TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 405: Michael Morrissey Had To Hire A Mob Lawyer To Prosecute Karen Read Because His Own ADA’s Are Too Incompetent


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The Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office announced today that they were benching Adam Lally as lead prosecutor in the Karen Read case and bringing in a special prosecutor named Hank Brennan for Read’s retrial in January.

What does this say about Michael Morrissey’s confidence in the people who work for him? He’s so convinced that there are ZERO people in his office capable of convicting Karen Read that he’s using taxpayer dollars to bring in a private counsel to handle the case instead.

Adam Lally has to keep showing up to court like he’s Zach Wilson, holding a clipboard and remaining silent as he goes home to his cheese sandwich and room temperature milk. How can he get up every day and look himself in the mirror? How is he not embarrassed and humiliated that his boss has zero confidence in him to get the job done? He is the most pathetic, shameless loser in this entire sordid affair.

And why does the DA’s Office need a special prosecutor at all? What is the justification for this? A special prosecutor gets appointed when there’s a conflict with a defendant, like me. But with Karen Read there is no conflict. In my case the DA’s Office billed the taxpayers more than $125K and counting to hire not one, not two, but three special prosecutors AND a private investigator. In Karen Read’s case the billable hours will be in the hundreds, likely costing the taxpayers well over a million dollars, as Brennan gets caught up to speed and has to go through another 10 week trial. Alan Jackson issued a press release yesterday echoing this sentiment.

“fully fairly aired in the courtroom without outside influence.”

Translation – I’m gonna try my best to prevent Turtleboy from reporting inside the courtroom and have protesters arrested outside. The last trial was fully and fairly aired in the courtroom without outside influence. The only “influence” came from the other side, when 3 not guilty jurors were eliminated on the final day, and the family member of another juror warned them about my presence inside the courtroom.

Let’s be clear – no one on the side of actual justice is worried about this at all. They can bring in the greatest prosecutor in the world and it won’t make a lick of difference, because the evidence and facts are all on Karen Read’s side. There isn’t a prosecutor in the world who could ever get a jury of 12 to convict her based on the evidence they provided at the first trial.

My question is, why is Hank Brennan taking this case? Does he need the money that badly? Is he completely unaware and oblivious to public opinion in this case, which is overwhelmingly in support of Karen Read’s innocence? Does he realize that by voluntarily signing up to participate in pure evil he will forever be aligned with some of the most detestable, despicable, and corrupt public officials in the history of mankind? This is the same guy who defended Whitey Bulger (unsuccessfully) and went to his funeral. It’s even used in the cover photo on Boston.com today.

It’s his job to defend a mass murderer, but going to his funeral to pay his respects like Bulger was someone who will be missed and loved? Pathetic.

And since we’re talking about Whitey Bulger, let’s not forget that Jennifer McCabe is represented by Kevin Reddington, who represented Bulger’s girlfriend Catherine Greig. Reddington praised her on Facebook for not being a rat. So congrats to the Norfolk DA’s Office – their case against an innocent woman is now being run by mob lawyers. That’s how dedicated they are to protecting cop killers. Because for the DA’s Office this case was never about proving Karen Read killed John O’Keefe, it’s been about protecting the people who killed John O’Keefe. And who better equipped to do that than high priced defense attorneys who have defended some of the most notorious scumbags in recent history?


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  1. is there any truth that Jen Weeks-McCabe is related to Kevin “Two” Weeks. The connections to South Boston, Dorchester, and Norfolk County is insane. BTW Whitey is not dead

  2. is there any truth that Jen Weeks-McCabe is related to Kevin 2 Weeks. The connections to South Boston, Dorchester, and Norfolk County is insane. BTW Whitey is not dead

    1. Whitey is dead sorry to say. No one in power needed him alive and no one in power really cared if he died. He didn’t have the type of dirt on people like Epstein (also dead imo) had and was washed up and on the run when he was caught. Someone trying to game a name for himself beat whitey to death while he was in a wheelchair and if he hadn’t then a good chance old age would have gotten him.

  3. Your last paragraph says it all. Morrissey is a disgrace and that’s just the start of his crimes. And the governor of this state is a feckless loser.

  4. He didn’t only attend his funeral. He administered his estate and sued the govt unsuccessfully for wrongful death. A mob boss’ criminal, estate and civil attorney is not someone defending his Constitutional rights. That’s a consigliere.

  5. If my taxes are paying Whitey Bulger’s lawyer fee to retry Ms. Read, I’d like to ask: “why is Norfolk County DA framing Ms. Read while protecting Corrupt cops and the degenerates that covered up Officer O’Keefe’s death?”

  6. Great article. Lally could be benched for misconduct. Maybe the “cover up” and allegations are catching up and possibly it’s in the best interest of the DAs office to hire outside counsel to show no conflict considering there IS AN FBI INVESTIGATION

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