Poor Behavior

Canton Coverup Part 438: Walpole Woman With 2 DUIs Takes Shots At Karen Read For Driving Drunk, Threatens To Call Police On Turtleboy For Blackmail If I Republished Article On Her That I Previously Took Down


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This is Cristina Michetti from Walpole.

Cristina is a long time turtle rider who has been messaging me for years, bought my book, and wears Turtleboy gear. Years ago my following wasn’t as large so I’d have more time to engage with turtle riders like her, because I appreciate everyone who supports me. In February of 2020 when I fired for Kate “Krusty Panties” Peter after catching her stealing from the business, Krusty began spreading blatant lies about me in the hopes to turn people against me. It was a side of her I had never seen, since she worked for me for almost a year and a half, and once called me her idol. She’s been doing it ever since, and has since dedicated her entire existence to me in a futile attempt to stop the growth of Turtleboy.

One of the supporters who Kate tried to turn against me was Cristina. Krusty told her that I had planned to write a blog about Cristina, but that KP had firmly said “no go.” Cristina confronted me about it.

I didn’t know Cristina, but I knew that she had a couple DUI’s because I had seen trolls bring them up when she commented in support of me on Twitter. It was Krusty who had actually brought her DUI’s to my attention. For some reason I cared what this person thought, because I didn’t appreciate being lied about, and I told Cristina I would prove to her that Krusty was lying.


Cristina asked Kate for evidence that I was planning on writing a ratchet blog making fun of Cristina, so she sent her a screenshot of me explicitly asking Kate not to write about her. Cristina saw right through it and called Kate out for lying to her.

Cristina would continue to message me over the years, mocking Krusty for losing her kids, congratulating me on my journalism, and telling me that she and other turtle riders didn’t care about the problems in my personal life that Krusty posted about all the time.



I didn’t hear from her since the Karen Read story began, but in April of 2024 I noticed her commenting negative things about me and my coverage of the case on Twitter. I messaged her about it asking if it was her, which she initially denied. Then she started lecturing me about how Karen is guilty and I’m a bad person for “booing” the O’Keefe’s. That devolved into her calling me a rapist and telling me that she would spread the word around Canton about it. Then the next day she messaged me to apologize.

This would turn into a cycle with her.

In early June I saw her posting about me again on Twitter, and this time she mentioned my then 6 year old son and was interacting with Krusty Panties, so I messaged her about to be like, da fuq?


Two days later she messaged me again to taunt me about Karen Read, insisting that I believed she was guilty, and making judgmental comments about my personal life and children. She also accused me of the baseless lie that Jennifer McCabe told on the stand, that I had sent her pictures of her daughter with semen on her face.



Then she continued to lecture me some more about what a bad person I had become because I’m standing up for justice for John O’Keefe and Karen Read.


I didn’t revisit my conversation with her until I saw her defending Michael Proctor after his testimony on June 10. I noticed that she was judging Karen Read for allegedly having a drinking problem.

For that reason I included her in an article published that day, which didn’t have her name in the title or her image as the cover photo. I just mentioned how many people with DUI’s were judging Karen Read. And Cristina Michetti has two of those herself. In 2017 she was charged with OUI Liquor 2nd offense, and took a deal where agreed to serve two years on probation.

However, by August of 2018 she had already violated the terms of her probation, which was revealed when her father testified that she had failed to remain alcohol free.

The deal that she had agreed to was negated and she was sentenced to serve 90 days in the house of corrections.


But she wasn’t done drinking and driving. The next summer in August of 2019 she went to the Hootie and the Blowfish concert at the Xfinity Center and ran into a bunch of cones in front of police officers.

Her car nearly struck an officer working a detail outside the concert, and after they pulled her over on the highway she admitted that she didn’t have a valid driver’s license because of the previous 2 DUIs. Remarkably she passed the sobriety tests but was still arrested for driving without a license. When she called her father from the police station he told the cops he was refusing to bail her out, presumably because he was sick of her shit. She went right back to jail.

Keep in mind, this is the same woman who has made several judgmental comments online about Karen Read and her father Bill Read, despite the fact that Karen’s Dad stands by her because she is innocent, while her father told the cops to let her rot in jail. She ended up being sentenced to 90 days in September 2019.

When I published this story in June you could see her criminal cases on Mass Courts in both Wrentham and Attleboro District Courts.

However, the Attleboro charge and one of the Wrentham charges have completely disappeared, and it no longer lists the charges because she had her record sealed in September.


I didn’t tell Cristina I was including her in an article, but she found out when a troll contacted her on Facebook. She immediately commenced with the begging, forgetting that she was a huge hypocrite who called me a rapist and several other horrible things the last time we spoke.


Without asking her to do anything Cristina promised to stop reaching out to me and to keep her mouth shut moving forward. She even offered to support Karen Read and pay me money if I took the article down with her in it.


I felt bad for her (like an idiot) and told her I’d take the article down. But I didn’t do it fast enough and she started freaking out about it. I was skeptical because she had done this before where one day she was writing me heinous messages and the next day she was apologizing. She once again offered to deactivate her Twitter account and never post about me or the case again. I never once asked her to do this.


Finally I told her that I’d remove it, but if she continued to message me or make up lies about me online I’d put it right back up.


And then I forgot about her.

On Sunday I once again saw her on YouTube posting negative things about me and Karen Read. I messaged her and told her that I changed my mind and was putting the article back up that I had previously removed as a sign of good faith (because I felt sympathy for her). She once again offered to delete her social media, and I told her if I saw her doing it again the article was going back up.

But as you can see, she called this blackmail, despite having absolutely no idea what that word means. Blackmail is a criminal act that involves using threats to force someone to do something or pay money, usually by threatening to reveal a secret. I am not threatening her or forcing her to do anything. I am not threatening to reveal a secret. I was just republishing something factual that I previously removed from the Internet because she violated the deal that was her idea in the first place.

On Monday she messaged me again and told me the blackmail “had been addressed,” and that I didn’t scare her.

What she meant by that was that she had gotten legal advice from a woman named Elisa “Twisted Tragedies” Bennett, who assured her that I had committed legal blackmail. Elisa is a homeless unemployed recovering junkie and retired stripper who was recently evicted from her government housing in Taunton after owing more than $50K in rent after years of squatting. She was a former FKR supporter who showed up at my arraignment in pajama pants while ripping butts on the courthouse stairs. After I exposed her for using Karen Read to scam off people she suddenly had an epiphany and started believing Karen was guilty.

Cristina was clearly in good hands.

My biggest mistake was even giving her a chance to cut the shit, because she felt emboldened by the Food Stamp 5 who were telling her that she could be the one to get me sent back to jail.


But then the election happened and I went to the SJC on Wednesday so I never got around to it. In the meantime Cristina has basically been begging me to write about her by posting screenshots of our conversation on Twitter. And since no one knew who she was and the screenshots lacked context she put me in a position where I had to write this article to explain it. She also went to the newest member of the McAlbert clan – grifter extraordinaire Sean McDonough, the DEA version of Jennifer Coffindaffer.

She spent all day Thursday posting about me and I didn’t notice until that evening. I began liking a couple tweets she posted and she immediately sent me a threatening message, telling me that it was wise that I didn’t post about her that day. She claims to have gone to the police about the fact that I told her I was going to republish prior content about her.


Then she ironically blackmailed me, telling me that she wouldn’t go to the police to report me if I issued a public statement apologizing to the O’Keefe family for being grifters. This led to more threats before she finally accused me of not grieving my dead mother in a way that was satisfactory to her.


On Thursday night she sent me an ominous message telling me “good luck tomorrow,” in order to make me think I was going to be arrested for blackmailing her. She said that if I wrote this article or talked about her on the Live Show tomorrow night she would immediately be going to the cops. I will be doing both.




She told me that her boss’ wife supported Free Karen Read, so hopefully she doesn’t read this article and find out that her husband employs a mentally unstable drunken hypocrite who has the nerve to cast judgment on Karen Read despite the fact that she’s never gotten a DUI, unlike Cristina.

Anyway, if Cristina wants to come on the Live Show tomorrow night she’s more than welcome to. I really didn’t wanna write this article because I feel like I’ve evolved from the days of ratchet shaming that Cristina seemed to enjoy so much. But she forced my hand, and I kind of miss shaming degenerate scumbags like her. And don’t worry Cristina, this article is NEVER coming down, so you won’t be able to misinterpret the blackmail statute again. Enjoy your new friends over at the isle of misfit pajama raptors. Ya know the ones you spent years laughing at. Because you’re one of them now.


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Blackmail – The action of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. Hmmm… However you dress it up or rationalize it to yourself it’s still blackmail. I’m not sure anything you say can be trusted as truth. You manipulate everyone that crosses your path. You have no honor sir and it shows.

    1. Ok Elise. Go get a job you pj wearing loossaah. Blackmail doesn’t work if you’re the one promising to do everything. Aidan didn’t once say do this do that, well besides the “you do you” or it’s a free country. So she promoses something an he takes her up in it an Bam blackmail. We all know you want a Black Mail over your boot leg cuck beg for money for softball bf/hubby (depending on who your talking to).

    2. You wouldn’t happen to be the homeless broad with a fake name would you? Yeah Mass and Cass is the name of your crackhead friends residences, not the name of a legal firm darling!

    3. Hmmm? You didn’t give away your real identity or anything here. Haha – someone is TRIGGERED!
      Turtleboy comes with the goods AKA RECEIPTS! I sure hope it was worth it for this tool.

    4. Hey dipsh*t…SHE is the one who asked for something to be taken down. SHE is the one who offered payment (which was summarily declined by TB) or some other agreement by which she could get the information taken down. SHE is the one that agreed to a quid-pro-quo deal (again, that she requested). And finally, she is the one who couldn’t find the wherewithal to honor said agreement.
      To put the onus on somebody/anybody else is illogical.

  2. She was with Kate Peters at Medfield PD some months ago. Kate barged in exclaiming someone’s coming to beat her up on / from Twitter and tried to arrange a meeting at Medfield PD.

    The whole situation was odd and made no sense. As cards keep falling I’m wondering to myself why an unmarked MSP cruiser was adjacent to the station at the park while they huffed and puffed about blah blah. It left with them.

    Idk why people think the internet is something LE have unfettered access to.

    I’ll never forget this ladies face, god she was insufferable.

    1. Mr. Turtleboy,
      You have my utmost respect for publishing facts and spending countless hours finding out the Real Truth. Honestly 🙏.
      As someone who respects you and looks forward to everyone in Canton attempting to frame Karen get arrested, you certainly have a way of attracting women with mental health issues.
      It is my hope moving forward that you have learned to not associate with personalities such as these drama queens.
      It’s exhausting to keep up! And frankly, very immature and childish.

  3. Why bother going back and forth? You are giving her the attention she so badly wants/needs. She clearly has daddy issues and is acting out. Stop indulging this behavior, Aiden. Focus on Justice, not who disagrees with or says mean things about you. Turtles have hard shells, let it bounce off.

    1. She dragged his 6 year old through the mud. I’d say his reaction is very tame and avoiding confrontation despite the fact the woman in question broke the social / moral contract and started attacking children.

      Mr. Kearney’s platform has been growing exponentially as of late, he shouldn’t engage with crazies. I believe he engaged, because he had more time in the past to devote energy to people, especially people like this woman who emotionally manipulated her relationship with him as seen in all the screenshots he’s posting. He’s only at fault for giving a shit. Which is impressive because this woman’s a cunt.

      I’d classify this as someone handling an interpersonal conflict instead of rock fighting a moron. The woman in question is clearly a rock fighter with a drinking problem. Her high highs and low lows in these messages are how addicts behave.

      I’d say this is a bad case of engaging with a stupid person and shouldn’t reflect negatively on the person being manipulated which in this case is Turtleboy

  4. Not even sure where to begin. So in no particular order of importance here goes.

    1. Sean on the Gulf ~ Was fond of him in the beginning because of what his said his background was and enjoyed listening to his insight on this case but boy has he morphed into something different. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore about him but I have decided to basically ignore his posts. He’s become somewhat unhinged and not making much sense.

    2. Kate Peters ~ She’s the type of person I would have never wasted a minute on. She comes across as a dirty and deranged person and she’s full of hatred. Some might just call her an absolute loser and that’s seems very fitting but I think she has serious mental health issues and should be seeking psychiatric help for them. She presents herself as a very dangerous and obsessed person. I would bet that she doesn’t even like herself.

    3. All these ratchets ~ Gosh my life is so boring and that’s a good thing. This Cristina girl seems pathetic. Pathetic, not so smart, and seems desperate to belong to something. I think many of us recognized the motives of Twisted Tragedies early on. The fact that Cristina didn’t see it speaks volumes about Christina’s intelligence. Some advice for Cristina 1. Detox yourself from social media for a bit. 2. Evaluate your circle and whether they bring out the best in you or the worst in yourself. 3. Avoid alcohol. 4. Practice some mindfulness 5. Seek out some more positive groups (maybe take a course, take a craft class, join a book club).

    I guess I just didn’t realize how many toxic people were out there.

    1. His t , I mistake was his big heart. This whacko telling Aidan that her 78 year old father showed up to her house crying, a long with someone calling her new job🙄 the girl is a whack job
      Her and Sean can discuss their DUI history together 🍸

  5. “The isle of misfit pajama raptors” – classic, hahahahaha
    My head hurts after reading the blog, Tylenol extra will hopefully do the trick

  6. lol is this the award winning journalism you talk about?

    “Someone said mean things about me and hurt my feelings, so I’ll use my cult following to try to publicly shame them “.

    You are a true freedom fighter Aidan. Maybe this article will get you another blogger award .

    1. Yet here you are, every post, commenting negatively. I’ll never understand why anyone would waste the most valuable commodity of all, time, going to a website run by someone I hated just to be a shit stirrer. You need mental help and should seek it before it’s too late.

    2. It’s called “holding people accountable”. You know, what people used to do to others before soy suckers like you came along, and decided personal responsibility was “icky”.

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  8. Turtle boy I feel for you. It appears that we both use to attract a lot of crazy women. Your stories are what prevent me from even thinking about going down one of those roads again. lol.

    Christina my advice to you is similar to the ones above. This is coming from somebody who has been sober for 24 years as of last week. You my friend have admitted you have a problem and as you know that is the first step. Now do yourself a favor and go learn and put the other 11 steps in your life. You will not live a serene life as long as you are being flip flopped from the evil of the other side of this case.

    Do yourself and your family and friends a favor take a stance one way or the other and stay true. You are showing so many signs of having a reoccur we in life. Take that for what it’s worth. I have seen this show many times in my life. I don’t know you only basing it on the messages that are shared here and I have to say it is text non for this to happen.

    Turtle boy keep at it and way to go not feeding into the nonsense that has been thrown at you in this situation. Like you have said you have her many chances and she just keeps co ing at you. I know you only post these stories to prove your innocence yet they see it as bashing somebody. They don’t realize that is exactly what they are doing to you.

    Ps anybody who sides with Kp is no good in my eyes that women is EVIL!!
    Free Karen read

  9. What i do not understood is in truth how you are not actually a lot more smartlyliked than you may be now You are very intelligent You realize therefore significantly in the case of this topic produced me individually imagine it from numerous numerous angles Its like men and women dont seem to be fascinated until it is one thing to do with Woman gaga Your own stuffs nice All the time care for it up

    1. She’s a sweetheart? You must be one of her drinking partners.

      The only thing sweet about her is all the booze filled tears she’s going to shed now that she’s dealing with accountability for the first time in her trashy adult life.

      If this chick or people like her are “sweethearts” then we’re all fucked and I’d rather be a cunt

  10. I worked with Christina’s mother for years at Norwood hospital. Before I retired I coincidentally ended up working with Christina as well. She comes from a wonderful family. Her father is a wonderful man and so was her mother. This is hard to read because she seems scared.

    1. Well Donna, unfortunately she’s a psychotic mental case and It’s pretty rare that people are born that way. This seems like repeated and learned behavior.

      If she comes from a decent family they would have had her section 12 or 35’d a long time ago.

      She’s a grown adult, not a child. She should square her self away and fucking act like it.

  11. Her dad needs to quit worrying about her drinking and get to the root of the problem, her mental illness. I’m no doctor and I don’t play one on the internet, but this girl needs help. If they get her on medication for her psychological problems, it may help with getting her off the booze too.

    Her employer needs to have this information also, especially if she’s dealing with children at work!

    Twisted does indeed think she’s an attorney and likes to play one on the internet. In fact, the internet is the only place she can find people demented enough to believe she knows anything about anything. Has she ever even had a job? While Maura is busy running interference to keep all the illegals in Mass, maybe she’ll forget all about getting Twisted’s “benefits” to her and she’ll have to get a job.

  12. Talk about projecting …
    This is an addict & she’s chosen to fully embrace the addict lifestyle.

    The begging.
    The lies.
    The personality swings.
    The threats.
    The compliments.
    Then blaming you, because she has an actual news article about her chosen behavior.
    Mentioning her family’s pain/struggle – without understanding she is the entire issue.

    The projection.

    She almost ran a cop over drunk & she’s PISSED she didn’t get treated like Karen Read.
    She believes her addiction and Karen Read’s case are the same.
    That’s pathetic.

    A “professional.”
    I’m guessing CNA.

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  14. Omg she talks way too much…. The second hand embarrassment for her repeatedly blowing up your messenger is cringeeeeee

  15. Tell me you’re a Bipolar Mess without telling me you’re a Bipolar Mess! Does she not realize how dumb she sounds? She’s not scared but yet she’s begging for him to take the post down and then she’s like I hate you but wait, I don’t hate you. All that drinking caused serious wet brain. She thought she and her family were embarrassed before…she just made it even more embarrassing. Give it up sweetheart, you’re not going to win this battle.

  16. This one keeps sticking the fork into the electrical outlet, seeing what happens, thinking about it, and then repeating the same exact mistake. Sweetie, you’re not that important, just shut up and live your life. Why are you incapable of doing this? For some reason, you feel this need to be part of the story. Well, now you are.
    Nice work!

  17. Christina said she currently has her license to drive, HOW ???

    2 DUI convictions and then being arrested driving without a license. She didn’t forget to renew her license, she wasn’t allowed to have a license. That should have given her a 10 year ban on driving. What a drunken loser and a trash bag. Eventually she will kill somebody driving drunk.

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  20. Since you never figured out why Fox News didn’t credit you in a news report a few years back, here’s your answer. This installment and the one on the teacher who was simply responding to a student. Why would they want to link to one of the most incredibly thin-skinned individuals on this planet. If you wanted to be taken seriously as a journalist, you should’ve grown a pair and stop polluting the internet with your in-house drama. Take your personal life outside and leave the fight against justice and corruption on the table.

  21. Unless you’re one of my girlfriends, and we’re drinking any Sonoma Valley red, alone in my house, I would never bring up your romantic life. Like, that is insanely personal. But not to Christina. She keeps bringing up Aiden’s ‘women.’ Am I the only person who reads between the lines that this woman has a crush on you, TB?
    This might be read as something more, so I just want to sort something out here: TB, you haven’t, uuuuh, dated–yeah, let’s use that word–Christina, have you? I’m just askin, you know, for a friend, whose favorite quote is this: “All that dick-swinger you roll, you can’t spot crazy pussy?”

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