TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 74: Michael Proctor Violated At Least 8 State Police Policies And Procedures Guidelines From Manual


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The Massachusetts State Police have a 510 page policies and procedures that all troopers took an oath to adhere to.


On page 176 it outlines the policies and procedures for criminal investigations. Let’s look at all the things Michael Proctor and the State Police failed to do as part of their investigation into the death of John O’Keefe.

1. Failed to secure and preserve the integrity of the crime scene.

2. Make sure evidence is not lost, destroyed, or altered.

No crime scene tape was put up where John O’Keefe’s body was found. It was not being watched by police all day as people walked through it. Twelve hours later the State Police found the following items that the Canton Police did not find, despite over a foot of snowing falling during that time:

  • Pieces of tail light glass
  • John’s missing shoe
  • John’s hat

The entire street should have been closed around the crime scene as well, as Karen Read allegedly accelerated at a high rate of speed in order to kill John O’Keefe. If that was the case there would likely be tire marks on the road and the lawn, and it all needed to be preserved. None of it was. Police departments routinely shut down public streets when murders happen there.

No police officers searched inside 34 Fairview Road either, despite the fact that a dead guy was found on the lawn without a shoe, hat, or jacket. The entire property should’ve been cleared and searched. Instead the Alberts and McCabes used it to plot how they would frame Karen Read.

This is not a secure crime scene.


3. Locate, identify, and interview reliable witnesses.

4. Separate witnesses in order to ensure independent statements.

5. Properly record date and arrival at scene.

Jen McCabe, Matt McCabe, Brian Albert, and Nicole Albert were allowed to congregate at the McCabe house at 11:30 for the friends and family meeting with Michael Proctor. They were all interviewed as a group, and they had 4 hours to get their story straight while they sat inside Albert’s home.

Brian Higgins was inside the home and clocked into work at the Canton Police Department at 1:30 AM after drinking all day. He has never been questioned by the police.

Sarah Levinson was not identified in any court documents or police reports until 8 months after O’Keefe was murdered. She told police when she was finally interviewed that she did not see a body on the front lawn, and her story was never questioned.

Julie Nagel was not interviewed by police until almost a year later, despite being outside at the exact same time John O’Keefe was inside the house ascending and descending stairs.

Brian Albert Jr. was in the house the entire night and still has not been interviewed by police.

Colin Albert was not initially identified as being in the house, and was the only person in the house who had a problem with O’Keefe. He frequently gets in fights, had a black eye, and cuts on his fist. To this day he has never been questioned by the State Police. He has known Michael Proctor since he was a little boy.

Caitlin Albert was in the house and allegedly left the minute she arrived home from the Waterfall Bar. She has never been questioned by police, and her good friend was the medic Proctor interviewed who said that Karen Read was screaming “I hit him.”

Proctor did not properly record the time he arrived at the Read’s house in Dighton to tow her car. He said in his report that the car was towed at 5:30, and that he arrived at 4:30. There are police call logs showing him calling for a tow at 2:30 and video footage of the car being towed at 4:12.


6. Police reports must “contain no spelling errors.”

At least five witnesses in Proctor’s report intentionally had their names spelled wrong – Caitlin Albert, Sarah Levinson, Emily Fabbiano, Kathryn Doody, and Julie Nagel. One was the daughter of the primary suspect and homeowner, another was the daughter of the fire chief and Town Administrator, one was a nurse, and another had a brother whose name was spelt correctly in the same report.


7. Evidence must be properly documented, collected, packaged, and stored.

John O’Keefe’s blood was put into 6 red solo cups, and Ken Berkowitz “found” tail light fragments that were added into evidence a week after O’Keefe was killed.


8. The collection and processing for footwear and tire track impression.

No pictures were ever taken of the road that would’ve shown tire track impressions, and John’s other shoe wasn’t discovered until 12 hours later.

I couldn’t find anything about failing to disclose if you are close family friends with the people who you are questioning, but that’s probably common sense. The question is, what are they State Police going to do about this? And why is the Union standing by such a blatantly corrupt investigation?



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    1. John Mawn, the Colonel of the State Police, deployed in the same Marine Corps unit to Desert Storm with Brian Albert. Of course, Colonel Mawn was taken into custody for mailing home machine guns-but we all know, it’s who you know, not what you did.

      1. I want to know if it was Proctor, or Officer Wanless who also owns Brilliance Auto Body. One of them allegedly “worked” on Karen Read’s car at the Canton Police sallyport the next day.

    2. I’ll say it again,the head of the State Police mailed machine guns home from the Middle East and he was caught. And Brian Albert was in the same unit.

    1. If you really think the spelling names wrong is an issue, you are a moron and never wrote a police report.

      1. If you think TB left his wife for Leigha Genduso, you are a moron. Plus, spelling names wrong while creating a police report IS wrong because LE and Medics ALWAYS ask for the proper spelling. It is common practice and common sense. Pipe down, moron.

  1. Are you going to do what is right and just or continue with the coverup and lies? Oh, it’s Massachusetts, what was I thinking. They’ll just let corrupt / conflicted Proctor continue to ruin cases. Heads should roll but none will, disgusting.

    atta boy tb!!

    1. I’m willing to bet heads won’t roll. Matter of fact, they may get awards after this. And TB has an old SP Policy that is no longer in effect. Remember, it’s not about what you do, it’s about what you get caught doing.

      1. So, is this Brian Albert or the tough guy son Colin? I’m willing to bet it is one of ya.

  2. This is right up there with the New England Compounding Center coverip. Sleazebag company with sleazebag mamagers.
    108 patients MURDERED

  3. I’m a police officer and this is disgusting. Michael Proctor should be put on unpaid administrative leave immediately pending an internal affairs investigation. If what Turtleboy reported above is true, then Michael Proctor is in VERY serious trouble.

    This will not only cause irreparable damage to the reputation of the MA State Police, but every case he’s ever been assigned to will be called into question and likely be won on appeal.

    1. MSP doesn’t care about reputation. They are in lock step with corrupt Democrat politicians, judges, fbi, China Joe and the entire Democrat establishment.

    2. The entire Mass State Police Troop E was permanently disbanded due to rampant and corruption crime by Troop E members. Monthly reports of Mass State Police committing endless crimes including rape and armed robbery.

      There isn’t much left to tarnish.

      1. Except you’re making up stuff. If the Troop E Troopers brought their cases to trial like the BPD officers did, they too would have been found Not Guilty, and probably in less time than the 20 minutes it took the find the BPD officers Not Guilty. 95% of the Troop E issues was leaving work early. And what real American doesnt do that!!! When the US Attorney offers you probation to plead guilty, or be sentenced to two years if found guilty, it makes the choice easy.

    3. When, and it’s not an “If”, but a “When”, he should be hanged in public.
      Any grown man/woman, who swears an oath, holds a job paid from tax-payers’ money, breeches that trust, should be hanged IN PUBIC. Period.
      The State Police think they are special. They are NOT.
      Every Boston police officer should be up in arms over this.
      Michael Proctor is a self-serving douche bag. A badge means NOTHING, without INTEGRITY first!!!
      Integrity is doing the right thing, no matter what, or WHO is looking.
      The longer this goes on, the more faith I lose in this McGovernment, and the bird-brains making and “upholding the laws”. Put these Troopers in 1985 Ford Escorts, and give them pop guns, until they clean out the shit bags among their own ranks, and restore trust, courage, and integrity. Do that! And we can have a discussion about new vehicles, raises, and benefits. Keep up the charades, and just dissolve the whole Department. Nothing good can ever come from lies, deception and feigned intimidation.
      By the way, I’m a staunch Right Wing Republican. If you are losing ME, just think about the rest of the people reading this blog.
      Might wanna fire Proctor. I’d love to order a coffee from him at Dunks. That’s all he’s good for.

      1. Are you like one of those idiot auditors? And the State Police will still get new cars, raises (8% over 2 years $$$) benefits and 200k a year no matter how much you stomp your feet.

    4. Campus police don’t count. And don’t become a lawyer, you’ll send a lot of innocent people to jail or free a lot of guilty people.

  4. Them is just guidelines. We stand behind our troopers right or wrong. Falsifying overtime and murder investigations, covering up police drunk driving accidents, troopers publicly masturbating at Gillette Stadium Summer concerts. Big whoop!

    What you gonna do about it civilian now let’s see some ID! Your acting suspiciously! We got some heroin and a stolen gun we’re gonna find in your vehicle.

    1. Policy is not a guideline you dummy. No wonder they fired you! If you violate it and you’re not in the in-club, we screw ya.

      1. Wow your comments just prove more and more who you are. You must be a moron to think this person is really Former Trooper Andrew Patterson! What I can tell is that you are a total boomer and your name is really Brian Albert and not Ricky Ball.

  5. If I’m a criminal and get caught – my first hope is to be investigated by Proctor with the simple chance it will get thrown out because of his past coverups
    Good luck State Police continuing to use him.

  6. Thank you for exposing the election was rigged. You are the only truth teller. I loved that series on TRUMP!!’

  7. The Alberts are sucking all the other corrupt evil people into the quicksand with themselves.

  8. “When we could have done something.. ….I offered you a chance, to be a cop… and you blew it… you blew it”

  9. I want to know if it was Proctor, or Officer Wanless who also owns Brilliance Auto Body. One of them allegedly “worked” on Karen Read’s car at the Canton Police sallyport the next day.

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