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Canton Coverup Part 430: Vanity Fair Article On Karen Read Drops Bombshell News Further Proving Karen Read’s Innocence 


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Take notes Gretchen Voss – Vanity Fair reporter Julie Miller just showed you and the rest of the media how to accurately report on the biggest murder case in the country. Part 1 of VF’s story on the Karen Read murder trial was published today, and Part 2, which will include an interview with me, comes out tomorrow. It was amazingly well done and thorough, as Miller interviewed witnesses who have never spoken before, and truly seemed to be looking for answers that no other reporter (not named Turtleboy) has.

Before we get into what was revealed, I think the most telling part about the whole story was who spoke with Miller and who didn’t. Karen Read told her, without the presence of her attorneys, “there’s nothing we’re afraid of,” and “any question you have, I have answers for.”

But Jennifer McCabe, Kevin Albert, the Canton Police Department, Colin Albert, Brian Higgins, Adam Lally, Brian Higgins, and the Norfolk DA’s Office all refused to comment.


After the first trial Paul O’Keefe and his friend Brendan Kane (a McAlbert supporter who sits with the O’Keefe family in court), told reporters that they hadn’t spoken with the media prior to the first trial, but they would no longer be remaining silent going into the second trial. Paul said he was doing so because the world had only heard Read’s version of story, and the public needed to know the truth. Kane said that “he and other friends of John O’Keefe would be speaking out a lot more often.”

Yet none of these people would speak with a reporter from a magazine with millions of readers. It’s almost as if we’ve already heard every bit of irrelevant and debunked nonsense they have to say, and the more they speak the more the public realizes why they’ve been silent this whole time.

Karen Read came out firing, debunking the rumors from the McAlberts that she would even consider a plea deal.

We learned something that was not revealed at trial – Deputy Chief Tom Keleher told Karen Read’s private investigator that his Ring camera didn’t pick up any video showing the events that transpired on the morning of January 29.

In my opinion the defense made a major mistake by not putting Keleher on the stand. His Ring camera points directly at 32 Fairview Road, where police claim that Read was sitting in her Lexus before she accelerated to 24.2 mph in just 62 feet before striking John O’Keefe. This is the view from his Ring camera:

Keleher was clearly lying about what the video showed. If he reviewed the tape he would’ve seen that Read was completely innocent or completely guilty. Either way he’s covering something up. We now know that the ONLY person who asked for that Ring camera video was Read’s private investigator, which begs the question – why didn’t Michael Proctor or any other investigators ask Keleher to look at the video? This is the first thing police would do, and it’s what they told WBZ they did on the day she was arrested:

The defense should’ve grilled Proctor about this, and called Keleher as a witness.

Speaking of 32 Fairview Road, that’s the house owned by the people Matt McCabe and Brian Albert referred to as “the Asian house.” The owner was interviewed and told VF that they were woken up by the bright lights of fire trucks reflecting off the fresh white snow, and they said it “absolutely doesn’t make sense” how no one inside Brian Albert’s house was woken up by it.

This was a picture taken from inside 32 Fairview Road as Karen Read ran around screaming at the top of her lungs.

I agree with the Asian house – it absolutely makes no sense how Chloe didn’t bark her face off after seeing all this commotion going on outside the house.

Brian Albert’s attorney Greg Henning was the only person who spoke for the McAlberts. He denied that the Alberts sold their home because they wanted to hide something, and said that they moved out because their kids had all moved out. It was also publicly put on the record that they did indeed have the floors replaced prior to selling the home.

But Henning has zero credibility, and has lied in court to protect his clients before. In May of 2023 Henning wrote in his motion opposing the release of Canton Animal Control records that Chloe had never bitten a human before, and had only bitten a dog four months after O’Keefe was killed.

But Julie Miller did what no other reporter has done – track down and interview 3 people who witnessed Chloe attack their dogs, including one person who was bitten by the missing dog. The first victim told Miller that Kevin Albert contacted the dog’s owner with a message from Chief Berkowitz, asking him “How can we make thins thing go away?”

Kevin Albert is ALWAYS there to use his connections to protect the Albert family. It’s the reason he sent Brian Higgins a text message after he ghosted the McAlberts and they all received a grand jury summons. It’s the reason Chris Albert called him directly to report protesters in front of D&E Pizza. And Ken Berkowitz is the same police chief who asked a reporter to take down a tweet on February 1, stating that O’Keefe’s body was found on Brian Albert’s front lawn, because Albert was a “pillar of the community” who didn’t deserve to have his reputation harmed. When bad things happen at 34 Fairview Road Kevin Albert and Ken Berkowitz jump into action to “make this thing go away.”

Greg Henning LIED when he said that Chloe didn’t attack any humans, so he has no credibility when he says that Brian Albert had no beef with John O’Keefe, and that Albert attended O’Keefe’s wake.

Read was spectacular in the interview. She called out what Leonardo DiCaprio once referred to as the “bagpipes and bullshit” outside of O’Keefe’s funeral, pointing out that police who claim to care so much about their fallen officer have done nothing to help deliver justice for John O’Keefe.

The article talks about Steve Scanlon’s roll, and pointed out what I’ve always said about the whistle blower – Scanlon’s claim that he was only speculating about John being beaten based on photos of O’Keefe in the news wasn’t possible because the autopsy photos hadn’t been released at the time.

Scanlon didn’t just decide to come forward and offer his help based on a hunch. He said it was based on photos he couldn’t have seen on February 2, 2022.

Paul O’Keefe told me that he and other members of his family made up his mind that was Karen Read was guilty due to the fact that she left John’s house and went back to her parent’s house in Dighton shortly after getting out of the hospital. The VF article clarifies why she left. .

After Paul O’Keefe accurately stated that his brother looked like he was beaten to death, his mother chimed in and accused Karen Read of hitting her son with her car. This would obviously be a very tense and awkward situation, and she probably wouldn’t feel comfortable being snowed in with them. Anyone in that situation would leave.

Karen wasn’t afraid to talk about anything, even the most awkward and uncomfortable day of testimony – the Higgins text messages. She admitted what I assumed she was doing in those messages.

She’s right, that is embarrassing. But since the Commonwealth found it germane it had to be aired in court. Karen needed to explain to the world how she could possibly flirt with a lardo like Higgins. And the answer is, it just made her feel better about herself to have a guy tell her she’s pretty. Then she ghosted him and he couldn’t take a hint. Mystery solved.

We found out that Read owes more than $5 million in legal fees.

I don’t think Yannetti and Jackson have any intention of collecting on that, as they likely have a flat rate deal. They just have to document the billable hours.

Miller interviewed Boston defense attorney Doug Louison, who gave his unbiased opinion that Read never should’ve been charged with murder, and that Michael Proctor should’ve dropped out of the case the moment he realized that close family friends like Chris Albert, Colin Albert, and Colin Albert were witnesses.

We all knew this already, but it’s very reassuring to hear it from neutral, experienced attorneys who understand what clean investigations are supposed to look like.

Another thing the McAlbert trolls bring up is the completely unsubstantiated lie that there is “inadmissible evidence” on Karen Read’s phone showing that she confessed to David Yannetti that she hit John O’Keefe with her car. This comes completely from Michael Proctor, who testified that he stopped going through Karen Read’s phone after finding privileged text messages with Yannetti.

And as usual, Karen Read was able to show that this rumor was a lie. As I’ve reported before, Read had never texted or hired Yannetti until AFTER her phone was taken by Proctor when he came to Dighton to steal her phone and her car (he didn’t have a warrant for either).

Michael Proctor lying on the stand? That seems so unlike him.

Speaking of lying, Proctor wrote in his report that he didn’t tow Read’s car from Dighton until 5:30 PM. That would’ve made it impossible to get the car back to Canton in time to plant tail light before the SERT team search. Alarm.com video shows the Lexus being towed at 4:12, which the Commonwealth said was inaccurate because the clock hadn’t reset for daylight savings, which occurred three months prior. And even though it’s common knowledge that these internal clocks aren’t stove ovens that need to be manually changed for daylight savings, and even though the sun hadn’t set on the video on a day in which the sun set at 4:56, the Commonwealth insisted the car wasn’t towed until 5:30. But Proctor wasn’t counting on honest Dighton Police Officer Nicholas Barros writing in his report that the car was towed by 4:15, so they had to change their story by calling it a “scrivener’s error” and pretending that they hadn’t stuck to that story for two years.

But the juiciest stuff actually came in a video Vanity Fair shared on social media today. This included:

  • Karen’s PI was able to get ahold of all the carpeting inside Brian Albert’s house and Karen has been paying to store the carpeting in a temperature controlled storage unit to keep the rug in the hopes that she can one day swab it for DNA or blood. It costs $5K per swab and she has no idea where John’s DNA would be, and because she has to manage her limited finances she hasn’t swabbed it yet.
  • Vanity Fair hired an independent forensic computer expert to look at the information that the prosecution’s experts and Read’s experts had gathered about Jennifer McCabe’s 2:27 Google search for “hos long to die in cold.” He reviewed the testimony of Ian Whiffin, Jessica Hyde, Nicholas Guarino, and Richard Green and came to his own independent conclusion saying that the search DID happen at 2:27 AM.
  • Julie Miller interviewed a juror from the trial.

The part about the carpets wasn’t news to me. On May 23, 2023, I was able to get video of a mysterious van parked in the driveway of 34 Fairview Road, and witnessed things being put in the back of the van.

I sent the video to Karen Read’s attorneys, and in less than 24 hours their private investigator was able to track down the driver of the vehicle. He is a contractor who was gutting the house as part of the new owner’s renovation. The PI tracked him down and got the carpets the guy took out of the house. Without my investigating and sources this never would’ve happened. John’s DNA is almost definitely on those carpets, but the people who would normally test for it (the police) aren’t going to do that. So Karen Read has to pay to do it herself because she was the only one actually trying to get justice for John O’Keefe before we got involved.

As for the Google search, this is just more validation of what we already knew. The FBI also hired an expert who confirmed the same. If you’re keeping track at home that’s 3-2 for the search happened, and the 2 who said it didn’t happened were paid guns for the Commonwealth who they took months to track down and find. One of them was trying to sell an app. That search is extremely incriminating and prove that a conspiracy happened. The fact that this information is out there and Jennifer McCabe still thinks she can show her face in public like a normal, law abiding citizen is baffling. We know what she did to John O’Keefe, and we know that she’s a murderer, not a witness. This is why we protested her.

Thank you to Julie Miller for excellent journalism and we look forward to part 2 coming out tomorrow.


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  1. This is getting crazy. I am going back to key west to bang some dudes before I go to prison. Hopefully my step dad doesn’t tell everyone. – Lt. Fanning.

  2. Do you have “Prince Albert” in a can? Finally, YES! The colossal gaul of the corrupt Norfolk County DA, devious Canton cops, and unprofessional staties in combination with McCabe’s criminal attempt to cover for Colin, Brian and Higgins is being exposed for millions now. Remember Officer John O’Keefe. Free Ms. Read

    1. Is it really exposed if a jury is simply TOO DUMB to understand the concept of “reasonable doubt”?! This case should have people VERY WORRIED … and yet … most will go on about their days as if nothing ever happened … because it didn’t happen TO THEM. Look around you though … THE IDIOCRACY is happening … with an ever accelerating speed TO ALL OF US.

  3. The world knows you are all liars.
    The world saw you all avoid answering questions.
    The world knows you involved your own kids.
    Your doctors, nail salon techs, dry cleaners, and most of all your neighbors- know you did it.
    Do you REALLY think the world is stupid?
    Even friends who speak with you? KNOW YOU DID IT. At the gates ? He’s pointing you to eternal fire. One of you – TELL THE TRUTH!

  4. Isn’t this across the street from the Asian house? The white house with the columns we see is 32, right? This pic looks like it was taken across the street.

  5. Im sure there is something that can be used too see if blood is on the Carpet. It’s wild KR has it in storage. This is possibly the smoking gun. We know there is 2 other Blood DNA on JO clothes. It would makes sense it would also be on the Carpet.IMO
    I remember when you posted the picture of the van outside of 34 Fairview. Good thing you did see it & KR was able to have it found. The article i thought was really good so far. I hope part 2 is as well.

  6. Of course they are keeping track of the billable hours. So after it is all said an done.When Karen’s civil rights lawsuits are finalized. They will get every penny of it. An they know it. That’s why it grows daily…

  7. D&E Thursday night football special, Bologna sandwiches 34% Off coupon Code : GUY NEVER CAME IN THE HOUSE.

  8. I imagine Meatball Morrissey and the McAlberts having “MEGABETH” sized portions of spaghetti and meatballs as they share an extra large cell in the clink. *Pass the Gravy*

  9. Your writing has a way of making even the most complex topics accessible and engaging. I’m constantly impressed by your ability to distill complicated concepts into easy-to-understand language.

  10. Paul Gallagher (who collected O’Keefe’s blood in Solo cups and stored them in a Stop & Shop bag): made $322,389 in 2023. You know how much a high school teacher makes per year?! A nurse, a doctor?!
    Michael Lank (one of the officers who neglected to interview the Alberts or search their home, promoted to lieutenant in 2022): made $247,060. What.The.Actual.F. The very people who destroy society, rather than protect it, get rewarded for that, and handsomely so. And you know who’s paying for that?! You. And Me. Every day. How this READ case alone is not causing a much bigger outrage is beyond me. Americans are mostly dumb. It’s sad. Thanks Aidan for shedding light on darkness.

    1. Hey look at the bright side, at least you get to pay them for the rest of their lives, along with everyone who came before them and after them and all the corrupt DA’s, Judges, etc. JUST BE THANKFUL YOU HAVE THE PRIVILEGE, CITIZEN!

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  12. When these klown kops wind up in hearings or depositions, I want them to be deposed on their efforts to chase down duckies. Because most people think that this frame up for KR is just lazy. It’s not. It’s a full blown cover up and wrongful prosecution.

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