigated By Worcester County DA Joe Early Who Previously Covered For Michael Morrissey

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Massachusetts State Police recruit Enrique Delgado-Garcia died on Thursday at the MSP academy in New Braintree after reportedly sustaining injuries while boxing. But his family isn’t buying it due to the fact that his injuries do not align with boxing injuries. According to family members who spoke with the media, Delgado-Garcia suffered brain damage, had contusions all of this body, a broken neck, and lost most of his teeth.
*Editor’s Note* The family of Enrique have now set up a fundraiser.
Delgado-Garcia was in peak physical condition, and was a competitive long distance runner.
I have no idea what happened to Enrique, and I’m not going to accuse anyone of anything without evidence. However, I do agree with his family that the injuries don’t add up, and the Massachusetts State Police no longer should receive the benefit of the doubt from anyone. The MSP are well known to cover up scandals, up to and including the murder of a police officer, so sweeping another scandal under the rug isn’t beneath them.
What we do know is that the State Police claim that Enrique died from injuries he sustained during a boxing exercise at the academy. If that is the case then why haven’t they announced that individuals involved have all been suspended pending an investigation? Any time an officer uses their weapon in the line of duty they are put on leave, pending an investigation. Yet here we have a dead recruit, who has posthumously been made a trooper, and no one has been put on leave. This despite the fact that the State Police themselves are the ones saying that he died from injuries sustained in a boxing exercise.
If we are to take MSP at their word, then the least scandalous scenario is that Enrique was boxing someone and something horribly went wrong causing him to die. At the very least, then the other person he was boxing AND the State Police trooper who was overseeing the exercise, should be put on leave, pending an investigation. The fact that nothing has been announced about this, coupled with MSP’s long and documented history of covering up scandals, is sketchy at best.
I find it hard to believe that Enrique was viciously murdered in front of multiple people who are all covering it up. This isn’t the inside of Brian Albert’s house where everyone is family, and there isn’t a drunk woman they can all pin it on. Whatever. happened to Enrique was witnessed by someone, likely multiple people. Surely witnesses must’ve bene interviewed and spoken with on the day Enrique was injured. Why haven’t the State Police mentioned anything about that? Your guess is as good as mine.
Yesterday Worcester County District Attorney Joe Early held a bizarre press conference with several members of Enrique’s family. Apparently Enrique previously worked as a victim witness advocate in the Worcester County DA’s Office. Early spoke highly of him and seemed to be emotionally connected to Enrique, which is why he announced that the DA’s Office would be recusing itself from the investigation.
That makes no sense. When Michael Chesna was murdered did the Weymouth Police Department say they wouldn’t take part in the investigation? The Weymouth Police obviously had strong ties to Chesna, since he worked for them.
The fact that Early kept saying that they were “here for Enrique” and wanted to remember him, is sketchy. The McAlberts always use the line of “this is about John O’Keefe” as a way to deflect from evidence of a coverup of his murder. We all agree it’s sad what happened to Enrique, and that he deserves to be remembered. But that doesn’t mean his family and the public at large don’t deserve answers.
Early also said that he doesn’t want any other DA’s Office to be in charge of investigating, while praising the State Police. In other words, it sounds like his plan is to let the State Police investigate themselves. If the DA’s Office is incapable of investigating this then the Feds should, because clearly none of these corrupt scumbags can fairly investigate a suspicious death.
Early claims the incident leading to Enrique’s death was videotaped but he hadn’t seen it. Does anyone actually believe that? They want us to believe that his beating death was memorialized on video and Early didn’t even wanna take a look at it? How do we know nothing nefarious happened if the DA himself hadn’t even seen the video?
Anyone who has been following my work since the beginning knows that Early is just as corrupt with Morrissey. As a matter of fact, they’re pals! In part 119 of the Canton Coverup series we documented how Morrissey was never charged after suspiciously crashing his car during the middle of the day in Milton in 2013. Meatball claims that he was dehydrated and had just ordered a pizza when he spontaneously passed out behind the wheel and crashed into another car. In order to prove that he wasn’t corrupt Morrissey had his case moved to Worcester County to avoid a conflict of interest. There, a magistrate who works for Early’s office determined at a closed doors hearing that no charges would be filed against Morrissey.
In 2016 Early’s Office allowed a man named Jorge Zambrano not to go to jail, despite a lengthy and violent criminal record, which included assaults on police officers. A month later Zambrano murdered Auburn Police Officer Ron Tarentino during a routine traffic stop. Early’s Office issued a press released announcing that jail “wasn’t working for Zambrano.”
It was working quite well for Tarentino’s family though.
In October of 2017 we broke what was widely considered the biggest story in Turtleboy history prior to Karen Read – “Troopergate.” Joe Early was at the center of that scandal as well. Dudley District Court Judge Tim Bibaud’s adult daughter Alli Bibaud was arrested on 190 with heroin in her car.
Alli asked the arresting trooper Ryan Sceviour from the Holden barracks “do you know how many guys I had to blow to get that?” Joe Early is personal friends with Judge Bibaud, and when word got back to Early that his friends daughter had said such an embarrassing thing during her arrest he immediately called MSP Colonel Richard McKeon and demanded that sentence be removed from the report. McKeon and Lt. Colonel Francis Hughes told Major Sue Anderson, who directed Sceviour and Trooper Allie Rei to remove it. When the troopers refused they were disciplined. This outraged a lot of troopers who contacted me to expose it.
DA Early with Judge Timothy M. Bibaud at his swearing in as the presiding judge in Dudley District Court.
— Joseph D. Early Jr. (@worcesterda) December 6, 2013
It turned into a huge scandal, and McKeon, Hughes, and Anderson had to resign in disgrace. Early ended up admitting that he had the report altered to the AGO, and had to pay Sceviour $5K after going up in front of the ethics committee.
Meanwhile, an attorney named Blake Rubin ran against Early in 2018. Rubin was an independent and Early was not used to being challenged, despite having nearly $2 million in his campaign war chest. Early won, and shortly afterwards he punished Rubin for challenging him by having his office charge Rubin with witness intimidation. Rubin was acquitted in 2021.
In a failed attempt to convict Rubin the Commonwealth offered immunity to a convicted gang member and human human trafficker who profited off the prostitution of a drug-addicted woman, who Rubin had previously represented. Anthony Benedetti, chief counsel for the Committee for Public Counsel Services, lashed out at the Commonwealth afterwards:
“Rubin and Cavanaugh were targeted for doing their job advising and representing their clients,” he wrote in a statement to MassLive. “When prosecutors seek criminal convictions against defense lawyers based on a web of nefarious inferences and the testimony of immunized witnesses, they send an intimidating message to all defense lawyers that your freedom and livelihood are at risk if you do your job and represent clients zealously. That kind of message, especially coming from prosecutors, is extremely dangerous and obstructs our system of justice.”
I have no idea what happened to Enrique Delgado-Garcia. But if you’re expecting truth and transparency from the Worcester County DA’s Office, you’ve come to the wrong place.

Who the hell did he Box ? Let’s hear his side ?
Unfortunately it’s an ongoing investigation and the “Sparing Partner” can not be identified or questioned .
Just let it be….
Filthy Massachusetts. Reminds me of my History teacher preaching the fall of Rome and how Massachusett is in a similar situation.
Outstanding article Unc! Never give up, never surrender! We (you) ain’t got no quit – Alan jackson (I’m giving Jackson credit in the event Coffindoofus reads this, attempts to shame me for plagiarism)
Massachusetts sucks
Please investigate this awful state. Actually what is wrong with this state.
Recruits wear headgear and mouth pieces. How did he lose teeth and break his neck?
I needed this tonight TB. Thank you.
Does anyone besides me believe Early saying the family wants privavy id a manipulation to isolate them? Is the family saying that? I haven’t seen it.
Actually they don’t speak English and that douchebag invited them there to “give them information.” He did NOT tell them they were going to be props at his press conference. There is a family member on X who has been designated the spokesperson and they have asked for privacy. (I would bet money this is because they don’t know who can be trusted now.) Word is also out that they have been directed to resources that will actually assist them, rather than take advantage of them.
All the DA’s in Massachusetts seem to live in Hack City. What an awful bunch of phonies.
I watched that useless and manipulative “press conference” with Early basically laying the ground work to cover his butt. What a corrupt piece of work. I really have no idea how these losers sleep at night. But, then again, they’re NEVER going to lose their pensions and that’s all they care about.
Hey, Early, where did you mail your spine to first to get this gig?
¿Hos Long morirá por un cráneo aplastado?
Enrique Delgado García fue asesinado. ¿Le estaban enseñando a boxear? ¿Perdió la mayoría de sus dientes? ¿Se fracturó el cráneo? ¿Se rompió el cuello en 3 paquetes? ¡De ninguna manera José!
Lo asesinaron y lo metieron en el área de Boxeo de un Albi. Se aseguraron de que no viviría. Consigue un buen abogado y expone a estos mafiosos. Dios los bendiga
Enrique Delgado García
Let’s be consistent in your opinions TB. Here is a situation where a DAs office recuses themself due to close personal relationships with the victim- he worked for their office and recently. Maybe every DA wouldn’t but he feels it’s important but maybe he wants to be particularly cautious about conflicts. Isn’t this the sort of thing you were advocating for as it relates to Canton related cases? If he didn’t recuse himself you’d be all over that. There is no doubt there is something to this case. But to start the nonsense already as it relates to Early’s decision to recuse is just wrong- or at least based on all that is known.
DA recused himself because he knows this is going to be a shit show. Apparently the New Colonel/ Head of MSP will handle the cover-up. How about calling in FBI ? MSP should be recusing themselves also. Another dead cop at the Hands Of Who ??? Who was he Boxing and what the hell did you do to him ? Will the Medical Examiner say say injuries consistent with Sparing session with head gear and a mouth piece ? Or beaten to death with blunt force trauma ?
. I’m sure FBI would be happy to handle it since they have so many officers already in area investigating Norfolk county .
The medical examiner ruled it a suicide.
If tone-deaf Early stood with Enrique’s grieving family (using a translator) to ask FBI (on camera) to investigate Enrique’s death we would ALL know he means business. What a senseless loss. What an amazing young man. DA Morrissey tossed cases to Early in Worcester for years OMG that Marina Bay/ Granite Links/Michael Connolly post 119 is chilling. Thanks, Aidan
It is bizarre how every person thinks somehow the FBI investigates every crime that seems to happen in Massachusetts. The federal government has very limited jurisdiction to investigate a typical crime. There has to be a violation of federal law for federal agents to get involved. Even their involvement in the Sara Bichmore cases is exceptionally atypical. Under no circumstance would the “FBI” or federal government be involved in a case such as Enrique Delgado Garcia at this point in the investigation. It could possibly happen at some point in the future, but no DA in America would suggest the FBI or federal government get involved in this case at this point.
The person on this thread who mentioned the conflict of interest for the State Police- I could not agree more. That is a really important point and frankly, I dont know how you get around that. This is such an odd circumstance. But the answer is not always “call in the FBI” – that response is growing a bit old. Its just not how things work. Even look at the Birchmore cases…. do you have any idea what charges the Feds are exploring for the police officer? Its not murder in the typical sense – folks, they have no jurisdiction on a “run of the mill” murder. It is murdering a witness to a crime…which is a federal offense. But truth be told – even if you want the feds involved (which I do), it is really an odd case for the FBI to get involved in and an even more odd set of charges to apply in this case. Frankly, if we were all being honest, it should be considered a federal overreach in practice. These crime codes were designed to go after gang members and organized crime members….not a situation such as this. This said, they can do it…so they will. But it is not a perfect fit by a long stretch.
Some bad actors prove to be dangerous And untouchable. The free press (a pillar of democracy) investigates corruption within Massachusetts and gets put on trial. Just looking for a way forward
You make some good points but it’s not government overreach in this instance. Organized Crime members fits the definition perfectly in both the Birchmore case and the Karen Read case. RICO law is going to be their undoing because they have been so brazen about it for so long.
Dig your handle and pov, HF. RICO law has breathtaking scope, including criminal and civil. We are roughly acquainted with hos it is used criminally, but it is also used in civil matters, to protect whistleblowers from being legally abused by corporations, among other matters. Oh yeah, there’s a lot of RICO stuff going on in Can’t Unn.
Correction — *William O’Connell* in Part 119 not Michael Connolly
So step one in forthright behavior is dragging a non-English speaking, obviously intimidated immigrant grieving family in front of the cameras? The mother was shaking and was clearly frightened. Early isn’t trying to do the right anything; he’s terrified of the Feds.
Early is a corrupt scumbag who wields his power to hurt anyone who looks at him or his extended family members sideways. Just look at him. His face is a scowl of evil intent. His extended family are wicked and vindictive and he does their bidding, using the full force of his office to cause harm. I pity anyone who falls into their web of deceit and corruption.
Hey just look at my suit and this face. Would this suit and this face lie to you?
How many guys do you think Timothy Bibaud had to blow to become a judge?
I take that back. It’s actually sad that Tim Bibaud’s daughter turned into a tramp. His father Charlie was a great guy. He’s probably rolling over in his grave.
Looks like Daddy shipped her up to Yarmouth, Maine after all that to open up a restaurant and get the hell out of his hair
The Massachusetts voter gets exactly the corrupt government they so richly deserve. And they will continue to vote for it.
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