TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 53: Brian Albert, Brian Higgins, DA Michael Morrissey, Boston FBI Director Attended Canton Police Chief Ken Berkowitz Retirement Party


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We have obtained video of Canton Police Chief Ken Berkowitz retirement party from June of 2022, which we now know was attended by Brian Albert, Brian Higgins, Kevin Albert, and District Attorney Michael Morrissey. A week after John O’Keefe was killed Berkowitz “found” tail light evidence outside 34 Fairview Road from his moving vehicle, which most rational people suspect was planted there by him to protect his friends Brian Albert and Brian Higgins. On February 1, 2022 Berkowitz contacted a reporter and asked him to remove a tweet that mentioned that O’Keefe was found on the lawn of Boston Police Sergeant Brian Albert, because Albert was a “pillar of the community” who never came outside his house after hearing that there was a dead cop on his lawn.

Higgins and Albert partly owe their freedom to Berkowitz, so it makes sense that they would attend such a party. When you see all these powerful people in a room together, chumming it up, cracking jokes about each other, and commending Berkowitz for being such an ethical leader, it becomes a lot easier to envision the forces that Karen Read is up against. Listen to all these people with their forced Boston accents have a circle jerk together while sitting in a room with at least two killers.

We all know now what a conniving and dirty snake Berkowitz is. But every single person in that room kissed his ass and talked about what a great cop he was. These people all cover for each other. They have a stranglehold on power and they’re not going to sell out one of their own.

You can tell which table is the Albert table because it’s the one where everyone is wearing blue jeans, untucked shirts, and Vans.

At their table is Canton Police Officer/Michael Proctor Crossfit workout buddy Kevin Albert (blue shirt), Brian Albert, Higgins, and Caitlin Albert’s boyfriend Tristin Morris, who is 5th on the Canton Police list and was possibly inside 34 Fairview Road when John O’Keefe was killed. These people are smiling and clapping for the police chief who has gone to great lengths to not only plant evidence, but to protect the Albert’s reputation in the media by monitoring and attempting to censor the press.

It’s clear that Berkowitz is enamored with Higgins because he works with the ATF. They were pictured in a slideshow together while he was being roasted by the Middlesex County DA.

The woman in those pictures was also sitting at their table.

If you don’t think a coverup was possible in this case then you’ll have to ignore that the DA who won’t drop the charges, despite knowing full well he does not have close to enough evidence to convict Karen Read, spoke glowingly of the police chief whose officers never stepped foot inside 34 Fairview Road after finding the body of a dead cop on the lawn.

“My office is in Canton and we’ve had a long and great relationship with Chief Berkowitz.”

Does that sound like the kind of guy who’s going to drop a case that will make Ken Berkowitz look incompetent?

You’ll have to ignore that Boston FBI director Joseph Bonavolonta, who suddenly resigned after a federal grand jury was convened to investigate a potential coverup of O’Keefe’s murder, also had high praise for Berkowitz.

You’ll have to ignore that Board of Selectman Chairman John Connolly, who looks like a shaken up can of Bud Light that’s about to explode, and who gave money to Chris Albert’s campaign, had nothing but great things to say about Chief Berkowitz.

Of course his son is now on the force too.

Because, of course he is.

Former Boston Police Superintendent-In-Chief Daniel Linskey flat out stated that he could use his influence to get Berkowitz preferential treatment at his new job.

“I know the harbor master if you need a mooring.”

These people all know a guy who knows a guy who can help you out in a bind. Brian Albert knows almost everyone in that room, which is why he never had to worry about being considered a suspect in John O’Keefe’s murder.

But you know who doesn’t know anyone in that room? Karen Read. She never stood a chance.


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  1. Jesus, i hope that whoever footed the bill for this soiree didn’t have to pay by the pound. Good luck to the rest of the citizens of canton in getting a donut. There must be a separate trough at DD for these fat fux. I could out run them carrying a 72″ tv on my back.

  2. Here’s my list of public servants who should lose their pensions over this case:

    Brian Albert
    Michael Proctor
    Brian Higgins

  3. Here’s my list of those who, through their complicity in this case, should never receive a dime in the form of a pension from any public entity:

    Brian Albert
    Brian Higgins
    Michael Proctor
    Ken Berkowitz
    Michael Morrissey
    Beverly Cannone

    please reply and add whomever I missed.

    WE should be able to do something about this!!

  4. If I had fresh visible signs of being in a fight i wouldn’t come out of the house if there was a dead guy on my lawn.

    TB, do you know if Berkowitz was following that reporter or was he searching Twitter for posts about the case? If he was nervously searching Twitter rather than a follower who happened to see the post, it looks even worse for him.

  5. How far is their reach? A huge sign was the T-shirts they wore, Vigilante Elite” A top tier Navy SEAL owned company. Wonder why Sean Ryan owner of VE, turned down the chance to investigate this story.

  6. Excellent writing, Turtleboy! The nepotism and unethical special favors that have been ubiquitous in Canton make me sick.

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