TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 82: Live Stream Of Courthouse Protest At Karen Read Hearing


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Today I will likely not be publishing any content as I will be in Dedham at Norfolk Superior Court for the Karen Read hearing. We will be holding a peaceful protest on the steps of the courthouse starting at 12:15. The hearing begins at 2 PM. I plan on live streaming the protest before court and whatever happens after court. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and make sure to hit the notification bell so that you are alerted when we go live. I don’t get much service in the courtroom and YouTube can sometimes be screwy, so if it’s not working I will stream on my Facebook page, Clarence Woods Emerson. You can follow that account by clicking hereThere is plenty of parking behind the Registry of Deeds, across the street from the courthouse. Let’s keep this peaceful and send a message loud and clear to the people covering up John O’Keefe’s murder that we will not remain silent, and we are watching each and every thing they do moving forward.


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    1. The odds that ANYTHING was on the roadway prior to the snow accumulating, then being right on to of the snow after 15 inches of snow fell, and the road being plowed multiple times during the duration of the storm, are astronomically high. Any idiot can see that!

        1. Speaking of Chloe, you better hope there is none of her DNA on skin, on clothing, no hairs of hers anywhere there…otherwise, bye bye prosecution “theory”

        2. I know, oxygen deprivation causes confusion Jen, I would suggest you at least try to breathe through your nose when Matt’s stuffing his balls in your mouth. God knows it must stink as the sweat drips off his asshole, but at least try! Michael says these comments aren’t helping.

    2. So, the street was plowed several times that night, yet he saw no body?? Hmmm…

    3. Na, if anything it would have been crunched to dust between the plow and the road, not tossed on top of the snow pile.

    4. Yeah come on, the plow pushed it up there like he says! Just don’t ask why the snow managed to bury the broken glass that CPD actually found, or why I had the car towed to the CPD garage, or why I lied about the time I had it towed, or why I didn’t photograph the vehicle at KR’s parents house documenting the broken tail light, and for god sake, stop asking for the video from the library when Read drove by!!

  1. So Julie Nagel rents beach homes from Frank and auntie bev. Nothing to see here.

      1. Just like Auntie Bev is impartial. Only a dirty townie believes that. Bang. Bang.

      2. Yeah the Judge cleared that up, her name was misspelled, it couldn’t be her! Nobody misspells a name, EVER, just don’t look at Trooper Proctors reports from his investigations into this case.

          1. Shut the fuck up Jen, you’re blowing this with that massive mouth of yours. Stuff Matt’s balls back in it will you please!

  2. Tape cut out while Lolly was muttering about delaying evidence. Judge rules she’s not corrupt. Defense will get gagged. Does this sum up events? You think judge needed a smoke break before refusing to step down?

  3. Why don’t people hold signs in front of D&E pizza on the sidewalk? You could even go across the street in front of Walgreen’s and hold some signs. We need to shut that place down.

    1. Or line up in front of D&E’s window with our pouty faces and give a two handed bird. Then have another photo-opp in front of the Waterfall. When will the honest CPD, BPD, DA and Canton citizens say ENOUGH. The stink will last decades.

  4. I hear lots of name’s being thrown around here but I feel like Kenny Berkowitz isn’t getting the heat that he deserves for planting evidence.

    1. Hold that thought, if the Feds get a set of balls and decide to question me about the fragments, I’m going with plan B.

      1. I live rent free in Kenny’s head. He’s still very depressed from the Bruins choke job, but the soon the reality and consequences of planting evidence will further his deep depression.

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