TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 328: Public Records Request Shows Ken Mello And Nelson De Gouveia Have Bill Taxpayers More Than $100K And Counting To Investigate Turtleboy


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As we reported last week, Special Prosecutor Ken Mello has been ignoring our requests for mandatory discovery for months, including most of the grand jury testimony that led to my indictment on 9 felony counts of witness intimidation. He ignores our emails and flagrantly violates the law, but has time to file motions to have my bail revoked and take away phone privileges in jail. All this lawfare to silence an award winning journalist for asking questions and peacefully protesting the historic injustice of framing an innocent woman for murdering a Boston Police Officer, while letting his murderers walk free.

As taxpayers you should all be offended by this because this is what your hard earned money is going towards. We live in a state where criminals regularly walk free as DA’s cut them sweetheart deals and give them unlimited chances. Instead of investing that money into cleaning up our streets and ridding it of crime, the Norfolk County DA’s Office is spending it all on me. But how much is this costing the taxpayers? That’s the question we wanted to know when we did a public records request in late February. As it turns out the bill is over $100K and counting.

MSP and the DA’s Office had it planned for quite some time to arrest and charge me with witness intimidation. The problem is that the NCDAO couldn’t prosecute me because it would look bad due to the fact that I am their biggest critic, even though I’m also a vocal critic of the same state police detectives who led the investigation and arrested me. So they had to find a special prosecutor and no one wanted to do it. Luckily for them Ken Mello needed the work and was willing to declare war on the First Amendment, so Michael Morrissey got him on board in late September. In a September 26 email Debra Leahy from the NCDAO Fiscal Affairs told ADA Lynn Beland that Mello would bill them $400 an hour, with a ceiling of $30K.

But that wasn’t enough for Mello because God knows he can’t prosecute this case on his own. So he told them he needed them to also pay Attorney Robert Novack $20K and his private investigator Nelson de Gouveia $15K. Leahy told Mello three weeks after my arraignment that his terms were acceptable.

De Gouveia is a former employee of the Sheriff’s Department who runs what appears to be the most bootleg PI company of all time, called Trust Know 1 Investigations. He apparently couldn’t afford a web developer so he designed this bootleg website.

According to the “about” section, Trust Know 1 Investigations only hires people with “core values of integrity, bravery and relentless tenacity.” Because nothing says “relentless tenacity” like this man.

But that apparently wasn’t enough money for Mello. In late November after they decided they were going to indict me in Superior Court, Mello signed a new contract that would pay him $80K maximum.

Keep in mind, most ADA’s in Michael Morrissey’s Office earn less than $80K a year and are assigned dozens of cases. Mello, who is completely incompetent with a long and documented history of legal malfeasance, is making more than them in a year to work a single case for a few months. And he’s not exactly working very hard at it.

By the end of December Mello had already billed the Commonwealth $71,200. His commentary about his “professional services rendered” is ridiculous even for his standards.

So many lies I don’t even know where to begin.

  1. Mello working “every day including weekends and legal holidays” is hilarious in light of the fact that he took over a month off because he was allegedly too sick to work.
  2. The mere thought of Mello ever working a 12 hour day when he constantly comes to court unprepared and without doing any legal research is unfathomable.
  3. The fact that he openly states that he is billing the taxpayers to “review 8 months of daily internet posts and blogs” has to be the most egregious government waste I’ve ever seen. And for the record, there is no way he’s reviewing 8 months worth of blogs and videos. As Krusty Panties pointed out during her HPO hearing (where a full year order was granted against her), she is the one “furnishing information” to Mello.

4. Mello says that part of his duties include “communicating with opposing counsel,” yet he has been ignoring our emails and requests for discovery for months.

5. The fact that he capitalizes “Taint Team” like they’re the Boston Celtics is so Ken Mello it hurts. And to be clear, we asked for him to agree to a taint team to look through my phone 4 months ago and he still hasn’t done it yet.

But they weren’t done fleecing the taxpayers yet. De Gouveia was only allotted $15K, but in October Mello needed him to fly to California with Brian Tully to interview Natalie the German. The interview lasted one hour and they learned absolutely nothing from her, except that she was upset with Karen Read for not being best friends with her, and upset with Turtleboy for calling people cunts. De Gouveia billed the taxpayers for 28 hours worth of work on that trip, and you paid for his hotel and flight too. He also billed the taxpayers $1,000 to come to my hearing on October 26 in Norfolk Superior Court.

After that they needed him to track down Turtleboy’s side chick and investigate fake babies, so the bill got to be over $28K.

No biggie though. Debra Leahy just added another $15K to his contract, because when you’re paying people with other people’s money fiscal responsibility doesn’t really matter.

We also saw several emails from media outlets on December 5 asking about rumored new indictments of Turtleboy.

Public Records manager Brandon Hunt ignored my public records request for information on a case in which the DA’s Office chose not to prosecute obvious witness intimidation. Instead of responding to me Hung sent and email to Ken Mello on November 20 alerting him that I was asking these sort of questions.

Hunt has never returned any of my emails, and instead contacts Tim Bradl who tells him to contact me directly. These people think that they’re untouchable and not accountable to the public, because they haven’t been for years.

This is what your tax dollars are going towards while your kid’s school lays off another teacher. Silencing me is a bigger priority for them than prosecuting actual criminals.




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  1. Trust no one who looks that much like Eddy Munster, that’s the best PI that the CW could find? Wtf holy shit. Mello’s too stupid to figure out the internet thing so he’s also enlisted the help of Krust No 1 in his quest to silence TB and defile justice. They all deserve to be held personally liable for all that money.

  2. Thanks Aidan! This posting of email receipts, your many interviews and the undeniable data from iPhones, surveillance cameras and many posting of court documents on TB Daily News will take apart the old boy network in Massachusetts brick by brick. Love that others are now inspired by you to stop the corruption.

  3. The wasteful spending is something that everyone can relate to even if they aren’t following this case closely.

    I think the costs associated with this SHAM case need to be broadcast LOUD and CLEAR for all taxpayers in the state to hear. Because nobody likes the idea of government wasting their money.

  4. I can’t wait to see how many hours are billed on March 14, 2024 after he rolled up to court 2 hours late walking with zero urgency, hiding the whole internet in his pocket.
    Also, does he get paid for the smoke breaks on the courthouse steps as well?

    1. “Also, does he get paid for the smoke breaks on the courthouse steps as well?”

      Part of his condition of employment by the CW is a carton of menthol cigarettes a week.

      1. Mello smokes?
        And Lally does too, wow, you’d think lawyers these days would be smarter than that. But we ARE dealing with the Commonwealth…

  5. Comes to court totally unprepared and has the audacity to list the number of hours he worked on this case. He may have spent time arranging with the MSP to falsely accuse someone by setting them up but the rest is a joke and several judges have admonished him publicly in their courtrooms

  6. “Gee Moe………I guess we now know where he got the coin for the snappy new loaded Ford Ranger!”

  7. These 2 need their own show. They’re already straight out of central casting.
    Literally just cutting checks on our dime

    1. That character observation is spot on!

      I was just going to guess that at least one of these boobs was cast on Night Court at one point and time.

  8. I’m almost certain the guy on the left was in Tiger King. Don’t quote me on that but I’m like 99% sure he was Joe Exotic’s right hand

  9. This has reached levels of absurdity the world never thought possible. Who do we go to to stop these people ? Who is protecting US from Yuri Bukhenik?

    1. We have only ourselves. We must be willing to die for what we believe is right, and our rights. History shows, the only way the corrupted hear our message, is to: hang them by the street lamps.

    1. Ask State Auditor, Diana DiZoglio to look into it! She has been working hard to audit each of the departments of state government, but received nothing but grief from our communist gov healey and the legislature.
      I’m sure that she would love to hear from the Citizens of Massachusetts how the NCDAO is wasting tax payers money!

  10. Liar for Hire Kearney does know all about spending other ppls money he has done it his whole life, his arrest was because he broke the law his phone Priceline’s were taken away because he abused them anyone see the pattern he believes he can do and say what he wants without any consequences, signs of mental problems. Fortunately law has caught up to him and finally he will pay for all the horrific things he has said and done hopefully a few years in prison will help his mental issues. My sympathies lie with his children he has destroyed any normal type of life they may have had hearing and seeing what dear old dad has said and done some while in jail, what a wonderful legacy to leave them.

  11. I don’t mind schools laying off teachers. Depends on which ones.

    With men like Ken Mello and Magnum PI running up and down Norfolk and Bristol counties, who needs the Bill of Rights?


  12. The crooked Commonwealth will try this case. When the jury acquits they will blame the outcome on 12 taxpayers. A murderer and many accessories to murder remain free and continue to walk among us. Avoid Canton at all costs. Can I wear a “First Amendment” t shirt within 200 feet, Auntie Bev?

  13. MA Office of Inspector General states “corruption was a way of life in the Commonwealth political influence not professional performance was main condition…it is possible for individuals private and public to care for our common life.”John William Ward. A former educator who stood up to corrupt government practices in Massachusetts in 1970s to prevent fraud,waste,abuse of public funds. Investigators from OIG need to know

  14. Fantastic read! I was especially impressed by the depth provided on the topic, offering a perspective I hadn’t considered. Your insight adds significant value to the conversation. For future articles, it would be fascinating to explore more to dive deeper into this subject. Could you also clarify more about the topic? It caught my interest, and I’d love to understand more about it. Keep up the excellent work!

  15. Wow. This entire candle seems to be very organized in teems of people in power protecting and covering up for each other
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the John O’Keefe murder was organized from the beginning by these parties I would ve looking into what he knew because this doesn’t seem to be an accident you don’t go to these lengths for nothing. You have been far to effectively reporting and its hurting thier credibility they don’t like it and are now going to great lengths to silence you

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