TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 417: “I Hit Him” Never Happened – How Alleged Karen Read Confession Evolved From Katie McLaughlin Lie 


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The Commonwealth’s primary piece of evidence against Karen Read, and the first thing Adam Lally mentioned in his closing statement, was that Read allegedly said “I hit him” several times in front of first responders after discovering John O’Keefe’s body outside of Brian Albert’s house. This alleged confession has been repeated ad nauseam by the so-called “Food Stamp Five” and the handful of other McAlbert supporters hoping to see Read lynched for what the McAlberts did to O’Keefe. But we need to settle once and for all that Read never said that at the scene, because this bitches forgot to take their meds and are out of control.

On January 29, 2022, a grand total of ZERO first responders reported to police ANYTHING about Read saying “I hit him” at the scene of the crime. Had they done so Read would’ve been detained.

The first individual to claim that she heard Read confess to hitting O’Keefe was firefighter Katie McLaughlin, who was interviewed by Michael Proctor on January 30. The interview was arranged by Kevin Albert, despite the fact that Canton Police were conflicted off of the investigation specifically because he is Brian Albert’s brother. McLaughlin was one of almost a dozen first responders on scene, but was specifically chosen by Albert’s brother to be the first to be interviewed more than a week before any other firefighter or EMT. She was the ONLY firefighter who was interviewed prior to Read’s arrest on February 1.

Although it’s unclear why the young and inexperienced McLaughlin was the only firefighter police initially were interested in speaking to, what is clear is that she not only has known Caitlin Albert for over a decade, but she lied under oath about their relationship. McLaughlin claimed that she “knew a girl named Caitlin Albert from high school,” but denied being anything more than acquaintances. However, after her testimony several images began circulating of Caitlin and Katie visiting each other in college, going on vacations together, and even hanging out in a hot tub.

McLaughlin told Trooper Proctor on January 30 that Karen Read turned to what we now know was Jennifer McCabe and said “I hit him” three times. But when she testified her story evolved and she added that a police officer overheard Read say that, and when she did an officer standing next to them asked Read “you what?”, Read repeated “I hit him,” and the officer went to get Sgt. Goode. McLaughlin herself admitted that her story had evolved over time.

McLaughlin said that she heard Read say this while Read was standing next to McLaughlin, a cop and Jennifer McCabe.

The ONLY time in which this scenario occurred was this moment, caught on police dash cam:

McLaughlin is in the bright coat, McCabe is to her left, Read is to her right, and officer Steven Saraf is behind Read. Yet Saraf has testified several times, including at the grand jury and during the trial, that Read NEVER said “I hit him” at this exact moment when McLaughlin claimed that Read said “I hit him.”

In fact, Sarah was insistent that Read never said “I hit him,” because he would’ve had to detain her, and certainly would’ve written it in his report. He was standing right next to Read at the exact moment when McLaughlin said that she confessed to killing her boyfriend.

That’s not to say that Saraf was an honorable or decent cop though. When he spoke with Proctor on January 30, the same day McLaughlin spoke to Proctor, the only words he attributed to Read were “is he dead?”

Yet years later at the Read trial Saraf’s story evolved, claiming that Read said the much more incriminating statement “it’s all my fault, I did this.” He admitted that he didn’t say this to Proctor, didn’t put that in his report, and didn’t claim that Read said that when he testified at the grand jury.

Sarah clearly doesn’t mind attributing statements to Read that she never said, but even he didn’t go so far to say that Read said “I hit him” as McLaughlin claims she did while he was directly in front of her.

Officer Steven Mullaney, who graduated in the same Canton High School class as Caitlin Albert and Katie McLaughlin, arrived at the scene moments after Saraf. He was with Read the entire time and the only statement he attributed to Read was the same thing Saraf attributed to her in his original report – “is he dead?” Mullaney was unequivocal when he testified that Read NEVER said “I hit him.”


Firefighter Matthew Kelly was one of the first firefighters on the scene with McLaughlin. He testified that he NEVER heard Read say “I hit him,” but did hear her scream “he’s dead, he’s fucking dead!”


Firefighter Jason Becker testified that the only thing he heard Read say when she got into the ambulance with him was “is he dead, could he be dead?”


Firefighter Lt. Francis Walsh testified that Read’s only statements were “is he alive?”


Lt. Paramedic Greg Woodbury testified that Read asked “is he dead” repeatedly.


Firefighter Dan Whitley testified that Read asked him in the ambulance if O’Keefe could still be alive after being left in the snow for hours.

Whitley made it clear in his testimony that he was close friends with Kerry Roberts and wasn’t a fan of Karen Read. But he didn’t claim that Read said anything close to “I hit him.”

Thus far the breakdown of who heard Read say what is as follows:

“Is he dead?” 

  • Saraf
  • Mullaney
  • Woodbury
  • Becker

“He’s dead”

  • Kelly

“Could he be still be alive?”

  • Whitley

“Is he alive?”

  • Walsh

All four of these alleged statements from Read involve her asking paramedics if John is dead or alive, and indicate that she was panicking and in a state of shock because she believed her boyfriend could be dead. All of these statements pertain to whether or not John O’Keefe was alive or dead, and NONE of them have anything to do with her hitting John with her car.

But McLaughlin was not the only first responder who testified that Read said “I hit him.” Firefighters Timothy Nuttall and Anthony Flematti also testified that they heard Read say this. McLaughlin has reason to lie (she’s close friends with someone who was inside the house and likely witnessed a murder), and was proven to have lied under oath about her relationship with Caitiln Albert.

But Nuttall and Flematti do not have a reason to lie. Those who proclaim that Read is guilty have asked why these two firefighters would cover for the McAlberts? The more people you add to a conspiracy, the less plausible the conspiracy becomes.

But Nuttall and Flematti weren’t necessarily lying, because they likely believed it when they testified that Read said “I hit him.” Why did they think that then? To examine that we must listen to McLaughlin’s testimony first. She explained that Flematti and Nuttall were NOT present when Read said “I hit him” in front of Jennifer McCabe and the unnamed officer, who we now know was Saraf. Flematti confirmed that he was inside the ambulance with O’Keefe, Nuttall, and Kelly when McLaughlin was speaking with Read.

After McLaughlin claims she heard Read say “I hit him” she walked towards the ambulance where Nuttall and Flematti had moved O’Keefe’s body. McLaughlin testified that it was HER who first informed Nuttall and Flematti that she heard Read say “I hit him.”

They could not have possibly heard Read say this, since McLaughlin testified that the ONLY time Read said this was at this moment:


Nuttall confirmed that he was not with McLaughlin when she claimed that Read said “I hit him.” However, he also testified that Read had said “I hit him” at ANOTHER time before O’Keefe was put into the ambulance, but he was focused on patient care.

No other police officer or firefighter who was outside the ambulance heard Read say this at that time, including McLaughlin. But it doesn’t mean Nuttall is a liar, as I’d find it hard to believe that this first responder would feel the need to cover for the McAlberts. It’s much more likely that his memory of the details on that day were influenced by:

  • McLaughlin’s statements to him inside the ambulance
  • media reports he saw over the next few days
  • chatter at the fire station.

On February 2, three days AFTER McLaughlin told Proctor that Read said “I hit him, I hit him, I hit him,” Read was all over the news after being arraigned for manslaughter in O’Keefe’s death. WBZ reported that sources told them that State Police had Ring camera video of Read hitting O’Keefe with her car.

Since WBZ is a trusted and accredited media entity who most people believe wouldn’t report something like this if they weren’t sure of it, the lie about the Ring camera was picked up by several other media outlets.

In the court of public opinion it was just a fact that Read hit O’Keefe with her car because police and the media were reporting that the whole thing was caught on video. In Canton especially it was huge news, especially at the fire department where it was a frequent topic of conversation.

It’s important to point out that Nuttall was not interviewed by Proctor until February 8 – a full 10 days after he responded to the scene, and 6 days after media reports that Read not only admitted to hitting O’Keefe, but was seen on video hitting him. By February 8 it would be normal for Nuttall to be certain that Read said “I hit him.”

Nuttall said that when he was arrived the women were in a state of hysteria around John’s body.

We know that Nuttall couldn’t have heard Read say “I hit him” at the same time that McLaughlin claims she heard Read say those words, because we know he was in the ambulance at that time. Instead, he claimed that he heard Read say “I hit him” when he began ventilating O’Keefe and asked the hysterical women what happened.


Nuttall testified that the other women, Flematti, and Kelly were all present when she said this. He admitted that he didn’t tell Proctor on February 8 that he asked the women standing there what happened, nor did he tell Proctor that Read responded by saying “I hit him.” He admitted that his story may have changed slightly because his memory of the details was faulty.


But McCabe, Kerry Roberts, Flematti, and Kelly did not tell police that they heard Karen Read say this at that time. In fact, Kelly testified that Read NEVER said that.


Nuttall admitted that he NEVER said in his report, and NEVER told anyone at the hospital that Read said “I hit him,” which would’ve been necessary to tell nurses and doctors so they could treat him properly. He also NEVER reached out to any police officers to tell them that he heard Read say this until Proctor came to him on February 8.

Flematti’s story was very different from Nuttall’s and tried to align more with McLaughlin’s. Remember, Nuttall said that Karen Read said “I hit him” while he was treating John O’Keefe on Brian Albert’s front lawn, while McLaughlin said that Read said “I hit him” when Flematti and Nuttall were inside the ambulance.

But Flematti testified that he had a face-to-face, eyes-to-eyes conversation with Karen Read in which she said “I hit him, oh my God, I him,” and that he followed that statement up with more questions about what she hit him with. According to Flematti the conversation lasted long enough to frustrate him to the point where he passed her off to McLaughlin.


But the problem with that story is that at no point was Flematti seen on police dash cam speaking with Read. When confronted with the video Flematti was hesitant to admit that he was seen at 6:14 AM escorting John into the ambulance, while walking right by Read. He was hesitant to admit that two minutes later he HAD to have been in the ambulance when McLaughlin claimed that Read said “I hit him” – something he previously testified he was present for. He was hesitant to admit that the individual Katie McLaughlin testified was Katie McLaughlin, was actually Katie McLaughlin, because she was the ONLY firefighter speaking with Read.

He had to admit that the dash cam video shows that he NEVER spoke with Karen Read at the scene. And just like Nuttall, he was inside the ambulance when McLaughlin claims Read said “I hit him.”

But why would Flematti make up a lie? Surely he has no reason to cover for the McAlberts, and I’d have a hard time selling that to anyone who was on the fence about whether or not a conspiracy was possible. The answer is much simpler – he’s stubborn, and like many people he doesn’t like admitting when he’s wrong. He wants to believe that Karen Read is guilty because he doesn’t want to come to terms with the fact that something like this could happen in his town. But he knew while he was testifying that his story was contradicting everyone else’s story, which was why he didn’t want to answer those questions. He REALLY didn’t want to admit that he was in the ambulance 30-40 feet away with the door closed, when McLaughlin testified that Read said “I hit him,” because he told Bukkake when he was interviewed on February 8 that Read said “I hit him” in front of him AND McLaughlin.


Flematti was SO stubborn that when he was confronted with his own grand jury testimony, in which he testified that he NEVER told any doctors or nurses that Karen Read said “I hit him,” Flematti suddenly changed his story and claimed that he DID tell doctors and nurses that O’Keefe was hit by a car. When confronted with all of his reports he had to admit that he never reported anything about a car hitting John.

Stubborn is the polite word to call Flematti. Douchebag is more appropriate. He’s just a douchebag who always has to be right.

The only firefighter who maliciously lied was Katie McLaughlin. Why was she was the first one interviewed? Why would they interview her first on January 30 instead of Flematti, who was much more experienced? Why did Kevin Albert choose her, of all first responders, to speak with his drinking buddy Michael Proctor first? Simple – they needed a first responder to corroborate Jennifer McCabe’s evolving testimony about Karen Read’s statements in order to make the case for probable cause stronger. After McLaughlin told her lie 7 of the 9 witnesses testified that “I hit him” never happened. The two that claim they did hear it were told by McLaughlin that Read said “I hit him,” admitted to changing their stories, and admitted that they were inside the ambulance and couldn’t have heard her yell this at McLaughlin.

“I hit him” NEVER happened.




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  1. If Karen said “it’s my fault” ……the only logical explanation for that is that she was blaming herself for dropping John off at that house. That’s it. End of story. The injuries clearly align with a beaten and a dog attack.

    1. Half way through I’m thinking the same- that and WBZ should be sued by someone anyone secondly the sighing of Bev right as Jackson is going for the kill is so passive Aggressive – how Jackson got through all her noise I would love to know-

  2. Any experienced first responder would recognize Officer O’Keefe’s injuries were the result of a savage beating. Didn’t one of the Canton officers on scene state Officer O’Keefe had looked as if he’d been viciously beaten? EMTs knew in the ambulance Officer O’Keefe had suffered a fatal subdural hematoma (serious head injury cause both vomiting and tremendous blood loss) the lack of blood on scene told them he was moved to the front yard of Kevin Albert’s brother. By whom? The cover-up is worse than the assault.

  3. McLaughlin is a white trash Olive Oyl stank ho who perjured herself in a murder trial to cover for Colon, who supposedly was never in the house but was placed there by his own father Chickenpox Parm Charlie’s own testimony. This whole group of people is lowlife scum.

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  8. I was saying to myself Dr. TB is going soft on us y’all and then I saw 👀” Douchebag” Phlegmy as described by DrTB in comparison to reptilian Katie humanoid- as described by yours truly. The precise nature of it all makes for a very good story.

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